your monthly newsletter…

MAY, 2016
Lorem Ipsum
What is happening
in the service?
The month of April
saw yet again some
more changes in the
service. We say
goodbye to some of
our old houses and
hello to some new
ones. Please can I
remind all residents at
Brookfield Road to
start packing your
things and prepare for
the move which is
scheduled to take
place around the end
of May. We want to
ensure this transition
is as swift and as
smooth as possible so
be ready! We have
also been interviewing
new staff members
and are hoping to take
on new staff, one of
whom has 14 years
experience as a police
officer. As we are
expanding we are
always taking on new
staff and looking for
new opportunities to
better the service we
We have support
coordinators looking
into running drama
workshops, the aim
of which will be to
enhance and
develop key skills.
These workshops
will also be focusing
on interview
techniques giving
you the opportunity
to act out real life
situations that may
occur in a
environment. If you
would like to know
more speak to
either Danielle or
Sharna and they will
be more than happy
to talk you through
the aims of the
project. Once again
guys a reminder to
make sure you are
paying your service
charge on time and
not falling into
arrears, ensure that
you are engaging
with the service and
any other service
you on your
As you can see the
weather is starting
to pick up so this is
the perfect
opportunity to start
getting some of
those gardening
workshops up and
running. We had a
workshop at our
house on
Caversham, please
guys keep up the
excellent work,
you’ve all been
doing great in
participating in
workshops. Thank
you to Melanie and
Selda for facilitating
that workshop.
workshops are
compulsory to
attend but we can
not force you to put
in effort, so please
do your best as the
effort really does
pay off.
Just Kidding!
Cecil and Danny working hard in the sun. The other residents also put in hard work
Photographs courtesy of Melanie and Selda
Lorem Ipsum
What is happening in
your borough this
month? Events and all.
These are just a few of some of
You can get yourself some free
the fantastic events that are
computer sessions catered for
happening in your borough if you
adults every Monday 2pm-3pm at
want to know more please visit
Muswell Hill Library. Speak to your
support coordinator for more
information. If you missed out on
Thai Chi classes last month fear
not as meditation classes are
running at Hornsey Library head
down to check out more
information. For any of you that are
Please stay tuned for some
exciting workshops happening
over the next few months as we
aim to enhance the service you
are being provided.
interested in strutting your stuff
Information sourced from
and getting involved with a bit of and
Bollywood dancing at the Asian
Celebrating Achievements…
We would like to say a huge congratulations to Anania K for
achieving an award from compass for completing his peer
mentoring course. Another huge congratulations to Richard J
for completing his recovery programme and achieving an
award, finally a big shout out to Kirsty K for achieving all
actions set with her support coordinator. Those are just as
important as anything else you may achieve. I know a lot of
you are doing hard work so keep these achievements
coming guys that is what this service is for! We are aiming to
do 5 more referrals for independent living in the next month
so make sure you show your support coordinators that you
are ready to be moved on.
Riddle me this…?
10 Fish in a tank…
2 Drown
4 Swim away! (Oh
3 Die
How many are left?
Can you spot all 11 differences…
Speak to your support coordinator if you get stuck!