Markview 8 (invoices)

Oracle Government Financials Viewing
Attachments & Invoice Approvals
What is MarkView
A suite of products that work in conjunction with existing processes and products to
streamline and support various business functions
Documents are stored as electronic images rather than paper documents
Users interact with images and Oracle records simultaneously, rather than moving
between paper documents and Oracle records
How are Records Processed?
Paper documents are scanned, emailed and/or faxed into MarkView as electronic images
Documents are then processed and attached in Oracle Financials
Approvals of transactions are completed online and via email
What are the Benefits?
Added Time Savings
Minimized time spent managing paper with delivery, filing and processing
Enhanced Loss Prevention
Images are stored electronically and attached to records, and are therefore much easier to
track and locate than paper. Significantly reduces misfiling of documents.
Shared Access
Multiple users across the organization are able to review and process the same electronic
Provides a means of restricting what documents and notes (Markups) users have the
ability to view and edit.
Minimized Physical Storage Space
MarkView provides electronic storage for all images, significantly reducing the storage
space previously needed to physically house paper documents.
What Software/Hardware do I Need to run MarkView?
RU-VPN - Users on an academic subnet at Ryerson will require an RU-VPN user name
and password as well as the software to be installed. CCS should be contacted for more
detailed information regarding RU-VPN
RAM (Computer Memory) – It is recommended that users have a minimum of 250MB
of RAM.
What Browser do I Use?
STEP 1: Verify browser version
The recommended browser for MarkView Imaging is Mozilla Firefox. Check your version of
Firefox by opening the browser and selecting HELP > ABOUT FIREFOX. The pop-up will
notify you if your version is up to date. Lower versions of Firefox should be upgraded. Firefox
is available for download from the Mozilla web site (
Choose the FREE DOWNLOAD button from the bottom of the page
The File Download window appears - select SAVE
From the SAVE IN drop down menu choose DESKTOP
Click on SAVE
When the download completes close all applications
From the desktop DOUBLE CLICK on the FIREFOX.EXE file
Follow the prompts to install Firefox
STEP 2: Pop-Up Blocker for Mozilla Firefox
From within Firefox select the menu option TOOLS > OPTIONS.
Select the CONTENT tab from the options window
Make sure BLOCK POP-UP WINDOWS is not checked off
STEP 3: Security Settings for Mozilla Firefox
• Choose the SECURITY tab
• Single click on the top EXCEPTIONS button
• In the “Address of website” field enter the following:
• Click the ALLOW button
• Click the CLOSE button
Within the “Options” window click the OK button
STEP 4: Verify Adobe Flash Player version
Adobe Flash Player Plugin and Adobe Flash Player Active X are both required to run Markview.
Check your versions of the Adobe players by selecting START MENU > CONTROL PANEL
> PROGRAMS AND FEATURES. The programs are listed in alphabetical order A-Z. If either
of the components are missing MarkView will not display any images. Both versions are
available for free download at: .
The recommended versions are Adobe Flash Player 14 Plugin & Adobe Flash Player 14
Active X.
MarkView Terminology
A “Document” is any invoice or other item that is attached as an Oracle record.
When “Documents” are scanned, emailed or faxed into the system, they are converted
into “MarkView Documents” which contain a series of images. An image represents an
individual page of an “Electronic Document”.
A document image which can be associated with an Oracle record is considered a “Work
Item”. A work item is the individual unit of work that is processed through a workflow.
A “Workflow” is the series of steps that must be taken in order for a document to be
A “Queue” is a “bucket” in which work items await retrieval and processing. Work
items move from one queue to another as they are processed through workflows.
Users will receive e-mail notifications for invoices that require a receipt confirmation or an
approval prior to being paid. In order to respond to these e-mails users will need to log onto
MarkView Home: or and click on the Markview link.
1) From the MarkView Home page select the “Web Inbox” drop down menu, and click on “AP
Invoices”. This inbox contains all the documents which require a response from you.
The MarkView “Web Inbox” can also be accessed by the “AP Invoices” shortcut link on the
Markview home page.
