THE BOX MONADS DAVID I. SPIVAK 1. Notation Let {∗} denote the terminal category (which has one arrow). Let Cat denote the category of small categories (morphisms are functors). Given a category A ∈ Cat, let Ob(A) denote the set of objects in A. Let F : A → C and G : B → C be functors. We denote by (F ↓C G) the category whose objects are pairs (a, b, f ) where a ∈ Ob(A), b ∈ Ob(b) and f : F (a) → G(b) is a morphism in C. These are pictured as (1) Fa f Gb. The morphism sets are given by Hom(F ↓C G) ((a, b, f ), (a0 , b0 , f 0 )) = {(x, y)|x : a → a0 , y : b → b0 , Gy ◦ f = f 0 ◦ F x}. In pictures, a morphism (a, b, f ) → (a0 , b0 , f 0 ) in (F ↓C G) is written Fa Fx f0 f Gb / F a0 Gy / Gb0 . Suppose now that C is a 2-category; we will use the morphism-terminology of C = Cat because that is the main example we ultimately want to consider. In other words, we will call morphisms in C “functors” and 2-arrows in C “natural transformations.” We still consider A and B as 1-categories. Example 1.1. Let C = Cat. Suppose that F : A → Cat is a functor and B is a category, we sometimes write (A ↓Cat {B}) to denote (F ↓Cat iB ), where iB : {∗} → Cat is the category B. In other words, (A ↓Cat {B}) is the category of A-shaped diagrams in B. We can add a layer of complexity to (F ↓C G), by adding the possibility that the morphisms are not commutative diagrams in C, but instead involve a natural transformation (i.e. a 2-arrow in C). To that end, we define a category (F ⇓C G) whose objects are the same as those in (F ↓C G), pictured in (1), but for which morphisms sets are given by Hom(F ⇓C G) ((a, b, f ), (a0 , b0 , f 0 )) = {(x, y, α)|x : a → a0 , y : b → b0 , α : Gy ◦ f → f 0 ◦ F x}. This project was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research. 1 2 DAVID I. SPIVAK In pictures, a morphism (a, b, f ) → (a0 , b0 , f 0 ) in (F ⇓C G) is written Fa f Gb Fx α =⇒ Gy / F a0 f0 / Gb0 . We write (F ⇑C G) to denote a similar category but with some reversal of 1arrows. Its objects are the same as those in (F ↓C G) and (F ⇓C G); they are sequences (a, b, f ), as seen in (1). The morphism sets are given by Hom(F ⇑C G) ((a, b, f ), (a0 , b0 , f 0 )) = {(x, y, α)|x : a0 → a, y : b0 → b, α : f ◦ F x → Gy ◦ f 0 }. In pictures, a morphism (a, b, f ) → (a0 , b0 , f 0 ) in (F ⇑C G) is written Fa o Fx f =⇒ Gb o α Gy F a0 f0 Gb0 . For those who prefer, we can simply write (F ⇑C G) = (Gop ⇓C op F op ), where F op : Aop → C op and Gop : B op → C op are the opposites of F and G. Example 1.2. Suppose that C = Cat and that B is a category, considered as a B functor {∗} − → C. We may write (F ⇓ {B}) to denote (F ⇓ iB ). Explicitly, the f objects in (F ⇓ {B}) are functors F (a) − → B, where a ∈ A, and the morphisms f f 0 (F a − → B) −→ (F a0 −→ B) are pairs (x, α), where x : a → a0 and α : f → f 0 ◦ F x, as seen in the natural transformation diagram / F a0 F aB BB { { α BB =⇒ {{ B {{ f 0 f BB { }{ B Fx On the other hand, while the objects in (F ⇑ {B}) are the same as those in f f0 (F ⇓ {B}), a morphism (F a − → B) −→ (F a0 −→ B) has a reversal in the top 1-arrow. It is a pair (x, α) where x : a0 → a and α : f ◦ F x → f 0 , as seen in the natural transformation diagram Fx F a Bo F a0 BB { { α BB =⇒ {{ B {{ 0 f