Easy Check Help Guide V 1.00 - EasyCheck Home Page

Easy Check Help Guide
V 1.00
EASY CHECK HELP GUIDE ..........................................................................1
V 1.00 ..............................................................................................................1
CONTENTS .....................................................................................................2
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................3
INSTALLING EASY CHECK...........................................................................3
EASYCHECK DOWNLOAD PROCEDURE ....................................................7
FORMATTING THE KILL LIST .......................................................................9
MANUALLY UPLOADING KILL FILES ........................................................13
EASYCHECK AND TAIL TAG FREE............................................................15
CURRENT HOLDINGS .................................................................................15
THE CARCASE FEEDBACK FILE ...............................................................16
TURNING ON TAIL TAG FREE IN EASY CHECK .......................................17
MANUALLY DOWNLOADING CURRENT HOLDINGS................................19
THE EXCEPTIONS REPORT........................................................................21
THE RECEIVALS REPORT ..........................................................................22
FAQS / TIPS..................................................................................................24
COMMON DATABASE ERRORS .................................................................27
MANUAL KILL UPLOAD GENERATED ERRORS.......................................34
Windows XP/2000/2003
512mb RAM
Internet Connection
For older Operating Systems or other configurations, please refer to [email protected]
for advice.
If you have never installed Easy Check in the past and would like to install it, select the EASY
CHECK FULL INSTALL link. If you just want to upgrade your copy of Easy Check to the latest
version, select the EASY CHECK UPGADE link.
Once clicked a window will appear where you can select to RUN or SAVE the file.
Clicking RUN will download and begin the install immediately, selecting SAVE takes you into
another window where you can specify a location to save the file eg. My Documents. This is
handy where you may need to install the program on a number of different machines.
Once downloading has completed, double click the install file to begin installation.
If, at any point during the installation, a message appears prompting you to insert the second
disc, the full install file has not downloaded properly. Either attempt to download the file again,
or alternatively, send an email to [email protected] and request a CD be posted to you.
Should the above message appear when the install file has been double clicked, select the
RUN button.
Click NEXT to progress to the next screen
Click YES to confirm you agree to the licence agreement and continue with the installation of
Easy Check.
Clicking NEXT will finish the installation process. Depending on whether you installed the full
install or upgrade version, a window will appear asking if you would like to restart Windows
now or later.
Note: the following steps will only apply when downloading devices from a portable reader
into EasyCheck for uploading to the NLIS Database
Downloading the Reader
1. Collect Ear Tag Reader and scanning information sheets from the kill floor.
2. Connect the Ear Tag Scanner to the computer, (plug the light grey cord from the back
of the computer into the battery).
3. Ensure that the reader is turned on.
4. Start MLA-EasyCheck
5. Click on the “Download” button (top left hand corner). This will open the download
screen (see below)
6. Click on the “Download Reader” button (underneath the large white field in the centre
of the screen”. A series of blue squares will appear in the small grey area above the
button to indicate that the computer is communicating with the reader.
7. A message will be displayed with the number of bodies imported from the reader.
Click the “Ok” button and the RFIDs will appear in the list.
Refer to the scanning information sheets collected from the floor and add “blank” bodies
wherever an animal has been killed and no ear tag read. This is done using the “For the
current kill date” section at the bottom of the screen. It is best to add all of the “blank”
bodies, before proceeding to add the tail-tags.
8. Type the body number where the blank body is to be added in the “Insert non-rfid
identified body at position” field and click the “Insert” button. The cursor will remain
in the field ready for the next body position.
It is possible to enter in multiple blank bodies at a time. For example if bodies 1, 3
and 5 are blank, enter just the body numbers separated by commas; 1,3,5 . Click on
“Insert” to create these 3 blank lines (see above).
In addition to this, if there is a run of sequential bodies that are blank you can enter all
of these by only providing the range. For example, if bodies 1,2,3,4, and 5 are blank,
just enter the first number, then a hyphen and the last number to be created; 1-5.
Clicking “Insert” will create five blank lines from 1 through to 5.
Once created, it is possible to type in the NLIS ID of the tag that did not scan. It is not
possible to type in an RFID.
9. Add the Property Identification code “PIC” or tail tag, which can be found either on the
NVD or on the information collected on the kill floor.
