Chess in School Sponsorhip Package

Chess in School
Sponsorship Package
Why chess in schools?
 Benefits of chess for children
are enormous:
To create plans and to focus their
thoughts and energies;
The ability to visualize moves and To enhance concentration, patience,
and perseverance;
patterns in their minds;
To solve problems as they occur, to
apply sets of knowledge in dynamic
and creative ways;
To develop creativity, intuition and
Raises self-esteem;
selfmotivation and sportsmanship;
Occupies time in a positive manner;
Chess in European Schools
pursuant to Rule 123 of the Rules of Procedure
on the introduction of the programme ‘Chess in School’ in the educational
systems of the European Union
Slavi Binev, John Attard-Montalto, Nirj Deva, Mario Mauro, Hannu Takkula
Lapse date:15/03/2012
Written declaration on the introduction of the programme ‘Chess in School’ in the educational systems of the European Union
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Articles 6 and 165 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
– having regard to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, in its Article 6, provides that sport is among the areas ‘where the
Union shall have competences to carry out actions to support, coordinate or supplement the actions of the Member States’;
B. whereas chess is an accessible game for children from every social group and can help social cohesion and contribute to policy
objectives such as social integration, combating discrimination, reducing crime rates and even the fight against various addictions;
C. whereas whatever the age of the child, chess can improve children’s concentration, patience and persistence and can develop the
sense of creativity, intuition, memory, and analytic and decision-making skills; whereas chess also teaches determination,
motivation and sportsmanship;
1. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to encourage the introduction of the programme ‘Chess in School’ in the
educational systems of the Member States;
2. Calls on the Commission, in its forthcoming communication on sport, to pay the necessary attention to the program ‘Chess in
School’ and to ensure sufficient funding for it from 2012 onwards;
3. Calls on the Commission to take into consideration the results of any studies on the effects of this programme on children’s
4. Instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the Commission and to the
Parliaments of the Member States.
Chess in European Schools
November 30,2011 - ECU President Silvio Danailov
presented Written Declaration No 50/2011 on the
introduction of the programme ‘Chess in School’
in the educational systems of the European Union
in front of 100 Euro Deputies in Brussels.
The Written Declaration was open for signatures,
on November 30, 2011 and the deadline for signing
the declaration was March 15, 2012.
It was necessary to collect at least 369 signatures
(50% +1 from the total number of 736 MEPs) in
order that this declaration to be accepted officially
in the EU Parliament.
March 13,2012 – Historical Success for the European
Chess. The final number of the MEPs who have signed the
Written Declaration 50/2011 is 415. European Parliament
has adopted the program of the European Chess Union –
‘Chess in School’.
The date of March 13th, 2012 will go down in chess
history as the date when the game of chess was moved
on a higher level of recognition by the society – not just
like a sport, but also like a part of the education in the
modern world.
Be the first and walk with us
“Chess in School” Sponsorship
 We offer you the unique possibility to
be the first to connect your company
with ECU and our program “Chess in
 Be the first to use exclusively our
brand “Chess in School” in public;
 Become
throughout Europe for “Chess in
School” program;
 Together we can encourage the
introduction of the program ‘Chess in
School’ in the educational system of
all Member States;
 You have an incredible opportunity to
become ECU partner when supporting
this program on children’s development ;
‘Chess in School’ Sponsorship
 You
Sponsor/Partner of “Chess in School”
………………………… (e.g. Austria, Bulgaria or
Norway) – for one year;
 Official Press Conference to announce
Sponsor/Partner of "Chess in School"
project, with the official participation of
Mr. Silvio Danailov;
 You will get the right to use the title
Official Sponsor/Partner of “Chess in
School” together with the logo of ECU for
utilization in all your marketing activities
and PR work;
 Your Logo/Name will be on the official
ECU Website -;
“Chess in School” project is a top priority
in the management program of the
President of the European Chess Union
Silvio Danailov and his team.
Contact details
Address: Masarikova 5/19, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 414 2470
Fax: +381 11 306 1319
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs. Mariana Todorova
Commercial Director
Be part of the new chess history