What we will learn about in literacy

What will we learn about in Literacy?
Continue to learn a new nursery rhyme each
Continue to mark make for different purposes
Practice writing patterns – focusing on arches,
spirals and diagonal lines.
Practice writing our own names.
Talk about marks the children make and ask
them about their pictures and writing.
Look at story books linked to the topic of Fairy
Tales such as 3 Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the
3 Bears, Sleeping Beauty.
Telling a story using pictures in books.
What will we learn about in Numeracy?
 Sing number rhymes and songs.
 Practice counting to 20 through play.
 Recognise numbers 1-5.
 Add set sets of objects together.
 Read number stories.
 Count actions, shapes and sounds as well as
Shape, space and measuring:
What we will learn about in RE?
Find out about signs of Spring.
Have an awareness of how we celebrate
 Play with shapes and make models.
 Look at clocks, timers and ways to measure time.
 Play with money in the shop and begin to
recognise coins.
 Learn songs and rhymes about the days of the
week and times of the year.
What other new things will we learn?
Personal, Emotional and
Communication and
Social Development
 Talk about how we
 Talk about ourselves
can help other
and our family
children who are sad,
 Follow simple
lonely or unsure.
 Understand how
 Learn and sing
other children might
nursery rhymes and
feel and express
their feeling.
Physical Development
Understanding the world
 Make arch and spiral
 Find out about signs
shapes with a range
that show us the
of media
seasons are
 Practice fine motor
skills daily
 Learn how to use the
Listening Centre and
 Practice cutting skills
 Practice sending and
 Begin to develop
receiving balls and
Ipad skills
Expressive Arts and Design
Imaginative role play
Move to music
Pictures and models of Fairytale
Pictures of Spring flowers and animals
Role play stories and rhymes
Make play dough
Cook food for Fairytale characters
Make story props for role play
Spring 2nd Half Term
Topic: Once Upon a Time
Year: Nursery
Academic Year 2016-17