Slide - Journal of Vision

From: Peripheral vision and pattern recognition: A review
Journal of Vision. 2011;11(5):13. doi:10.1167/11.5.13
Figure Legend:
Internal representations of pattern categories acquired in direct (centre column) and indirect view (left and right column)
by two subjects (AD and KR) in a three-class learning paradigm involving a set of 15 compound Gabor patterns. The
corners of the dotted triangles represent the class means of the pattern categories within the generating
evenness/oddness Fourier feature space. Internalized class prototypes (open and closed symbols) were obtained by
fitting the PVP model to the psychophysical classification matrix cumulated across the learning sequence of each
observer. Learning duration, as indicated by the number of learning units to criterion (numbers at the triangle tip),
ten-fold in indirect view
(from Jüttner
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