PUBLICATIONS :: 2012-13 Journals: International 1. J. Lakshmi

Journals: International
1. J. Lakshmi Narayana, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, L. Pratap Reddy, G. V. Sbrahmanyam
“Modeling of double ridge waveguide using ANN” Front Electr. Electron.Eng. DOI
10.1007/s11460-012-0200-4 © Higher Education Press and Springer-Verilog Berlin
Heidelberg 2012 pp. 1-9. (Scopus index Springer H Index: 6).
2. K. Sri Rama Krishna, K. Jagadeesh Babu, J. Lakshmi Narayana, L. Pratap Reddy, G. V.
Subrahmanyam “Artificial neural network approach for analyzing mutual coupling in a
rectangular MIMO antenna” Front. Electr.Electron.Eng. 2012,7(3):293-298 DOI
10.1007/s11460-012-0203-1 © Higher Education Press and Springer-Verilog Berlin
Heidelberg 2012 pp. 293-298. (Scopus index Springer H Index: 6).
3. J. Lakshmi Narayana, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, Dr. L. Pratap Reddy, G. V. Subrahmanyam
and , Sindhu M. “High Dimensional Modeling of Microstrip Hairpin Bandpass Filter Using
Artificial Neural Networks” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and
Networking Vol. 5, No. 1, March, 2012 pp. 1-14.
4. K Jagadeesh Babu , Dr. K.Sri Ramakrishna, L.Pratap Reddy , “ A symmetric multi slot
patch antenna with improved bandwidth and isolation for wireless MIMO systems”
International conference on communication technology and system design-2011 ELSEVIER
Procedia Engineering 30 (2012) pp. 978 – 982.
5. K. Jagadeesh Babu, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, L. Pratap Reddy “A novel tri-band multiple
input multiple output antenna with improved bandwidth and isolation” Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters Volume 54, Issue 12, pp.
2766–2770, December 2012.
DOI: 10.1002/mop.27178. (Indexing :Thomson Reuters, Scopus, Impact factor-0.6, H index
value- 48)
6. Dr. K Sri Rama Krishna, K Jagadeesh Babu, J Lakshmi Narayana, G V Subrahmanyam
“Artificial Neural network Approach for Modeling the Microstrip Bandpass filter” IJETED,
No.2,Vol. 5, 2012, pp. 162-170. (RS Publication Scopus H index value-4.8)
7. K. RamaDevi, A. Mallikarjuna Prasad and A. Jhansi Rani, “Design of A Pentagon
Microstrip Antenna for Radar Altimeter Application” International Journal of Web &
Semantic Technology (IJWesT) Vol.3, No.4, October 2012, pp.31-42. ISSN 0976-2280 DOI:
10.5121/ijwest.2012.3404 31.
8. Suresh Kumar Pittala, Panchangam, A. Jhansi Rani “Reliability Prediction for Low Power
Adiabatic Logic Families” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering
(IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-1, Issue-3, August 2012 pp. 116-121.
9. Suraya Mubeen Dr.AM.Prasad Dr.A.Jhansi Rani “Smart Antenna its Algorithms and
Implementation” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and
Software Engineering. Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2012 pp. 97-101, ISSN: 2277 128X.
10. Surayamubeen, Dr.A.M.Prasad, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani “Smart Smart Antennas IT’S Beam
forming and DOA” International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2,
Issue 5, pp. 1-5, May 2012 ISSN: 2250-3153.
11. Surayamubeen, Dr.A.M.Prasad, Dr.A. Jhansi Rani ‘Smart Antennas Implementation for
MIMO’ Journal of Information Engineering and Applications” ISSN 2224-5782 (print) ISSN
2225-0506 (online) Vol 2, pp., No.4, 2012 (Europen journal Impact factor 5.65).
