User Guide to Third Party Applications

User Guide
User Guide to Third Party Applications
Setting up and usage of the Third Party Applications
User Guide to Third Party Applications
User Guide to Third Party Applications
Version 2016 R21 (2016)
Copyright © 2007-2016 by Efficient Workflow Solutions, LLC | All rights reserved
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All other product names used are trademarks of their respective owners.
The material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice.
While reasonable efforts have been made in the preparation of this document to assure its accuracy,
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Efficient Workflow Solutions, LLC reserves the right to make changes in the product design without
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2016 R21
Copyright © 2007-2016 by Efficient Workflow Solutions, LLC | All rights reserved
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Table of Contents
Third Party Application Error
Re-Processing Document
XML Interface Setup
XML Item Code Setup
XML System Setup
XML System Options
Global System Options
TechMate Integration
TechMate Integration Setup
TechMate Integration Configuration File
Efficient Workflow Solutions, LLC
User Guide to Third Party Applications
Third Party Applications
MoversSuite integrates with many third party applications to allow a company to capitalize on products
and services offered from a variety of sources and to maintain consistency throughout all information
In some cases, data transfers occur automatically, such as downloads from UniGroup, while others
require the user to send a request on demand. The table below lists the third party applications that
MoversSuite integrates with along with the commands used to request the data transfer.
Third Party Application
MoversSuite integrates with Atlas through an order download and
statement import. See Atlas Integration for more information
The EasyDPS Integration provides data and scoring for military moves.
IGC Software
Estimates created in QuickMove are easily imported into MoversSuite for
further processing. Updated records can also be exported back to
QuickMove. Estimate options are available in MoversSuite through the
Tools menu and include Import Estimate, View Estimate, and Send to IGC
for Survey.
See IGC Software Integration for more information.
Generic File Import
Import payment data directly into Payment Management through a Generic
Import (.CSV) file. See Generic Import for details.
Utilize this cloud-based API service to interact with MoversSuite. Read more
at MoversConnect.
Orders booked and managed in MoversSuite can be uploaded to SIRVA for
registration and pricing. Likewise, van line orders registered through SIRVA
can be downloaded into MoversSuite. Revenue statements can also be
imported into MoversSuite for Payment Management processing.
SIRVA requests are available through the MoversSuite Tools menu and
include SIRVA – Download Request and SIRVA – Registration Upload.
Related options include Order Monitor. See SIRVA sHub Integration for more
Leads can be sent to SIRVA QLAB via the SIRVA QLAB Integration.
Driver advances generated in MoversSuite can be uploaded to T-Chek for
fund disbursement and processing. Advances are processed and submitted
to T-Chek through Accounting Tools > Advance Processing.
See Driver Advances and T-Chek Upload File Format for more information.
FirstMate estimates can be transferred to MoversSuite for order processing.
Options to import from and export to TechMate can be established using the
Third Party Applications menu (see Third Party Applications Menu Setup).
Refer to TechMate Integration for more information.
Documents for UniGroup orders can be exchanged with MoversSuite
through integration with the TransDocs application.
See TransDocs Integration Setup for more information.
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
MoversSuite data can be uploaded as memo pad (MEMO), van line HHG
estimates (PRIC), and van lines special services pre-registrations (RORD) to
the UniGroup mainframe.
See UniGroup Uploads for more information.
Five distinct record downloads from UniGroup are supported by
MoversSuite including order registration (RORD), dispatch (ADSP), memo
pad (MEMO), ratings (PRIC), and revenue distribution and billing (RDBS).
See UniGroup Downloads for more information.
UniGroup Quotes to Go
Lead information can be uploaded to the UniGroup Quotes to Go system and
likewise leads can download through the Opportunity Download.
See UniGroup Quotes to Go for more information.
Van Lines
Data transfer between MoversSuite and a particular van line is also
supported. Typically this is done through a large vendor such as SIRVA or
Whether data is sent automatically or upon request, MoversSuite provides users with tools to monitor
and manage the data exchanges between MoversSuite and third party applications. The Third Party
Interface Order Monitor is evoked when a download or upload request is submitted. It is designed to
provide instantaneous access to pending requests, while the Third Party Application Error Management
screen displays a complete list of errors encountered during a download into MoversSuite.