2) View an image by clicking on the invoice number.
3) The invoice will appear in the viewer ready for action.
The layout of a MarkView document is separated into various sections within the viewer.
Each section contains information pertaining to the invoice.
The very top panel of the window displays the general document information. This
information includes:
• Invoice Number (1)
• User Name (2)
• Invoice Type (3)
Supplier Name (4)
Needs/Response Type (5)
The top left panel of the window displays the document header information. These
headers include:
• Document Type (6)
• Organization (7)
• Supplier Site (8)
• Invoice Number (9)
• Date (10)
• Amount $ (11)
The top right panel of the window displays the document comment information.
These comments include:
• User Name of requestor (12)
• Comment/Explanation of request (13)
• Available Action(s) (14)
The “View” panel of the window contains various types of buttons that allow the
user the ability to manipulate the invoice image as well as display and hide
information. These buttons include:
Action History (15)
Thumbnails (16)
Zoom Out/Zoom In (17)
Rotate Left/Rotate Right (18)
Page Overview (19)
Options (20)
button displays the markups that have been placed on the work item
in historical sequence:
buttons allow you to navigate forward or backward between
multiple paged documents. Typing a number in the available field will allow you
to “jump” to that specific page.
buttons allow you to increase or decrease the
document size by zooming in towards, or out away from the image. Typing a
button displays a preview of each individual page of the
number in the available field or clicking on the
adjust the size of the document.
button will also allow you to
buttons allow the user to maneuver the orientation of the
document to the left, right, or upside down.
button opens a small full page view of the document that allows the
user to scroll up and down the image.
button allows the user to change various view settings. They
can be used to hide or reveal certain buttons or text depending on user preference:
The “Output” panel contains buttons that allow the user to reproduce a copy of the
image. These buttons include:
button (21) is used to email a soft copy of the document to a selected
email address(es):
Enter the Email Addresses you would like to send the document to in the
“To” field. The “Subject” & “Message” fields are mandatory and must
contain text in order for the email to be sent.
Chose the “Delivery Option,” “Page Range,” and “Image Options”
then click the
button to send the email.
The sender will show as the email address of the MarkView User.
button (22) is used to print a hard copy of the document (Please
remember to “Think before you Ink”):
Select the Page Range that should be printed, whether you want the
Annotations (Markups) to be displayed, and whether you want the
Details Section to be printed. Click on the OK button.
A PDF page will open in a new window. Click on the
the document.
button to print
An “Annotation” is a comment, explanation, or presentable markup attached to the invoice.
They refer to a specific part of the original data, and are used to feature certain information.
Annotation Name
Annotation Purpose
Annotation Display
Allows the user the ability to “Highlight”
information on an image.
Allows the user to place a text “Note” on an
Allows the user to draw an “Arrow” to point
to information on an image.
Allows the user to type “Text” directly onto
an image.
“Markups” are electronic annotations applied to document images to provide information on the
image, and/or cause an item to move through the workflow.
End User Markup Types
Mark Up Button
Mark Up Purpose
Place Mark Up Result
Approves the invoice and sends for payment.
Returns the invoice to Accounts Payables.
(Usually when invoices are mistakenly sent to
a user)
Sends the invoice to another user for
comment. The invoice will be returned upon
comment completion.
Forwards approval of the invoice to another
user. The invoice will not be returned.
Adds a distribution line to an invoice that
needs approval and coding.
AP Rep Markup Types
Mark Up Button
Mark Up Purpose
Place Mark Up Result
Completes invoice entry and sends for
Removes an invoice from the workflow and
sends it to the canceled invoice queue
Increases the priority of an invoice. The
Invoice will be retrieved sooner than other
similar work items.
Forwards approval of the invoice to another
user. The invoice will not be returned.