12. Surayamubeen, Dr.A.M.Prasad, Dr.A.Jhansi Rani “Smart Antenna Implementation Using
MUSIC And ESPRIT Algorthims” International Journal of Electronics and Communication
Technology (IJECT), ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) IJECT Vol. 3, Issue 2, April - June 2012
pp 171-173. (Impact factor 5.09)
13. Mallaiah, M Ravi Kiran, T Subhashini, Dr. G.N. Swamy, “DTT based hybrid embedded
coder for image compression using SPIHT Algorithm”, International journal of Emerging
trends in Engineering &Development (IJETED), Vol 5, issue 2, July 2012,pp 740-747.
14. B.Surekha, Dr.G. N. Swamy, “Sensitive Digital Image Watermarking for Copyright
Protection”, International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), Vol. 15, No. 1, 2013 pp. 95103.
15. Addanki Purna Ramesh, A. V. N. Tilak, and A.M. Prasad, “FPGA based implementation
of high speed double-precision floating point multiplier with tiling technique using
Verilog”, Int. Jou. of Computer Applications, Vol.58, No. 21, Nov. 2012, pp. 17-25. ISSN
No : 0975-8887, (Impact factor : 0.835).
16. Addanki Purna Ramesh, A. V. N. Tilak, and A.M. Prasad, “An FPGA based high
performance IEEE-754 digit recurrence floating point double precision divisor using
verilog”, Int. Jou. of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol.48, Nov. 2012, pp.125-132.
ISSN No : 2005-4238.
Addanki Purna Ramesh, A. V. N. Tilak, and A.M. Prasad, “FPGA based implementation
of D ouble-precision floating point arithmetic operations using verilog”, Int. Jou. of
Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, Issue 2, July-Sept. 2012, pp. 92-107.
ISSN No : 0976-6367, (Impact factor : 3.598)
Girish Kumar, M. Padmaja, “A novel image processing technique for counting the number
of trees in a satellite image”, European Journal of Applied Engineering and Scientific
Research (EJAESR), Scholars Research Library Vol 1, Issue 4, 2012,pp 151-159, ISSN:
2278 – 0041.
19. M. Padmaja, Dr. P. Satyanarayana, K. Prasuna, G.Naveen Kumar, “Statistical Performance
Analysis of Cropped Wireless Image Transmission Using Multistep Distance Power
Adaptation Algorithm and Convolution Code Rate - 2/3”, International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE) Volume 1, Issue 7,
pp.164-167, Sept. 2012. ISSN: 2277 – 9043.
20. M. Padmaja, Dr. P. Satyanarayana, K. Prasuna, “BER Analysis of Minimum and Maximum
Power Adaptation Methods Using Haar Wavelet Image Transmission Using BPSK
Modulation”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET), Vol.
4, Issue 2, pp. 524-532, Sept. 2012. ISSN: 2231-1963,( Impact factor: 0.5)
21. M. Padmaja, Dr. P. Satyanarayana, K. Prasuna, “ Transmission of Images with Distance
Based Power Adaptation Algorithm over Wireless Channels using Binary Phase Shift Keying
Modulation”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication
Engineering (IJARECE) Volume 1, Issue 3, pp.97-103, Sept. 2012. ISSN: 2278 – 909X.
22. M. Padmaja, Dr. P. Satyanarayana, K. Prasuna, G.Naveen Kumar, “Minimum and maximum
Power Adaptation Methods using Haar Wavelet for Image Transmission using QPSK
Modulation”, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research
(IJSETR) Volume 1, Issue 2, pp.10-15, August 2012. ISSN: 2278-7798.
23. M.Padmaja, P Satyanarayana, K. Prasuna, “Performance Analysis of RMSE with Different
Image Formats Transmission using Unilevel Haar Wavelet Based on Max-Min Power
Control”, International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Emerging Technologies,(IJESET),
Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 30-36, June 2012. ISSN: 2231 – 6604.
24. M.Padmaja, Dr P Satyanarayana, K.Prasuna, “Maximum and Minimum Power Adaption
Analysis of Different Parameters for Different Image Formats Transmission Unilevel Haar
Wavelet” , Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ),vol-3, August 2012,
PP 171-179,DOI: 10.5121.