MoversSuite API Service
Order Archive
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Third Party Application Error Management
The Third Party Application Error Management screen displays errors associated to completed data
exchanges (primary downloads) made between MoversSuite and third party applications such as
UniGroup and SIRVA. Errors and warnings associated with records in a pending process state will be
displayed within the Third Party Interface Order Monitor.
Additional features of the Third Party Application Error Management screen include the ability to
reprocess or delete requests and modify the filter to view errors for other orders.
Users can access the Third Party Application Error Management screen through the main MoversSuite
toolbar through Tools > Manage > Third Party Application Errors or through an open order in Order
Information through the data exchange icon ( ) information bar of any order. Users can click on this
icon to access the error management screen. If the open order has a third party error associated to it,
then the gold sparkle of the icon will be colored red ( ).
Figure 1: Third Party Application Error Management icon
Initially, displayed in the Third Party Application Errors Management screen will be errors associated to
only the open order. Users can turn off the filter or customize it as needed. Refer to the Filter Builder
topic for more information.
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Figure 2: Third Party Application Error Management screen
Aside from the refresh button (
) all functions are available through right-mouse click options.
Figure 3: Right-click options
A common issue with importing orders from a third party is duplicate Order Numbers. MoversSuite does
not allow duplicate Order Number records, i.e. the imported order already exists in MoversSuite, and
returns an error. Often a van line, or other third party, reuses orders. If this is the case, then
MoversSuite provides the Order Archive tool allowing your company to free up older, existing order
The following table describes the functions available within the Third Party Applications Error
Management screen.
This function opens the Third Party Application Error screen for the selected record.
Users can also double-click an entry or press ENTER to perform this function.
View Data
For non-document data, this option displays the XML content of the data in error within
a browser window.
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
For documents, the option will open the file based on file type. For example, if the
document is an image then View Data will open the image in the default image viewer.
Go To Order
Choosing this options opens the order record in MoversSuite for the selected record.
This function will clear the error from the screen and resubmit the selected record to be
processed. Users can correct the error and then perform a reprocess; MoversSuite
recommends correcting the error prior to reprocessing since the system will continue
importing the data from the related queue into MoversSuite.
Multiple errors may exist for a single order. Typically, a single problem, such as the order
does not exist in MoversSuite, will be the cause off all errors. Fixing the problem and
then reprocessing the earliest record will often correct all items for the order.
Users can select and reprocess multiple records concurrently.
Edit & Reprocess
This option is available for documents only and will open the Re-Processing Document
screen, where users can choose different Order Number or Document Type and then
continue with upload or download request.
Reprocess of a document works the same as the Re-Process option described above.
This function clears the error from the screen and permanently removes the error
information from the database after prompting for confirmation.
Note: Users can select and reprocess multiple records concurrently.
Refreshes the Screen
Repopulates the screen with any new errors generated while the user was in the screen.
Note: Pressing the F5 button performs a refresh as well.
This function closes the screen.
See Third party Application Error for field listing.
Order Archive
Third Party Interface Order Monitor
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Third Party Application Error
The Third Party Application Error screen displays an error in a format that may be easier to read than
what displays within the Third Party Application Error Management screen. This screen also allows a
user to select the error Description and copy it to another application, such as another document or
email message.
Access the Third Party Application Error screen by selecting a record within Third Party Application Error
Management and choosing Open from the right-click options or double-click on the record itself.
Figure 4: Third Party Application Error screen
The following table describes the fields available within Third Party Application Error screen.
Error Stamp
This field displays the date and time that the transaction occurred.
Displays the unique identifier of the record being processed, typically a MoversSuite
order or estimate number will be referenced within this column.
This field displays the name of the third party application that is sending or receiving the
Record Type
The name of the specific application process defined within XML System Setup displays
in this field.
Error Information
Error Code
The internal error code for the corresponding description displays in this field.
Displays the message associated to the error code. Users can select and copy the text of
the error message.
This function closes the screen.
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Technical Note
The following table displays the fields belonging to the XmlImportError table. This
information may be of use when attempting to isolate the cause of an error.
