ICD is revised periodically and is currently in its tenth edition and will be implemented in the United States on
October 1, 2015. There is an annual minor update and three-yearly major updates are published by the WHO.
A list of top commonly used diagnosis codes in rheumatology are listed below as a supplementary tool to the
official ICD-10 manual and should not be used independently.
ICD-9 Code and
ICD-10 Code Mapping
136.1 Behçet's syndrome
M35.2 Behçet’s syndrome
274.00 Gouty arthropathy,
M10.09 Idiopathic gout,
multiple sites
274.01 Acute gouty
Related ICD-10 Codes
M10.01 (1,2,9) Idiopathic
gout, shoulder
M10.02 (1,2,9) Idiopathic
gout, elbow
M10.03 (1,2,9) Idiopathic
gout, wrist
M10.04 (1,2,9) Idiopathic
gout, hand
M10.05 (1,2,9) Idiopathic
gout, hip
ICD-10 Guidelines
Excludes 1:
Chronic gout (M1A.-)
ICD-10 rules for Excludes 1
codes indicates that this is a
mutually exclusive code; two
conditions that cannot be
reported together.
M10.06 (1,2,9) Idiopathic
gout, knee
M10.07 (1,2,9) Idiopathic
gout, ankle and foot
M10.08 Idiopathic gout,
274.02 Chronic gouty
arthropathy w/o mention of
M1A.09X0 Idiopathic
chronic gout, multiple
sites, w/o tophus
274.03 Chronic gouty
arthropathy with tophus
M1A.09X1 Idiopathic
chronic gout, multiple sites,
with tophus
M1A.01(1,2,9) Idiopathic
chronic gout, shoulder
M1A.02(1,2,9) Idiopathic
chronic gout, elbow
M1A.03(1,2,9) Idiopathic
chronic gout, wrist
Excludes 1:
Acute gout (M10.-)
The appropriate 7th character
is to be added to each code
from category M1A
M1A.04(1,2,9) Idiopathic
chronic gout, hand
M1A.05(1,2,9) Idiopathic
chronic gout, hip
M1A.06(1,2,9) Idiopathic
chronic gout, knee
M1A.07(1,2,9) Idiopathic
chronic gout, ankle and foot
M1A.08 Idiopathic chronic
gout, vertebrae
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
443.0 Raynaud’s syndrome
ICD-10 Code Mapping
Related ICD-10 Codes
ICD-10 Guidelines
I73.00 Raynaud’s syndrome
without gangrene
I73.01 Raynaud’s syndrome
with gangrene
447.6 Unspecified Arteritis
I77.6 Arteritis, unspecified
Excludes 1:
Arteritis or endarteritis
696.0 Psoriatic arthropathy
L40.53 Psoriatic spondylitis
710.0 Systemic lupus
M32.10 Systemic lupus
erythematosus, organ or
system involvement unspecified
M32.9 Systemic lupus
erythematosus, unspecified
—Systemic lupus
erythematosus NOS
—Systemic lupus
erythematosus without
organ involvement
710.1 Systemic sclerosis
M34.81 Systemic sclerosis
with lung involevment
M34.89 Other systemic
M34.82 Systemic sclerosis
with myopathy
Excludes 1: Circumscribed
scleroderma (L94.0)
M34.83 Systemic with
710.2 Sicca syndrome
M35.00 Sicca syndrome
M35.02 Sicca syndrome
with lung involvement
M35.03 Sicca syndrome,
with myopathy
M35.09 Sicca
syndrome with other organ
714.0 Rheumatoid arthritis
M05.79 Rheumatoid
arthritis with rheumatoid
factor of multiple sites
without organ or systens
M05.89 Other rheumatoid
Anatomical site:
arthritis with rheumatoid fac- Shoulder - 1
tor of multiple sites
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Hip - 5
Knee - 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Vertebrae - 8
Right - 1
Left - 2
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
714.0 Rheumatoid arthritis
ICD-10 Code Mapping
M06.09 Rheumatoid
arthritis without
rheumatoid factor, multiple
Related ICD-10 Codes
M06.89 Other specified
rheumatoid arthritis,
multiple sites
ICD-10 Guidelines
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Hip - 5
Knee- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Vertebrae - 8
Right - 1
Left - 2
714.30 Polyarticular
juvenile RA chronic or