25. N.S.Murthy, Dr.S.Sri Gowri, Dr.B.Prabhakara Rao Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for
6 Transmit Antennas in Space International Journal of Engineering Research and
Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 4, July-August 2012,
pp. 362-364.
26. M. Kranthikumar and S. Chittibabu, “An Efficient Way to Enhance Throughput in Egress
Routers of Optical Burst Switching Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Research
and Technology (IJERT), ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 1 Issue 7, September 2012.
27. Sri Lakshmi Gogulamudi and B.M.Kusuma Kumari, “Efficient Multiple Objects Detection
and Tracking Using Particle Filter”, International Journal of Information Technology, Control
and Automation (IJITCA) Vol.2, No.4, pp. 65-73, October 2012.
28. CH.V.Narsimha Rao, S. Subba Rao, “Duplicate Node Identification for a Network System of
Fire Alarm Control Units”, International Node Identification for a Network System of Fire
Alarm Control Units, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),
ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol.1 Issue 7, pp.1-8 Sep.2012.
29. M. Dhana Lakshmi, B. J. Rani Deepika “A Brawny Multicolor Lane Detection Method to
Indian Scenarios”, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology (IJRET), ISSN:
2319 – 1163, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 202 – 206, Oct 2012.
30. Madhuri Latha.G and G Chakravarthy, “An Improved Bernsen Algorithm Approaches For
License Plate Recognition”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering
(IOSR-JECE), ISSN: 2278-2834, ISBN: 2278-8735, Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp. 01-05, Sep-Oct 2012.
31. P.Vijaya Santhi, N.Kapileswar, “Fault Secure Encoder and Decoder With Clock Gating” is
published in International Journal of VLSI design & Communication Systems (VLSICS)
Vol.3, No.2, April 2012 DOI: 10.5121/vlsic.2012.3212 133.
Conferences : International
1. B.Surekha, Dr.G.N.Swamy, “Digital image Ownership Verification based on Spatial
Correlation of Colors,” The IET Image Processing Conference -2012, University of
Westminster, London, UK, July 3-4, 2012.
2. B.Surekha, Dr.G.N.Swamy, “A Novel Copyright Protection Scheme based on Visual Secret
Sharing,” Third International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking
Technologies (ICCCNT'12), SNS College of Engineering, Coimbatore, July 26-28, 2012.
3. A B.Surekha, Dr.G.N.Swamy, “A Semi-blind Image Watermarking based on Discrete
Wavelet Transform and Secret Sharing,” ICCICT-2012, Sardar Patel Institute of Technology,
October 18-19, 2012.
4. M. Padmaja “Flat Fading wireless Image Transmission with QPSK Based on Distance
Power” International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering &Technology ICRTET2013, Banaglore on 30th April 2013.
Conferences : National
1. P.Vijaya Santhi, P.Phani Kumar “Whispered Speech Identification Using LFCC Feature
Extraction Algorithm” National Conference on Image Processing & Applications (NCIP2012),
December 10, 2012, VVIT, Nambur.
Journals: International
1. Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, K. Jagadeesh Babu, Dr. L. Pratap Reddy and J. Lakshmi Narayana
“Modeling the Mutual Coupling of Circular DRA MIMO Array using Artificial Neural
Networks” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, ISSN 09765697, Vol. 2, No.5, pp.157-160, Sept-Oct. 2011. (Index Copernicus Value-5.47)
2. K. Jagadeesh Babu, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Review on the
design of MIMO antennas for upcoming 4G communications” International Journal of
Applied Engineering Reaserch, Dindigul, Vol. 1, No -4, pp. 85-93, November- 2011,ISSN0976-4259.