Primary key used to identify records.
Displays the extra data attached to the text of the
standard error message based on the error code
This field displays the date and timestamp of when the
error occurred.
Key used to link this record to the ErrorCode table
which contains a list of all standard MoversSuite errors
along with the text that displays for the error message
(Description), the calling stored procedure (spName), and
the error condition level (1-error occurred, 2- warning
encountered, 3-information only message in the
Identifier referenced for the incoming data. This will
often be an order or estimate number.
Specific contents of the data that caused the error
condition (in XML format). Some applications, such as
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, include copy
and save options.
Key linking records to a XmlSystemDataTypeMap
record that contains information regarding a specific
process including whether the record type can be
reprocessed or not; records with a
ClearPreviousXmlErrors set to 1 can be cleared and
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Re-Processing Document
The Re-Processing Document screen appears when users choose the Edit & Re-Process option from
within the Third Party Application Error Management screen. This screen allows a user to associate the
incoming document to an existing order and provide a valid document type.
Figure 5: Re-Process Document screen
The following table describes the fields and functions available within this screen.
The text of the error displays in this field.
Order Number
Use Find to link the document to an existing MoversSuite order.
Document Type
Choose a value from the list of those defined in Document Type Setup.
To attempt to process the document import based on changes, press this
Cancel (Esc)
This option cancels the reprocessing attempt and closes the screen.
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Third Party Interface Order Monitor
The status of the upload and downloads will appear in the Third Party Interface Order Monitor. The
state and type of request display with a color-coded icon and description. Only the most recent status
will appear for each request.
This screen will appear automatically upon selection of a SIRVA upload and download request as well as
SIRVA QLAB uploads for leads. See SIRVA sHub Integration and SIRVA QLAB Integration for details. The
screen is also available through the Order Monitor option from the Tools Menu for branch assigned
within the XML Interface Setup.
Figure 6: Third Party Interface Order Monitor
Status Indicator
The status of the request will appear with a colored-icon, which features an up or down arrow indicating
the type of request (upload or download). The following table describes the status for each icon.
Status Indicator
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Failure – Red
This status indicates that the request returned in error. An “Error” message
will appear below the entry detailing the cause.
Waiting – Yellow
This status indicates that the request was successful and is pending
confirmation request from SIRVA.
Success – Green
This status indicates that the request was successful. An Order Number will
be established and displayed within the monitor screen. The order will now
be booked within MoversSuite.
Success with Errors - Blue
This status indicates that the request was successful, but the process
encountered errors. An “Error” message will appear below the entry
detailing the cause.
Clearing Requests
Users can clear the error from the screen by clicking on the status icon. This action clears the error
listing from the screen. Users can reprocess the request through the Tools Menu.
Figure 7: Clear function
Avoid clearing pending requests. Clearing requests before MoversSuite receives a confirmation
request from SIRVA may cause redundant orders.
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Third Party Application Setup and Administration
The general setup needed to support third party application integration with MoversSuite involves the
settings listed below. Refer to specific setup areas for detailed information.
Setup Area
Account Setup
Accounts referenced by SIRVA sHub need to be added
and the correct number set within the Account # field.
Refer to National Account Setting for SIRVA for more
Address Location Type Setup
Atlas SUDS
External code values must be entered and match
exactly to what is expected by an external interface.
The address type must match an external code within
the External Interface Mapping of this setup to avoid
errors when exchanging address data with SIRVA
(SIRVA sHub Integration).
IGC Software
Agent Setup
Agent API
IGC Software
Agent records must be established for the appropriate
van line. MoversSuite will automatically add an agent
of a van line if no record exists.
Auto Class Setup
Define class elements assigned to auto shipments.
Auto Make Setup
External codes supplied by third party interfaces must
be established as Auto Make records in order for auto
shipment data to transfer without error.
Branch Setup
IGC Software
IGC requires that the each branch record have the
correct Agent and Van Line. Additionally, the van line
must link to the correct IGC Van Line Code (see IGC Van
Line Codes Setup).
Carrier Setup
Verify that needed carriers are defined with the SCAC
supported by EasyDPS.
Claim Damage Type Setup
Claim damage types referenced by third party
applications must be setup with correct external code
references in the Van Line Code field this setup.
