Dr. Ian Player - Wilderness Foundation UK

30 November 2014
Issued on behalf of the Wilderness Network, including the Wilderness Leadership
School, Wilderness Foundation SA, Wilderness Foundation UK, The Wild
Foundation (USA) and the Magqubu Ntombela Foundation.
Nature conservation pioneer and legend, 87 year old Dr Ian Player, passed away
peacefully at midday on 30 November 2014 after a short illness. He was at home
surrounded by his family. Our personal support goes to the Player family at this time
as they gather at the homestead in the Karkloof Valley of KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa. Despite physical challenges that hounded him all his life, Ian worked tirelessly
until his last day, fully committed to his life’s work of nature conservation and his
quest to understand the human spirit and psyche. His legacy is without parallel, his
example without equal.
It was Dr Player’s wish to have a private family funeral service. A memorial service
will be held in due course, with details forthcoming.
Ian Cedric Audley Player was born on 15 March 1927, in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Educated at St. John’s College, he went on to serve in the SADF - 6th South African
Armoured Division attached to the American 5th Army, in Italy 1944 – 1945.
A globally recognised conservation legend, Dr Ian Player was a pioneer, a visionary
and an activist who has profoundly influenced conservation and changed the lives of
countless people. He grew up in the pioneering days of nature conservation in
Africa, working for months on end in the wilderness.
His sporting passion was canoeing. After initiating the Pietermaritzburg to Durban
Canoe Marathon (Dusi), he went on to win the race three times. His exploits are well
documented in his book Men, Rivers and Canoes.
On his return from WWII he worked underground in the gold mines before taking a
position in the (then) Natal Parks Board. He rose to the rank of Chief Conservator of
Zululand by the time he took early retirement, in 1974. He was made a member of
the Board on three occasions, the only Parks Board staff member to do so. Later in
life he also served on the Board of SanParks (SA National Parks Board).
His list of awards is extensive, ranging from Knight in the Order of the Golden Ark
(Holland), a decoration for Meritorious Service (Republic of South Africa civilian
award) through to Doctor of Philosophy, Honoris causa – Natal University, South
Africa, 1984 and Doctor of Laws (LLD) Honoris causa – Rhodes University, South
Africa, 2003.
From 1952, as Warden of the iMfolozi Game Reserve, Dr Player spearheaded two
important and far-reaching initiatives. The first was Operation Rhino, in which he led
the team that pioneered the methods and drugs to immobilize and translocate large
mammals. The team captured and moved many of the remaining population of
southern white rhino to save them from the brink of extinction. As a direct result,
white rhinos now inhabit their former distribution range within many national parks
and game reserves, private game farms, zoos and parks around the world.
The second initiative was Dr Player’s recognition of the value of wilderness for the
human spirit and for biodiversity conservation. Professionally, this led to the
designation of the iMfolozi and St. Lucia Wilderness Areas in the late 1950s -- the
first wilderness areas to be zoned in South Africa and on the African continent. It
also fired his personal quest to understand the human psyche through dreams and
drawing on the work of Swiss analyst Carl Jung, which he explored assiduously for
decades with the late Sir Laurens van der Post. Dr Player was one of the founding
forces for the Cape Town Centre for Applied Jungian Studies, the first such centre in
Dr Player resigned from the Natal Parks Board (NPB) to focus his energies on the
wilderness movement. He continued conservation work within the NGO sector,
leading to one of his most notable achievements - the founding of the globally
recognised Wilderness Leadership School (WLS). The WLS was the nucleus from
which many other collaborative organisations have emerged, including the World
Wilderness Congress (WWC) -- implemented by Vance Martin and the WILD
Foundation on behalf of the Wilderness Network -- held every four years in various
countries throughout the world.
Ian Player was also the founding force of the Wilderness Foundation (Africa)
Wilderness Foundation (UK), The WILD Foundation (based in the USA and working
globally), and the Magqubu Ntombela Memorial Foundation (in honour of his friend,
colleague, and mentor).
Until very recently, Ian Player continued to serve on the Boards of these
organisations that today play a significant role in conservation in Africa and globally.
Despite life-long physical challenges that steadily increased with age, he nonetheless
worked tirelessly on his life’s work for wild nature.
Ian Player has written many books of which White Rhino Saga and Zululand
Wilderness Shadow and Soul are probably best known. His biography Into the River
of Life was published towards the end of 2013.
Ian Player committed his life to conservation and, in particular, to the preservation
of the rhino through his services as a consultant to many organisations sharing this
common interest.
He is survived by Ann Player, his life-long wife, sons Kenneth and Amyas, daughter
Jessica, and their families. His younger brother is the famous golfer, Gary Player.
Jo Roberts, CEO Wilderness Foundation UK
0300 123 3073
Issued on behalf of the Wilderness Network, including Wilderness Leadership School,
Wilderness Foundation SA, Wilderness Foundation UK, The WILD Foundatiojn (USA)
and the Magqubu Ntombela Foundation.