Paris-Bourbon County Library

Paris-Bourbon County Library
Strategic Plan 2016 - 2021
The Paris-Bourbon County Library inspires a lifelong commitment to the joy of learning,
the value of literacy, and the power of knowledge among people of all ages.
In five years, the Paris-Bourbon County Library will be the community’s center for
lifelong learning, offering diverse, innovative and interesting programs and services that
ignite the imaginations of persons of all ages.
1. Expand the types of programs offered to address the needs and interests of an
increasingly diverse community.
2. Increase the focus on literacy including building computer literacy and other
knowledge-based work force skills.
3. Enhance the marketing of the facilities and services of the Library as well as its
impact on the quality of life in the community.
4. Increase the use of volunteers to deliver programs and services
5. Increase fund-raising efforts
6. Enhance Library operations to maximize efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Years One - Two Activities
GOAL 1: Expand the types of programs offered to address the needs and
interests of an increasingly diverse community.
Evaluate existing programs to see how they are functioning and why they are or are not
successful in attracting participation
Gather information from youth and families on the types of out-of-school programs that
are desired in the community
Create programming using themed events in the community as a focus for innovative
library activities, especially reflecting the history and cultural heritage of the community
and the Commonwealth.
In partnership with the Hopewell Museum, the DAR and others identify new
programming around genealogy
GOAL 2: Increase the focus on literacy including building computer literacy and
other knowledge-based work force skills.
Investigate literacy materials and programs to see if Bourbon County's literacy programs
could be enhanced
Identify barriers to adult participation in literacy programs and seek ways to overcome
In partnership with Bourbon County Extension, local financial institutions and other
organizations, offer programs that build financial literacy in the community
Celebrate literacy achievements by youth and adults with different types of promotions
Explore new grant opportunities for literacy programs solely or in partnership with other
GOAL 3: Enhance the marketing of the facilities and services of the Library as
well as its impact on the quality of life in the community
Establish a Marketing Team led by a staff member and comprised of volunteers
Increase the on-line visibility of the Library and its programs and resources
Seek the opportunity for a "Library Corner" in the local newspaper (once a month) to
promote upcoming events and library resources
Utilize the library's web site as a resource for services provided by other groups in
Specifically market the value of the services and resources provided by the library
Establish Library Volunteer Ambassadors who can serve as tour guides and public
advocates for the library
GOAL 4: Increase the use of volunteers to deliver programs and services
Develop a set of volunteer job descriptions to recruit volunteers to specific projects
Develop a job description for a “volunteer” coordinator and fill it as soon as possible
Identify groups that could be a source of volunteers with focused marketing of volunteer
job descriptions
Establish a volunteer recognition program
GOAL 5: Increase fund-raising efforts
Increase number and diversity of program sponsorships
Increase the number of grants written in support of library programs and services
In cooperation with other nonprofit organizations in the community, host a workshop on
legacy gifts through estate planning
Evaluate the pros and cons of establishing a library endowment
Identify and implement at least two fund-raising activities with partners
GOAL 6: Enhance library operations to maximize efficiency and customer
Evaluate current hours of operation in light of survey responses and recommendations
from community forum participants
Facilitate access to library cards by all persons in the community
Every 12-18 months review progress on the plan
Years Three - Five Activities
GOAL 1: Expand the types of programs offered to address the needs and
interests of an increasingly diverse community.
Increase out-of-school programming to support the learning activities of school age
Link reading to innovative learning activities that are challenging for youth and families
Increase services and programs for home school families
Enhance relationships with and services to non-English speaking and immigrant
residents through partnerships with churches they attend or social service agencies
The library becomes an approved GED and National Work Ready Certificate testing site
GOAL 2: Increase the focus on literacy including building computer literacy and
other knowledge-based work force skills.
