Health Service Executive National Human Resources Coaching

 Health Service Executive National Human Resources HSE Human Resource[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.] Coaching Service May 2017 In conjunction with Health Services People Strategy 2015‐2018 Leaders in People Services & International Coaching Week 15th to 21st May 2017
Page 1 of 9 Healtth Seervice E
Executivve nal C
ng Seervice
Page 2 of 9 Coaachingg for D
ent Coach
hing is a prottected confid
dential spacee of support for staff where they cann bring issuess and leave aa sessio
on with a cleear plan on w
what they aree going to do
o about a particular piecee of work. C
Coaching comp
prises a seriees of phone, fface‐to‐face or MS Lync//Skype sessio
ons. As a clieent you will sset the agenda for th
he coaching ssession. Intern
national Coaaching Federation define s coaching as “partnering
g with clients
ts in a though
g and creattive process tthat inspires them to maxximize their personal and
d professionaal potential, which is particcularly important in toda
ay's uncertainn and compllex environm
ment”. Coach
wing field an
nd increasinggly recognise
ed by individu
uals and orgaanizations th
hroughout th
he hing is a grow
d. Coaching iis future orie
entated and aaims to help
p people whe
en they feel sstuck and wa
ant to bring about personal ch
hange in their lives and w
work, to shiftt their perspective, reflecct on their ch
hoices and realisse their indivvidual potenttial. This yyear saw thee further emb
bedding of thhe coaching resource forr staff througghout the HSSE. Coachingg is now part of all management a
and developpment prograammes provided by the N
National Hum
man Resourcces hip Education and Talentt Manageme
ent. It is not confined to those particcipating in Divisiion, Leadersh
coursses and is avaailable to every employeee working in
n the Health Service Execcutive (HSE). The sservice is recognised exte
ernally, and hhas received
d a number o
of awards froom the Intern
national Coaching Federation – Irish
h Chapter, Irish Institute of Training D
Developmentt and CIPD‐N
Northern Ireland since itss ption. In 201
15 two HSE coaches in th e former HSE West were
e nominated as “coach of the year” b
by incep
the In
nternational Coaching Fe
ederation. N
Niall Gogarty one of the fo
ormer HSE D
Dublin North East Coachees was aawarded the International Coaching Federation EExecutive Coach of the Yeear 2015. In Deecember 2016 the Nation
nal Human Reesources Divvision won th
he Prestigiouus Presidentss Award of th
he Intern
national Coaaching Federation Irelandd(ICF). The IC
CF is the lead
ding global oorganisation dedicated to
o advan
ncing the coaaching profe
ession by settting high standards, provviding indepeendent certification, and
d building a worldw
wide networkk of credentiialed coaches. Accepting the award,, Ms. Rosarii Mannion, Natio
onal HR Direcctor HSE said
d she is ‘thril led to accept the ICF Irish Chapter Prresidents Aw
ward. The usee of coach
hing is a key enabler and support to tthe impleme
entation of th
he Health Seervice People
e Strategy ‐ Leadeers in Peoplee Services. Th
he HR Divisioon has design
ned and implemented a Coaching Support Progrramme acrosss the organiisation and iss actively pro
omoting and
d communicaating the ben
nefits of coach
hing, helpingg front line w
workers to haave quality co
onversationss in very diffficult circumstances to enhance the conn
nection to pa
atient care. CCoaching is u
used to help develop a m
more engaged
d workplace and will assist greatly with the roll out of Perfoormance Ach
hievement p
process’. Seleccting and acccessing a coach can be doone confiden
ntially either by contactinng National H
Human Resou
urces Divisio
on, Workplacce Relations U
Unit, Staff Development Section by eemail [email protected] or online to access one o
of the 70 coa
aches from t he Connect Coaching Netw
oring Page 3 of 9 National Human Resources Division, Workplace Relations Unit, Staff Development Section support the professional development of coaches by 1. Linking in with and being a member of accrediting bodies such as the International Coach Federation and the Association for Coaching 2. Facilitating on‐going educational activities and developing the service through a strategic plan. 3. Access to Continuous Professional Development Sessions throughout the year. Research has shown the benefits of coaching include improved work performance and enhanced decision‐
making skills. Page 4 of 9 An Interview with a Coaching Client about their Experience of coaching Q1. Please tell me about your role and background in to the HSE? I have been working as a manager in the primary care sector for the past three years. Q 2: What enticed you to take up coaching? I started working in the HSE in 2013, and saw coaching advertised as a service on the coaching section of HSELand and thought it would be useful in helping me find my way around a new job. However it was not until I returned from work after some leave that I availed of the service. On returning to work, I experienced difficulties within my job in trying to rebuild the service and in re‐establishing my role function and confidence. I also experienced difficulties in balancing different work‐related tasks. After completing the First Time Managers Programme, coaching was suggested as a resource, so I decided to give it ago. Q3. Can you explain what coaching has meant to you? Primarily coaching gave me the opportunity to think about my work in very specific ways. I had a lot of projects to face and increasing demands such as limited resources, waiting lists, human resource‐related difficulties, which I found very challenging. Bringing these difficulties to coaching helped me to think about them in a way that I would not end up stressed or worried. Coaching helped me to successfully break down these projects and difficulties into smaller steps or actions. The process helped me to arrange my time more effectively and prioritise. Coaching for me has been a journey of self development. It has encouraged me to use more of the skills that I already have and helped me to differentiate my two roles as a clinician/service provider and as a manager. Finally after returning to work, coaching