
Minutes of the 3rd meeting of WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
13 and 14 April 2016,
NMi Certin, Dordrecht, Netherlands
Draft 2016-05-10
Bernd Sahlender
Paul Kok, Convener
Ignace Morent
Håkon Skjolden
Stanislav Hynek
Daniel Bodnar
Helga Grohne, Secretariat
Slobodan Zelenika
Cyrille Cadoudal
Roman Flegar
Carol Paquier
Stefan Kral
Kevin Barry
Gregory Glas
The convener welcomed the 14 participants from 13 countries.
France informed that the manufacturers had answered that they don’t want to
found an organisation at the moment. This is otherwise than expected because of
influence to the guides, but they are informed.
CZ supplied manufacturer contact data, which is updated in the list of
Item 10 was postponed to the second day. Two items were added:
17.1 Place for address information
17.2 Fraud possibilities
Minutes 2015, revised
The draft minutes 2015 were revised according to a comment by FR
(modifications marked in red). The participants wanted to be informed separately
when the draft is modified and get the comment for better preparation. The
procedure will be changed: if there are any comments they will be sent out to work
on before revising the draft minutes.
The revised draft was discussed and changed as follows:
 Item 7 “Uber”: Conclusion No. 2 had been commented as follows:
1) Draft 07/15: The answer if ‘Uber’ is a taximeter depends: If the fare is
determined by measuring the distance - by GPS and/or by signals by the
vehicle - it is a taximeter.
2) Comment: For ‘Uber’ to be a taximeter, it has to fulfil the following
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
to upload final
minutes 2015
* the fare has to be determined by measuring the distance - by signals
from the vehicle - and time.
* it has to be compliant to all MID requirements.
The comment was intensively discussed. There were two opinions, see also
item 9. At the end it was inserted “still under discussion”.
 Item 12: “May” was changed to “April” due to newer information.
 Item 16.3: editorial (meeting).
The convener informed that on the WELMEC website the private area has been
created but up to now upload was not possible. The final version of the minutes
will be uploaded on the website.
Progress in Work Programme and Report (WELMEC Committee meeting)
The convener showed the new work programme. There were no additions. Most
important seemed the work on the guide 12.1. The new directive item was
finished and is not in the work programme any more.
The convener showed the report which was improved in some details and
approved during meeting.
Guide WELMEC 12.1 for taximeters
The convener informed that he sent out the draft with the improved picture also to
the manufacturers.
During the meeting this version was changed as follows:
 Front page: editorial (date actualised and “annexes” in plural)
 Header: editorial (date instead of issue)
 Contents: editorial (adapted to changes in headlines)
 No. 1.2: editorial (“distance travelled” instead of “travelled distance”)
 No. 1.3: editorial (“functionalities” in plural)
 No. 1.5: The picture was improved again by inserting a green line in the
legend and by the use of different shapes for black/white users. In addition
editorial (“with regards with” instead of “concerning”, adoptions for the shape
of the lines)
 No. 1.7: The reference to CAN in Automation (CiA 447-3) was deleted, see
below. Editorial (“specified” instead of “mentioned”, “EU-type examination
certificates or EU-design examination” instead of “MID certificates”, “delay of”,
“displaying on”, deleted: “(distance signal converter)” to avoid confusion)
 No. 1.9: Improved (“... they shall be disabled and secured by the
manufacturer. The manufacturer shall supply documentation ... values.”
instead of “... they shall be securable and the manufacturer shall supply
documentation ... value.”) and editorial (last sentence: “place” instead of “put”)
 No. 2, Content of the certificate:
o Added: “Specifications such as range of values of the constant of the
distance signal generator (k), power supply, tariff ranges, resolutions,
climatic, electromagnetic, mechanical environments etc.”
o Added: “Interfaces, peripheral devices,”
o Added: “Test connector if different from OIML R 21 (including
conversion device if applicable),”
o Added: “How to display the software identification, tariff parameters
and totalisers,”
o Modified level for translation (MID Article 8 No. 9): “... translation may
be required” instead of “... translation is useful, but not formally
 No. 3.1: editorial (“absence of”, “their” instead of “its”,)
 No. 3.5: editorial (“via” instead of “by”).
