Unit 13 Study Packet Answer Key: Prepositions and Prepositional

Unit 13 Study Packet Answer Key:
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases:
1. to Colorado , on a ski trip
2. about ski equipment , before the trip
3. from plastics , and other materials
4. for balance , during a ski run
5. next to Carlos and Mary , on the lift
6. up the slopes , with their instructor
7. On the other side , of the mountain
8. In front of them , with many tall pines
9. down the slopes , with their instructor
10. from her , for two hours
Pronouns after Prepositions:
1. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson discussed the trip with Ruben and me.
2. The canoe was big enough for Ruben, them, and me.
3. The Johnsons prepared food for the others and us.
4. Canoeing is a lot of fun for the Johnsons and me.
5. Correct
6. We negotiated our way through the rocks and them with caution.
7. Wildlife along the riverbanks stared at the Johnsons and me.
8. Correct
9. Correct
10. For Ruben and us, the key to a safe trip was good preparation.
Adjective Phrases:
1. of movement  phases
2. of scientists  number, from France  scientists
3. in action  racehorse
4. with strings  cameras , on their shutters  strings
5. on motion pictures  research
6. with a revolving shutter  camera , in front of the film  shutter
7. of film  feet , on spools  film
8. with two rows  shop , of coin-operated kinetoscopes  rows
9. of motion pictures  exhibit
10. of the films  one , from a prizefight  scenes
Adverb Phrases:
1. on vacation  went
2. across the Green Mountains, to Montpelier  traveled
3. in northern Vermont  is located
4. for its beautiful location  famous
5. During one afternoon  visited
6. on a ferry, across Lake Champlain  rode
7. in the day  Later , through quaint towns  traveled
8. With enthusiasm and energy  hiked
9. After a while, down the mountain  climbed
Placing Phrases Correctly:
1. The director with a mustache suggested that we make a movie.
2. The writer composed a good script with a surprise ending.
3. The director worked on the script with the writer.
4. Students with acting experience tried out for various roles.
5. The students in the drama club rehearsed their parts.
6. Actors met, read through the script, and rehearsed every day
7. The director and crew filmed the actors in costume.
8. The filming of the scene in the airplane attracted a large crowd.
9. With much concentration the composer wrote a score.
10. Later the club sent the film to New York for final editing.
Choosing the Right Preposition:
1. I keep this biography of Mark Twain beside my desk.
2. Correct
3. Among his many characters, Tom Sawyer was one of the most vivid.
4. Between Twain’s two best-known novels, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a more serious
commentary on life.
5. Correct
6. Besides writing and lecturing, Twain also enjoyed traveling.
7. Correct
8. Among Twain’s short works, “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County” is most