Session 6: Physical Activity – Fun games for outside

Session 6: Physical Activity – Fun games for outside
School of Sport
Learning Intentions
By the end of this session pupils should be able to
1. Name and locate the major muscle groups
2. Play fun games and activities that can be played outdoors at break/lunch time
Physical Skills Addressed
Locomotive skills
Agility and coordination
Equipment Needed
Flip chart and pens
Blu tack
Hula hoops
Soft balls
Project Task
Your task this week is to describe for Dude Elk how to play your favourite game and
draw a picture of you playing this game with your family or friends. Download the
worksheet from
School of Sport
Introductory Activity
Q & A on learning intentions and session theme (10 mins)
Activity 1: Warm up: Back to Back (5 mins)
 Whole group jogging in playing area
 On command ‘back to back’ pupils find a partner and stand back to back
 Standing ‘back to back’ pupils perform dynamic stretches e.g. high knees, heel
flicks, squats, side steps, cross overs, deep lunge, front crawl, back crawl, punch
high, pec dec, shoulder press
 Repeat ‘nose to nose’ and ‘feet to feet’
 Progress the walk to include jog, hop, skip etc.
 Stand ‘back to back’ with a different person each time
Activity 2: Head catch (5 mins)
 Divide the class into 5 groups of 6
 Each group forms a circle with one person in the middle (leader) Ensure a safe
distance between each group
 Pupils in the circle jog on the spot
 Centre pupil throws the ball to pupil in the circle and shouts either ‘head’ or ‘catch’
 On ‘catch’ the pupil must head the ball
 On ‘head’ the pupil must catch the ball
 Change the leader after each time set (20-30 sec)
 Increase / decrease number of groups depending on size of area Award points for
correct response.
 Pupils keep their own score
 Change points awarded to encourage practice of different time tables
 Pupils after heading or catching the ball must clap twice/touch floor with hand/turn
360 degrees/ sit down and stand up etc
Activity 3: Dead Ants, Traffic Lights and Toilet Bowls (5 mins)
 Whole group in the playing area jogging on the spot
 On command pupils must perform one of the following actions;
School of Sport
o Dead ants: pupils lie on their backs on the floor and wiggle their arms and
o Toilet Bowls: pupils need to pair up, one pupils makes the ring of the toilet
bowl with their arms and the other pretends to sit on the bowl
o Traffic lights: pupils get into 3’s to form the three lights of the traffic lights
(one kneeling, squatting and standing) all have their arms stretched out with
‘jazz hands imitating flashing lights’
Those who don’t have a partner perform dead ants
Ensure pupils are spaced out evenly
Activity 4: Triangle Tag (5 mins) – see diagram overleaf
Pupils in groups of four form a square numbered 1, 2, 3, 4
Number 2, 3 and 4 hold hands to form a triangle
Number one is the tagger
Number two is the target
Number one tries to tag number two, while the triangle move to protect number two
Rotate the roles in the group
Ensure safe distance between all groups
Activity 5: Cat and Mouse (10 mins)
Divide the playing area into 2 using cones/lines
Divide the class into 6 groups of 5 (1 cat and 4 mice in each group) 3 groups in one
half of the hall 3 in the other half
Mice tuck a bib into the back of their shorts
Cat must steal bib from the mice in their group and give it to the teacher
Use time limit of 1 minute 1 minute rotations, 2 rotations for each group
Increase the number of cats/mice per group
Play one large game with 5 cats and 25 mice
Cats/mice or both only allow to move along court lines
Cats are joined, must hold each other at the waist, hold hands
Activity 6: Other Tag Games
1. Fox ‘n Geese – same organisation as above see session 2
2. Partner tag – pupils in 2’s holding hands to try and tag other pairs. If tagged pupils
complete 2 star jumps before returning to the game
3. Chain tag – 2 sets of partners challenged to tag the remainder of the group If
tagged you join the chain
School of Sport
4. Sharks and islands – nominate a shark (2/3 depending on numbers). Pupils must
move around inside the playing area to avoid being caught by sharks and can use
islands (hoops) as safe zones. The maximum time allowed in an island is 5
seconds. If caught pupil must do 2 star jumps before returning to play the game
Activity 7: Cool down (5 mins)
 Pupils in 2’s jog/walk/sway side by side
 Pupils stand back to back and work together to sit on the floor Pupils lie down side
by side
 Pupils are asked to think about their favourite activities from class Ensure pupils
are spaced out evenly in the playing area
Conclusion of Activities (5 mins)
Revisit the learning intentions and success criteria using assessment for learning
prompt cards.