3. K Jagadeesh Babu , Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Symmetric
Multi Slot Patch Antenna with Improved Bandwidth and Isolation for Wireless MIMO
systems” International Conference on Communication Technology and System Design- 2011
ELSEVIER pp. 1010-1011, Procedia Engineering 00 (2011) 000–000. (Index Scopus, H
index value-6)
4. K. Jagadeesh Babu, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Triband
Swastika Shaped Patch Antenna with Reduced Mutual Coupling for Wireless MIMO
Systems”, DOI : E11038, Journal of Electronics, China. Vol.28 No.4/5/6, November 2011,
PP. 483-487(Index Scopus, Impact Factor-0.22, H index value- 6).
5. J. Lakshmi Narayana, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, Dr. L. Pratap Reddy,G.V.Subrahmanyam
“Modeling of Double Ridge Wave guide using ANN” Frontiers of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering in China, Springer Publications. Front. Electr. Electron. Eng. pp. 1-9, DOI
10.1007/s11460-012-0200-4 April 2012. (H index: 6)
6. J. Lakshmi Narayana, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, Dr. L. Pratap Reddy, G.V.Subrahmanyam
"High Dimensional Modeling of Microstrip Hairpin Band pass Filter Using Artificial Neural
Networks”, International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking,
Korea. Vol.5, pp 1-14, No. 1, March 2012.
7. Jagadeesh Babu, K., Sri Rama Krishna, K., Pratap Reddy, L “ A study on bandwidth and
isolation improvement of cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna for MIMO systems ”,
Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Italy Vol 2.No2.April 2012
pp.106-110 (Index Copernicus).
8. K. Jagadeesh Babu, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy, “Reduction of
mutual coupling in a MIMO array employing circular DRAs”, International Journal of
Information and Telecommunication Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2012 (Index Copernicus
9. B.Vanajakshi And Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna “Classification of Boundary And Region
Shapes Using Hu-Moment Invariants” Indian Journal of Computer Science And Engineering
(IJCSE) Vol. 3 No. 2, Pp. 386-393, ISSN: 0976-5166, Apr-May 2012.
10. Suraya Mubeen, Dr.A. M. Prasad Dr.A. Jhansi Rani “Smart Antenna its Algorithms and
Implementation” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and
Software Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp 97-101, April 2012 ISSN: 2277 128X
11. Suraya Mubeen, Dr. A. M. Prasad Dr. A. Jhansi Rani “Smart Antennas its Beam forming
and DOA” International Journal of Science and Research Publications, Vol. 2, Issue 4,
April 2012 ISSN: 2250-3153.
12. K. Prasuna and M. Padmaja “Statistical Performance Analysis of Unilevel Wavelet Based
Power Allocation for Wireless Image Transmission using Lab View” International Journal of
Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue No. 1,
pp.471- 475 Jan. - Feb. 2012.
13. M.Padmaja, K.Prasuna, “Unilevel Wavelet based Power Allocation for Wireless Image
Transmission”, ISSN: 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN: 2230-9543(Print), IJECT Vol. 2, Issue 3,
Sept. 2011. (Impact factor 0.36).
14. M.Padmaja, K.Prasuna , “Optimized RMSE Power Allocation for Wireless Image
transmission Using binary DPSK Over Rayleigh Fading Channel”, International Journal of
Electronics and Computer Science Engineering, IJECSE ISSN-2277-1956/V1N2, pp 572577,Vol . 1, 2012
15. M.Padmaja, K.Prasuna , “Statistical Analysis of 2-D signals using Power allocation over
wireless channels” , ELSEVIER, SCIVERSE Science Direct Procedia Engineering 30 (2012)
pp. 922 – 929.
16. N S Murthy , Dr.S.Sri Gowri “Full Rate General Complex Orthogonal Space-Time Block
Code for 8-Transmit Antenna" ELSEVIER, SCIVERSE Science Direct Procedia
Engineering in IWIEE 2012, China Jan 9-10, 2012.
17. A.V. Vanaja, G. Hema Kumar and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna “A Novel Approach for
Efficient Traffic Flow Density Estimation”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering
Sciences and Technologies (IJAEST), ISSN:2230-7818,Vol.5, Issue No. 2, pp. 269-276,
Conferences : International
1. N S Murthy, Dr. S. Sri Gowri and P. Satyanarayana , “Complex Orthogonal Space-Time
Block Codes Rates 5/13 and 6/14 for 5 and 6 Transmit Antennas” 7th International Conference
on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM), ISSN:21619646, pp.1- 4, 23th - 25th Sept. 2011.