BB }{{ f B 2. The Box monads In this section we will be working in the base category Cat, so when we write (X ⇓ Y ) we mean (X ⇓Cat Y ). In particular, let FC denote the category of finite categories and consider the full inclusion FC → Cat. We will be considering, for THE BOX MONADS 3 any category C ∈ Cat, the categories (FC ⇓ {C}) and (FC ⇑ {C}). These are particular cases of the categories considered in Example 1.2. Theorem 2.1. Let FC denote the category of finite categories. Consider the endofunctor d := (FC ⇓ {−}) : Cat → Cat. There are natural transformations η : idCat → d and µ : d2 → d that give d the structure of a monad on Cat. Proof. For C ∈ Cat, define ηC : C → dC to be the functor given on objects by c c 7→ ({∗} → − C), and given on morphisms by id{∗} 0 / {∗} (f : c → c ) 7→ {∗} . AA } f AA } AA =⇒ }}} 0 c AA } ~}} c C This is clearly a natural transformation. Defining µ is more difficult. Let C ∈ Cat be a category; we will define µC : d2 C → dC. Let X be a finite category and let σ : X → (FC ⇓ {C}) be an object in d2 C. We need to establish some notation for σ. On objects x ∈ X, denote σ(x) by σx : Sx → C, where Sx is a finite category. On morphisms f : x → y in X, denote σ(f ) by σf ] / Sy (σf , σf ) : Sx @ @@ ] ~ σ ~ f @@ =⇒ ~ ~~ σy σx @@@ ~~ C . Define µ(X, σ) ∈ Cat as the category with objects Ob(µ(X, σ)) := {(x, sx )|x ∈ X, sx ∈ Sx } and morphisms Homµ(X,σ) ((x, sx ), (y, sy )) = {(f, f ] )|f : x → y, (f ] : σf (sx ) → sy ) ∈ Sy }. Note that since X and each Sx is finite, so is µ(X, σ). There is a canonical functor µ(X, σ) → C given on objects by (x, sx ) 7→ σx (sx ) and given on morphisms by sending (f, f ] ) : (x, sx ) → (y, sy ) to the composite σf] σy (f ] ) σx (sx ) −→ σy σf (sx ) −−−−→ σy (sy ). Thus µ(X, σ) is indeed in (FC ⇓ {C}). 4 DAVID I. SPIVAK So far, we have only established µ on objects. On morphisms m / 0, X KK sX KK s ] KK m ss K =⇒ ss σ KKK ss σ0 s % ys (FC ⇓ {C}) define µ(m, m] ) : µ(X, σ) → µ(X 0 , σ 0 ) as the functor given as follows. Send the object (x, sx ) ∈ µ(X, σ) to (m(x), m]x (sx )) ∈ µ(X 0 , σ 0 ). Send (f, f ] ) : (x, sx ) → (y, sy ) to 0 (m(x), (m]y ◦ f ] : σmf (m]x (sx )) → m]y (sy ))) : µ(X, σ) → µ(X 0 σ 0 ). There is an obvious natural transformation / µ(X 0 , σ 0 ) µ(X, σ) GG v GG vv GG =⇒ vv GG v G# {vvv C because m] : σ 0 ◦ m → σ was assumed natural. We draw the following diagram, in case it is useful to the reader: σx Sx σf m]x 0 Smx 0 σmx / Sy ] σ f @⇐= @@ @@ σy ] @@ my @@ @@ ⇓ 0 / Smy /C 0 A σmy ] σmf ⇑ 0 σmx We forgo showing that this really is a monad. Corollary 2.2. Let FC denote the category of finite categories. Consider the endofunctor e := (FC ⇑ {−}) : Cat → Cat. There are natural transformations η : idCat → e and µ : e2 → e, which gives e the structure of a monad on Cat. Proof. Recall the endofunctor d : Cat → Cat given by d = (FC ⇑ {−}) as in Theorem 2.1. For any category C there is a isomorphism (natural in C) ∼ = (FC ⇓ {C}) − → (FC ⇑ {C op })op given by sending an object σ : S → C to the object σ op : S op → C op and by sending a morphism (σf , σf] ) : (σx : Sx → C) −→ (σy : Sy → C), pictured as σf / Sy , Sx @ @@ ] ~ σ f @@ =⇒ ~~ ~~ σy σx @@@ ~ ~ C THE BOX MONADS 5 to the morphism pictured as σ f Syop o Sxop . DD ] z σf DD zz DD =⇒ zzσop z σyop DD " |zz x C op Now we can simply apply the maps µ and η from Theorem 2.1. For µ we have (FC ⇑ {FC ⇑ {C}}) ∼ = (FC ⇓ {FC ⇑ {C op }})op ∼ = (FC ⇓ {FC ⇓ {C op }})op µ − → (FC ⇓ {C op })op ∼ = (FC ⇑ {C}) and it is natural in C. Writing op : Cat → Cat to denote the involution, we also have (FC⇑{−}) Cat op / Cat / Cat(FC⇓{−}) : op & / Cat idCat so the natural transformation η : idCat → (FC ⇓ {−}) extends to a natural transformation idCat → (FC ⇑ {−}). All the monad diagrams commute for e because they do for d. In the next section we will define the “global sections functor” Γ : (FC ⇓ {Cat}) → Cat, which is related to the Grothendieck construction. For now, we just record a proposition as to the purpose of this material. Proposition 2.3. The global sections functor Γ : (FC ⇓ {Cat}) → Cat gives Cat the structure of a d-algebra. Proof. *** 3. Grothendieck construction Let f : S → Cat be a functor. The Grothendieck construction for f is given by Gr(f ) := ({∗} ⇓ f ). Explicitly, Gr(f ) is the category with objects (S, s) where S ∈ Ob(S) and s ∈ f (S). The morphism sets in Gr(f ) are given by Hom((S, s), (S 0 , s0 )) = {(y : S → S 0 , α : f (y)(s) → s0 )}. There is a natural projection πf : Gr(f ) → S given by (S, s) 7→ S. It is a split fibration; that is, for any y : S → S 0 and s ∈ S, there is a canonical choice of map (S, s) → (S 0 , f (y)(s)) lying over y. 6 DAVID I. SPIVAK Lemma 3.1. Let f : S → Cat be a diagram of categories. A functor σ : C → S induces a diagram / Gr(f ) Gr(f σ) y πf σ C πf σ / S, which is a pullback square. Proof. *** Definition 3.2. Let π : T → S be a functor. A section of π is a functor g : S → T such that πg = idS . A morphism of sections of π is a natural transformation over S. Recall that a pullback square as in Lemma 3.1 defines a functor g 7→ (idC ×idS (g ◦ σ)) from the sections of πf : Gr(f ) → S to the sections of πf σ : Gr(f σ) → C. Lemma 3.3. Suppose given two functors f, g : S → Cat; let Nat(f, g) denote the set of natural transformations from f to g. There is a natural isomorphism ∼ = HomS (Gr(f ), Gr(g)) − → Nat(f, g). Proof. *** Definition 3.4. There is a functor Γ : (Cat ⇑ {Cat}) → Cat defined as follows. On objects, Γ(f : C → Cat) is defined to be the category of sections of the functor π : Gr(f ) → C. To define Γ on morphisms, suppose we are given a natural transformation diagram x C oCC D. CC zz α z CC =⇒ zz z g f CC ! }zz Cat By Lemma 3.1, there is a canonical functor Γ(g) → Γ(gx). By Lemma 3.3, there is a canonical functor Γ(gx) → Γ(f ) induced by α. The composition gives the desired functor. Lemma 3.5. Suppose that σi : Ci → Cat, for i = 1, 2, 3, are three functors and suppose that f : C2 → C1 and g : C2 → C3 are functors too. There is an induced σ4 functor C4 := C1 qC2 C3 −→ Cat. Taking Grothendieck constructions yeilds the THE BOX MONADS diagram Gr(σ1 ) VV VVVV q8 q VVVV q qq VV+ Gr(σ2 ) VV Gr(σ4 ) VVVV qq8 VVVV q q q VV+ g0 Gr(σ3 ) f0 C 1 WWWWW 7 f ppp WWWWW WWWWW pppp W+ C2 WWWWW 7 C4 WWWWW p pp p W p W W p g WWW+ p C3 All of the vertical squares are pullback squares by Lemma 3.1. The natural map Γ(σ4 ) −→ Γ(σ1 ) ×Γ(σ2 ) Γ(σ3 ) is an isomorphism. 7
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