Dear Governor Blagojevich

September 30, 2008
Governor Rod Blagojevich
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Dear Governor Blagojevich:
On behalf of all persons with disabilities living in Illinois, including those supported by St. Coletta
of Wisconsin-Illinois, we implore you to sign both Senate Bill 790 and 1103 into law as soon as
Illinois can do better for its most vulnerable citizens! Persons with disabilities and mental
illness as well as senior citizens are being put at risk in system that is fundamentally broken and
in need of comprehensive redesign.
Quickly signing the legislation noted above will be a step in the right direction! It is critically
important that vital human services in Illinois be restored to full funding levels so that
organization’s can focus on quality care and support rather than wondering how they are going
to make payroll.
The gap that exists between costs and reimbursements is growing and providers like St. Coletta
of Wisconsin-Illinois continue to cover the gap through fundraising. This additional cut will put
our organization at risk. We cannot absorb the on-going financial losses especially in
these challenging economic times. Without your support, many people with disabilities will
lose services they have been receiving for years in community programs. In addition, vital direct
care staff will be laid off because of lack of funding.
Please don’t allow these cuts to take place! We urge your prompt action on this important
legislation. Please support and sign into law Senate Bills 790 and 1103 on behalf of our
constituents as well as persons with disabilities throughout the state.