PowerPoint 簡報

F.4 English Project (2001-2002)
Pictorial Book Report
With A Creative Ending
Story Title:A Seed
Instead of choosing
one of my assistants
or one of my own
Emperor was growing old and
knew it was coming time to
choose his successor.
I want you to go
home,plant the seed,and
come back here one year
from today .Then I will
choose the next
emperor !
One boy named Ling
was there that day ,like
the others,received a
seed .He told his mother
the whole story.
Every day he
would water it
And watch to see if
It had grown.
Other youths talked about their
seed The plants were beginning
To grow. Ling checked his seed,
But nothing ever grew.
Five week went by .Still nothing.
three weeks
Six months went by , still nothing
in Ling`s pot .
Everyone else had trees and tall
One year past, Ling told his mother ….
But his mother encouraged him to be honest about
what happened.
Ling took his empty pot to the palace.
I was not
going to
take the
pot to the
Ling arrived,he was amazed at the variety of
Plants grown by all the other youths.
They were beautiful,in all sizes
Many of the other kinds laughed at him.
nice try!
You are an honest
boy.Because all
the seeds would
not grow
anything.You are
the honest
youth.You will be a
good emperor.
Emperor chose Ling to
be the next emperor.
At last Ling really became
A good emperor.He
Let his country become richer
And stronger!!
Name:Chan Wah
Ng Chui Ping
Cheung Tung Yee