ICT Strategy - Southern Health and Social Care Trust

ICT Strategy, Business Plan &
Business Case for Community
Information System
Siobhan Hanna
May 2009
Achievements Since 2007
Replacement of CAH infrastructure to new,
harmonised, hospital grade network;
Improved security and governance
Infra ‘virtual’ helpdesk;
Trust-wide ICT Strategy;
Business Continuity plans for 88 Information
Range of harmonisation and standardisation
Suite of Policies, procedures and user training.
ICT Strategy - Background
 4 Legacy Infrastructures
All mail & services “routed” through
 Old & high maintenance equipment
 4 sets of policies, procedures, suppliers etc
ICT Strategy Deliverables
3 Year Plan - technical requirements
to create a single ICT infrastructure
Business Continuity requirements
Virtual Server
Single Global Email Address
Single Email
Improved Security
Archiving Solution
Information System Harmonisation
Costs (ICT 3 Year Strategy)
£1,118,000 over 3 year period
Funding secured £365,000
Funding required £753,000
Source to be determined –
working closely with Regional
ICT Programme Board
Benefits of Strategy Implementation
Improved ICT Capacity &
“Future Proofing”
Improved Security
Higher Resilience – less ‘downtime’
Improved User accessibility
Reduced Local ICT Support &
ICT Business Plan 2009/10
Aspirations for achievement by March 2009
Includes Year 1 ‘technical & infrastructure’ plans
contained in ICT Strategy
Not all funding available (at present)
Governance Arrangements
Staffing Levels
Costs & Time Frames
ICT Business Plan – Trust-wide Projects
PC Replacement Strategy (funded)
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
Video Conferencing (funded)
Year 1 ICT Strategy - data centre,
virtualised servers, global access
directory (partially funded)
ICT Business Plan – Acute Services Projects
NIPACs (partially funded)
Electronic Referrals from primary care
Filemaker Electronic Discharges (funded
for 1 year)
Theatre Management System (funded)
NIMATs (funded)
Patient Centre – document management,
partial booking (partially funded)
CaPPs – cancer patient tracking (funded)
ICT Business Plan – Community Care
Related Projects
Clinical Manager – AHPs (funded)
Remote Access – duty social workers
Commcare – domiciliary & independent
sector care (funded)
UNOCINI – single referral & assessment
for children (funded)
NISAT – pre-implementation (partially
Planning in 2009/10 for ‘Year 2’ Roll-outs
Community Information System
Nurse Rostering
Transport System
Digital Dictation/ Voice Recognition
Remote Access Referral Triage
Roll-out of Electronic Discharge to
CAH site
Costs (ICT Business Plan)
£11,808,500 – Regional Funding
£1,094,740 – CRL/ Slippage
£252,500 – Recurrent
£235,500 – non-recurrent
Summary – ICT 3 year Strategy &
Business Plan (2009/10)
Ambitious & Challenging Programme
Significant funding requirements requiring
Local & Regional Support
However - success in securing funding in
Small (and stretched) Team
Background – Community Information System
Failure to Procure a Regional PCIS – Project
closed in 2008
Southern & Western Trusts – no robust
interim systems procured
May 2008 – regional ICT Programme Board
approved Southern & Western Trusts
proposal to develop a joint business case
Procurement process must allow other Trusts
to purchase the preferred information system
at a later stage
Benefits from Community Information
Single client record accessible at point of
Reduction of manual systems – releasing
time to care
Integrated care record – improved
knowledge & communication
Improved management information
Identification of unmet need
Reduction of Risk
Non-Financial Option Appraisal
8 options generated
3 options short listed:
– do nothing
– do minimum
– procure an integrated system
Evaluated against weighted criteria:
– Quality of service provision
– Sustaining service delivery
– Strategic fit
– Ease of Implementation & Accessibility
– Risk Management
Financial Appraisal (Both Trusts)
Financial Appraisal based over 10 year
Do nothing – no capital costs, £28M revenue
Do minimum – £0.6M capital cost, £29.5M
Procure Integrated System - £5.2M capital,
£37.5M revenue (capital available)
High revenue costs relate to software
licensing, hardware maintenance,
consumables, project implementation (nonrecurrent), staffing.
Preferred Option
Procure an integrated information system with functionality to
– Registration of all Trust clients and their care professionals
– Relevant client information is available to other care
– Record of care throughout pathway
– Data can be recorded in ‘real time’
– Improved, consistent & accessible management information
– Capacity for future development to meet changing service
Estimated Timeframe
Business Case to ICT Programme Board for Approval
June 2009
Business Case Approval November 2009
Tendering Process concluded May 2010
Award of Contract by September 2010
First Phase Roll-out December 2010
Trust Project Board to be established to determine
Phasing, communication & engagement following
business case approval
Trust Board Approval is sought:
– ICT 3 Year Strategy to harmonise 4 legacy
Trusts infrastructure
– ICT Business Plan for 2009/10 (includes Year 1
of Strategy)
– Forward Business Case for Community
Information System to Regional ICT
Programme Board for Approval & Funding