This procedure is the same as adding blank bodies. Type the tail-tag in the “Add Tail
Tag” field, then type the body number in the “to body” field and click the “ADD PIC”
Note: with Tail Tag Free activated, this step should not be required, providing the
device(s) have been transferred to the abattoir PIC and downloaded into EasyCheck.
As with inserting blank lines, you can enter multiple PICs by using typing in all body
numbers from one PIC by separating with commas or hyphens in a range of bodies
(6,7,8,9 or 6-9).
If the tail –tag field goes red (see below) then the PIC you are entering is NOT a valid
PIC. Check the documentation that accompanied the animals or contact your local
state DPI office.
10. When all of the tail-tags have been entered then repeat the procedure for the weights,
if required. Note this is not mandatory in Queensland and South Australia at the
11. If any extra bodies or tags exist in the list, it is possible to delete them by entering the
corresponding body number(s) in the “Delete the body numbers” field and clicking
the “Delete” button. A box will appear prompting you to confirm the deletion; click
“Yes” to continue.
12. Once the kill list has been completed, click the “Write this days kill to the file”
button at the bottom of the screen. This will ask if you want to clear the reader. It is
important that you click “Yes” so that all tags are removed from the reader so that it is
ready to commence the next days scanning (see below).
13. Now that every thing is complete then click the “Just close the window” button. This
will return you to the main MLA-EasyCheck screen. The bodies you have entered will
appear in the bottom section of the screen (see below).
14. Establish a connection to the internet, this normally requires clicking on an icon on
the computer’ desktop.
15. Click the “Export” button near the bottom left corner of the main screen to upload the
information to the NLIS database. You will see the computer exporting the records
and it will then ask if you want to upload this file to the database (see below). If you
are sure that you have an established internet connection, click “Yes”.
The information will now be sent to the NLIS database and you will receive the updates to the
“Animal and Property Exceptions Tables” automatically. Also, if Tail Tag Free is turned on,
Current Holdings will up updated. This may take some time. When the upload has completed
and the MLA-EasyCheck main screen has returned to normal you can close the main screen.
Congratulations, you have completed your uploaded will receive an email notifying you of the
results of the upload.
To check the file has been successfully received by the NLIS Database it is possible to log
into your account on the NLIS database website and go to Enquiry Results to view all
transactions uploaded through your account.
If you believe that an upload has not been processed or received by the NLIS database then
complete the following procedure.
1. From the MLA-EasyCheck main screen click the “Upload” button (just below the
“Export” button in the bottom left corner. This will display the upload screen (see
2. This shows the details of the files you have uploaded. Click on the “Upload Files”
button in the centre of the screen. This will display the “Upload Files” screen (see
3. Click on the “Select all files that have not been uploaded previously” option and then
click the “Upload” button. This will send any files that you have exported but missed
sending to the NLIS database.
4. When complete return the to main screen and close “MLA-EasyCheck”
Tail tag free (TTF) is scheduled to commence in NSW on 1st July 1, As such, EasyCheck has
been updated to allow bodies to be recorded without recording a PIC on screen. EasyCheck
is able to determine the PIC of consignment by accessing this information from the NLIS
Database. The following is a brief description of the new functionality and a guide on how to
configure Easy Check to handle TTF.
In order for EasyCheck to find the consigning PIC of a device scanned on the kill floor, the
device must be transferred to the abattoirs current holdings. Any animal that has been
transferred to the abattoir PIC by a saleyard, agent or producer and is still listed as active on
the database will appear on the abattoir current holdings. This can be viewed from within
EasyCheck by selecting the “Holdings” button from the main menu.
Device information -
RFID/NLIS ID, consigning PIC, saleyard or agent that made the
Exceptions Generates a list of devices in holdings requiring testing, holding etc
Receivals Generates a list of devices sorted by vendor PIC
Clear HoldingsClears the holdings list
Get Entire Holdings - Downloads any active device listed against the abattoir PIC
Check Kill-list Updates PICs in todays kill with the PIC found in the holdings list.
Date Used in downloading devices transferred to the abattoir PIC after a
certain date.