2. N S Murthy, Dr. S. Sri Gowri and J.N.V.Saileela “Transmit Diversity Technique for
Wireless Communication over Rayleigh Channels Using 16 QAM Modulation Schemes” 3rd
International Conference on Networks and Communications, Springer Publications, Chennai
pp.127-137, 15th -17th July 2011.
3. Suraya Mubeen, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani “Adaptive Array Antennas By Using LMS And SMI
Algorithms Reduces Interfernce” International Conference at Godavari Institute of
Enginnering and Technology, 2nd-3rd march 2012.
4. Suraya Mubeen, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani “ Switched Beam Approach : Beam Forming in 3G &
4G Mobile Communications” International Conference on Computing, Communications,
Systems and Aeronautics (ICCCSA-2012) Malla Reddy College of Engineering and
Technology March 30th -31st 2012 EC12039 ISBN NUMBER:978-81-921580-8-2.
5. K.Rama Devi , Dr.A.Mallikarjuna Prasad , Dr.A.Jhansi Rani. “Analysis of plus and X-Shape
Microstrip patch array” International Conference on Computing, Communications, Systems
and Aeronautics (ICCCSA-2012) Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology
March 30th -31st 2012 pp:110-113, EC12039 ISBN NUMBER:978-81-921580-8-2.
Conferences : National
1. K. Rama Devi, Dr. A. Mallikarjuna Prasad, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani, "Crossed Shape Yagi
Array Microstrip Antenna" National Seminar on Recent Advances and Technology
on Telecommunication System (RATTS) organized by Dept. of ECE, Gandhi Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Gunupur, Raygada, pp. 212 – 218, 10th - 11th Dec. 2011
2. M. Satish Kumar, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani , “Methodology of Implantable Medical Device EMI
due to RFID Reader/Writers Based upon the Three –Dimensional EMF Distribution
Measurement” National Conference on EMI/EMC/EMS in Design organized by Andhra
University and the Institution of Engineers Visakhapatnam Local Centre, 21st -22nd Dec.
3. Suraya Mubeen, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani “Hybrid S- Parameters for Complex Platforms”
National Conference on EMI/EMC/EMS in Design organized by Andhra University and the
Institution of Engineers, Visakhapatnam Local Centre, 21st -22nd Dec. 2011. (Best paper
4. Suraya Mubeen, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani, “Next generation Wireless Communication Free Space
Optics (FSO)” National Advances in Communication and Signal Processing, Gitam
University pp. 304- 305, 9th - 10th Jan. 2012.
5. Mrs.K.Rama Devi, Dr. A.Mallikarjuna prasad , Dr. A. Jhansi Rani. “X-Shape Microstrip
Circular patch Array” Conference on Advances in Communication, Navigation & Computer
Networks (ACNCN-2012) Andhra University college of Engg., pp. No 13, 17 -18 March 2012
Journals: International
1. Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, J. Lakshmi Narayana and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Neural Network
Inverse Modeling Approach for the Design of Spiral Inductor”, International Journal of
Computer Science and Engineering technology (IJCSET), ISSN: 2229-3345, Vol. 02, No. 03,
pp. 54-62, 2010.
2. Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, A. Guruva Reddy and Dr. M.N Giri Prasad “A Fault Tolerant
FPGA Based Image Enhancement Filter Using Self Healing Algorithm”, International Journal
of Engineering Science and Technology (IJAEST), ISSN 0975-5462, Vol. 2(9), pp. 49234929, 2010.
3. Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, A. Guruva Reddy, Dr. M.N. Giri Prasad, K. Chandrabhushan Rao
and M. Madhavi “Genetic Algorithm Processor for Image Noise Filtering Using Evolvable
Hardware”, International Journal of Image Processing, ISSN: 1985-2304,Vol. 4, Issue. 3, pp
240-250, 2010.