M08.09 Unspecified
juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis of multiple sites
M08.3 Juvenile
rheumatoid polyarthritis
M08.29 Juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis with
systemic onset, multiple
M08.89 Other juvenile
arthritis, multiple sites
M08.99 Juvenile arthritis,
unspecified, multiple sites
Excludes 1:
Arthropathy in Whipple’s
disease (M14.8)
Felty’s syndrome (M05.0)
Juvenile dermatomyositis
Psoriatic juvenile
arthropathy (L40.54)
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Hip - 5
Knee- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Vertebrae - 8
Right - 1
Left - 2
714.9 Unspecified inflammatory polyarthropathies
M06.4 Inflammatory
715.05 - 715.95
Osteoarthritis of hip
M16.1 Unilateral primary
osteoarthritis of hip
M16.0 Bilateral primary
osteoarthritis of hip
M16.3 Unilateral resulting
from hip dysplasia
M16.4 Bilateral
post-traumatic of hip
M16.5 Unilateral post-traumatic osteoarthritis of hip
M16.6 Other bilateral
secondary osteoarthritis
of hip
M16.7 Other unilateral
secondary osteoarthritis
of hip
Excludes 1:
Polyarthritis NOS (M13.0)
Excludes 1:
Bilateral involvement of
single joint (M16-M19)
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
715.9_ Osteoarthrosis
unspecified whether
generalized or localized
ICD-10 Code Mapping
Related ICD-10 Codes
M19.0_ Primary
osteoarthritis of other joints
ICD-10 Guidelines
Excludes 1:
Polyarthritis (M15._)
M19.1_ Post-traumatic
osteoarthritis of other joints
Excludes 2:
Arthrosis of spine (M47._)
Hallux rigidus (M20.2)
Osteoarthritis of spine
M19.2_ Secondary
osteoarthritis of other joints
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Ankle and foot - 7
715.06 - 715.96
Osteoarthrosis of knee
M17.1 Unilateral
primary osteoarthritis
of knee
M17.3 Unilateral posttraumatic osteoarthritis
of knee
M17.5 Other unilateral
secondary osteoarthritis
of knee
715.04 - 715.94
Osteoarthrosis of hand
M18.1 Unilateral
primary osteoarthritis of
first carpometacarpal joint
M18.3 Unilateral posttraumatic osteoarthritis of
first carpometacarpal joint
M18.5 Other unilateral
secondary osteoarthritis of
first carpometacarpal joints
715.0 - 715.9
Osteoarthrosis [1,-4,7]
M19.0 Primary
osteoarthritis of other joints
M19.1 Post-traumatic
osteoarthritis of other joints
M19.2 Secondary
osteoarthritis of other joints
M17.0 Bilateral primary
osteoarthritis of knee
M17.2 Bilateral posttraumatic osteoarthritis
of knee
Excludes 1:
Bilateral involvement of
single joint (M16-M19)
M17.4 Other bilateral
secondary osteoarthritis
of knee
M18.0 Bilateral primary of
first carpometacarpal joints
M18.2 Bilateral posttraumatic osteoarthritis of
first carpometacarpal joints
Excludes 1:
Bilateral involvement of
single joint (M16-M19)
M18.4 Other bilateral
secondary osteoarthritis of
first carpometacarpal joints
Excludes 1:
Polyarthritis (M15._)
Excludes 2:
Arthrosis of spine (M47._)
Hallux rigidus (M20.2)
Osteoarthritis of spine
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Ankle and foot - 7
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
720.0 Ankylosing
ICD-10 Code Mapping
Related ICD-10 Codes
M45.0 Ankylosing
spondylitis of multiple sites
in spine
M45.1 Ankylosing spondylitis of occipito-atlanto-axial
M45.2 Ankylosing spondylitis of cervical region
M45.3 Ankylosing spondylitis of cervicothoracic
ICD-10 Guidelines
Excludes 1:
Arthropathy in Reiter’s
disease (M02.3_)
Juvenile (ankylosing)
spondylitis (M08.1)
Excludes 2:
Behçet’s disease (M35.2)
M45.4 Ankylosing spondylitis of throracic region
M45.5 Ankylosing spondylitis of thoracolumbar