With TTF activated within EasyCheck the current holdings will be downloaded automatically
after the upload of a Carcase Feedback (CFB) file, although if need be, it is possible to
download this manually. This is covered later in the guide.
From within the Holdings screen it is possible to run an ERP check on all devices listed on the
abattoir PIC, generate a holdings report sorted by vendor or update today’s bodies with the
consigning PIC found in the kill file.
As mentioned above, EasyCheck appends each device with the consigning PIC found in
current holdings when adding carcase information to the NLIS database. In instances where
the device has not been transferred to the abattoirs holdings, a PIC of ZZZZZZZZ will be
submitted. EasyCheck will continue to query the abattoirs current holdings for the following 30
days for any device recorded with a consigning PIC of ZZZZZZZZ. If the device is transferred
to the abattoir PIC within 30 days, EasyCheck will upload a record to the NLIS database to
modify the original carcase record to include the PIC in the holdings file.
Be aware that with the submission of each CFB file, a number of things occur.
• The CFB file is submitted to the NLIS database
• An updated exceptions list is downloaded
• An updated Current Holdings list is downloaded
Depending on the size of all of these files, this can take some time to finish. If possible, work
the uploading of this information into a schedule leading up to a time where your computer
may not be in use for a few minutes.
Launch EasyCheck and click the “Configure” button.
Ensure the abattoir PIC is in the “PIC(s) or Tail Tag(s)” box. (See image
below) If you are unsure of your PIC, contact your State Department of Primary
Delete the word NO from the box titled “Allow Tail-Tag free” and type in YES
(See below image)
Replace ZZZZZ999 with ZZZZZZZZ in the “Default PIC” box
Click the “Configure HTTP” button
Make sure all websites are highlighted as below and “Auto Synchronisation”
is ticked.
Click the SAVE button to exit back to the configure screen.
Click the BACKUP button to lock in TTF changes. A message will appear to
confirm the backup has complete.
After TTF has been turned on Current Holdings will need to be downloaded.
See Manually Downloading Current Holdings
As mentioned earlier, Current holdings will be downloaded automatically after a CFB file is
submitted to the NLIS database. If you suspect animals may have been transferred to your
PIC in the period between uploading your last CFB file and starting the following days kill, it is
possible to manually download current holdings.
Select HOLDINGS from the main menu
Click the “Get Entire Holdings” button. A download window will appear.
Depending on the number of animals in current holdings and your connection speed
to the internet this may take a few minutes to complete.
Once completed the current holdings screen will become populated , showing RFID, NLIS ID,
PIC of consignment, Date of Transfer, where the animal was transferred from and Lifetime
Traceability status.
In addition, it is possible to download any devices transferred to the abattoir PIC in the last
day, week etc. Enter the date to begin downloading devices from and click the “Go” button.
Anything transferred on or after that date will be added to the Current Holdings list.
ERP reports can also be run from within the holdings screen. By clicking on the
EXCEPTIONS button, EasyCheck will generate a list of devices in your holdings list that may
require testing or further action. The check is run on every device listed in Current Holdings.
The Receivals report will generate a list of all devices transferred to the abattoir PIC by a
specific agent or saleyard. This list is then sorted by vendor and should make auditing Current
Holdings much easier.
Select HOLDINGS from the main menu
Click the “Receivals” button and the selection window will appear.
Select the saleyard, agent etc you would like to generate the report for and
click the “Go” button (see above).
The report is generated and then grouped by vendor.
How do I get an Easy Check icon on my desktop?
From your desktop double click the following folders; MY COMPUTER | LOCAL DISK C |
PROGRAM FILES | EASY CHECK. From within the Easy Check folder, find the
MLAEasyCheck.exe file, right-click it and select CREATE SHORTCUT. At the bottom of the
window you should now see a new file called “Shortcut to MLAEasyCheck.exe”, you can now
drag this out onto your desktop, double clicking it will launch Easy Check.
Whenever I upload a kill to the database I am asked for a username and password
To avoid having to enter your username and password every time you want to upload
something from Easy Check, just go into CONFIGURE | CONFIGURE HTTP and enter your
database user id and password in the NLIS USER INFORMATION section.
When uploading files the message “username and password is not valid” appears
If you are unsure of your username and password contact the NLIS helpdesk. If you know
what your username and password is, go into CONFIGURE | CONFIGURE HTTP and enter
your database user id and password in the NLIS USER INFORMATION section.