4. K Jagadeesh Babu, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Modified E
Shaped Patch Antenna for MIMO Systems”, International Journal on Computer Science and
Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN: 0975-3397, Vol. 02, No. 07, pp. 2427-2430, 2010.
B.Vanajakshi, B. Sujatha and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna “An Analysis of Thinning &
Skeletonization for Shape Representation” International Journal of Computer
Communication and Information System ( IJCCIS) Vol.2. No.1, pp. 250-253, ISSN: 0976–
1349 July – Dec 2010.
B.Vanajakshi, B. Sujatha and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, ”A Study on Implementation of
Advanced Morphological Operations” , International Journal of Computer Science and
Network Security ,Vol-10, No-3,March 2010,pp. 6-9.
Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, J. Lakshmi Narayana, K.Anusha, “A Nueral Network Modeling
Approach for the Analysis of Lange Coupler”, International Journal of Electronic
Engineering Reasearch, , ISSN: 0975-6450, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 463-478, 2010
8. K. Jaradeesh Babu, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Multi Slot Patch
Antenna for 4G MIMO Communications”, International Journal of Future Generation
Communication and Networking, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 105-112, June 2011. (EI Compendex)
9. J. Lakshmi Narayana, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, Dr. L. Pratap Reddy and G.V
Subrahmanyam “Modeling of Capacitive Membrane Shunt Switch Using ANN ”,
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security(IJCIIS), Vol. 2,
No 6. pp.19-30, June 2011. (IC Value in 2010: 5.58)
10. P. Vijaya kumar, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and J Lakshmi Narayana “A Novel Inverse
Model Approach for the Design of the Spiral Inductor using Artificial Neural Networks”,
International Journal of Advanced Engineering sciences and Technologies (IJAEST), ISSN:
2230-7818, Vol. 5, Issue No. 2, pp. 132-138, 2011.
11. A. Guruva Reddy, Dr.K. Sri Rama Krishna and Dr. M. N Giri Prasad “An Effective
Local Contrast Enhancement Technique by blending of Local Statistics and Genetic
Algorithm”, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, ISSN :1054-6618,Vol. 21, No.4,
pp.606-615, 2011, DOI 10.1134.
12. K. Jagadeesh Babu, Dr.K. Sri Rama Krishna and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Review on the
Design of MIMO Antennas for Upcoming 4G Communications” International Journal of
Applied Engineering Research, Dindigul, ISSN:0976-4259, Vol. 1, No.4, pp.85-93, 2011.
( Index Copernicus Value-4.07)
13. Dr. A. Jhansi Rani and A. Jaya Lakshmi “Phased Array Antenna and Beam Forming
Subsystems in Phased Array RADAR”, International Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology, ISSN: 0975-5462, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 1253-1259, 2010.
14. D. Naveen and Dr A. Jhansi Rani “Implementation of Psychoacoustic model in Audio
Compression using Munich and Gammachirp Wavelets”, International Journal of
Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN: 0975-5462, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 1066-1072, 2010.
15. K. Rama Devi, Dr. A. Jhansi Rani and Dr. A. M. Prasad “4-Element Microstrip Linear
Array with Radome”, International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
ISSN: 0974-2166, Vol. 3, No 1, pp. 89-97, 2010.
16. Dr. A. Jhansi Rani and Dr. P.V. D. Somasekhar Rao, “MOM Analysis of Narrow Wall
Round End Slot Coupler”, International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research, ISSN:
0975-6450, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 23-28, 2010.
17. Dr. A. Jhansi Rani, D. Naveen Kumar, P. Naveen Kumar “Adaptive Beam Forming
using LMS and RLS Algorithms” International
Electronics and
Communication Research (IJECR) Vol. 2, No.1 pp.1-9, 2011.
