Limbrick News - Limbrick Wood Primary School

Limbrick News
Date: 20th May 2016
Year 6 have had the pleasure of daily swimming
lessons this week. They have not only
thoroughly enjoyed it, but they have also been
impeccable ambassadors and a credit to
Limbrick Wood.
It has been an amazing experience for our Year
4,5 and 6 children to swim at King Henry’s
and access their excellent swimming coaches.
You will be pleased to know I will be looking to
repeat this again next year, as long as I can
secure the slots at King Henry’s swimming pool.
Year 3 Cake Sale on
Tuesday 24th May:
Please support Year 3 who
are raising money for
their next trip by
bringing up to 50p to buy
a cake.
Last day of the half term is non uniform day,
bring a £1 for NSPCC.
We are raising money for NSPCC in order to access
some workshops for the children later in the year.
We will be celebrating the Queens 90th birthday with
a picnic lunch, bouncy castles, ice cream van, and
lots of fun and games. Lets hope we have lots of
The children can wear red, white and blue and will
need to bring a £1 if they want to visit the ice cream
Special mention certificates were
awarded to:
Reception – Whole class
Yr 1 – Maddison
Yr 2 – Zach
Yr 3 – L’Shay
Yr 4 – Whole class
Yr 5 – Candice and Jasmin
Yr 6 – Whole class
Reading raffle winners:
Reception – Luke
Yr 1 – Andrew
Yr 2 – Charlotte
Yr 3 – Raz
Yr 4 – Jaimee
Yr 5 – Peniel
Yr 6 – Harleigh
Special mention certificates were
awarded to:
Reception – Wesley
Yr 1 – Andrew
Yr 2 – Whole class
Yr 3 – Shaun and Sundus
Yr 4 – Mark
Yr 5 – Bianka
Yr 6 – Cassie-May
Reading raffle winners:
Reception – Phoenix
Yr 1 – Sienna
Yr 2 –Sienna
Yr 3 – Shanna
Yr 4 – Megan
Yr 5 – Ana
Yr 6 – Ethan
SATURDAY 11TH JUNE from 2pm to
Please see the back of our What’s on …
page for details of a garden party being
organised by Tile Hill North Residents
Limbrick News
Diary dates:
•Tuesday 24th May – Year 3 cake sale –bring up to 50p for cakes
•Thursday 26th May – Non uniform day - Please bring £1 for the NSPCC
•Friday 27th May – Teacher Day – School closed to pupils
•Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June – Half term holiday
•Monday 6th June – First day of new half term
•Thursday 9th June – Year 3 class trip to Telford
•Friday 10th June – Queen’s Birthday celebrations – children can wear red,
blue and white and need to bring £1 if they would like an ice cream.
This weeks letters:
None this week
New Faces:
None this week
ParentMail Upgrade:
The upgrade has taken place this week. To use the latest version of
ParentMail, all you need to do is to verify your account by following
the instructions in the text message from ParentMail.
Positive Parenting Programme:
We have been sent information from positive parenting. You will find
a number of their leaflets in the school foyer, about courses for parents,
such Triple P and Living with Confidence.
Change of pick up
If you need to inform us about a
change to pick up arrangements
at the end of the school day, can
you please inform the school
office by 2.45pm at the latest.
Traffic and parking near school:
Please park considerately if you
need to use a car to bring your
children to school and respect the
zig zag lines in nearby roads.
Also please drive very slowly
when entering the school car
The sun has finally got his
hat on.
So please send your child to
school with a sunhat and
ensure you have applied
sun cream in the morning.
Dinner money:
£2.00 per day
£10.00 per week
School Uniform:
School Coats - £16.00
Fleeces - £13.50
100% Attendance and Punctuality:
Sweatshirts – £8.00 /
£9.50 (depending on size)
This week, Year 1 achieved 100% attendance. Therefore Year 1 can
wear non uniform on Monday 23 rd May. Well done Year 1.
Lates – 25 lates which affected 4 classes.
The current school attendance is 96.2%. We are hoping to achieve
97% by the end of the academic year.
Book bags – £4.00
Pump bags – £4.00
Breakfast Club:
£ 2.00 Per day
After School Club:
The whole school are working towards achieving 100% attendance
this half term, with rewards such as ice creams, extra playtime
and non uniform day on offer. I’ll keep you updated………Years
3, 4 and 5 enjoyed ice lollies yesterday-well done
£ 5.50 Per day