I’ve run an update for Easy Check, but now Easy Check seems to hang when uploading
kill files
If you run a firewall, Easy Check may have been added to the list of programs blocked from
accessing the internet. If you are familiar with the firewall software, allow Easy Check access
to the internet, alternatively have your network administrator make the change.
The database keeps generating errors stating that my account is not authorised to use
the est. number but Easy Check has the same est. number as my account
Make sure that the NLIS Est. Number field is filled in, in the CONFIGURE screen of Easy
Check. If it is, there could possibly be leading spaces before the first character. To make sure
there are no blank spaces at all, click with your mouse at the far left of the box and press the
delete key on your keyboard 12 – 15 times, retype your NLIS est. number and click the
BACKUP button to save the setting.
My stick reader is not recognised by Easy Check yet other programs download from it
Easy Check may need to be jogged to find the reader again. Go to DOWNLOAD and select
the CONFIGURE READER button. Make sure the correct port is selected and click the LOAD
button, highlight EID reader and select your reader from the list of those available. Click OK
and CLOSE to get back to the DOWNLOAD screen and try downloading again.
I’m unsure if my file has really been accepted by the database, how can I check this?
All files submitted to the database can be viewed by logging into the database website with
your username and password. Once logged in select VIEW MY TRANSACTION HISTORY
from the drop down box. To view the transactions for today, simply click the CONTINUE
button. To view any transactions that occurred in the past, select the date range from the
available drop down boxes. Once selected, click the CONTINUE button. If the file has been
accepted by the database you should be able to see it in the table.
My Current Holdings is not being updated automatically
Select CONFIGURE from the main screen in Easy Check. In the ALLOW TAIL TAG FREE
box delete NO and type in YES. Easy Check will now download an updated list of Current
Holdings after every kill file is submitted.
How do I update ERP and Current Holdings when I don’t have any kill information to
Because Easy Check will only update ERP and current holdings information automatically
after a kill upload or when ERP information hasn’t been updated for 7 days, in some cases it
may be required to run a manual download.
To manually update ERP information, from the main Easy Check screen, click the
EXCEPTIONS button and then the SYNCRONISE button, the download should begin
For Current Holdings, click the HOLDINGS button from the main Easy Check screen and then
the GET ENTIRE HOLDINGS button. Again, the download should begin immediately.
Database generated errors can be viewed by logging into the database website with your
username and password (if you need to create an account go to http://www.nlis.mla.com.au).
Once logged in select VIEW MY TRANSACTION HISTORY from the drop down box. To view
the transactions for today, simply click the CONTINUE button. To view any transactions that
occurred in the past, select the date range from the available drop down boxes. Once
selected, click the CONTINUE button.
All transactions should have one of five common upload statuses;
Your file is in a queue waiting to be processed. Wait two hours and check
again: if the status has not changed, contact the NLIS Help Desk.
Note: Processor Kill files are updated in a batch overnight. This status may
appear until the file has been processed the next day.
Your file is currently being processed by the NLIS database.
Your transaction has been successfully processed. All requested animals have
been transferred or have had data updated successfully.
Bad format
The entire file was not formatted correctly and the NLIS database was unable
to understand its content.
Errors of this type are referred to as Format Errors. Examples include missing
fields, invalid dates etc.
Format errors are reported immediately on screen when your data is uploaded.
This immediate response will identify exactly which data is not understood.
No animals have been transferred.
When the database receives a file that contains both correctly and incorrectly
formatted data, the records that are in a correct format will be processed.
Incorrectly formatted data will be ignored and the File Upload Status will be set
For example, if a transfer file is submitted to the NLIS database and 9 out of 10
animals have a ‘Buyer PIC’ recorded but the 10th animal is missing the ‘Buyer
PIC’ (and all other data is correct), then the 9 animals with the ‘Buyer PIC’ will
be transferred successfully.
The animal that is missing the ‘Buyer PIC’ will not be transferred and a
message will appear on screen.
Format errors are reported immediately on screen when your data is uploaded.
This immediate response will identify exactly which data is not understood and
could not be processed.
The INCOMPLETE status indicates that some of the animals have been
processed but not all.