M45.6 Ankylosing spondylitis of lumbar region
M45.7 Ankylosing spondylitis of lumbrosacral region
M45.8 Anklosing spondylitis of sacral and sacrococcygeal region
725 Polymyalgia
M35.3 Polymyalgia
Excludes 1:
Polymyalgia rheumatica
with giant cell arteritis
727.3 Other bursitis
M71.50 Other bursitis,
not elsewhere classified,
unspecified site
Excludes 1:
Bursitis NOS (M719_)
Excludes 2:
Bursitis of shoulder (M75.5)
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Hip - 5
Knee- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Vertebrae - 8
Multiple sites - 9
Right - 1
Left - 2
729.1 Myalgia and
myositis, unspecified
M79.7 Fibromyalgia
Excludes 2:
Pain in joint (M25.5_)
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
730.2 Unspecified
osteomyelitis [0-9]
ICD-10 Code Mapping
M86.10 Other acute
Related ICD-10 Codes
M86.9 Other osteomyelitis,
M86.60 Other chronic
ICD-10 Guidelines
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Hip - 5
Knee- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Vertebrae - 8
Multiple sites - 9
Right - 1
Left - 2
733.00 Osteoporosis
733.01 Senile Osteoporosis
733.02 Idiopathic
733.03 Disuse osteoporosis
733.10 Pathological fracture
unspecified site
M81.0 Age-related
M81.6 Localized
osteoporosis without current osteoporosis [Lequesne]
pathological fracture
M81.8 Other osteoporosis
without current pathological
Drug induced, idiopathic,
Use additional code to
Personal history of (healed)
osteoporosis fracture, if
applicable (Z87.310)
M80.00 Age-related
osteoporosis with current
pathological fracture,
unspecified site
Excludes 1:
Pathological fracture NOS
Excludes 1:
Osteoporosis with current
pathological fracture (M80._)
Sudeck’s atrophy (M89.0)
Use additional code for
adverse effect, if applicable,
to identify drug (T36-T50 with
fifth or sixth character 5)
Excludes 2:
Personal history of (healed)
osteoporosis fracture
(Z87.310) The appropriate
7th character is to be added
to each code from M80.
A - initial encounter for
D - subsequent encounter for
fracture with routine healing
S - sequela
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Humerus - 2
Forearm - 3
Hand - 4
Femur - 5
Lower leg- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Vertebrae - 8
Right - 1
Left - 2
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
733.90 Disorder of bone
and cartilage, unspecified
ICD-10 Code Mapping
Related ICD-10 Codes
M85.89 Other specified
disorders of bone density
and structure, multiple sites
ICD-10 Guidelines
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Humerus - 2
Forearm - 3
Hand - 4
Femur - 5
Lower leg- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Vertebrae - 8
Right - 1
Left - 2
Additional ICD-10 Codes
ICD-9 Code and
ICD-10 Code Mapping
Related ICD-10 Codes
ICD-10 Guidelines
250. Diabetes mellitus
E11.9 Type 2 diabetes
mellitus without
Use additional code to
identify any insulin use
266.2 Other B-complex
E53.8 Deficiency of other
specified B group vitamins
(vitamin B12)
Excludes 1:
Vitamin B12 deficiency
anemia (D51._)
268.9 Unspecified Vitamin
D deficiency
E55.9 Vitamin D deficiency,
278.01 Morbid obesity
E66.01 Morbid (severe)
obesity due to excess
285.9 Anemia, unspecified
D64.9 Anemia, unspecified
401.9 Unspecified
I10 Essential (primary)
Use additional code to
identify body mass index
(BMI), if known (Z68._)
Use additional
codes to identify:
Tobacco dependence
Tobacco use (Z72.0)
719.0 Effusion of joint [0-9]
M25.40 Effusion,
unspecified joint
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Hip - 5