18. Ch.Jaya Lakshmi, Dr A Jhansi Rani, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and M Kantikiran “A Novel
Approach for Indian License Plate Recognition System”, International Journal of Advanced
Engineering Sciences and Technologies, ISSN:2230-7818, Vol. 6. Issue No.1, pp. 10-14,
19. Dr. A. Jhansi Rani and Dr. P.V. D. Somasekhar Rao “Performance Characteristics of
Transverse Wall Round End Slot Coupled Junctions”, International Journal of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, ISSN: 0974-2166, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.61- 68,
20. Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, S. Chittibabu and P. Satyanarayana “Failure Detection in all
Optical Networks using Monitoring Cycle and Monitoring Paths”, International Journal of
Computer Science and Information Engineering, Vol. 1 No.2, pp.251-257, Dec. 2010.
21. J. Rajeswara Rao, S. Chitti Babu and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna “The NS-2 Simulator Based
Implementation and Analysis of Manycast QoS Routing Algorithm”, International Journal
of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies (IJAEST), ISSN: 2230-7818, Vol. No.
5, Issue No. 1, pp. 87-93, 2011.
22. J. Rajeswara Rao, S. Chitti Babu, Dr K. Sri Rama Krishna and M. Kantikiran “Performance
Comparison and Analysis of Manycast QoS Routing Algorithm over Optical Burst Switched
Networks” International Journal of Computer Science and Technology (IJCST), ISSN:09768491, Vol.2, Issue No. 2, pp.69-75, June 2011.
23. M. Padmaja, M. Kondaiah and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna “Error Resilient Image
Transmission over Wireless Fading Channels”, International Journal of Engineering Science
and Technology, ISSN: 0975-5462, Vol.2, No. 5, pp. 1242-1249, 2010.
24. M. Padmaja, P.Satyanarayana,K.Prasuna, “Dynamic Power Allocation for Transmission of
2-D Signals Over Wireless Channels”, International Journal of Computer Science and
Communication, Vol.1, No. 1, pp. 237-241, Jan-June-2010.
25. M. Padmaja, P.Satyanarayana,K.Prasuna, “Performance Evaluation Of Power Allocation
Methods for Image Transmission Over Wireless Channels”, Canadian Journal of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, Vol.1, No. 1, pp. 6-9, February-2010.
26. Ch. Rama Krishna Reddy, M Padmaja, Dr K.Sri Rama Krishna and K. Prasuna “Image
Transmission using Adaptive Channel Coding for Electronic Toll Collection System”,
International Journal of Electronics and Communication Technology( IJECT), ISSN:22309543, Vol. 02, Issue No. 2, pp.60-65, 2011 (Impact factor 0.36).
27. N. S. Murthy, Dr. S. Sri Gowri and V. Praveena “A Novel Method for Enhanced QuasiOrthogonal Space Time Block Codes in Wireless Communication”, International Journal of
Information Technology and Knowledge Management, Vol. 3 No. 2, pp. 711-714, July –
Dec. 2010.
28. M. Sirisha and N. S. Murthy “Multi Resolution Image Representation using combined 2-D
and 1- D Directional Filter Banks”, Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering,
ISSN: 0974-4320, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 231-234, July – Dec. 2010.
29. Y.S. Pratyusha, N S Murthy, and Dr K. Sri Rama Krishna “An Efficient Technique for
Segmentation of Characters of Vehicle Identification Number using Watershed Algorithm”,
ISSN:2230-7818, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol.5, Issue
No.2, pp.187-194, 2011.
30. P. Phani Kumar, K.S.N Vardhan and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna “Performance Evaluation of
MLP for Speech Recognition in Noisy Environment using MFCC and Wavelets”,
International Journal of Computer Science and Communication, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 321-325,
July- Dec. 2010.
31. N. Suresh Kumar, P. Phani Kumar, M. Kantikiran and Dr K.Sri Rama Krishna “Improved
Impulse Noise Detector for Adaptive Switching Median Filter”, International Journal of
Electronics and Communication Technology, ISSN: 2230-9543, Vol. 02, Issue No. 2, June
32. Dharmendra Gutta, A Vijaya Sankar, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and M Kantikiran “SHF
Passive RFID Tag Antenna Section Design for Electronic Toll Collection (ETC)
Application”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies,
ISSN:2230-7818,Vol. 5. Issue No.2, pp. 139-143, 2011.