Further detail can be made available on any transactions returning the VIEW ERROR status.
This can be accessed by clicking on the words VIEW ERROR, a new page will appear
showing all individual errors and warnings.
Error Message
CFB Database updated but update of NLIS Database Failed: CM2,1.0,N,RFD,,,982 000012345678
This means that carcase feedback information has been successfully recorded on the
Carcase Feedback Database, but has not been updated on the NLIS Database.
Common instances of how this may have occurred are;
The device is not listed on the NLIS database. This can be tested by running a
BEAST ENQUIRY on the device; a message should appear that the device doesn’t
exist. If this is the case, notify the NLIS Database helpdesk.
The beast has already had its’ status set to DECEASED. This may have occurred
where the producer or saleyard thought they were doing the right thing when sending
animals to slaughter. Again, notify the database helpdesk.
Error Message
Tag already killed in NLIS (RFID OR NLISID only): CM2,1.0,N,RFD,,,951 000001234567
The device has already been recorded as slaughtered. Note that this is completely different to
the animal being recorded as DECEASED, in this case an abattoir has uploaded a CFB
record for the beast, it has a HSCW, body number and consigning PIC associated with it.
Instances of how this may have occurred are;
The CFB file was uploaded twice by mistake. The first time the file was submitted, it
was processed successfully, when the database processes the file a second time it
generates this message to say that the tag has already been killed. If this is the case,
no further action is required.
Although uncommon, the device may have been read twice and included a second
time within the kill file, the above applies again.
Another processor has already recorded the device as slaughtered. In this case,
notify the database helpdesk.
Error Message
Account is not authorised to use the establishment number:
Each Carcase Feedback file uploaded to the database has an establishment number linked to
each body slaughtered. In this case the establishment number included in the CFB file does
not match the establishment number linked to the processor account.
This will occur when;
Your database account does not have the Est. Number used in your kill linked to it.
Contact the NLIS helpdesk to have this link created.
The establishment number field within Easy Check has been altered or deleted by
mistake. To rectify this, simply go into Easy Check, select CONFIGURE from the
main menu and update the NLIS ESTABLISHMENT NUMBER field. If you are unsure
of what this number should be, ask your state coordinator.
The establishment number has been updated on your database account, but not
within Easy Check. If you know what the updated Est. Number is, as above, update
the NLIS EST field from within Easy Check.
Error Message
The kill key has already been used/ Kill key already exists
This message is generated when a body number is used a second time on the same day, i.e.
two bodies are recorded as being killed on the 17/03/2005 both with body number 5. A body
number can only be used once on a specific date.
Error Message
This NLIS number is not registered in the database
The tag has not been created on the NLIS database. Notify the NLIS helpdesk of the device
Error Message
This animal is deceased
The device has already had its status set to DECEASED. This may have been caused by a
producer or saleyard updating the status by mistake. The NLIS helpdesk has the ability to
view who has updated the status and pass the matter on to the appropriate state co-ordinator
if needed.
Error Message
Invalid Property Identification Code (PIC)
The PIC entered does not fit the NLIS algorithm. Check the PIC for possible typographic
errors or confirm the PIC with the consignor. If the PIC is correct, contact your SDA.
Error Message
You have entered an unauthorised Establishment Number
An establishment number that does not exist on the NLIS database has been entered in the
kill upload. Notify the NLIS helpdesk to have this Est. Number linked to your account.
Error Message
Kill key does not exist
The body number does not exist on the CFB database. This is generated when attempting to
modify a kill record.
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Failure to
generate kill key: "
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - A record with
this key already exists: "
The database was unable to create a kill record
for this body.
A kill record with this exact same information
has already been used once on this particular
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Attempt to
modify non-existing record: "
A modify record has been submitted to the
database for a particular kill record when the
original kill record was not entered. The CFB file
the original kill record was included in may not
have been uploaded to the database.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Failure during
insertion. Transaction rolled back: "
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Failure during
update. Transaction rolled back: "
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Invalid PIC: "
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Unable to
generate NLIS lot key: "
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Unable to insert
in LotKey_KillKey_Link table: "
"ERROR (CM1 Record) - Account is not
authorised to use the establishment
number: "
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Update the body number to follow on from the last body
successfully recorded for that day. Update the date if the
kill happened on a different date than the one originally
If you can locate the CFB file, upload it. Otherwise, from
Easy Check, select UPLOAD | UPLOAD FILES and
select the “Automatically by criteria”. Select the “all files
not previously uploaded” button, then UPLOAD.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID.