Claim Denial Code Setup
Claim denial types referenced by third party
applications must be setup with correct external code
references in the Van Line Code field this setup.
Commodity Type Setup
Associate commodity codes specified within
MoversSuite to commodity codes required by the third
The following setup areas specifically reference this
SIRVA sHub Integration
UniGroup Download Setup and Administration
UniGroup Upload Setup and Administration
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Generic Import Setup
Import statement data directly into Payment
Management from external applications.
Global System Options
Set the values needed for Document Management and
TransDocs as well as those needed for Microsoft
Dynamics GP.
Dynamics GP
IGC Setup
IGC Software
References to IGC databases for each branch must be
IGC Van Line Codes Setup
IGC Software
Van lines must be linked to appropriate IGC codes. The
van lines must also be set for each branch (see Branch
Lead Type Setup
IGC Software
Third party applications that import estimates into
MoversSuite may require particular lead types.
Material Type Setup
Container, packing, and unpacking units associated with
revenue will need to be linked to appropriate item
IGC Software
The order in which the material records display is
critical to a successful data exchange with IGC
Software; material types must match and be in the
correct sort order or errors will be encountered.
UniGroup relies on specific carton codes that are
defined beginning with the item codes. See UniGroup
Upload Setup and Administration for more information.
Move Type Setup
External codes supplied by third party interfaces will
need to be defined and associated with MoversSuite
move type records.
Note Type Setup
Van line codes used by third party applications will
need to be mapped to particular Van Line Codes and
Note Types.
IGC Software
Order Archive
Use this tool to free up Order Numbers in MoversSuite.
Order Number Setup
Order Numbers format definitions must be associated
to all van lines that will be involved with data exchange
with MoversSuite.
Pass Thru Connector Setup and
Create a poller to monitors a queue through the API
service handle request from local clients to upload
orders through MoversConnect.
Payment Method Type Setup
External codes supplied by third party interfaces will
need to be defined and linked to MoversSuite payment
method records.
These setup values are needed by UniGroup Quote to
Payment Type Setup
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External codes supplied by third party interfaces will
need to be defined and linked to MoversSuite payment
User Guide to Third Party Applications
Personnel Setup
type records.
IGC Software
Employees associated to move roles (Coordinator,
Salesperson, OA Surveyor, Revenue Clerk, etc.) must be
defined and be linked by identification numbers
through external codes for each interface within the
Personnel Interface Mapping.
Point of Service Setup
Define Point of Service values needed for line items on
an EDI invoice imported from the UniGroup Rating Send
(UniGroup Downloads) and through the Point of
Service field in Add Revenue Item.
Product Code Setup
External codes supplied by third party interfaces will
need to be defined and linked to MoversSuite product
code records.
Product Type Setup
External codes supplied by third party interfaces will
need to be defined and linked to MoversSuite product
type records.
Queue Service Setup
Define the location of message files processed through
the MoversSuite queuing service with this setup.
Queue Service Server Setup
Establish specific server instances for each process
supported by MoversSuite queueing services.
Rate Plan Setup
External codes associated for rating and pricing
referenced by third party applications will need to be
set within the Van Line Code field, mapping it to a
MoversSuite rate plan.
Rate Type Setup
Set the external codes to identify services for the third
party applications.
Security Profile Setup
To access the Third Party Interface Order Monitor, the
Order Information module must be assigned to
personnel (through Security Profile) for the appropriate
branch. Note: Any Access Type will work.
Service Code Setup
Define distribution codes needed for statement
Service Type Setup
Set external codes used to identify services by third
party applications.
Shipment Status Setup
Link Shipment Status records to codes supported by the
various interfaces.
Shipment Type Setup
External codes supplied by third party applications will
need to map to a MoversSuite shipment type.
Standard XML Pipeline Setup
and Administration
This setup information is documented specifically under
many integrations, such as SIRVA and UniGroup. Your
company can also use the Standard XML Pipeline for
other external applications as well.
Statement Payment Code
Use this setup to link pre-defined Payment Code in
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
MoversSuite to those supported by various interfaces.
Storage Requirement Setup
Set external codes used to identify warehouses by third
party applications.