Sends the invoice to the Rescan queue for
rescanning. (Usually for an invoice with
multiple invoices included, unclear images or
invoices missing pages)
Sends the invoice to the Return to Supplier
queue for invoice return. (Usually invoices
with missing or incorrect information)
Re-creates the document and converts it to
another workflow item type. (Eg. Non-PO
Invoice to a PO Invoice)
Sends the invoice to another user for
comment. The invoice will be returned upon
comment completion.
Sends the invoice to Supplier Maintenance
queue for vendor updating.
Resolves holds so that an item may continue
through the workflow.
Sends the invoice to the PO invoice ReviewPurchasing queue.
Sends an item to the Request Recycle queue
for recycle determination.
Returns an item to the previous user in the
Allows a user to retrieve a Request Comment
item and send to another user.
¾ The
button allows the user to place a note anywhere on the document.
1) Click on the document where the “Blue Sticky Note” should be placed. A
comment box will appear in the left hand column.
2) Type your comment in the available box. Clicking on “OK” places the Sticky
Note on the document.
3) To view the “Blue Sticky Note” comment hover the mouse pointer over the icon
and the details will appear.
¾ The
button allows the user to place text comments on the document.
1) Click on the document where the text should be placed. A comment box will
appear in the left hand column.
2) Type your comment in the available box. Clicking on “OK” places the green
text on the document.
3) The text within the comment box will now appear on the document
¾ The
button allows the user to place a red pointer arrow on the document.
1) Click on the document where the arrow should start and drag the mouse to the
point where the arrow should end. Upon releasing the mouse button the arrow
will remain.
¾ The
button allows the user to highlight an area of the document in yellow.
1) Click on the document where the highlight should start and drag the
mouse to the point where the highlight should end. Upon releasing the
mouse the yellow highlighted area will remain.
The “Alternate User Assign” feature is used to forward a user’s MarkView inbox to another
user. The default length of assignment is 5 days. If requested the Systems and Training
department can reassign a user’s inbox for a maximum of 14 days. With consent, a user can
manually assign their inbox to another user from a minimum of 1 day to a predetermined future
date (Eg. 1 Year for Maternity Leave, 4 weeks for Vacation, 2 years for Secondment).
1) From the MarkView home page select the drop down menu “Administration,” click on
“User Admin,” then click on “Alternate User Assign.”
The MarkView “Alternate User Assignment” can also be accessed by the “Alternate User
Assign” shortcut link on the Markview home page.
2) The user’s name should be defaulted under “User ID.” Enter the name of the User who
the inbox is being forwarded to in the field beside “Alternate User ID.”
3) If you do not know the ID of the user click on the
User Assignment” search function.
button to bring up the “Alternate
4) Enter in the user’s “First Name” or “Last Name” in the corresponding field and click
on the
button. The list of possible matches will populate and be available for
5) Click on the appropriate “User ID,” “First Name” or “Last Name” to select that user.
Their “User ID” will now appear in the “Alternate User ID” field.
6) The default “Start Date” will always be the current date. Click on the
a different “Start Date.” Use the
month then click on the appropriate date number.
button to select
buttons to select the correct
7) The default “End Date” will always be 5 days after the current date. Click on the
button to select a different “End Date.” Use the
the correct month then click on the appropriate date number.
buttons to select
8) Click on the
button to finalize your selections. A confirmation message will
appear as well as a new “Alternate User Assignment” line with the “User ID,”
“Alternate User ID,” “Start Date” and “End Date.”
An “Alternate User Assignment” will automatically expire at the set “End Date.” If necessary
the assignment can be terminated manually prior to the “End Date.”
1) From the MarkView home page select the drop down menu “Administration,” click on
“User Admin,” then click on “Alternate User Assign.”
2) Click on the
checkbox along the appropriate line and then click the
button to accept. A confirmation message stating the “Alternate User Assignment” was
removed message will appear.
Invoices that are received by Ryerson, are over $5000.00 and have an authorized purchase order
must be routed to the requestor of the items for receipt confirmation. In these instances the user
would receive an e-mail alert message notifying them to log into MarkView home and respond
to their notifications.
