seminar programme

Friday 11th March 2016
Stratford Manor Hotel, Warwickshire
09.00 Arrival, registration and coffee
09.30 Welcome – Neil Porter, Chair of Events Group, LACA Ltd
Aims of the day – Peter McGrath, LACA National Chair
09.40 The future of UIFSM and the School Food Plan – Panel Session
Following an update by video from Myles Bremner on future of the School Food Plan and how it will
integrate with DfE policy and strategy following its formal dissolution at the end of March, now
seems an appropriate time to discuss what key industry opinion formers feel its future should be and
potentially what they think it is likely to be. Key issues to be addressed are:
 Will UIFSM remain/be extended and what do we need to do to ensure one or both.
 Are the School Food Standards going to need to change in the light of likely changes to the
‘eat well plate’ and the activity around sugar reduction.
 The role of the school food industry in reducing the impact of child poverty and ensuring at
risk children are fed appropriately at all times.
 Role of the speaker’s organisation and the DfE in ensuring a positive and improving school
food service.
 Will OFSTED reports appropriately monitor school food standards.
 What do we need to do now as a collective industry.
Panel members are:
Panel chair – Pat Fellows
Peter McGrath – LACA National Chair
Linda Cregan – CEO, CFT
Orla Delargy – Leon Foundation
Jeanette Orrey – Food For Life
James Bielby - Chief Executive, Federation
of Wholesale Distributors
Each panel member will give a short presentation to answer these questions before opening up to
questions from delegates.
10.45 Coffee break
11.15 LACA School Chef of the Year 2016
With the LACA School Chef of the Year final taking place the day before the seminar, there will be a
chance to view the SCOTY final video followed by an interview with the new competition winner.
11.30 Reducing sugar intake – an alternative view
Ian Wright, Food and Drink Federation
Recent research has indicated that reducing portion size could be a more effective way of controlling
sugar intake than reformulating products but with so many food and drink manufacturers, how easy
would this be to achieve? Educating consumers and the way products are marketed is also of
paramount importance in reducing sugar intake and tackling the obesity crisis – how can
organisations help to do this?
12.00 Headteacher's top tips to achieve whole school approach to food
Tim Baker, Headteacher at Charlton Manor Primary School, shares his top tips for putting food at the
centre of his school and the significant benefits of this approach.
12.45 Members Forum
A free-to-attend section of the day’s programme for all LACA Members – full agenda for the session
is to follow but please indicate your interest in attending on the accompanying booking form.
13.15 Lunch and depart