Transportation Mode Setup
Set external codes used to identify transportation
modes in use by third party applications.
UniGroup Quotes to Go Setup
and Administration
Define the data needed to support uploads and
downloads from the UniGroup Quotes to Go system.
Valuation Setup
External codes supplied by third party interfaces will
need to be defined for each van line in use and be
associated to MoversSuite valuation records.
Van Line Setup
Verify that all van lines referenced by third party
applications are established here.
XML Interface Setup
Link supported interfaces to MoversSuite orders
through external codes and mapped branches.
XML Item Code Setup
IGC Software
Define needed records that map an interface and XML
Item Code values to MoversSuite Item Codes or
Material Types.
XML System Setup
Define systems, system options, and data type
mappings for supported interfaces within this setup.
Define systems used by an interface along with needed
system options and corresponding values.
Technical Note
One-time table setup includes the following. Consult with a MoversSuite Support professional prior to
making modifications to these tables.
Agent API Setup
Atlas Integration Setup and Administration
EasyDPS Integration Setup and Administration
IGC Software Integration Setup and Administration
MoversSuite API Service
Order Archive
SIRVA QLAB Integration Setup and Administration
SIRVA sHub Integration Setup and Administration
TechMate Integration Setup
TransDocs Integration Setup
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UniGroup Download Setup and Administration
UniGroup Upload Setup and Administration
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XML Interface Setup
MoversSuite Administration > Administration > XML Interface
Define the external systems that will be exchanging data with MoversSuite within this setup.
Vendor Name
Enter the name of the supported, third party application or vendor (up to 50
This field will display as the Interface value selectable within various other setup
Van Line Item
Link defined van lines to External Codes supported on the external system. These are needed to identify
which van lines are supported for the interface.
Van Line
Select a value from the list defined within Van Line Setup.
External Code
Enter a code supported by the Van Line for exchanging data with MoversSuite (up to
32 characters).
Branch Item
Create Branch Items if the import will be available for a particular Authority Type and Branch combination.
Do not set any Branch Item if the import is available for all branches and authority types.
Make this XML Interfaces record available to selected branches (Branch Setup) of a
particular Authority (Authority Setup).
Agent API Setup
Atlas Integration Setup and Administration
Document Type Setup
IGC Software Integration Setup and Administration
TechMate Integration Setup
UniGroup Download Setup and Administration
UniGroup Upload Setup and Administration
SIRVA QLAB Integration Setup and Administration
SIRVA sHub Integration Setup and Administration
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XML Item Code Setup
MoversSuite Administration > Administration > XML Item Code
This setup links a code from a particular interface to a MoversSuite Item Code or Material Type.
XML Interface
Select the supported interface from the list defined within XML Interface Setup,
which links the record to branches and van lines.
XML Item Code
Enter the code associated to a particular material record supported on the
external interface (up to 50 characters). This code represents a source of
pricing, estimates, and revenue generation.
Include imported items as
Transportation revenue
Check this flag to instruct MoversSuite to include the imported item under
Transportation revenue in Revenue Entry.
Item Code
Associate this record to an Item Code (Item Code Setup) used for generating
revenue within MoversSuite.
Material Type
Associate this record to a material type (Material Type Setup) used for
generating revenue within MoversSuite.
IGC Software Integration Setup and Administration
SIRVA sHub Integration Setup and Administration
SIRVA QLAB Integration Setup and Administration
TechMate Integration Setup
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XML System Setup
MoversSuite Administration > Administration > XML System
Define systems and supported system options for each interface using this setup. This setup defines the
processes for each interface recognized within the MoversSuite application, such as the UniGroup
queues, the SIRVA download, and TechMate data exchanges.
Select the Interface that this system will be designed to integrate with from the list
of those defined in XML Interface Setup.
Internal System
Enter the name of the system process supported by MoversSuite that will be
associated to the specified interface, such as “UniGroup Queues”, “SIRVA Request
Download”, and “TechMate” (up to 50 characters).
External System
Enter the name used by the third party interface to identify the system (up to 50
Enter the name of the system process as recognized by the specified interface, such
as “TM” for TechMate (up to 50 characters).
