Creating Google Sites and Wiki Pages

Google Sites
Wiki Pages
Lolly Martin / Laura Reeves
Fayette County Schools
Classroom Site
Political Website
Family/Personal Website
Computer Lab Website - Students
Click to Open Menu Items
Place Links on Website
Class Website
Class Website Information
Links and Files
Grade Level Sharing Teachers
Share Tests, Presentations,
Links, etc...
County-Wide Sharing
Create a Google Site
Log in to your Google Email Account
Click on “Sites” at the top left of the
Click on Create to make a new site.
Choose “Blank Template” (It’s probably
already chosen.)
Create a Google Site
Type a name in the box for “Name your
site” (It’s okay to use capital letters and spaces. Google will
create the web site address for you. You should be able to access
your site any time you log in to your account and click on “sites.”)
Choose a theme (optional).
Click the red “create site” box.
Create a Google Site
After your site appears, go to “More” in the
top right corner
Determine settings for your site
Decide who can view your site
Share the site with others
How to Add Pages
• Click on the little square with a + in it (top right)
• Choose page type
• Use “file cabinet” if using page to store documents.
• Type a name for your page in the box.
• Choose location for new page (under "Home" or as
a sub page)
• Click the red “Create” box when finished.
Edit, Add, & Share Pages
Wiki Pages -- PBWORKS.COM
Wiki Pages
• Promote Distance Learning
• Connect Home with School
• Connect Students and Students
• Connect Students and Teachers
• Promote Interactive Collaboration
Basic Plan - FREE
100 Users
Classroom Accounts
2 GB storage
No Email Required
Password Protected
Updates Regarding All Changes
Welcome Page
Create User Accounts
No Email Needed
Students Can Create Pages
Upload Pictures & Add
Students Can...
• Upload Pictures
• Create Pages
• Edit Pages
• Create Folders for storage
• Post Comments