A Modern Strategy: Integrating Sustainability into Investment

A Modern Strategy: Integrating Sustainability into Investment Decision Making
MSCI ESG Research
Linda‐Eling Lee
March 30, 2015
©2015 MSCI Inc. All rights reserved.
MSCI ESG Research
200+ staff members dedicated full time to ESG business, including 140+ ESG research analysts
Over 125 asset owner clients with more than $4.4 trillion in assets globally
Over 900 clients in total with more than $15 trillion in assets globally
Over 40 years experience in ESG (IRRC, KLD, Innovest, GMI Ratings)
ESG Expertise
San Francisco
New York
Hong Kong
Cape Town
The World is Changing
#1: Companies face a shifting landscape…
2.6x 18%
Percent of irrigated US land area is currently facing water stress
Increase in corporate Increase in shareholder breaches by hackers from resolutions targeting 2009 to 2014
company strategy from 2009 to 2014
Source: MSCI Research;
Source: Identity Theft Resources Center, 2014;
Source: MSCI ESG Research;
The World is Changing
#2: Companies face hyper‐scrutiny in an interconnected world
Google trends data shows marked increase in ESG related search terms on web and news publications since 2008.
Source: Google Trends; www.google.com/trends
The World is Changing
#3: Asset Owners are asking different questions
More than 50% of US‐based asset managers received institutional client requests for ESG or SRI mandates in 2014.* Over 270 Asset Owners with $20 trillion in assets have committed to ESG integration
**Source: According to Cerulli Associates. http://www.institutionalassetmanager.co.uk/2015/02/03/217575/more‐50‐
Source: unpri.org
The World is Changing
What Investors Know
Higher cost of capital
for poor ESG performers, including loan debt, bond debt, and cost of equity.
Source: Chava, 2011; 20+ studies, both academic and industry
Higher volatility
for poor ESG performers and after ESG events such as spills, labor strikes, and fraud.
Sources: Lansilahti, 2012; Credit Suisse; Deutsche Bank; MSCI ESG Research, et al.
Accounting irregularities and performance
linked to ESG and broad governance factors.
Sources: Huang, 2010; Bhagat and Bolton, 2008; Cremers et al., 2005; Deutsche Bank, 2012; ISS, 2011; et al.
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Is this company an outlier?
Mexico; 27%*
Court battles over
Land Disputes
Pueblo Viejo
Dominican Republic; 7%*
Community-filed lawsuit
against alleged
environmental damage
Los Filos
Mexico; 9%*
Month-long suspension in
2014 due to
disagreements with local
El Morro
Chile; 17%*
Suspended following
environmental court
Source MSCI ESG Research
Guatemala; 1%*
History of violence and
allegations of HR
* Metal Resources
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Is this company an outlier?
Exposure of MSCI ACWI Precious Metals & Mining projects to locations at risk for community conflict
Indigenous Population: 13.3 million; 11.1% of total
Grupo Mexico, Minera Frisco, Southern Copper
Forest People: Indigenous Population: 13 million; 44% of total
275 million; 22.5% of total
FCX, Grupo Mexico, Jiangxi Copper, Rio Tinto, Southern Copper, Teck, Vale
Coal India, JSPL, JSW, POSCO, Rio Tinto, Sesa
Sterlite, Tata Steel, Vedanta
Source: Forest Peoples Programme, MSCI ESG Research, data as of January 2015 8
Next Generation ESG Analytics Centerra
Is this company an outlier?
% Value of Metal Resources With Ongoing Protests/Lawsuits*
Anglogold Ashanti
Industrias Penoles
Pan American
Gold Fields
58% 57%
% Value of Metal Resources Exposed to High Risk of Community Conflict*
30% 29%
*Open cut operations only, data as of January 2015; Source: MSCI ESG Research
15% 12% 12%
8% 6% 5%
*New or ongoing controversies within the last 3 years, as of January 2015
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Where are the vulnerabilities?
