truth and consequences

Sarah Crowe and James Elder
Setting the scene for taking calculated risks for children
Establishing facts and speaking in
one voice
New Delhi
“We have clear evidence that children are
being caught in the crossfire and that
children are being injured and killed”
Daniel Toole, UNICEF Regional
Director for South Asia.
Close relations with the international
media in Delhi and Colombo
Off the record briefings with Journalists in Colombo and Delhi
20 interviews with BBC
15 interviews with CNN
25 + with Al Jazeera
UK Independent, Sydney Morning Herald, London Times, New York
Times, Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, The Economist, Chicago
Tribune, CBC, NPR, ABC, The Australian, LA Times, Le Monde.
Controlling the follow-up
From NGOs, media and within the UN
Breaking News - Expulsion
Crowe did 48 interviews in 3 days - 7-10 Sept.
UK Times / AFP / IRIN / CNN
Lead story in all leading news networks the day it broke
UNICEF reacted furiously. "We are extremely disappointed
with the allegations and we reject them unequivocally,"
Sarah Crowe, UNICEF's regional communications chief, told
Elder had been doing his job by "speaking out on
behalf of those who do not have a voice which we
would expect from any UNICEF spokesperson”.
“We categorically stand by all the statements we made
throughout the conflict and since the conflict on the
situation of women and children in Sri Lanka."
However, Crowe said that UNICEF would continue its work
in the war-torn country. "We will continue to uphold our
mandate. That will not change," she said.
R E S P E C T...from the media
“Elder’s expulsion..for speaking out against those abuses and child casualties....this was his brief and
his responsibility”
“Voices of voiceless silenced”
“James Elder seemed utterly committed to one thing - the welfare of the hundreds of thousands
of civilians caught up in the war. To several of us journalists, it was clear that raising the plight of
these people was for him far more than just a job”
From NGOs and UN agencies
“(The expulsion) is not something that did not have
consequences but principles are important and it spared
UNICEF” - Director, Human Rights Watch
The SG expresses full confidence... in the United
Nations in Sri Lanka, which includes making public
statements when necessary in an effort to save lives
and prevent grave humanitarian problems -UN Secretary
Government of Sri Lanka was astonished by UNICEF’s response as they
thought UNICEF “would roll over and play dead” - say nothing and let
Elder go. Sri Lankan media asked Sarah if he was going to be fired and
she said “no he would be rewarded”. Sarah Crowe, Regional Chief of
Communications, UNICEF South Asia
“I should like to say how bold and supportive you have been to James in
his difficulties with the Sri Lankan government and its complete lack of
tolerance to free and objective reporting....your report in which you
SUPPORT your staff member and do not isolate him...bloody done well
you!! ” John Campbell, WFP official expelled from Sri Lanka 2008
“UNICEF is becoming increasingly risk averse”
“Growing reluctance to take on sensitive issues”
“Risks losing position as the leading and credible voice for children”
Outcome of ROSA communications Team Meeting, May 2009
State of the UNICEF brand
measure of courage - worst rating!
The findings are based on consumer surveys conducted by a consulting firm (Brandasset consulting) and
reflect opinions/views of people outside of UNICEF. (Sample populations from a general public are
...and now
From the ED :
“Take more rather than less risk”
“The job is more important than the paperwork”
“Go to the edge of the envelope...we will support you”