Knee- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Other site - 8
Right - 1
Left - 2
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
719.4 Pain in joint [0-9]
ICD-10 Code Mapping
Related ICD-10 Codes
M25.50 Pain in unspecified
ICD-10 Guidelines
Excludes 2:
Pain in hand (M79.64_)
Pain in fingers (M79.64_)
Pain in foot (M79.67_)
Pain in limb (M79.6_)
Pain in toes (M79.67_)
Anatomical site:
Shoulder - 1
Elbow - 2
Wrist - 3
Hand - 4
Hip - 5
Knee- 6
Ankle and foot - 7
Right - 1
Left - 2
724.2 Lumbago
M54.5 Low back pain
724.5 Back pain
M54.9 Back pain, NOS
729.5 Pain in limb
M79.5 Pain in limb, hand,
foot, fingers and toes
Anatomical sites:
upper arm - 2
forearm - 3
hand and finger -4
thigh - 5
lower leg - 6
foot and toes - 7
Right - 1
Left - 2
729.5 Pain in limb
M79.60 Pain in limb
Anatomical sites:
right arm - 1
left arm - 2
right leg - 4
left leg - 5
729.81 Swelling of limb
M79.9 Soft tissue,
M79.89 Other specified
soft tissue disorders
780.79 Other malaise and
R53.83 Other Fatigue
R53.82 Chronic fatigue,
M79.89 is appropriate
for the following
anatomical sites:
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
ICD-10 Code Mapping
Related ICD-10 Codes
782.3 Edema
R60.9 Edema, unspecified
R60.0 Localized edema
789.0 Abdominal pain
R10.9 Unspecified
abdominal pain
R10.0 Acute abdomen
ICD-10 Guidelines
R60.1 Generalized edema
Excludes 1:
Generalized abdominal
pain NOS (R10.84)
Localized abdominal pain
(R10.1 - R10.3_)
790.1 Elevated
sedimentation rate
R70.0 Elevated erythrocyte
sedimentation rate
790.95 Elevated C-reactive
protein (CRP)
R79.82 Elevated C-reactive
protein [CRP]
Use additional code
to identify any retained
foreign body, if applicable
795.51 PPD Positive
R76.11 PPD Positive
Excludes 1:
Nonspecific reaction to
795.52 Nonspecific
reaction to QFT
R76.12 Nonspecific
reaction to QFT
Excludes 1:
PPD positive
795.79 Other and
unspecified nonspecific
immunological findings
R76.0 Raised antibody titer
V01.1 Contact with or
exposure to tuberculosis
Z20.1 Contact with and
(suspected) exposure to
V22.2 Pregnant state,
Z33.1 Pregnant state,
V58.61 Long-term (current)
use of anticoagulants
Z79.01 Long-term use of
V58.64 Long-term (current)
use of non-steroidal antiinflammatories (NSAID)
Z79.1 Long-term (current)
use of non-steroidal antiinflammatories (NSAID)
V58.65 Long-term (current)
use of steroids
Z79.5_ Long-term (current)
use of steroids
Z79.51 Long-term
(current) use of inhaled
Z79.52 Long-term (current)
use of systemic steroids
V58.69 Long-term (current)
use of other medications
Z79.899 Other long-term
(current) drug therapy
Use this code for long term
use of biologics
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.
ICD-9 Code and
N/A Nicotine dependence
ICD-10 Code Mapping
F17.20_ Nicotine
dependence, unspecified
Related ICD-10 Codes
F17.21_ Nicotine
dependence, cigarettes
F17.22_ Nicotine
dependence, chewing
F17.29_ Nicotine
dependence, other
tobacco product
ICD-10 Guidelines
Excludes 1:
History of tobacco
dependence (Z87.891)
Tobacco use NOS (Z72.0)
Excludes 2:
Tocacco use (smoking)
during pregnancy,
childbirth and the
puerperium (O99.33_)
Stages of dependence:
Uncomplicated - 0
In remission - 1
Withdrawal - 3
N/A Tobacco use
Z72.0 Tobacco use
Excludes 1: History of
tobacco dependence
Current nicotine
dependence (F17.2_)
N/A Personal history of
nicotine dependence
Z87.891 Personal history
of nicotine dependence
Excludes 1:
Current nicotine
dependence (F17.2_)
ICD-9 and ICD-10 numeric codes and description are copyrighted by the World Health Organization. All rights reserved 2015.