Change the World by George Packer

Dina Alemu
Uni 112
Change the World by George Packer
Summary of the Article:
In the article, “Change the World”, by George Packer, the Silicon Valley is
highlighted as a key example in not only making innovations for the betterment of
mankind, but also to expose its limitations on its impact in surrounding
communities. While the Silicon Valley has good intentions, it could be observed that
more focus has been directed to “advancement” rather than “enhancement”. A key
example would be the degradation of the former suburb that has been shadowed by
the technological region it is today. The Silicon Valley has made advancements in
society that many around the globe have benefitted from, however blinded by their
success they seemed to have forgotten about their roots and as a result the local
population as well as the public school system have been deprioritized, while
focusing on the large things such as politics.
Main Claims:
 “The industry’s splendid isolation inspires cognitive dissonance, for it’s an article
of faith in Silicon Valley that the technology industry represents something more
utopian, and democratic, than mere special-interest groups.” (Paragraph 6,
Change the World, G. Packer)
Supporting points:
~ The technology industry’s newest wealth is swallowing up the San Francisco
Peninsula. (Paragraph 4; Change the World, G. Packer)
~Private-school attendance has surged, while public schools in poor communities—such
as East Palo Alto, which is mostly cut off from the city by Highway 101—have fallen
into disrepair and lack basic supplies. (Paragraph 3; Change the World, G. Packer)
~ Silicon Valley is one of the most unequal places in America. (Paragraph 2; Change the
World, G. Packer).
 Cognoscenti: People whom to be well informed about a particular subject.
 Cognitive dissonance: having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes.
Discussion Questions:
 Technology might have connected us with different communities but has it
really helped the community that we are in? (Refereeing to the surge of
homeless people by 20% and how the public school value went down)
 They are made for the public but are they really used by the public?
“Talking Points”:
 These new technology that have been used to advance the surroundings that
we live in and able to connect to each other. The achievements and the goals
that the nation or the world has reached because of technology can definitely
not be forgotten but we some how forget to the see the things that it is
hurting in the processes the reach these things that we are trying to do.
 Some of the works have God like complexes. This partly is because we as a
society tend to praise them like such.
Dina Alemu
Uni 112
 The technology world has its better parts too. People are more drown to it
because it has a clear and has a very easy way of showing what it’s supposed
to be. Topics such as politics are very different in a sense that it is not as
transparent as technology would be.
Work Sited:
o Packer, George. "Change the World." New Yorker 27 May 2013.
Web. 3 Sept. 2014.