Autumn 2015/16
Spring 2015/16
People Who Help Us
and Language
Summer 2015/16
Jack and the Beanstalk
(Fairy Tales)
Phonics: The Children will follow the Jolly Phonics and Letters and Sounds programs. Each child will be working at his/her own level to develop their knowledge and understanding in this
area. We will be carrying out practical tasks and games, watching the jolly phonics song and learning the actions. All children will be assessed at the end of each half term and this
information will be recorded.
Speech and Language (SAL) is a very big part of our curriculum in KPR. Everything we do has some aspect of SAL from circle- time to snack-time to going home at the end of the
Therapy: The children will be working on their own individual target set by the Speech Therapist (SALT). They will be taught by the SALT on a one- to- one basis weekly and a weekly
group session. The other three days the children will attend a speech and language group run by our very experienced SEN teaching assistant.
Resources and Methods: We use Makaton, PECs, Visual Timelines, First and Next cards and clear voices.
The children will be encouraged to select and use activities
The children will talk/sign about what they need and what
The children will learn to work as part of a group or class,
and resources with help. They talk about their own needs and
they enjoy doing, and make appropriate choices about the
and understand and follow the rules. We use visual
feelings in simple ways.
activities they prefer.
prompts and encourage this through small steps using
All children will work on personal targets set out in their
All children will work on personal targets set out in their
First and Next, initial it could be as short as 2 mins in
circle then something of the child’s choice.
During our daily circle time session the children will begin to feel more confident to talk to other children and will talk freely about their home and community. We use comments from home, in their
home/school books to initiate conversation.
Personal, Social
and Emotional
Role Play
The children will collect their name from the lollipop persons
stick and choose to place it on one of the people who help us
coat buttons; they will then collect a feelings face from the
doctor’s bag and place it next to their name. this is done on a
daily basis and children are encouraged to change their face
according to the change in their feelings. e.g. if they are sad
in the morning but feel happy, excited, tired a little later
Doctors Surgery: The home corner will include ‘People Who
Help’ dressing up clothes, first aid kits, dolls and teddies.
Writing will be encouraged through appointment books and
prescriptions. The children will also be learning phonics using
the eye testing chart.
Reading: The children will be using books and the search
engines to find out basic information about people who help
us. Some children will demonstrate understanding when
talking with others about what they have read, or what has
been read to them.
Writing: Children give meaning to marks they make as they
draw, write and paint. They will be encouraged to write out
prescriptions and appointments and sign the scripts using
their first name during role play time.
The children will collect their name from the shopping
trolley place it on one of the escalator next to their
photograph they will then collect their feeling face from
the spinning top and place it next to their name. This is
done on a daily basis and children are encouraged to change
their face according to the change in their feelings. e.g. if
they are sad in the morning but feel happy, excited, tired a
little later
Shops: The role play area will be turned into a different
shop every three weeks. We will start with a bakers shop,
then a toy shop, then a supermarket, then butchers. The
children will be encouraged to handle money, write shopping
lists and read/look at packaging.
Reading: The children will be encouraged to listen to and
segment the sounds in simple words and blend them
together. We will be looking and books about shopping and
comparing fact and fiction e.g. Contents Page, Glossary, and
Writing: Children give meaning to marks they make as they
draw, write and paint. The y will be encouraged to write a
shopping list in the writing area using mark-making,
emergent writing, tracing and copying from the word back
on display.
The children will collect their name and photograph from
the display and place it on the beanstalk, they will then
collect their feeling face from the bag of beans and place
it next to their name. This is done on a daily basis and
children are encouraged to change their face according to
the change in their feelings. e.g. if they are sad in the
morning but feel happy, excited, tired a little later
The Giants Castle. Activities and questions will be set up
in the castle to encourage Maths skills such has, sorting
‘big and small’, colour, shape and measure. The children
will be encouraged to record information using basic
charts and graphs.
Reading: The children will share fairy tale books. They
will begin to suggest what might happen at the end of the
story. The children will join- in with rhyming and rhythmic
Writing: Children give meaning to marks they make as
they draw, write and paint. The children will be given the
opportunity to write in sand, foam and flour as well as
using traditional pens, coloured pencils, whiteboards and
pens. The children will also use Apps and programs on both
the IPad and the Interactive Whiteboards.
The children will be working on number order, one-to-one
correspondence, length and measure and patterning. The
children will make towers of different lengths then make
ladders and hoses to reach the top of the tower.