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
Convener: to
ask CiA
 Bibliography: deleted in consequence of modification in No. 1.7.
The reference to CAN in Automation (CiA 447-3) was deleted because it is
necessary to be a member of that organisation to get the document. In addition it
is a draft up to now. It can be included in the guide again when CiA 447-3 is
available and on a level like an ISO standard. CiA will be asked if an access via
WELMEC website for can made available so that taximeters manufacturers can
get the information without being a member.
The draft guide 12.1 was finished during the meeting and the picture was
improved again. The convener submitted the final draft to the committee.
Revised questionnaire
The convener asked if there were comments to the draft of the revised questionConvener: to
naire. There were no comments, so it is final yet. The convener will request at the
initiate sending committee meeting for sending out this revised questionnaire by the committee to
achieve a higher return rate.
Fixed Price
Proposal for wording for fixed price
The fixed price had been intensively discussed during the last meetings. It was
removed from the draft WELMEC 12.1 because new wishes came up. A more
detailed wording was prepared in 2015 to include most of these different wishes.
In the current meeting the exchange of information was actualised. It seemed
there were two groups:
Some countries do not use a taximeter for trips with a fixed price contracted between driver and passenger. They use other / additional devices like e.g. a boardcomputer for such trips.
Other countries use the taximeter, but with differences in details (e.g.
supplements allowed or not, fixed price given by tariff or not, switching to another
tariff position or another fixed price is allowed or not).
To come forward, the current draft was commented and improved. “Disable by a
secured setting” was deleted because it is a tariff and therefore secured. The
participants agreed on the following wording (changes underlined /
Fixed Price
The definition of the tariffs to be used by the taximeter is not within the
scope of the MID: this is left to each Member State. Nevertheless, when a
tariff is defined it shall meet the requirements of the MID. In some
countries, a “fixed price” has been defined and it is used for some
particular trips: for example for a trip from an airport to any location in
nearby cities.
Given the common definition of a “fixed price”: A fare to be paid which is
determined before the beginning of the trip without any measure of the
duration of the trip or any calculation of the distance by a legally relevant
measuring instrument, the “fixed price” does not require a taximeter to be
applied. Nevertheless, should a Member State decide for reasons of its
own to manage the “fixed price” with the taximeter in its territory, this may
be technically achieved by :
1. establishing an initial hire fee at the amount of the “fixed price” and
using a determined tariff (“zero tariff”) which computes 0,00 € / km and
0,00 € / h, and
2. requiring that when the “fixed price” is activated when passing into the
operating position “Hired”, it shall not be possible to switch to another
tariff till the end of the trip (operating position “Stopped”). This
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
SE to check if
wishes are
taken into
FR: to check
SE to deliver
proposition considers the general requirement against fraudulent use
stated in the MID (Annex I, 7.1 and Annex MI-007, 20) in relation to the
above definition of a “fixed price”.
The fixed price shall not change during the trip. Corrections are only
allowed at the start of the trip, but not from the moment the vehicle starts
A fixed price given by a central or preselected by a central (download of a
tariff) is allowed, depending on national regulations, if and only if :
 the fixed price (and supplements if enabled) is shown by the taximeter
in operating position hired.
 the fixed price cannot be changed during the trip
 the central is under legal control and consequently the transmission of
the tariff data in accordance with Annex 1, clause 8.4.
The fixed price shall have a clear indication by wording (e.g. in secondary
display) or pictogram.
The fixed price, supplements and distance are included in the totalisers.
It shall be possible to disable the fixed price for a country by a secured
It shall be possible to disable supplements to the fixed price for a country
by a secured setting.