The PIC entered does not fit the NLIS algorithm.
Check the PIC for possible typographic errors or confirm
the PIC with the consignor. If the PIC is correct, contact
your SDA.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The database was unable to generate a lot
number for this kill record.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Each Carcase Feedback file uploaded to the
database has an establishment number linked
to each body slaughtered. In this case the
establishment number included in the CFB file
does not match the establishment number
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Database account does not have the Est.
Number used in the kill linked to it. Contact the
NLIS helpdesk to have this link created.
The establishment number field within Easy
Check has been altered or deleted by mistake.
linked to the processor account.
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Failure to locate
kill key: "
An attempt to modify a kill record that doesn’t
exist on the database has been made.
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Attempt to add
record that already exists: "
An attempt to create a new record has been
rejected as one exactly the same has already
been processed. The kill file may have been
submitted twice, or has been duplicated within
the same kill file.
A modify record has been submitted to the
database for a particular kill record when the
original kill record was not entered. The CFB file
the original kill record was included in may not
have been uploaded to the database.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Attempt to
modify non-existing record: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Failure during
insertion. Transaction rolled back: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Unacceptable
tag type: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Modification of
NLIS_ID/RFID is not allowed: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - CFB Database
updated but update of NLIS Database
Failed: "
A tag type other than MGT, RFD, NLS or PIC
has been supplied within the kill record.
The NLIS ID or RFID field included within the kill
record is attempting to update the record on the
Carcase feedback information has been
successfully recorded on the Carcase Feedback
Database, but has not been updated on the
NLIS Database. The device may not exist on
In Easy Check, select CONFIGURE from the
main menu and update the NLIS
unsure of what this number should be, ask your
state coordinator.
The establishment number has been updated
on the database account, but not within Easy
Check. If you know what the updated Est.
Number is, as above, update the NLIS EST field
from within Easy Check.
The CFB file with the original kill record may not have
been uploaded first. Upload the original file, followed by
this file.
Check ENQUIRY RESULTS for duplicated file or notify
the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
If you can locate the CFB file, upload it. Otherwise, from
Easy Check, select UPLOAD | UPLOAD FILES and
select the “Automatically by criteria”. Select the “all files
not previously uploaded” button, then UPLOAD.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Update the kill file to only include the MGT, RFD, NLS or
PIC tag types.
The NLIS ID or RFID field cannot be modified.
Run a beast enquiry on the tag through the database
website to see if the tag exists. Notify the NLIS helpdesk
with the upload ID.
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Both CFB and
NLIS database failed: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Tag already
killed in NLIS (RFID OR NLISID only): "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Invalid PIC: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Unable to
generate or retrieve NLIS lot key: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Unable to
update LotKey_KillKey_Link table: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Invalid NLIS ID
compared to NLIS data: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Invalid RF ID
compared to NLIS data: "
"ERROR (CM2 Record) - Update of
auxiliary row in Carcase ID failed: "
"ERROR (CM3 Record) - Failure to locate
the database, or the device has already had its’
status set to DECEASED.
Neither the Carcase Feedback Database or
NLIS Database have been updated
The NLIS system could not process this record.
The device has already been recorded as
slaughtered. Note that this is completely
different to the animal being recorded as
DECEASED, in this case an abattoir has
uploaded a CFB record for the beast, it has a
HSCW, body number and consigning PIC
associated with it. A CFB file may have been
submitted twice, the device may have been
included twice within the one kill file or another
processor has recorded the slaughter of this
The PIC entered does not fit the NLIS algorithm.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS helpdesk has the ability to view who has
updated the database and pass the matter on to the
appropriate state co-ordinator if needed.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Check the PIC for possible typographic errors or confirm
the PIC with the consignor. If the PIC is correct, contact
your SDA.
Contact the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Contact the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID.