Power Generation Facilities
Utilities Industry, MSCI USA IMI
Source: MSCI ESG Research, SNL Financial, Center for Hazards and Risk Research (Columbia University), MunichRe; Data as of Dec 2014
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Where are the vulnerabilities?
Flood Risk
% of Power Generated
% of Capacity in High Frequency Flood Zones
Source: MSCI ESG Research, SNL Financial, Center for Hazards and Risk Research (Columbia University); analysis as of Dec 2014.
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Where are the vulnerabilities?
Category 3, 4, and 5 Storms
% of Power Generated
% of Capacity At Risk of Damage
Source: MSCI ESG Research, SNL Financial, Center for Hazards and Risk Research (Columbia University); analysis as of Dec 2014.
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Where are the vulnerabilities?
Category 2 Storms
% of Power Generated
% of Capacity At Risk of Damage
Source: MSCI ESG Research, SNL Financial, Center for Hazards and Risk Research (Columbia University); analysis as of Dec 2014.
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Where are the vulnerabilities?
% of Power Generated
Category 1 Storms % of Capacity At Risk of Damage
Source: MSCI ESG Research, SNL Financial, Center for Hazards and Risk Research (Columbia University); analysis as of Dec 2014.
Distilling the data to an actionable investment signal
MSCI ESG Ratings
(the positive outlier)
(the negative outlier)
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Distilling the Signal from the Data
Market convergence on method to generate a signal:
• Focus on material ESG factors by industry;
• Focus on objectivity and risk, not disclosure;
• Focus on best in class, not business type exclusion
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Distilling the Signal from the Data
Market convergence on method to generate a signal:
• Focus on material ESG factors by industry;
• Focus on objectivity and risk, not disclosure;
• Focus on best in class, not business type exclusion
Next Generation ESG Analytics
Distilling the Signal from the Data
Market convergence on method to generate a signal:
• Focus on material ESG factors by industry;
• Focus on objectivity and risk, not disclosure;
• Focus on best in class, not business type exclusion
Modern Approaches to Incorporating ESG into Investment Decision Making Use Case: Fundamental Analysis
ESG factors are recognized as an additional source of risk when valuing the company.
ESG stakeholders
Accessed by all analysts and PMs ESG Team – 3 people mostly focused on corporate governance and engagement
Data Access
MSCI ESG ratings and scores ingested into internal system
Data, Company and industry reports accessed by ESG analysts through ESGM and FactSet
• LOCATION: Netherlands
• AUM: EUR 60 BN • ESG integrated in fixed income and equities
MSCI ESG Ratings are used as one of the variables to
determine the discount rate used in DCF
MSCI ESG Ratings
Incorporate ESG risk and opportunities assessment within the fundamental analysis of their holdings
Company’s DCF are found based on the ESG adjusted discount rate
Discount Rate
Integration Process
Modern Approaches to Incorporating ESG into Investment Decision Making Use Case: Risk Management
MSCI (BarraOne);
Clients increasingly using enterprise risk and portfolio
risk tools like Barra to identify ESG risks.
Modern Approaches to Incorporating ESG into Investment Decision Making Use Case: Portfolio Construction – Alpha Strategies
Interestingly, on average, companies that exhibit accounting irregularities also rate poorly on ESG metrics. These companies have below average governance, social and environmental scores.
We use our HOLT scorecard to focus in on the more highly rated stocks in the IVA framework to see if we can enhance performance with its overlay.
Source: ESG Investing Themes, Credit Suisse, October 2012;
Deutsche Bank Market Research: A Darwinian Approach to Detecting Accounting Irregularities (2015);
Modern Approaches to Investment Decision Making Use Case: Portfolio Construction – Factor Enhancement
Northern Trust , Doing Well by Doing Good (2013);
Northern Trust combines its Northern Trust Quality Score, a quality
factor model, with ESG ratings as another factor to enhance returns.
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