
Instructor Drop Rosters
T. J. Baugus, California Solutions Center,
Dottie Marron, Principal Consultant, SungardHE
Why do Faculty Need Drop Rosters?
• CCCs are required to clear class rolls prior to
census dates to ensure that students who never
attended or who have stopped attending a class
are not counted in census enrollment.
• The CALB Drop Roster functionality allows
faculty members to maintain their drop rosters
in Faculty and Advisor Self-Service.
Setting Up the Drop Rosters
• Set up the Class Schedule and Registration Rules
– Set the Part of Term Default dates on SOATERM
– Set up the calendar rules on SSAACRL
– Set up the excluded calendar dates on SSAEXCL
– Set up the drop codes on SVADROP
• Set up the Drop Roster Rules
– Set up the Drop Roster rules on SVARORL
Set up the Part of term Default dates on SOATERM
• The default dates are used if no calendar type is assigned to
a section on SSAACCL
Set up the Calendar Rules on SSAACRL
• Set up calendar rules for at least 2 types of
calendars—date-based and percentage-based
Set up the Excluded Calendar Dates on SSAEXCL
• Days when classes are not meeting are entered on
Set up the Drop Codes on SVADROP
• Enter codes for Student drops and Faculty drops. The same
codes can be used for both, but you may want two sets of
Set up the Drop Roster Rules on SVARORL
• Build at least one rule here. If colleges distribute
multiple rosters, multiple roster rules will be
Types of Drop Rosters
• Total Roster Rule
– If the CRN is using a Total Roster, there is no need for any of the
other roster types, as the Total Roster covers the entire range of
the CRN. For a traditional CRN, its starting available date is
based on the CALB calculated start date. For an open learning
CRN, its starting available date is based on the CRN’s First Start
– The last available date is based on the end date of the CRN. If
the CRN is a traditional CRN, this is the end date specified in the
Part of Term End field of SSASECT. If the CRN is an open
learning CRN this is the calculated last permitted end date a
student can enter in registration or the last possible day of
instruction allowed
Types of Drop Rosters
• Opening Day Roster
– This roster type would generally cover the date
range near the start of the CRN. For a traditional
CRN, its available dates are based on the CALB
calculated start date. For an open learning CRN, its
available dates are based on the CRN’s First Start
Date found on SSASECT
Types of Drop Rosters
• Census Roster
– will create one or two Census Rosters. This roster type would
generally cover the date range near the census-1 date of the
CRN, and its available dates are based on that date.
– If the CRN is a two-census-average CRN by the regulations,
the CRN will have two census rosters available to it. However,
only one census roster rule will be defined for and matched
to the CRN. That one rule will be used to create a census-1
roster based on the census-1 date and a census-2 roster
based upon the census-2 date. In this situation, you could
have four rosters for the CRN, but the CRN is still using only
three roster rules.
Types of Drop Rosters
• W-Grade Roster
– This roster type would generally cover the date
range near the “Last Date to Drop Without a
Penalty” date of the CRN, and its available dates are
based on that date.
Other Drop Roster Actions
• Disable a drop roster for a section on SSAWSEC
View Roster Rules for a section
• Drop roster rules for a section can be viewed on SVISECH
Run the Drop Roster Status List Report
• Drop roster rules for sections can be viewed on the Drop
Roster Status List Report (SVRROST)
Using Drop Rosters
View Roster Status on the Web
• Access Faculty and Advisor Self-Service.
1. Select Drop Roster Status on the Faculty and
Advisor menu.
2. When the Term Selection page is displayed, select
the desired term in the Select a Term field.
3. Click Submit.
4. The Drop Roster Status page is displayed.
Drops Submitted on the Web
View Roster Status on the Web
Drop Students on the Web
Access Faculty and Advisor Self-Service.
1. Select Drop Roster Status on the Faculty and Advisor menu.
2. Select a term
3. Select a CRN
4. When the Drop Roster Maintenance page is displayed, change
the value in the Action field to a drop status for each student you
want to drop. There will be at least one drop status available; if an
optional “no show” status is available for the roster, this will also
be displayed.
5. Click Submit.
6. When the Drop Roster Maintenance Confirmation page is
displayed, review the records and Submit or Cancel.
Drop Students on the Web
Select the drop from the drop-down list. Only one option should
display in the drop-down list.
Drop Students on the Web
Confirm students being dropped by clicking
the Submit Changes button
Drop Students on the Web
Drop Students on the Web
The drop is immediately
recorded on SFAREGS
Confirm Without Dropping Students
If no students are being dropped, the faculty member must still
confirm that the roster has been reviewed and there are no drops
• Access Faculty and Advisor Self-Service.
1. Select Drop Roster Status on the Faculty and Advisor
2. Select a term
3. Select a CRN
4. When the Drop Roster Maintenance page is displayed, click
Submit without changing the value in the Action field for any
5. When the Drop Roster Maintenance Confirmation page is
displayed, click Submit Changes.
Drop rosters are set up as part of the start of term processes
Forms used in setting up drop rosters are:
Multiple roster rules can be built on SVARORL
Drop dates can be viewed on SVISECH or SVRROST
Instructors enter drops on the Web and confirm drops
If no students need to be dropped, instructors confirm rosters