The children will complete tasks that encourage position such
as ‘put the fireman behind the doctor’ or ‘stand next to the
The children will be solving practical problems involving
money. The children will work in pairs to write a shopping
list, they will then be responsible for buying the items on
their list, on our visit to the local shop. They will play money
games such has shop lotto, make money robots, sing rhymes
e.g. Five Currant Bun and using the cash register in the role
play are. The children will use everyday language to
describe and compare size, weight, capacity, time, position
and distance. We will be using the balance scales to weigh
fruit and veg, looking at days of the week and opening
The children will be looking at counting on and back using
beanstalk games, worksheets and by physically moving up
and down beanstalk mats. The children will also be sorting,
matching and comparing in the role play area. The
children will be encouraged to calculate how many are left
from a larger number. The children will use everyday
language to describe and compare size, weight, capacity,
time, position and distance.
The children are also encourage to solve every day mathematical problems during tasks such has putting chairs out for circle-time, how many children? How many girls/boys? Snack-time setting the table How
many cups, plate? More and less, big or small piece of apple, toast etc., half a beaker of juice, full empty.
The children may also talk about Counting Charlie, he’s a little mischievous but the children love to count along with him.
Understanding of
the World
Arts and
Science: The children will learn about the human body. They
will label parts of the body. The children will also be able to
explore and play with medical equipment such as a real
stethoscope, bandages etc,
History: the children will look at past and present. The
children will we a short clip about Florence Nightingale, we
will compare the equipment, hospitals and clothes.
RE: the children will begin to understand that different
people have different beliefs. This will be encouraged
through celebrations such as Diwali and Christmas. The
children will complete Christmas activities and make Diwali
Geography: The children will be focusing on families,
communities and traditions. The children will be making their
own family tree and talking about the family community and
how grandmas, granddads, aunts and uncles help and support.
Geography: The children will learn about their local area
with a visit to the local shop to buy ingredients to make
History: the children will make simple comparisons between
old and new toys. We will be looking and the toys the
children have today and comparing them with toys from
Victorian days.
RE: the children will begin to understand that different
people have different beliefs. The children will learn about
the story and costumes of Chinese New Year. The children
will make zodiac wheels and Chinese lanterns. They will find
out which animal represents the year they were born.
Science: the children will make observations of plants. We
will plant runner beans and observe the growth using our
own plant diary. The children will learn what the plants
need to grow.
Geography: The children will be making simple maps
through the forest, to the ‘Three Bears’ house etc. The
children will use google earth to get an aerial view of
where they live.
This term is packed with role-play both in the doctors
Surgery in KPR and with the Foundation stage and KS1
productions, which the children are very much involved in.
The children will also be making moving emergency people,
Santa Hands, Christmas cards and calendars.
The children focus on texture and changes during this
term. They are given the opportunity to shape their on
bread/dough, make play dough and watch the colour change
when their choice of food Colouring is added.
The children will make a house out of boxes. They will be
given the opportunity to build either a house from one of
the fairy tales or their own home. The children will be
supported to draw/design and talk about their house
before they build it.
Imaginative play, role-play, singing, movement and technology are a big part of the children’s everyday life/learning in KPR. The children will choose songs from the song board, sing action and counting rhymes
and you can sometimes find them walking around like elephants or sliding on their tummies like snakes when a concentration break is required (we do this to a song of course). The children are encouraged to
use technology in all areas of the curriculum. IPads are used for Speech and Language, early Maths, photography and reward/choose time.
Shine Week encourages the children to audition for the Moorfield X factor, representing their class with a particular talent e.g. singing, dancing, sport, comedy etc.
Foundation Week: this week gives every child in the school the opportunity to explore, express and experiment in a relaxed fun- filled off timetable topic based education, more information will be posted on
the VLE.
The Children will have PE every Monday with their class.
During the first term they will be focusing on balance when
they concentrate and negotiating space successfully when
playing racing and chasing games,
On a Tuesday they will join their year groups and take part in
an integrated session run by an outside sports agency.
The Children will have PE every Monday with their class.
During this term they will be focusing on using the
apparatus to encourage pushing and pulling, jumping and
On a Tuesday they will join their year groups and take part
in an integrated session run by an outside sports agency.
The Children will have PE every Monday with their class.
During the summer term they will be focusing on
playground games, throwing and catching.
On a Tuesday they will join their year groups and take
part in an integrated session run by an outside sports
On the days that we do not have PE the children will follow the Motor Skills United Program. All children will work on dressing and undressing for PE, safety when using the hall and equipment, following
instructions and turn-taking.