A badly formatted NLIS ID has been submitted
in the kill record. It is possible that a typo may
have been made while transcribing the ID
A badly formatted NLIS ID has been submitted
in the kill record. A scanner or software may
have corrupted the ID.
Update the NLIS ID with the correct ID. If the database
still shows it as invalid, contact the NLIS helpdesk with
the upload ID.
If possible scan the device again to confirm of any
corruption. If none exists, upload the updated file, if the
scanner generates the same number; notify the NLIS
helpdesk with the upload ID.
Update the management tag and resubmit the file to the
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
A badly formatted management tag has been
included within the kill record.
The database was unable to find a kill record for
kill key: "
"ERROR (CM3 Record) - A record with
this key already exists: "
this body.
A kill record with this exact same information
has already been used once on this particular
"ERROR (CM3 Record) - Attempt to
modify non-existing record: "
A modify record has been submitted to the
database for a particular kill record when the
original kill record was not entered. The CFB file
the original kill record was included in may not
have been uploaded to the database.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
If you can locate the CFB file, upload it. Otherwise, from
Easy Check, select UPLOAD | UPLOAD FILES and
select the “Automatically by criteria”. Select the “all files
not previously uploaded” button, then UPLOAD.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The database was unable to find a kill record for
this body.
A record with this information has already been
submitted to the database.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
"ERROR (CM3 Record) - Failure during
insertion. Transaction rolled back: "
"ERROR (CM3 Record) - Failure during
update. Transaction rolled back: "
"ERROR (CM3 Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (CM4 Record) - Failure to locate
kill key: "
"ERROR (CM4 Record) - Attempt to add
record that exists: "
"ERROR (CM4 Record) - Attempt to
modify record that does not exist: "
"ERROR (CM4 Record) - Insert affected
more or less than one row: "
"ERROR (CM4 Record) - Update affected
more than one row: "
"ERROR (CM4 Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (CM6 Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
A modify record has been submitted to the
database for a particular kill record when the
original kill record was not entered. The CFB file
the original kill record was included in may not
have been uploaded to the database.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Update the body number to follow on from the last body
successfully recorded for that day. Update the date if the
kill happened on a different date than the one originally
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID or check
ENQUIRY RESULTS too see if the same file is listed
If you can locate the CFB file, upload it. Otherwise, from
Easy Check, select UPLOAD | UPLOAD FILES and
select the “Automatically by criteria”. Select the “all files
not previously uploaded” button, then UPLOAD.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
"ERROR (CM6 Record) - Attempted to
insert a duplicate: "
"ERROR (CM8 Record) - Failure to locate
kill key: "
"ERROR (CM8 Record) - Attempt to add
record that exists: "
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
A record with this information has already been
submitted to the database.
"ERROR (CM8 Record) - Attempt to
modify record that does not exist: "
A modify record has been submitted to the
database for a particular kill record when the
original kill record was not entered. The CFB file
the original kill record was included in may not
have been uploaded to the database.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID or check
ENQUIRY RESULTS too see if the same file is listed
If you can locate the CFB file, upload it. Otherwise, from
Easy Check, select UPLOAD | UPLOAD FILES and
select the “Automatically by criteria”. Select the “all files
not previously uploaded” button, then UPLOAD.
"ERROR (CM8 Record) - Insert affected
more or less than 1 row: "
"ERROR (CM8 Record) - Update affected
more than one row: "
"ERROR (CM8 Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (CL1 Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (CL1 Record) - Invalid
AccountID: "
"ERROR (CL1 Record) - Duplicate LotID
Insert attempted: "
"ERROR (NAZ Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (NRF Record) - Unidentified
failure: "
"ERROR (NRF Record) - Attempt to
modify record that does not exist: "
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The UserID submitted within the kill file does not
exist on the database.
Confirm your username and password with the NLIS
helpdesk or the database website. Easy Check users
can update this field through CONFIGURE |
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The lot number included within the kill record
has already been used. The kill record may
have been uploaded twice.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
A modify record has been submitted to the
database for a particular kill record when the
original kill record was not entered. The CFB file
the original kill record was included in may not
If you can locate the CFB file, upload it. Otherwise, from
Easy Check, select UPLOAD | UPLOAD FILES and
select the “Automatically by criteria”. Select the “all files
not previously uploaded” button, then UPLOAD.