XML System Option
Use this section to define and set values for options needed to support the system process. See XML System
Options for a list of options currently in use.
Enter the name of the specific option needed for the system (up to 128 characters).
MemoPadUploadQueue and TransDocUploadQueue required by the
UniGroup interface to perform their respective functions.
SirvaAgentID needed for SIRVA
Refer to XML System Options for a complete list of system option currently in use.
Enter the value assigned to the option (up to 512 characters). This is generally the
variable assigned to the option that will allow the system to function correctly for
the system process.
a-servera\mss_memopad_request (for MemoPadUploadQueue)
“A:12345;N:12345;” (for SirvaAgentID)
Refer to XML System Options for a complete list of system option currently in use.
XML System Data Type Map
Associate a process to one or more data types supported by MoversSuite in this section. This information is
referenced when reporting errors and managing data exchanges through Third Party Application Error
Management and Third Party Interface Order Monitor.
Xml System Data Type
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Select a type data that will be accessed by the system process. Currently,
MoversSuite supports the following data types:
User Guide to Third Party Applications
Data Type
Set for processes that exchange documents
through the Document Management system.
Updates order notes such as data exchanges
between UniGroup Memo Pad and MoversSuite.
Order Information
Updates order data such as through an order
download request
Updates order rating and distribution data
Statement import processes
Enter the name used to identify the specific data type portion of the system (up to
64 characters). This value will display for the record as Application Data Type
within the Third Party Application Error Management screen.
Clear previous XML
errors before
Set this flag to instruct the application to clear errors for a failed order download
and treat the record as a new order download request.
Agent API Setup
Atlas Integration Setup and Administration
IGC Software Integration Setup and Administration
SIRVA QLAB Integration Setup and Administration
SIRVA sHub Integration Setup and Administration
TechMate Integration Setup
UniGroup Download Setup and Administration
UniGroup Upload Setup and Administration
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XML System Options
This section lists and describes the options available to be assigned to interfaces through the XML
System Option setting within XML System Setup.
XML System Option
Default agency identifier needed when reporting TransDocs errors.
Example: U101
Refer to TransDocs Integration Setup and XML System Setup
(UniGroup) for detailed usage.
Flag that indicates whether to disable auto upload to TransDoc
(True) or not (False). A value of True disables documents from
automatically uploading to the TransDocs system. False enables the
auto-upload functionality.
Refer to TransDocs Integration Setup and XML System Setup
(UniGroup) for detailed usage.
This serves as a directory location where a registration request
copies to prior to sending to sHub Local Listener.
Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) for detailed usage.
Enable EasyDPS Integration the by setting this option to “1” on the
XML System Option for the XML System Setup record.
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing
UniGroup household goods upload request files. If not specified, the
following default location is referenced.
Default (if not formally set):
Refer to XML System Setup (UniGroup) for detailed usage.
This option instructs the download process to ignore certain agents
on a Revenue Import, specifically when an origin, destination, or
hauling agent is not a United Van Line agent. Enter agent identifiers
separated by a comma.
Default (if not formally set): U1900,M2900
Refer to XML System Setup (UniGroup) for detailed usage.
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Error log file of the SIRVA sHub Local Listener.
Example: C:\error.log
Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) for detailed usage.
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing
UniGroup memo pad requests.
Default (if not formally set):
Refer to XML System Setup (UniGroup) for detailed usage.
SIRVA sHub issued agent identifier for configuring sHub.
Example: 1234567
If needed, users can enter multiple SirvaAgentID values within this
field separating each agent with a semicolon. Include the van line
association for each entry prior to the agent identification number
(single character van line followed by a colon). Avoid using spaces in
this entry.
Example: A:1234567;N:7654321;
Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) for detailed usage.
Directory path of where the SIRVA sHub Local Listener stores order
registration responses from sHub mainframe.
Default (if not formally set): C:\
Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) for detailed usage.
SIRVA-issued identifier that signifies a registration upload or
download operation.
Example: 123456
If needed, users can enter multiple SirvaProcessID values within
this field separating each process with a semicolon. Include the van
line association for each entry prior to the process identification
number (single character van line followed by a colon). Avoid using
spaces in this entry.
