Is It Time to Give Up Sugar for Good?

Is It Time to Give Up Sugar for Good?
Do you have a sweet tooth? How about a mid-afternoon sugar craving? Do you eat dessert each
night? After every meal? Giving up sugar is more than a recent health fad. The effects of sugar
on our health are astounding, despite the media’s constant push for an endless supply of larger,
brand new flavors of soda pop, ice cream, and candy. Wondering how bad that Starbucks habit
really is? Let’s take a look at what sugar actually does to our bodies. At Faulkner Family
Chiropractic in Mt. Sterling, we care about your health. We are here to support you in making
this essential change. We’ve also provided a step-by-step guide to kicking the sugar addiction
today. It may not sound easy, but this acquired taste can be replaced! Instead of chemical-laced
process foods, updated your diet with beneficial, natural sugars like fresh berries, juicy citrus,
and tart cherries.
Is Sugar Really That Bad?
We’ve heard it all our lives: candy will rot your teeth. Sweets make you hyper. Eat dessert before
bed, and you’ll be up all night. But we indulge anyway. In order to understand why this
substance is not beneficial, we must first learn a little more about it.
What Sugar Is Not
Sugar is devoid of all nutrients, protein, healthy fats, and enzymes. This means that any time we
eat a food containing sugar, we are consuming empty calories that have no benefit whatsoever!
What Sugar Is
This chemical substance occurs in many forms. The white, powdery substance most of us
associate with sugar is disaccharide sucrose, also known as table sugar. It’s composed of half
glucose, a simple sugar that is easily converted to energy, and half fructose, a simple sugar that
can only be broken down by the liver. When fructose is consumed in large amounts, the liver
converts it to fat. Some of this fat remains in the liver, posing the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease over time (see photo, below). Here are a few of the other dangers of this common
Encourages tooth decay (readily feeds bacteria that eat away tooth enamel)
Contributes to insulin resistance (which in turn leads to cardiovascular disease, obesity, type II
diabetes, and metabolic syndrome
Increases inflammation (which may lead to certain cancers, joint pain, and arthritis)
Fructose can cause you to overeat (it is proven to provide less satiety to consumers)
Can raise LDL (bad) cholesterol (leading to heart disease)
Is highly addictive
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
How to Kick the Sugar Habit
If you’re keeping up, you’re probably about ready to clean out the pantry. Make sure you stock
up on nature’s candy: in season, organic fruits and raw honey (used in moderation) are wonderful
treats that you’ll have a newfound appreciation for once you’ve eliminated processed sweets
from your life.
Stock Up on These:
Juicy citrus fruits
Raw honey
Fresh berries
Crisp apples
Potassium-rich bananas
Other in-season fruit
Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and other flavorful herbs and spices
Herbal tea
Avoid Sugar Substitutes
Often marketed as “healthy” alternatives, sugar substitutes like Spenda, Sweet-N-Low, Xyletol,
and Equal have been linked to weight gain, cancer, bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea. More
natural alternatives like honey and (unprocessed) stevia are better options, but should still be
consumed in moderation.
Read Labels
Expect to find hidden sugars and sugar substitutes in most bread, processed foods, and flavored
products. Opt for plain, unsweetened versions of yogurts,
What You Will Experience
Like any addiction, stopping your intake of sugar will be a challenge at first. Your body has
become dependent on a substance that is not beneficial and must go through a process of
Are You a Coffee Fanatic?
If you drink sugary coffee, expect headaches from caffeine withdrawal. You can substitute green
tea or chai, which is a black tea seasoned with many warming spices like cinnamon and
cardamom. Herbal tea is another excellent option for enjoying a hot beverage.
Is Soda Pop Your Go-To Beverage?
If you consume soda on a daily basis, your body is crying out for help! Not only are you
consuming large amounts of chemicals from sugar (or a substitute, in diet forms), you are also in
danger of chronic dehydration, gum disease, and osteoporosis. Imbibing so much sugar makes
losing weight impossible, and can lead to chronic inflammation. Ready for a change? Your taste
buds will be shocked by the taste of pure water, and your pancreas will take some time to detox.
Don’t give up now! Instead, opt for fruit-infused water. Toss a handful of berries, a sprig of mint,
and a few ice cubes into a BPA-free water bottle and carry it with you throughout the day. The
water will be lightly flavored with whichever fruits you choose! After 30 days without soda pop,
your body will wonder how you ever drank something so sweet!
Feeling More Fatigued?
Your system will need extra support as you overcome your addiction to sugar. Your adrenal
glands were heavily dependent on this substance to function normally, so you may feel more
tired or sluggish as you transition to a healthier way of life. Your sleep habits may become
erratic, and you may notice changes in your blood pressure. Stay the course! Finding a holistic
healthcare provider like the doctors at Faulkner Family Chiropractic is essential for making this
transition as smooth as possible. Dr. Chad Faulkner works with you to determine the best
supplements for your situation. Some of the most beneficial options while curbing your sugar
cravings are as follows:
Standard Process Cataplex GTF: Supports blood sugar levels and healthy blood sugar utilization
Gymnema: Reduces sugar cravings
Standard Process Drenamin: Promotes healthy adrenal gland function to maintain energy levels
Desiccated Adrenals: Supports immune health during times of stress, supports adrenal function
Standard Process ChelaCo: Supports detoxification of the liver and other organs
Standard Process Betafood: Supports natural detoxification and the breakdown of dietary fats
Standard Process Cataplex B: Supports sustained energy
Finding the right combination of herbs and supplements on your own can be expensive and
difficult. Rely on the expertise of Faulkner Family Chiropractic to help you find the right support
during this time of transition.
Why It’s Important to Make This Change NOW
We see many patients who plan to make positive changes, only to follow up a week, month, or
year later and realize that they still haven’t altered a thing. Good intentions are a wonderful start,
but unfortunately, many of us never make it out of the planning phase. Take the first step. Clean
out your pantry, toss out that half-eaten carton of ice cream, and invest in the health of your
family and yourself. Starting today means that tomorrow will be much easier. In a few weeks,
you’ll look back and thank yourself for making this necessary intervention today.