Stanford Stadium - Stanford Sports Medicine

Stanford Stadium & Foster Field
625 Nelson Road
Updated 352014
Emergency Personnel:
Coaching staff, Staff ATs, and Team Physicians are present at all football competitions. A stand-by ambulance is present for all
football competitions. Coaching staff and Staff ATs are present for all football practices.
Emergency Communication:
Fixed telephone lines are located in the home team athletic training room on the South end of the stadium and in the press box on the
West side of the stadium. Cellular telephones may or may not work on the field.
Emergency Equipment:
AED, airway management supplies, First Aid supplies, spine board, crutches, and vacuum splints are available on the field during
In the event of an emergency:
1. Provide immediate care of the injured student-athlete or staff member
2. Activate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) using
a. Fixed Telephone Line: Dial 9-911
b. Cellular Telephone: Dial 911
Instruct EMS personnel to “Report to the field inside Stanford Stadium using the Varsity Lot entrance. We have
an injured student-athlete/staff member in need of emergency medical treatment. We are located on the field. A
member of the Sports Medicine Team waiting for you at Gate 1.”
3. Retrieve necessary emergency equipment.
4. Direct EMS to the scene
a. Open appropriate gates/doors
b. Designate individual to ‘flag down’ EMS and direct them to the scene
c. Control the scene—Limit the scene to first aid providers. Remove bystanders.
Venue Directions:
From Galvez Street, turn onto Nelson Road. Follow Nelson Road as it veers to the left. Stanford Stadium and Foster Field are on the
left. Field Access point is located at Gate 1, which is the designated Fire Department Access Gate. The field can be reached by going
down the ramp. Locker rooms are located at the base of the ramp.
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