The discussion seemed not to be finished. SE with several wishes was not at the
meeting. FR wished to switch between the fixed price and a tariff, e.g. when the
customer wants to take another route. Maybe FR would need a special tariff
The item was left open.
Public transport and shared rides
For shared rides more explanation with details about the taximeter’s functionality
during these rides is necessary (e.g. the sequence of operating positions and if
and how the taximeter displays parts of the fare when the trip ends for a
passenger but continue for other passengers). Unfortunately SE couldn’t join the
meeting, so it seemed reasonable to wait until SE can deliver information.
The item was postponed.
In the last meeting it was suggested to collect more information about “Uber”. To
the second conclusion in the draft minutes 2015 there were two opinions
(especially if GPS can be distance signal generator) and the item was left open
(see item 4).
The participants reported about the current situation with “Uber” in their countries.
Different aspects were considered, e.g.:
Update of the legal situation in the countries: In some countries “Uber” is
forbidden because of public/personnel transport regulations. In several countries
“Uber” is not seen as a taximeter. Some countries think it acts more like rental of
driver and car. The participants wanted to wait for decisions of judgment due to
other regulations.
GPS as a sensor: Participants stated that in 2015 a GPS sensor was not
excluded, traceability supposed and reliability postulated with hope in Galileo.
Other participants mentioned that if GPS is not reliable it needs to be certified.
Distance signal generator definition and regulation national / by MID: The
definition of the signal pathway was seen as one central issue. It was argued that
the distance signal generator is not covered by MID and so should be under
national legislation. It was mentioned that a taximeter certified with GPS can
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
try to get
FR: to check
for French roof
cause a national problem and better the distance signal generator were under
MID. There was the wish to clarify in MID the distance signal generator.
Pricing (based on measured distances and time or agreed prices): One year
ago it was reported about a calculation based on distance and time like a
taximeter. Now the situation seemed to have changed to agreed prices. A range
of prices seems to be calculated or estimated before the trip starts. At the end of
the trip an amount is charged, unclear if measured. The question arose if the app
changes an agreed price when the passenger wants another (longer) way. It was
suggested to test this by a change of destination.
Calculation: Another question was the kind of “calculation”, assumed on a server
in US. The definition of automatic calculation was brought up for more clarification
and this shall comply with MID.
The participants came to the position:
The use of an „app“ as taximeter using satellite navigation to „measure“
distance is not allowed because up to now satellite navigation is not
traceable and the „app“ is not certified as taximeter. Also satellite signals
are not everywhere available (for example tunnels) and be distorted (for
example trees).
Use of a central server to calculate the price based on start position and
end position. Before the trip the price is calculated and agreed on. In this
case a taximeter is not needed. In some countries this is not legal.
The discussion was not yet finished and the item was left open.
Power save - mode
One country feared a stand-by mode could be used to fraud by deactivating the
taximeter. It was explained that a sleep-mode, screen saver or power-save mode was meant. The definition was changed from “stand-by mode” to “power
save - mode”.
The participants agreed on:
A power save-mode (in For hire only) is allowed provided the interface
required in clause 4 of MI-007 stays operational and the totalisers need be
operational. The interface provides for example the roof sign or the data
for a “boardcomputer”.
Countries can decide to not allow this mode.
FR asked to get more time to collect information if there is in addition the wish to
switch off the roof sign when this mode is active.
The item was left open.
Totaliser: number of digits
Some countries wished more than six or eight digits for the totalisers for currencies with high denomination. SI has analyzed the situation more detailed, listed
different approaches and developed a solution to display more digits by shifting.
SI pointed out that more important than display were basic requirements to avoid
unwished reactions at overflow, like counting negative.
SI had already prepared a proposal for the wording, which was seen as a
reasonable approach and accepted. For details and explanation see annex.