Example: A:1234567;N:7654321;
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Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) for detailed usage.
Directory path of where the SIRVA sHub Local Listener stores order
registration responses from sHub mainframe.
Example: C:\
Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) for detailed usage.
Directory path of where the SIRVA sHub Local Listener looks for order
registration requests sent to sHub mainframe.
Example: C:\
Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) for detailed usage.
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing
UniGroup special services upload requests.
Default (if not formally set):
Refer to XML System Setup (UniGroup) for detailed usage.
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing
TransDocs upload request files.
Default (if not formally set):
Refer to TransDocs Integration Setup and XML System Setup
(UniGroup) for detailed usage.
Option to turn on internal XML schema validation. Enter true to
turn on schema validation or set field to false to turn off validation.
Default (if not formally set):
Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) and XML System Setup
(UniGroup) for detailed usage.
URL for the web service providing the upload for UniGroup or the
Local Listener on the sHub system.
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Refer to XML System Setup (SIRVA) and XML System Setup
(UniGroup) for detailed usage.
SIRVA QLAB Integration Setup and Administration
TransDocs Integration Setup
UniGroup Quotes to Go Setup and Administration
XML System Options (UniGroup)
XML System Setup (SIRVA)
XML System Setup (UniGroup)
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Global System Options
Setup Table: GlobalSystemOption
This setup through MoversSuite Administration is not yet available. The options can be updated through
direct database access by using applications such Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to modify the
GlobalSystemOption table.
Users can define options and their assigned values used primarily for integration with external
applications and related systems.
Changing or removing these options will affect related functionality. Confirm with a MoversSuite
Professional Services representative before making changes.
Enter the name of the options needed by external application processes (up to 128 characters).
The following examples are the known Global System Option values:
Avalara Sales Tax
Assign this option to a value of “true” to turn on Sales Tax Integration.
Set a URL pointing to the service hosting file on the application server (sample value:
This is the company identifier as needed by Microsoft Dynamics GP server (sample value:
Use this option to specify the location of the web service application on the server (sample
value: “http://server/DynamicGPWebServices/DynamicsGPService.asmx”)
Use this option to specify the location of the Microsoft SharePoint server (sample value:
Enter the value assigned to the option (up to 512 characters). In the case of the
ApiWebServiceDocs option, for example, a value would be a URL pointing to the service hosting
file on the server (see Name description for samples).
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
TechMate Integration
MoversSuite integrates with TechMate allowing estimates generated in TechMate FirstMate to import
directly into Revenue Import. Likewise, MoversSuite packing counts can be exported to TechMate for
estimation and then returned through the import process.
Users access the TechMate import and export processes manually through the Third Party Applications
TechMate data imports specifically through the Import Agent Revenue screen and contains data
outlined within TechMate Import. The imported data is also available for Invoicing (refer to the Source
Description section within New Complete Invoice).
TechMate Import
TechMate Integration Setup
The following table contains the MoversSuite Administration setup areas that affect TechMate
Integration. Steps for initial setup are also listed.
Steps for initial setup:
1. Notify TechMate regarding integration with MoversSuite; obtain Item Codes and estimator login
2. Setup a “TechMate” vendor in XML Interface Setup
3. If a new branch is needed to report under, create it within Branch Setup
4. Verify that the ThirdParty folder contains the TechMate application and configuration files
5. Create import/export folders as needed and update the TechMate Integration Configuration File
6. Update the config.xml file in the ThirdParty folder to run the TechMate executable
7. Add needed Note Type records using Note Type Setup
8. Update Personnel Setup records to reference the estimator’s login to TechMate
9. Create the TechMate system record and Data Type Map needed in XML System Setup
10. Verify that all needed Material Type Setup records are defined (optional)
11. Create needed XML Item Code Setup records based on supported TechMate Item Codes
TechMate setup areas:
Material Type Setup
Define materials in MoversSuite that are supported by TechMate.
Items defined in this setup are available through the Material Type field in
XML Item Code Setup for the purpose of having TechMate support codes link
to Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking; this allows users to set actual
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counts for these items.
Note Type Setup
Create three (3) Note Type records for the following Van Line Code values to
support the TechMate import process.
