Case Study: Launch of Novel Delivery System DoD Field Sales Team

Case Study: Launch of Novel Delivery System
DoD Field Sales Team
Situation: Client had limited market penetration into the DoD space with its Postsurgical Analgesia
product. Client reported hitting roadblocks and barriers, limiting DoD market growth across target bases
and no exposure to specialty markets.
Objective: Establish Postsurgical Analgesia product within the DoD market space.
Solutions Provided:
—  Introduced Postsurgical Analgesia to targeted bases
thru 1 on 1 presentations with CS & SA.
—  Created awareness & advocacy, trial utilization,
identified all obstacles, formulary wins, and utilization
Integrated appropriate client resources into
specialty with CES/SA/Hosp/VSR support.
Identified and recorded all important aspects
specific to specialties: Outcomes Data,
Market Potential, Niche DoD Markets.
—  Remedy DoD Field Sales Team gained access and
focused on top Institutions for an overall formulary
influencer strategy.
—  Utilized identified resource as national CS/SA to
reduce burden on client
RG DoD Field Sales Team: 2014 Remedy Resources: 4 FSR's ROI 16 to 1