Expand the types of programs that encourage reading through different types of
Develop a bilingual literacy initiative
Develop initiatives to increase computer and technical literacy within the community
GOAL 3: Enhance the marketing of the facilities and services of the library as well
as its impact on the quality of life in the community
Specifically market the library's programs in cooperation with the Paris-Bourbon County
EDA and the Chamber of Commerce
GOAL 5: Increase fund-raising efforts
In collaboration with local businesses, provide opportunities for personal sponsorships
or donations to the library through payroll deductions, assigning CU Rewards to the
library, or through a Kroger card plan
The Library Board should evaluate the option of increasing the tax rate to the limit that
does not require voter approval – after demonstrating to the community the broad value
of the library
The Library should evaluate the costs and benefits of a capital campaign working with a
volunteer who has development experience
GOAL 6: Enhance library operations to maximize efficiency and customer
Identify and act on additional ways to take the library to the community
Maintain a "suggestions" link on the library's web site as well as a physical suggestions
box in the library
Paris-Bourbon County Library
Strategic Plan 2016 - 2021
Evaluate existing programs to see how they Establish criteria for evaluating the
are functioning and why they are or are not performance of Library sponsored
successful in attracting participation
Every new program or activity
implemented by the library should have
performance based criteria identified
Determine the time period for failing to
meet performance criteria before the
program is suspended or ended
Every 12 to 18 months review the
performance of existing programs and
determine whether to continue the
program or suspend
Gather information from youth and families
on the types of out-of-school programs that
are desired in the community
Conduct a survey of adults to determine
interest in and preferences for out-ofschool programs
Conduct focus groups with youth
throughout the county to identify the
types of out-of-school programs that
would attract their participation
Evaluate the results of these datagathering efforts and distribute to
potential partners
Increase out-of-school programming to
support the learning activities of school age
Based on the results of these datagathering efforts, host a discussion with
schools, the YMCA and other community
organizations the types of programs that
could and should be provided
Determine if by combining resources it is
possible to address the gaps in needed
Identify possible local or other sources of
funding to support these programs
Finding Funding: A Guide to Federal
Sources for Youth Grants
Financing out of school programs in rural
Link reading to innovative learning activities
that are challenging for youth and families
Review research on and success of
locally based programs on summer
reading through NY public libraries
In partnership with other community
organizations, develop opportunities for
hands on educational activities – sky
viewing, microscopic science, hiking and
learning -- that build on the assets of the
Review opportunities for innovative
programs and funding at STEM
Provide opportunities for youth and
adults to become active in storytelling,
writing, photography, videography and
other forms of creative activity
Web tools for digital storytelling
Storytelling resources
See storytelling in schools resources
Increase services and programs for home
school families
Convene a meeting with families who
home school their children to determine
their interest in partnering with the library
on enrichment activities
Identify desired types of enrichment
activities and assess the capacity of the
library to provide this type of enrichment
and the cost of delivery
Determine if particular enrichment
activities could double as an out-ofschool programs
Create programming using themed events
in the community as a focus for innovative
library activities, especially reflecting the
history and cultural heritage of the
community and the Commonwealth
Enhance relationships with and services to
non-English speaking and immigrant
residents through partnerships with
churches they attend or social service
Identify 3-4 major community events for
which thelLibrary will host thematically
related programs during the same
Utilize major community events to
highlight the history and culture of
Bourbon County and the Commonwealth
Seek formal and informal opportunities
to meet with community advocates for
non-English speaking and immigrant
residents to develop an understanding of
the types of services and informational
assistance they need
Enlist the assistance of volunteer
translators (e.g., students pursuing
language degrees at nearby
Universities) to collaborate with nonEnglish speaking and immigrant
residents in the design of desired
In partnership with the Hopewell Museum,
the DAR and others identify new
programming around genealogy
The library becomes an approved GED and
National Work Ready Certificate testing site
Determine the requirements for
becoming an approved testing site
Complete the process for becoming an
approved site
Investigate literacy materials and programs
to see if Bourbon County's literacy
programs could be enhanced
Conduct a quick review of in-house and
available literacy programs and materials
to determine if there gaps that might be
filled with new materials
Identify barriers to adult participation in
literacy programs and seek ways to
overcome them
Utilize key informant interviews to
identify barriers to participation in literacy
Evaluate strategies for addressing
Insure that volunteers are available to
provide child care for participants in adult
literacy classes
Offer early child and youth reading
programs at the same time as adult
literacy programs
In partnerships with the Paris-Bourbon
County EDA, assess the interest of local
industries in offering literacy classes for
their employees
Expand the types of programs that
encourage reading through different types
of activities
Read with a dog or a horse
Intergenerational learning and storytelling (e.g., Bourbon County Story
Will Eisner Graphic Novel Grant Award
for Libraries
First Books
Books for Babies
PRIME TIME Family Reading grant
The Big Read
Celebrate literacy achievements by youth
and adults with different types of
Install a Literacy Bell in the Library to be
wrung by new readers
Sponsor a Bourbon County Reading
competition where the entire community
seeks to attain a goal of number of
books read
In partnership with Bourbon County
Extension, local financial institutions and
other organizations, offer programs that
build financial literacy in the community
Develop a bilingual literacy initiative
Hire a bilingual staff member or identify a
bilingual volunteer
Review the availability of audio ESL
books that can be used by residents
In partnerships with the Paris-Bourbon
County EDA, assess the interest of local
industries in offering bilingual literacy or
ESL classes for their employees