Variable for totaliser should be defined at least as:
A. unsigned integer and
B. with 32 bits of length.
Tariff parameters at display and interface
It was reported that a manufacturer wanted only to indicate tariff parameters like
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
initial hire fee, time tariff, distance tariff and supplements. He argued that only
these were mentioned in OIML and otherwise there were too many parameters to
indicate. With the same arguments he wanted to reduce the amount of parameters at the interface. Another wish was to omit the indication of tariffs at all, this
wouldn’t be needed anymore when the tariffs were accessible at the interface.
The participants reported that several countries use the indication of tariffs for
testing purposes. The tariff at the interface is required by MI-007 No. 4. It was
mentioned that if special equipment is needed to access the tariff settings, such
equipment would belong to each taximeter.
For testing purposes a taximeter shall display the tariff. At the interface the
tariff is required by MI-007 No. 4. The tariffs include the criteria for automatic
Convener: to
prepare a
Electromagnetic immunity
There are differences in details between the recommendation for taximeters OIML
R21 (2007) “Taximeters” and newer documents. As the biggest difference the
extension frequency range was seen. There were two options mentioned: revision
of OIML R21 and/or revision of WELMEC 8.17 with different time schedules. The
participants were in favour first to revise WELMEC 8.17 due to the time expected.
The convener offered to prepare a proposal.
WELMEC 8.17 will be revised to actualise details for electromagnetic
Additional information from WELMEC Committee: WG 12 can not address OIML to suggest
revision of OIML R 21. Therefore WG12 requests that each member contacts its OIML
representative to ask for revision of OIML R 21.
Information about fraud
A video about fraud in CZ was shown
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2IQIe3hZ34). The participants were of the
opinion that a so called “zapper” was used: by pressing a button an amount of
pulses is added on the distance signals. The method e.g. to clamp on a needle to
insert pulses is known (see 2013 item 3).
It was mentioned that this kind of fraud would be detected by e. g:
 plausibility checks,
 a board-computer,
 two kinds of signals (like a tachograph),
 encrypted data instead of pulses.
Fraud was seen easier with pulses than on digital signal pathways. A tachograph
were outside MID and in addition without encryption. There was the opinion
encrypted data were best. It was remarked that plausibility checks were not
enough. It was argued that encrypted data is not available yet and so plausibility
checks were a practicable next step as compromise.
Plausibility checks are already integrated in the revision of the annex for taximeters of software-guide 7.2, No. 17.3. This draft was submitted to WG 7 (see 2015
item 15), but too late for the current version. It was suggested to include plausibility checks also in the guide 8.17 in No. 19 and 20, MID, Annex I, 7.1 and 8.4
were mentioned in addition.
The guide 8.17 shall be revised to integrate plausibility checks in No. 19 and
20 by using the proposal for the annex for taximeters of WELMEC 7.2, No.
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
CAN-Bus adapters
The participants have collected information about handling of adapters as follows:
 CZ: manufacturer keeps it secret
 SI: use of OBD connector
 DE: car manufacturer adapters, separate adapters (certified for police
enforcement) including pulse recreation and filters, can be inside taximeter
It was mentioned that covering the distance signal generator by MID would be an
For an overview about distance signal pathways slide 10 of the presentation 2013
was shown again and several pathways were explained.
The participants mentioned that the distance signal generator and adapters are
covered by the questionnaire.
This item will be continued when additional information (from the
questionnaire) is available.
WELMEC 7.2, Annex for taximeters
Plausibility checks of CAN-Bus data
FR has informed that the patent is valid in France, but not in Europe anymore.
The question was left if MID annex I, in No. 8.4 “adequately protected” were sufficiently covered for the digital data via CAN-Bus by plausibility checks. It was
mentioned that annex I, 8.4 would be fully covered if the distance signal generator
would support cryptography, but up to now no cars are known which support that.
Explain to car manufacturers that for example encryption will remove the
need for hardware seals in the digital signal pathway.