Activity 4: Triangle Tag
School of Sport
Teaching Notes
Session 6: Physical Activity – Fun Outdoor Games
1. Welcome the pupils and revise concepts from week 5
Ask the pupils to point to the following muscles on their own body
Q: Where are your Hairy Hams?
A: Back of the legs, top half
Q: Where are your Quirky Quads?
A: Front of the leg, top half
Q: Where are your Cool Calves?
A: Back of the leg, bottom half
Q: Where are your Amazing Abs?
A: On your stomach
Q: What helps our muscles get stronger?
A: Physical activity/exercise, good food
Q: What exercises are good for strengthening leg muscles?
A: Running, lunges, squats etc.
Q: What types of foods help us grow strong muscles?
A: Dairy foods e.g. milk, cheese etc.
2. Q & A Learning intentions and success criteria
Refer to learning intentions for session on your flip chart Learning Intentions
Pupils should be able to
1. Name and locate the major muscle groups
2. Play fun games and activities that can be played outdoors
Success Criteria
Use prompt cards ‘work well in a group’, ‘share ideas’, ‘enjoy learning new things’,
‘talking about my learning’, ‘respect other ideas’, ‘keep focused on my learning’
3. Session theme discussion and Q & A
This week we will be focusing on playing games and doing activities that you can
play outside at break time, lunch time and when at home in the evenings and
weekends with your friends. To begin you have 1 minute to discuss with your
partner the different activities you can do at break time, lunch time and after school
Take feedback from the pupils – make sure each partnership is allow to contribute
Display the pupils ideas on the flip chart under the following headings; break time,
lunch time and after school activities.
Q: What activities are good for your lungs?
Q: What activities are good for your heart?
School of Sport
Q: What activities are good for your muscles?
Q: Can you name the muscles?
Q: What do muscles help us do?
If you play these games then it will count towards your 60 minutes of exercise per
day that you need to stay healthy.
So let’s get up on our feet and work our lungs, heart, leg and arm muscles and have
some fun with our friends.
Next week I’m going to ask you if you played any of these games at your break &
lunch time or at home with friends.
4. Head Catch Q & A
Q: As well as throwing, catching and heading the ball what else did you have
to do?
A: We had to think
Q: Why did you have to think quickly?
A: We had to think quickly because you had to do the opposite of what the leader
said. If the leader said catch then you head and if the leader said head you had to
Q: So when are you thinking about what you have to do, what part of the body
are you using?
A: Your brain
Q: So would you say physical activity is good for your brain?
A: Yes it encourages us to think quickly, make quick decisions, judgements etc
5. Dead Ants, Traffic Lights and Toilet Bowls Q & A
Q: I heard and saw lots of laughing during that activity, was that game good
Q: Why was it fun? Did the game make you feel happy?
A: Playing games with friends can be really good fun and a great way to get fit and
healthy – it doesn’t have to be a sport
6. Conclusion: Review of learning intentions
Thank the pupils for all their hard work in the sessions and then advise them that as
a group you will now look back at the session and talk about what you have learned.
Use prompt cards ‘work well in a group’, ‘share ideas’, ‘enjoy learning new things’,
‘talking about my learning’, ‘respect other ideas’, ‘keep focused on my learning’ as a
guide to review success criteria.
Let’s look at ‘talking about my learning’
Q: How many of you play games like we did today?
A: Great, which means you all, know how to be active and how to get fit
Q: When I was your age my favourite outdoor game was ‘chasies’ especially
when my mum or dad joined in – what is yours?
School of Sport
Q: What happened to your heart when we were playing those games?
Q: What did your lungs have to do?
Q: Did you feel thirsty after playing these games? How much water should we
drink every day?
Q: Did you like sharing ideas with your partner at the start of the lesson?
Q: What did you have to do to be a good partner?
A: Listen carefully, respect other ideas, and keep focused on learning
7. Sample Assessment for Learning Tools
Use the Assessment for Learning prompt cards in your teacher’s folder to establish a
learning wall in the gym/hall.
Use the “Learning Wall” as a stimulus for pupils to reflect on what and how they have
learned in this session. Pupils to be encouraged to think, pair and share and to
report verbally on their learning. The “Learning Wall” should be utilised as the main
critical review medium for the Sport for LIFE All Island project.
Don’t forget to visit to download this week’s Sport for LIFE
All Island worksheets for your pupils. They can complete this as part of their
class/homework. Once they have successfully completed the worksheet you
can reward them with a sticker from your resource pack to add to their Sport
for LIFE All Island Achievement Award Certificate.
School of Sport