Identify opportunities to partner with ESL
programs in the region
Develop initiatives to increase computer
and technical literacy within the community
Periodically host a family computer
games night that combines gaming with
a learning activity
Review programs and funding agencies
at STEM Connector to identify
opportunities to innovative programs
Explore new grant opportunities for literacy
programs solely or in partnership with other
Study of Adult Student Persistence in
Literacy Programs
Literacy Directory
Corporate Literacy grants
National Financial Educators Council
resource guide
National Leadership Grants for Libraries
Dollar General Literacy Grants
Libri Foundation
Grant opportunities for reading programs
Establish a Marketing Team led by a staff
member and comprised of volunteers
Identify a staff member willing to
incorporate leadership of this volunteer
The purpose of the Marketing Team is to
"sell" the library (its resources and
programs) to the community and
potential funders AND as a central
source of information on community
social services, educational
opportunities, and other nonprofit
Provide clear expectations and
deliverables for the Marketing Team
Provide an annual budget for the
Marketing Team
Develop a brand/logo for the library
under the guidance of the Marketing
Increase the on-line visibility of the library
and its programs and resources
Maintain and continually update the
library's on-line presence on Facebook,
Twitter new social media as they
Develop a series of short instructional
videos for posting on the web site and
YouTube on how to access the library's
on-line resources
Develop a series of short videos
demonstrating the interesting activities
and fun persons of all ages can have at
the library
Utilize the library's web site as a resource
for services provided by other groups in
Pro-active in gathering potentially
important information re support groups
in the area
Seek the opportunity for a "Library Corner"
in the local newspaper (once a month) to
promote upcoming events and library
Specifically market the value of the services When someone checks out a book or a
and resources provided by the library
CD or a DVD they are given information
on how much the book is worth and what
it would have cost to acquire this
privately at full cost
Provide data on the economic value of
the holdings of the library as well as the
economic value of the on-line resources
available through the library
Develop an "elevator statement" for local
taxpayers that indicates for X dollars in
library taxes, every household worth at
least y dollars has access to Z dollars of
resources through the library
Specifically market the library's programs in
Community education opportunities
cooperation with the Paris-Bourbon County
EDA and the Chamber of Commerce
Industrial work force skills development
Establish Library Volunteer Ambassadors
who can serve as tour guides and public
advocates for the library
Develop a script, fact sheets, and a brief
powerpoint for use by the volunteer
Encourage schools to have
ambassadors visit to explain library
programs and allow children to sign up
then for a library card
Encourage schools to bring students on
"field trips" to the library
Ambassadors visit civic organizations
and churches to highlight programs and
resources of the library
Develop a set of volunteer job descriptions
to recruit volunteers to specific projects
Identify tasks that can be completed by
Define needed skills and knowledge for
each task
Link list of new programs to required
competencies for delivery
Develop job descriptions
Develop a job description for a “volunteer”
coordinator and fill it as soon as possible
Identify groups that could be a source of
volunteers with focused marketing of
volunteer job descriptions
Establish a volunteer recognition program
Have a place in the library celebrate both
the Librarian of the Month and Volunteer
of the Month
Track volunteer hours to celebrate key
Host an annual Volunteer Recognition
Increase number and diversity of program
Develop a statement of what a business
or organization receives for sponsorship
at different levels of a library program or
Link marketing the library to the
promotion of a sponsored program and
the business
Seek corporate sponsorships with
contacts made 12 months in advance of
a particular event
In collaboration with local businesses,
provide opportunities for personal
sponsorships or donations to the Library
through payroll deductions, assigning CU
Rewards to the library, or through a Kroger
card plan
Increase the number of grants written in
support of library programs and services
Identify a volunteer who is willing to
assist with grant writing
Identify grants that would be appropriate
for supporting particular programs or
activities and develop a schedule of their
due dates
Evaluate the pros and cons of establishing
a library endowment
Identify and implement at least two fundraising activities with partners
Host a talent show with the schools –
have the youth write their own play and
do a multimedia art exhibit at the library
Host your own version of the Antiques
Road Show with antique dealers from
the community donating their time to
evaluate items
Host a classic fund raiser dinner and
dance around a major literary theme
The Library Board should evaluate the
option of increasing the tax rate to the limit
that does not require voter approval – after
demonstrating to the community the broad
value of the library
Following a period of marketing the
value of the library and its programs to
the community, determine whether to
increase the library tax rate
The Library should evaluate the costs and
benefits of a capital a campaign working
with a volunteer who has development
Evaluate current hours of operation in light
of survey responses and recommendations
from community forum participants
Assess the cost of expanding hours of
Make a decision as to hours of operation
Facilitate access to library cards by all
persons in the community
When visiting schools, help youth
complete the application for a library
Instruct students to take the application
home for their parents to sign and then
return to the library to receive their card
Identify and act on additional ways to take
the library to the community
Discuss with local jailer the opportunity
to bring books for the inmates
Discuss with Board and residents from
Millersburg and North Middleton on their
interest in having access to the county
library's resources in their communities
and how they would like to access these
Evaluate the costs and benefits of the
options for extending the reach of the
library throughout the county and choose
the most efficient and effective
Maintain a "suggestions" link on the
library's web site as well as a physical
suggestions box in the library
Every 12-18 months review progress on the Assess progress on strategies:
In progress
Not completed
Assess factors associated with the
successful completion of a strategy or
acting as a barrier to completing a
Determine if changes in the community
warrant new strategies or revisions of
existing ones