"ERROR (NRF Record) - Insert affected
more or less than one row: "
"ERROR (NRF Record) - Invalid Tag
Type Passed In: "
"ERROR (NRF Record) - Invalid PIC: "
have been uploaded to the database.
The NLIS system could not process this record.
A tag type other than MGT, RFD, NLS or PIC
has been supplied within the kill record.
The PIC supplied within the kill file does not fit
the PIC algorithm.
Notify the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Update the kill file to only include the MGT, RFD, NLS or
PIC tag types.
Confirm your PIC with your RLPB. If the PIC is correct,
Easy Check users can update this field under
" This NLIS number is not registered in
the database "
" This animal is deceased: "
" Invalid Property Identification Code
“You have entered an unauthorised
Establishment Number”
"Table deletion/insertion/update error."
"Unable to generate kill key”
"Kill key already exists"
A typo has been made when entering the device
number or it has not been created on the NLIS
The device has already had its status set to
DECEASED. This may have been caused by a
producer or saleyard updating the status by
The PIC entered does not fit the NLIS algorithm.
An establishment number that does not exist on
the NLIS database has been entered in the kill
The NLIS system could not process this record.
The NLIS system was unable to create a kill
A body number has been used a second time
on the same day, i.e. two bodies are recorded
as being killed on the 17/03/2005 both with body
number 5. A body number can only be used
once on a specific date.
Check NLIS ID entered for possible typos or notify the
NLIS helpdesk of the device number.
The NLIS helpdesk has the ability to view who has
updated the status and pass the matter on to the
appropriate state co-ordinator if needed.
Check the PIC for possible typographic errors or confirm
the PIC with the consignor. If the PIC is correct, contact
the NLIS helpdesk
Notify the NLIS helpdesk to have this Est. Number
linked to your account.
Contact the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Contact the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Update the body number to follow on from the last body
successfully recorded for that day. Update the date if the
kill happened on a different date than the one originally
“Kill key does not exist”
“Unable to generate or retrieve lot key."
" Account is not authorised to use the
establishment number "
“Invalid tag type passed in."
“Invalid tag type to be updated.”
“The livestock associated with the tag has
already been killed”
“Invalid NLISID compared to NLISTag
“Invalid RFD compared to NLISTag
“Update of auxiliary row in CarcaseID
The NLIS system could not locate the kill record
The NLIS system could not process this record.
Each Carcase Feedback file uploaded to the
database has an establishment number linked
to each body slaughtered. In this case the
establishment number included in the Manual
Kill Upload does not match the establishment
number linked to the processor account.
Check record for possible typos or contact the NLIS
helpdesk with the upload ID.
Contact the NLIS helpdesk with the upload ID
Check Est. number supplied for typos or if the database
account does not have the Est. Number used in your kill
linked to it, contact the NLIS helpdesk to have this link
A tag type other than MGT, RFD, NLS or PIC
has been supplied within the kill record.
A tag type other than MGT, RFD, NLS or PIC
has been supplied within the kill record.
The device has already been recorded as
slaughtered. Note that this is completely
different to the animal being recorded as
DECEASED, in this case an abattoir has
uploaded a CFB record for the beast, it has a
HSCW, body number and consigning PIC
associated with it. A CFB file may have been
submitted twice, the device may have been
included twice within the one kill file or another
processor has recorded the slaughter of this
A badly formatted NLIS ID has been submitted
in the kill record. It is possible that a typo may
have been made while transcribing the ID
A badly formatted NLIS ID has been submitted
in the kill record. A scanner or software may
have corrupted the ID.
Update the kill file to only include the MGT, RFD, NLS or
PIC tag types.
Update the kill file to only include the MGT, RFD, NLS or
PIC tag types.
The NLIS helpdesk has the ability to view who has
updated the database and pass the matter on to the
appropriate state co-ordinator if needed.
A badly formatted management tag has been
included within the kill record
Update the NLIS ID with the correct ID. If the database
still shows it as invalid, contact the NLIS helpdesk with
the upload ID.
If possible scan the device again to confirm of any
corruption. If none exists, upload the updated file. If the
scanner generates the same number; notify the NLIS
helpdesk with the upload ID.
Update the management tag and resubmit the file to the