A unique solution for utility companies using new

A unique solution for utility companies
using new WEBCOM services
On 30 May 2013, WEBCOM a. s. introduced the first Czech version of the UMAX™ solution. The
UMAX™ solution is an innovative, flexible and modern ERP solution, specially designed for utility
companies active in the energy or water industry, which allows companies to better control and
integrate business processes, to optimise operating margins and to have a detailed view of the
customer and the services provided to the different customer segments.
This month, WEBCOM celebrates its first year of successful cooperation with the Belgian company
Itineris, which actually developed UMAX™ – a unique solution for utility companies. Thanks to this
partnership, WEBCOM a.s. was able to enter the Czech and Slovak markets as a major supplier of the
international UMAX™ solution, which fully complies with the requirements and specifics of the utilities
market and helps resolve regulatory and market changes in a flexible manner while maintaining
company business processes.
Mr. Stanislav Hlobilek, WEBCOM a.s. CEO evaluates the cooperation in the following way: "We are
very pleased to have become a registered partner of Itineris`s UMAX™ software. This cooperation is
very important for us. UMAX™ is the leading solution on the Microsoft Dynamics AX technology.
Itineris is a utilities market expert, as evidenced by the dozens of important customers around the
world. Our company wants to be the leading supplier of business systems for utility companies in the
Czech and Slovak Republic, and to be able to provide high-quality services based on high standards
of customer satisfaction."
During the first year of mutual partnership, both WEBCOM and Itineris worked on localising UMAX™
into Czech language, and also on mutual international projects in order to help WEBCOM a. s. to
become the expert in the ERP area in the utilities market. UMAX™ is based on the Microsoft
Dynamics AX platform and is a Microsoft certified solution. This makes the software solution fully
compatible with other Microsoft products (BizTalk, SQL) user-friendly & intuitive like MS Office. In
addition Microsoft Dynamics AX provides professional solutions for midsize and large organisations to
flexibly adapt to all company needs and processes.
Mr. Martin Dlabač, WEBCOM Sales Manager for utility solutions says: "Thanks to intensive
cooperation with Itineris we can now introduce the first Czech version of the UMAX™ solution, which
we are currently perfecting and improving. However, it can already be comfortably implemented in
customer systems at utility companies."
WEBCOM a. s. presented the first Czech version of the UMAX™ solution on 30 May 2013 in the
Dancing House in Prague during a meeting specifically dedicated to Czech & Slovak utility companies.
Participants learned not only about the specialised UMAX™ business solution for utilities, but also had
the opportunity to listen to an inspiring talk given by Mr. Rudolph Regter, the Managing Director of the
Delta multi-utility company, during which Mr. Regter shared his rich experience in the Dutch utility
space and explained the benefits of the UMAX™ solution implemented at Delta.
What is the UMAX™ solution?
UMAX™ is an innovative and valuable business solution which supports utility companies in
optimising business processes: integrating CRM systems used for customer relationship management
with invoicing modules, collecting of payments and service and facility management. It provides utility
companies with effective tools and pre-set processes necessary to increase sales and profits, to
reduce the time needed to introduce products onto the market and to streamline operations and
customer services, which of course, result in an overall reduction of costs. UMAX™ is a flexible
solution that supports all commodities in the utility industry, which is built on the Microsoft Dynamics
AX 2012 platform and is certified by Microsoft.
About WEBCOM a. s.
WEBCOM a. s. is a provider of the unique UMAX™ solution and a registered partner of Itineris in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia. It offers software solutions built on the Microsoft Dynamics platform.
WEBCOM a.s. is one of the leading Microsoft partners in the field of company business solutions. It is
a member of the Microsoft Dynamics partner group with the highest competence in the area of ERP
and CRM systems – it also enjoys Gold Enterprise Resource Planning Partner status and is a Gold
Customer Relationship Management partner.
WEBCOM has gained Master VAR status (Value Added Reseller) for the Czech Republic and
Slovakia. The new business model will allow WEBCOM to distribute basic and industry-specific
Microsoft Dynamics solutions in its own network under the Webcom Dynamics Network brand name.
Therefore, top Microsoft Dynamics solutions will also become available to medium and small
businesses, while maintaining high standards of functionality, service and support.
About Itineris
Itineris is a software group, which is 100% focused on the utilities industry and has offices in Belgium,
the Netherlands & North America. Itineris is a Microsoft Gold Partner for ERP and offers innovative
software solutions - UMAX™ - built on and certified for the Microsoft Dynamics AX® platform as well
as related IT services for utilities. The largest utility companies from around the world are among its
major customers, including E.ON, GDF SUEZ, EDF, AWW, Eneco, City of Garland, Delta…
Martin Dlabač, Sales Manager, [email protected]
Prague, 3. 6. 2013