33. G. Hema Kumar, P.Hema Krishna Rao and Dr. K.Sri Rama Krishna “Two-Stage Algorithm
for Subcarrier, Bit and Power Allocation in OFDMA Systems”, International Journal of
Computer Science and Communication, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 331-334, July – Dec. 2010.
34. Sk. Khaleelahmed, M Kantikiran, Dr K. Sri Rama Krishna and A Anitha “Novel
Implementation of SDR Multi Channel TDM Non Coherent DBPSK on Reconfigurable
FPGA”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, ISSN:2230-7818,
Vol. 5, Issue No.2, pp.282-289, 2011.
35. V. Sujatha, Y. Prathima and Dr K. Sri Rama Krishna “A Genetic Algorithm Based on Fog
Intensity Detection Method for Driver Safety”, International Journal of Engineering Science
and Technology (IJAEST) ISSN:2230-7818, Vol.5, Issue No.2, pp.261-268, 2011.
36. Sateesh K, Fayaz Ahamed Sk, Dr K.Sri Rama Krishna and M Kantikiran “A New
Approach to Cope with the Capture Effect in RFID Tag Identification by using General
Binary Tree Protocol”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and
Technologies, ISSN:2230-7818, Vol. 5. Issue No. 1, pp. 78-86, 2011.
37. D. Hareesha and B.M.Kusuma Kumari “Multipath Routing and Scheduling in Wireless
Mesh Networks”, International Journal of Computer Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2 pp. 143-149,
July – Dec. 2010.
38. K. Prema Kumar, B.M. Kusuma Kumari, Dr K. Sri Rama Krishna and M Kantikiran “A
Novel Dangerous Vehicle Detection Protocol for Safety Application”, International Journal
of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies, Vol. 6. Issue No.1, pp. 124-132,
39. B.Lakshmi Sirisha, G.Sree Lakshmi “A Novel Crptographic Technique Under Visual
Secret Sharing Scheme for Binary Images”, International Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology (IJEST), ISSN:0975-5462, Vol. 2, Issue No. 5, pp. 1473-1484, 2010.
40. G.Adinarayana, B.Lakshmi Sirisha, Dr.K.Sri Rama Krishna and M. Kantikiran “Video
Surveillance System for Speed Violated Vehicle Detection”, International Journal of
Electronics and Communication Technology (IJECT), ISSN:2230-9543, Vol. 2, Issue No. 2,
pp. 50-54, June 2011.
41. Ch. Vijaya Durga, A Anitha and Dr K. Sri Rama Krishna, “An Efficient protocol for
Intelligent Transportation in Vehicular Adhoc Networks”, International Journal of
Engineering Science and Technology (IJAEST), ISSN:2230-7818, Vol.5, Issue No. 2, pp.
301-309, 2011.
42. Ch. Raghavendra, Dr A Jhansi Rani and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna, “Adaptive Beam
forming using DMI and CMA Algorithms”, International Journal of Engineering Science and
Technology (IJAEST), ISSN:2230-7818, Vol.6, Issue No. 1, pp. 35-40, 2011.
Conferences: International
1. B. Vanajakshi, Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna and Dr. L. Pratap Reddy “A Novel Approach for
Boundary Detection based on Mathematical Morphology using Different Neighborhoods”,
Proc. of the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication
Technologies (ACCT 2011), ISBN: 978-981-08-7932-7, pp. 247-250, 2011.
2. B.Vanajakshi, B. Sujatha and Dr. K. Sri Rama Krishna “An Analysis of Thinning &
Skeletonization for Shape Representation” International joint Journal conference on
Engineering and Technology ( IJJCES) Vol.2. No.1, pp. 250-253, 2010.