Primenjena lingvistika I nastava jezika ii

6th class
Digital Natives
• Watch the video and tell me your impressions:
• Think about yourselves at this age and compare yourselves to these
two girls;
• After watching this video try to define Digital Natives;
• Opposite to Digital Natives are Digital Immigrants. Who are these
people and how are they different from DN?
• Watch this video and take notes on the characteristics of digital
natives and digital immigrants.
• Tradigital?
The origin of the term
• Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
(by Marc Prensky From On the Horizon
(MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5,
October 2001)
• Marc Prensky is an internationally acclaimed thought leader,
speaker, writer, consultant, and game designer in the critical areas of
education and learning. He is the author of Digital Game-Based
Learning (McGraw-Hill, 2001), founder and CEO of Games2train, a
game-based learning company, and founder of The Digital Multiplier,
an organization dedicated to eliminating the digital divide in learning
• ‘singularity’
• …have grown up with the technology;
• K-college grads have spent 5000 hours/10 000 hours/20
0000 doing what? Match the numbers with the pictures
• Computer games, email, the Internet, cell phones and
instant messaging are integral parts of their lives.
How would you comment on the following
statements/phrases/terms in the context of digital natives:
• Different kinds of experiences lead to different brain structures;
• N-[for Net]-gen or D-[for digital]-gen
• “digital immigrant accent’’
• to the Digital Natives – school often feels pretty much as if
we‟ve brought in a population of heavily accented, unintelligible
foreigners to lecture them.’’
• “” said a kindergarten student recently at
• “Every time I go to school I have to power down,”
Digital Natives characteristics by MP
a) Digital Natives are used to receiving information really
b) They like to parallel process and multi-task.
c) They prefer their graphics before their text rather than
the opposite.
d) They prefer random access (like hypertext).
e) They function best when networked.
f) They thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards.
g) They prefer games to “serious” work. (Does any of this
sound familiar?)
Task: Think about these issues in the context of teaching English in a
primary school. Give specific examples of teaching practices you would
Digital Immigrants
• who themselves learned – and so choose to teach –
slowly, step-by-step, one thing at a time, individually, and
above all, seriously;
• Digital Immigrants don‟t believe their students can learn
successfully while watching TV or listening to music,
because they (the Immigrants) can‟t.
So what should happen?
Should the Digital Native students
learn the old ways, or
should their Digital Immigrant educators
learn the new?
Methodology and Content
o communicate in the language and style of their students.
o doesn’t mean changing the meaning of what is important, or of good thinking
o going faster, less step-by step, more in parallel, with more random access,
among other things
o Legacy content and Future content
o “Legacy” content includes reading, writing, arithmetic, logical thinking,
understanding the writings and ideas of the past, etc – all of our “traditional”
o “Future” content is to a large extent, not surprisingly, digital and technological.
But while it includes software, hardware, robotics, nanotechnology, genomics,
etc. it also includes the ethics, politics, sociology, languages and other things
that go with them.
It‟s not actually clear to me which is
harder – “learning new stuff” or
“learning new ways to do old stuff.” I
suspect it‟s the latter.
Marc Prensky
• Make a short video using your phone with young children
from your family or neughbourhood that can show us what
they know to say, sing, write, understand, do… in English.
• With the video you should attach a document in which you
write down your observations in the context of digital
• And of course post it to Trello. 
Mark Prensky’s video lecture
• The link in the textbook