was a very supportive process in helping me to re‐establish myself. Q4. Have there been any decisions or actions that coaching has given you the courage to do that you might not have done otherwise? Yes – one example I experienced was a performance management‐related issue with a member of staff. Coaching helped to manage the situation correctly using appropriate methods of communication while keeping in‐line with HSE policies and procedures. Coaching enabled me to assess the situation by allowing me to bring the issue from a personal level to a professional practice level. As HR issues can be very complex, coaching helped me to understand the situation better, learn from what my staff member was saying and not allow myself to be affected by the criticism. My coach helped me to source performance management tools, techniques and information which enabled me to resolve this issue. Coaching gave me the confidence to resolve the situation and the support to create the awareness to move me forward towards actions. Q5. What did you like about the ‘coaching’ way of working with you? I found the ‘coaching’ way very personable. I like the way that my coach contracted with me at the beginning of each sessions re the focus, which gave me a clear direction. Coaching is about focusing on the present and moving forward – I like that way of working. There was very little performance anxiety for example... I was not given homework to do. And I like the way in which I had to come up with my own action plan. I felt the time in coaching was mine to use it how I wanted however my coach was very good at keeping focus. In summary coaching offers a lot of valuable competencies ‐ active listening, creating trust, and awareness, action planning and goal‐setting. Page 5 of 9 Q6. If you were to advise a colleague to take up coaching, what might you say to them? I have advised many of my colleagues to take up coaching. I advise them that coaching provides a time and space where you can bring specific work‐related pieces. It is a great way to provide you with a space to help you move forward on pieces of work that you may feel you are getting “bogged down” on. Coaching offers an opportunity to talk things over with your coach. I also advised my colleagues about the level of expertise my coach had and how easily accessible it is to have a coaching session, for example on the telephone. I assured my colleagues that the coaching session is completely confidential to you and your coach and will provide a great support to you. I now have coaching on a support list for my colleagues to use as a resource if they feel they need to avail of the service. Q7. Have you been able to use “coaching” on a daily basis at work? Yes I have. An example of this is I had a meeting within my team in which there was a lot of discussion about issues they felt needed to be raised. I was able to utilise the coaching techniques received from my sessions to resolve this situation by firstly identifying the issues at hand and breaking them down into manageable and prioritised parts. First part was to review a particular policy; second part was the drafting up of a strategy to tackle a current problem and thirdly was putting this issue on the next agenda for immediate attention for the next team meeting for further follow up. Page 6 of 9 Benefits of Coaching Coaching is a protected space of support for staff, where they can bring issues, and leave a session with a clear plan on what they are going to do about a particular piece of work. In these difficult times, it is extremely useful for managers to be able to access this type of support. Benefits of Using a Coach ‐ some evidence Professional coaching brings many benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision‐making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. And, the list does not end there. Those who undertake coaching also can expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals. Increased Productivity Professional coaching maximizes potential and, therefore, unlocks latent sources of productivity. Positive People Building the self‐confidence of employees to face challenges is critical in meeting organizational demands. Satisfied Clients Virtually all companies and individuals who hire a coach are satisfied. Source:‐ International Coaching Federation Page 7 of 9 Furrther C
houghtss: “I feeel coaching eencourages p
positive hum an potentiall. Coaching w
would particuularly benefiit people who are feelin
ng very “burn
nt out” or ne
egative withiin their role tto help them
m see perspe ctive.” wed me to p
positively approach at m
my work and to identify w
who I “I feeel the coachiing methodical has allow
am and what my skills set are
e.” Ho
ow I do I accesss a Coaach fro
om the HSE Naational Humaan Ressources Coach
hing Seervice? Finding a ccoach ca
an happ
pen in tw
wo way
ys. Contaact the Natio
onal Human Resources D
Division, Worrkplace Relattions Unit, Sttaff Developm
ment Section
n Phone: 046 92517
790 Email: hrr.staffdevelo
[email protected] nect Coachin
ng Website, yyou can view
w the names of HSE coachhes available
e, view their By ussing the Conn
profilles and thoughts on coacching and se lect a coach you believe will be right for you. Enterr Website Ad
ddress nectcoachinggandmentorring from you
ur internet bbrowser. Cho
oose “Find a 
Coach”. Regisster for Coacching 
Completee the “Registter for Coachhing” online form and click on “Creatte Account”. 
Your acco
ount details a
and a usernaame and passsword will be emailed too you. Check your email and log in 
ect Coaching Website usiing this Username and Paassword. (Co
opy your Log in agaain to Conne
d from the em
mail and passte it in to the Password ffiled in webssite – you can change your password
d to an easy tto remembeer one later.) 
After you
u log in, there
e will be a nootification th
hat you have an open coaaching reque
est. Find aa Coach 
Click on ‘Find a Coach
h’ and select your coach again. Then click on ‘Sennd Request’. 
Your coacching requesst will be em ailed to your selected co
oach and youu will receive
e an email to confirm tthis. Page 8 of 9 More Information is available on: or Health Service Executive Coaching Guidelines Page 9 of 9