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Supporting Information
Microbial Fuel Cell Technology for Measurement of Microbial Respiration of
Lactate as an Example of Bioremediation Amendment
J. M. Tront1*, J. D. Fortner2, M. Plötze1, J. B. Hughes2,3, A. M. Puzrin1
for Geotechnical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Wolfgang-Pauli Strasse 15, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta GA, USA 30332
of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta GA, USA 30332
Jacqueline Tront
[email protected]
Telephone: +41 44 633 25 34
Fax: +41 44 633 10 79
Supplementary Figure 1: Photograph of column system with scale (cm).
Supplementary Figure 2: Schematic of the circuit in the microbial fuel cell system
(not to scale). Microorganisms are shown with conductive pili and with electron
shuttle mediator columns to represent possible mechanisms of transferring electrons
to the electrode. A 100  electrode is in series with the electrodes, and a data
acquisition system was used to measure voltage drop across the resistor.