Numeric Abstract Domains Mooly Sagiv Tel Aviv University 640-6706 Adapted from Antoine Mine 1 Subjects Goals Infer inductive invariants on numeric values Abstract sets of points in P(Rn) Applications: – Array bound – Termination » infer ranking functions with value in N – Cost Analysis » time, memory consumption are numeric quantities – Pointer analysis with pointer arithmetic » pointer offest – String analysis in C » Length, index Numeric Semantics Arithmetic Expressions & Commands ::= V V Var| | - <exp> | <exp> op <exp> op {+, -, , /}| | [c, c’] c, c’ R {-, } <com> ::= V := <exp> V Var | assume <exp> relop 0 | assert <exp> relop 0 relop {=, , <,>, , } Control Flow Graph G(N, E, s) where ENN is annotated with commands <exp> – s N is the start node Example Program 1 1: X := [1, 10] ; 2: Y := 100; X := [1, 10] 2 while 3: X>= 0 do { 4: X := X – 1; Y := [100, 100] assume X<0 3 5: Y := Y + 10 } 6 assume X0 Y := Y +10 4 6: X := X -1 5 Concrete Operational Semantics Semantics of Expressions = Var R Semantics E : <exp> R E V = V E c, c’ = { x R | c x c’} E -<exp> = { - x | x E <exp> } E <exp> op <exp’> ={x op x’ | x E <exp> , x’ E <exp’> } op {+, -, } E <exp> / <exp’> = States Semantics of Commands = Var R Semantics C : <com> P() P() C V := <exp> Z = { [V x] | Z, x E <exp> } C assume <exp> relop 0 Z ={| Z, x E <exp> : x relop 0 } C assert <exp> relop 0 Z States Distributivity C exp is distributive C exp ( Z) = Z C exp {} Concrete Semantics of Programs G(s, N, E) : P() N P() – The set of reachable states – D = <P(), , , , , ) The smallest simultaneous solution to the set of equations G(s, N, E) CSs = CSn = <m, c, n>E C c s CSm n defined from Tarski’s theorem but not computable Uniquely Numeric Abstract Domains Representation: a set D# of representable abstract values <D#, #, #, #, #, #) – relating the amount of information given by abstract values A concretization function : D# D = P() = P(VarR) Required algebraic properties: – need to be monotonic: d # d’ d # d’ – Strictness # = – # = Var R need not be one-to-one Numeric Abstract Domain Examples y y x y x y x x signs intervals octagons x 0 polyhedra x [a, b] x y c ai xi c Requirements on abstract operators Algorithmic requirements – For each c <cmd>, c# c : D# D# is computable – Algorithm for # » Used for merging control paths and iterations – Algorithm for » Used for assume – Algorithm for # » Used for checking termination Abstract Semantics of Programs G(s, N, E) : D# N D# – The set of reachable abstract states – D# = <D#, #, #, #, #, #) The smallest simultaneous solution to the set of equations G(s, N, E) # # ASs = # Uniquely ASn = s # <m, c, n>E C # c ASm defined from Tarski’s theorem n Soundness The smallest simultaneous solution to the set of equations G(s, N, E) – CS CSs = CSn = Any # c CSm solution AS set of equations ns G(s, N, E) ASs = # ASn = s CS <m, c, n>E C # <m, c, n>E C AS for all n N # c ASm n # Soundness requirement # For each c <cmd>, d D#, cc( d) (c # c d) Set of states command c C c Set of states D# Set of states command c C#c D# Optimality (induced operation) existence of abstraction : D D# such that <, > form a Galois connection Define c c # = d. (c c ( d) may not exist c c # may be hard to compute Requires Widening Accelerate the termination of Chaotic iterations by computing a more conservative solution Can handle lattices of infinite heights : D# D# D# such that – d # d’ d d’ – For every increasing chain d#1 d#2 …, » The sequence s0 = d#0 and si+1 = si d#i is finite Chaotic Iterations with widening for each n in N do AS[v] := # AS[s] = # WL = {s} while (WL ) do select and remove an element m WL for each n, such that. (m, c, n) E do temp = cc# AS[m] if m is a loop header then new := AS(n) temp else new := AS(n) # temp if (new AS[n]) then AS[n] := new; WL := WL {n} Non-Relational Abstractions Cartezian Abstraction (independent attribute) Forget the relationship between variables Example Program 1 X := [1, 10] 2 Y := [100, 100] assume X<0 3 assume X0 Y := Y +10 4 X := X -1 5 The Interval Domain The Interval Domain [Moore’66, Cousot’76] # D# = {[a, b] | a b R or a=- or b= } # = [-, ] d # d’ = if d = # then d’ else if d’ = # then d else let d=[a, b] and d’=[c, d] in [min(a, c), max(b, d)] d # d’ = if d = # then # else if d’ = # then # else let d=[a, b] and d’=[c, d] in let l = max(a, c) and u= min(b, d) if l > u then # else [l, u] d d’ = if d = # then d’ else else let d=[a, b] and d’=[c, d] in [if ac then a else -, if bd then b else ] Galois Connection Abstract Expressions Abstract Assignments Optimality (Induced) Abstract Assume Example Program 1 X := 0 2 assume X40 assume X<40 X := X+1 3 Relational Domains The need for relational domains Non-relation domains cannot represent variable relationships Y :=0; while true do { X:=[-128,128]; D:=[0,16]; S:=Y; Y:=X; R:=X-S; if R<=-D then Y:=S-D fi; if R>=D then Y:=S+D fi } X: input signal Y: output signal S: last output R: Y-S D: max allowed for |R| The need for relational domains Infer strong enough inductive invariants X:=0; I:=1; while I<5000 do { if … then X:=X+1 else X:=X-1 fi; I:=I+1 } The need for relational domains Modular analysis of procedures Z :=X ; if Y > Z then Z :=Y ; if Z < 0 then Z :=0; Weakly Relational Domains The Zone Domain [Shacham’00, Mine’01] Constrains of the form Vi – Vj c Vi c Machine Representation potential constraint has the form Vi – Vj c Represented as a directed graph G A – Nodes are labeled with variables – An arc with weight c from Vi to Vj for each constraint Vi – Vj c Difference Bound Matrix (DBM) – Adjacency matrix m of G – mij = c < Vi – Vj c – mij = No such constraints Concretization Machine Representation (cont) Unary – – – – – constraints Add another variable V0 m has size n+1 n+1 Vi c is denoted as Vi -V0 c, i.e., mi,0 = c Vi c is denoted as V0 - Vi -c, i.e., m0,i = -c m = { (v1, v2, …, vn) | (0, v1, v2, …, vn) m} V0 V1 V2 V0 + 4 3 V1 -1 + + V2 -1 1 + The DBM Lattice Relational Domains The Polyhedra Domain [CH’78] i j ai, j xi, j ci Summary Numerical Domains are Powerful Infer interesting invariants Cost is an issue Need to combine with other domains Next week some applications
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