Separate securing of settings
For free tariffs different seals were wished to make it possible to change the tariffs
without breaking a seal. It was worked on the current draft WELMEC 7.2 in the
taximeter annex to precise the settings. Different kinds of settings were wished (k,
tariffs including automatic changes, country or region specific, interface / device
specific) with switches protected by seal, counter or log. It was realised that this is
already covered.
Separate securing is already covered by MI-007 No. 14.2 and OIML R21 No.
4.2. (h) and (i). No need was seen to change WELMEC 7.2 taximeter annex.
Any Other Business
Place for address information
FR asked where to place address according to new MID article 8 No. 6 on taximeters with less place on the front. It was argued there will always place on the
taximeter. Documents and package were mentioned in article 8 No. 5, but package was not seen as reasonable for taximeters. More information was expected on
NoBoMet Meeting 20 April. It was suggested to involve WG8 because the
question is a more general one.
WG8 will be requested please to consider address manufacturer issue
(small instrument) for taximeters as well.
Convener: to
contact WG 8
Fraud possibilities
There was a request from WELMEC Committee to create informative document
about fraud possibilities. The participants started a list with fraud possibilities as
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
Participants: to
about fraud
 creating additional pulses (CZ)
 subtract an amount from the final value (FR)
 change tyres (NL)
 reprogram car software to increase number of pulses (ES)
 standby mode (FR)
 remote control (adding extras) (IRL)
It was mentioned that remote control and changes of the final value were already
included in the draft of WELMEC 12.1. Additional pulses were discussed in item
14, standby mode in item 10.
The participants will collect more information about fraud in their countries.
Next meeting
5 and 6 April 2017 Dordrecht
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
Annex I (item 11): Totalisers
- during the type approval, we have encounter on the taximeter with main 6 digit LED 7 segment display
- display was used also used to display value totalisers
- we have figured out that 6 digit display is not fit for purpose to display value of totalisers, especially with
currency with high denomination [EU is also using HRK, ZLT, etc. currency with high denomination]
- this problem is linked only to very simple taximeters, which are using less then 8 digits to display values
- more advanced taximeters with bitmap oriented display does not have such problems
- problem with small number of digits can be solved with following approach:
A. not to display 1/100 parts of currency
B. display part of totalisers on other available displays
C. possibility to shift the complete value of totaliser on the display [leff -to-right and back]
- solution C was used in our reference case of type
Key finding:
- based on this, we have figured out , that number of digits to display are not important at all
- theoretically you can do this with 1 digit display
- more important thing is how the variable for totaliser are defined at taximeter's software [WORD,
UNSIGNED WORD, LONG WORD, FLOAT 16 bits, 32 bits, etc.]
- this could be the case for very simple taximeters based on the microcontroller platforms such as ATMEL,
ARDUINO, etc., where developers can "save" some space at memory
Variable for totaliser should be defined at least as:
A. unsigned integer and
B. with 32 bits of length.
Explenation for A:
- totalisers should always have a positive value and they have a purpose of counting without an error
- unsigned integer expands number range and prevents flip over to negative values
- using floating point variables might be tricky at some higher or special numbers, because float variables
are known to have presentation error and they cannot cover all numbers in the range as is a purpose of
Explanation for B:
- unsigned integer with length of 32 bits allows values from 0 up to 4,294,967,295 - which cover probably all
needs for totalisers values also with fixed two decimal point
- length of 16 bit is too small, only from 0 up to 65,535 ... value is even EUR to small ...
- length of 24 bit is uncommon
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG
Annex II (item 15): Distance signal pathways
Distance signal pathways
in modern vehicles
pulse divider
pulse generator
Taximeter 1
works with
Pulse amplifier
Serial by the manufacturer
of the vehicle
CiA 447-3 acceptance?
Other devices
Taximeter 2: works with digital data
Grohne, PTB, Working Group 1.32 traffic measuring instruments in vehicles
Meeting 2013, Presentation Slide 10, overview about some distance signal pathways, in the current
meeting filters were in addition mentioned.
WELMEC WG12 Taximeters
Minutes draft 2016-05-09 by HG