Option 1 – Approve
The “APPROVE” markup should be placed on a document when the goods or services on the
invoices have been confirmed to be received. The invoice will then be sent for payment after
1. From MarkView home select the drop down menu “Web Inbox” then click on “AP
2. From within the AP Invoices inbox, click on the “Invoice Number” that you would like
to review.
The document will be displayed and available for completion.
3. Users can open the Markups already placed on the image in order to assist in determining
the action to be taken by clicking on the
4. Click on the
button to bring up the comment and approval box.
5. Type in any necessary comments and click on the “OK” button. The invoice will now be
approved and a confirmation notification will appear.
Option 2 – Route to Accounts Payables
The “ROUTE TO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE” markup should be placed on the document when
the goods or services have not been received. The invoice will then be returned to the Accounts
Payables department for action.
1. From MarkView home select the drop down menu “Web Inbox” then click on “AP
2. From within the AP Invoices inbox, click on the “Invoice Number” that you would like
to review.
The document will be displayed and available for completion.
3. Users can open the Markups already placed on the image in order to assist in determining
the action to be taken by clicking on the
4. Click on the
button to bring up the comment and approval box.
5. Type in any necessary comments and click on the “OK” button. The invoice will now be
marked as “ROUTE TO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE” and a confirmation notification will
Option 3 – Request Comment
The “REQUEST COMMENT” markup should be placed on the document when the user
requires further information from another user regarding the invoice. Upon comment, the
document will be sent back to the user for completion.
1. From MarkView home select the drop down menu “Web Inbox” then click on “AP
2. From within the AP Invoices inbox, click on the “Invoice Number” that you would like
to review.
The document will be displayed and available for completion.
3. Users can open the Markups already placed on the image in order to assist in determining
the action to be taken by clicking on the
4. Click on the
button to bring up the comment and approval box.
5. Under the “Contact” field, enter the user you would like to request a comment
from.(Users can be searched by Last Name, First Name, User Name, or Email Address).
Click on the
button to display all the matches, then click on the desired user to
6. Type in any necessary comments and click on the “OK” button. The invoice will now be
marked as “REQUEST COMMENT” and a confirmation notification will appear.
Option 4 – Return To
The “Return to” markup is used when a user would like to send back an invoice to the previous
owner of the work item.
1. From MarkView home select the drop down menu “Web Inbox” then click on “AP
2. From within the AP Invoices inbox, click on the “Invoice Number” that you would like
to review.
The document will be displayed and available for completion.
3. Users can open the Markups already placed on the image in order to assist in determining
the action to be taken by clicking on the
4. Click on the
button to bring up the comment and approval box.
5. Type in any necessary comments and click on the “OK” button. The invoice will now be
returned to the original user with comment included. A confirmation notification will
Non-PO invoice are invoices that are received by Ryerson University which do not have an
authorized purchase order. In order to process these invoices users must authorize the invoices
for payment by specifying the charge accounts information. These invoices will continue up the
purchasing hierarchy until they have been approved by an individual who has the proper
approval limits. In these instances the user would receive an e-mail alert message notifying them
to log onto MarkView home and respond to their notifications.
1) From MarkView home select the drop down menu “Web Inbox” then click on “AP
2) From within the AP Invoices inbox, click on the “Invoice Number” that you would like
to review.
The document will be displayed and available for completion.
3) Users can open the Markups already placed on the image in order to assist in determining
the action to be taken by clicking on the
4) Click on the
button to reply to the “Request Comment” notification from the
AP representative. In the “Comments” box enter the allocations and amounts to which
the invoice should be charged to. Click on the “OK” button to accept and reply.
A confirmation message will appear stating that the invoice has been successfully
returned to the AP representative. The invoice will no longer be in the user’s AP Inbox.
5) The AP representative will then code and distribute the invoice accordingly into Oracle.
Once completed, an email notification will be sent to the user requiring final approval of
the invoice. Repeat steps 1 – 3 of the process
6) Click on the
button to bring up the comment and approval box.
7) Type in any necessary comments and click on the “OK” button. The invoice will now be
approved and a confirmation notification will appear.