Who is Growth Initiatives?

Growth Initiatives LLC
Revenue-Generating Solutions
Marty Gilbert
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
Who is Growth Initiatives?
• We analyze, prioritize, plan and execute programs that drive
incremental revenue for B2B clients
• Portfolio of four solutions:
Target marketing & lead generation
New product, service & market launches
Channel partner identification & development
International expansion
• Large and small company leadership background
• Strong sales, marketing and general management background
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
1. Facts About Lead Generation
88% of business are using email marketing for lead generation today.
US workers spend 28% of their day in their email inbox.
Email campaign volumes rose 20% in 2012.
Email brings in $40 for every $1 spent on it (Direct Marketing Assoc)
– SEO = $22; Internet display ads = $19; Social Networks = $13; Dir Mail = $10
• Some email advantages vs alternatives.
Less expensive: no postage cost, no printing cost, minimizes call centers
It’s viral: easily shared at no additional cost
Faster to market
Creates “inspirational” sales
Feeds the sales funnel
Drives web traffic
Easy to measure its effectiveness
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
Lead Generation
The Growth Initiatives Solution
• Vertical market exploration
• Customer needs analysis
• Value proposition & website
• Database development
(industry, title, company size)
• Direct marketing campaign
strategy and development
• Campaign analytics and leads
• Sales lead follow-up process
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
2. New Product Launch Facts
• 40% and 90% of all new products have failed over the past 25
• … despite that fact, 70% of executives today have cited
product innovation as one of the top three drivers for
business growth (Frost & Sullivan).
• 75% of "unique benefits" touted by firms are not perceived as
having enough impact to create a product preference.
• “If we build it, they will buy it” assumptions kill most new
product introductions.
• Market assessments, customer pain points, value proposition
and product positioning are keys to new product success.
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
New Product & Service Launches
The Growth Initiatives Solution
• A process that increases
chances for success
• Process is adaptable to
products or services
• Aligns customer needs
with product value
• Interactive business
model with variable
• Can be utilized for entry
into new vertical mkts
with existing products
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
3. Channel Partner Facts
• In 2012, 43% of IT firms received 50-75% of their revenue
from channel partners (COMPTIA).
• Over 50% of all high-tech sales are sold through a distributor,
VAR or dealer (Maritz Motivation Solutions).
• Keys to selecting the right channel partner
Vertical market focus
Business model
Financial stability
Who else do they sell for?
Technical expertise
Track record for growth
Level of contacts
Margins partners make – yours vs others
• Channel partners are driven by revenue upside vs time
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
Channel Partner Development
The Growth Initiatives Solution
Our channel partner efforts include any and all of the following activities:
Vertical market penetration through partner selection
Increasing your value proposition to gain greater partner mindshare
Channel partner management strategies, sales tools and incentives
Channel partner and direct sales team integration
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
4. International Market Expansion Facts
• Only 1% of US’ 30M companies export to customers overseas
where 95% of the world’s population lives.
• More than 70% of the world’s purchasing power is outside the
• US economic growth is projected to be 2-3% in 2013 while
Asia Pacific’s forecast is 8%.
• 40% of the S&P 500’s profits come from overseas markets.
• US exports likely to double from 2012 to 2015 (Obama study).
– Increasing disposable income in emerging markets
– Rising labor rates in foreign markets
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
International Market Expansion
The Growth Initiatives Solution
Market size/segmentation estimates and entry strategies
Risk-reward assessments
Local partner selection: distributors, VARs, dealers, agents
Sales and marketing plans for overseas revenue growth
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
Industry Expertise
Our experience spans a breadth of industries and products.
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
Target Marketing Samples
Revenue-Generating Solutions
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]
Contact Us
We can help you win the race to revenue growth!
Marty Gilbert
Growth Initiatives LLC
[email protected]
www.growthinit.com • 847.732.7400 • [email protected]