Van Line Code
Personnel Setup
Estimators must link to TechMate user ID through the Interface Mapping tab.
Add the TechMate Interface Item and set the User ID to the estimator’s
TechMate login identifier.
TechMate Integration
Configuration File
Update the TechMate configuration file to reference the TechMate web
service and the location of the import and export file folders.
Third Party Applications
Menu Setup
Add TechMate processes to the Third Party Applications Menu listing.
Update the configuration to run the TechMateIntegration application by
setting the following items within the config.xml file saved to the
ThirdParty folder under the MoversSuite installation folder.
Import from TechMate
TechMateIntegration.exe –import
Export to TechMate
TechMateIntegration.exe -export
The above assumes that the TechMateIntegration.exe file exists in
the ThridParty folder along with corresponding XML configuration files.
XML Interface Setup
Create a record with Vendor Name set to “TechMate”.
This record is referenced by other setup areas to link them all together for
XML Item Code Setup
Link MoversSuite Item Codes to supported TechMate Item Codes.
Create unique records with the XML Interface field set to “TechMate” for
each supported TechMate code set as the XML Item Code, then link the
record to MoversSuite Item Code records (Item Code Setup) by setting the
Item Code field.
Optionally, set the Material Type to a support type (defined in Material Type
Setup). This allows the type to be available to assign estimated and actual
packing counts to through Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking.
XML System Setup
Define a TechMate system for the TechMate Interface.
Create a record with the following data:
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Internal System
External System
XML System Data Type Map
“TechMate Order Information”
Set the XML System Data Type to
“Order Information” and check the
“Clear previous XML errors before
reprocessing” flag.
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
TechMate Integration Configuration File
A TechMateIntegration.exe.config must exist in the ThirdParty folder under the MoversSuite
application folder, e.g. “C:\Program Files (x86)\Movers Suite\ThirdParty.” This file sets the
location of the import and export file locations along with the location of the properties file for
TechMate web service.
The following table explains the application settings needed for TechMate Integration.
Create elements for the following keys:
Import file folder location on the
application server, e.g.
Set this value to “true” to instruct
TechMate to prompt a user to confirm
an update of the MoversSuite record.
Set this value to “false” to update
without prompting the user.
Export file folder location on the
application server, e.g.
Set the name of the web service processing the requests and set the value of the
element to the location of the web service application (see sample below).
Sample TechMateIntegration.exe.config file:
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
Third Party Applications Menu Setup
MoversSuite provides a customizable drop-down menu to access third party applications directly from
the main toolbar. The Third Party Applications menu configuration is set within an XML file rendered
when the MoversSuite application starts up.
Figure 8: Third Party Application menu
Users can configure any executable program to run through this menu. To enable this functionality, a
folder titled ThirdParty containing a configuration file titled config.xml must exist within the same
application server hosting MoversSuite.
Figure 9: ThirdParty folder
The following is a sample config.xml file.
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Figure 10: Sample config.xml file
The config.xml file contains a MenuItems property that is comprised of individual MenuItem properties
(no letter “s”). Each MenuItem property represents a separate option in the Third Party Applications
menu. Within each of the MenuItem properties are the two following elements:
MenuItem Elements
This variable defines the text for the option within the Third Party Applications
MoversSuite executes the contents of this variable. This line will typically list the
program name along with any run-time arguments needed by the program.
The path of the program must be fully qualified, i.e. must point to the exact
program file location.
MoversSuite provides two additional parameters automatically passed to a
program: A “-o” (dash followed by the letter “o”) passes the primary key for the
order last accessed in MoversSuite and “-u” (dash followed by the letter “u”)
passes the user ID for the person logged into MoversSuite. For example, when the
application is executed, MoversSuite will automatically include the order primary
key and user identification number similar to the following:
application.exe -o 1234 –u 39
The order primary key is stored as the PriKey field within the Orders table and
the user identification number corresponds to the UserAccessPriKey from the
UserAccess table in the MoversSuite database.
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User Guide to Third Party Applications
The config.xml file references config.xsd, which is a schema file that provides information on the type of
elements needed by the config.xml file. Since the elements defined in config.xml are all default types for
XML, the config.xsd is not required.
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