Brooklyn Heights Montessori

Your Solution to Daycares and Preschools
in Williamsburg & Greenpoint
Table of Contents
Getting Started: Answers to the most commonly asked questions
Preschool Philosophies/Most common types of schools
Questions to consider before deciding on a school
Questions to consider on daycare/preschool tours
Red Flags
- Williamsburg
- Greenpoint
- Bushwick/ Ridgewood
- Notable Others – easy access from Williamsburg, Greenpoint or Bushwick/ Ridgewood
- Dual Language Schools
This PFD has Bookmarks for the above chapters as well a direct hyperlinks to websites and emails.
Getting Started:
Answers to the most commonly asked questions
When seeking out a daycare or preschool many parents have no idea where to start, when to start and often have no idea
what the difference between daycare and preschool. Here are the most FAQs:
When should I start looking into daycares and/or preschools?
Honestly, when you’re pregnant and I’ll tell you why. This is an amazing city with opportunities you can’t even imagine and
this goes for schools too. While you may have no idea what sort of child is coming your way, you probably have a sense of
the type of place you can see them going to school and starting to explore options when you’re pregnant will put you ahead
of the curve.You don’t have to make a move necessarily, but I would recommend that you have a sense of where you’d like
your child to go, what the differences are in educational theory as well as how much preschool costs and have a general long
term plan in mind. I can’t tell you the number of times someone has cried on my shoulder because they missed the deadline
or ended up at a sub-par daycare while they wait for a spot at their dream school to open up the following year. This truly is
a case of the early bird gets the worm and education is too important to ignore. North Brooklyn hasn’t reached the level of
anxiety other neighborhoods have but we do have few schools and long waiting lists. If you decide that a very popular school
is THE school for you, you’ll need to know when to apply before it’s too late and starting today helps.
What’s the difference between a daycare and preschool?
The way that I would classify the difference is like this: Most daycares are for infants until around 2 years of age. After that,
children would enter a preschool to learn their ABC’s, 123’s and colors. Some daycares have a component of preschool to
them but aren’t necessarily ‘preschools’. Some schools have a daycare and then when the child hits 2, they move to a preschool classroom setting.
Most proper preschools start at age 2 or 3 (sometimes they’re called Nursery schools) and start the process of teaching
structure, learning and socializing. So that’s the long answer – the short one is it depends on the school you’re looking at.
Some start a preschool structure as early as 15 months.
When do you apply for preschools?
This will depend on the school(s) you choose. Some will take your application right away. Others only take it the year before
you plan on attending. Watch due dates: Some schools choose January while for others its September. What I can say is this:
apply to all the schools you like and can apply to now. There’s no harm in being ahead of the curve and having a chance to
choose which school you want to send your child to helps.
FAQs - PreSchool Guide
How do you choose the ‘right’ preschool for your child?
1) Each child has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses as well as a certain disposition such as calm and mellow or fussy
and sensitive. Some children would be considered “observers” who seem to learn best by watching others whereas others
are “explorers” experiment with objects in their environment to learn. These patterns of behavior give parents a strong sense
of their child’s preferences and personality and you’ll want to pick a school that plays to those strengths.
2) Next consider your family’s values. Do you want the preschool to have a certain angle like art or teaches them their
religion? Would you like your child to speak a second language? What values are you trying to instill in your child, and how
will the preschool that you choose help to reinforce those values?
3) Location- Preschool becomes part of your daily routine. Parents should think carefully about the location of the school.
Would a preschool closer to your home or to your office work best? Will the location of the preschool allow you to get there
on time without creating stress for you and your child?
1-Most daycares and schools will tell you or post on their website that they’re an accredited and state licensed facility but
don’t hesitate to ask, especially if a person runs a home ‘preschool,’ part or full-time.
2-You don’t have to rush into preschool. Really feel it out and decide what works for your family. I personally like to
recommend parents take the slow and steady approach to preschool – 2 or 3 half days to start and then maybe the following
year increase the hours/days. But sometimes that isn’t very realistic for working parents or with a budget so don’t feel bad if
you have to go full-throttle right away. Just make sure to give your child lots of time to adjust and talk regularly to his or her
teachers to see if there’s anything you can do to help them at home with the adjustment.
FAQs - PreSchool Guide
Preschool Philosophies /
Most common types of schools
Montessori is based on the teaching methods developed by Dr. Maria Montessori of Italy. Dr. Montessori believed an
individual continues learning beyond their classroom experience because of an inner motivation, a natural curiosity, and
a love of learning. Montessori classrooms provide skillfully and carefully orchestrated environments that children can
manipulate according to their individual capabilities.
A child’s desire to learn is encouraged by providing them opportunities to participate in spontaneous, purposeful activities
with the guidance of a guide (This educational theory uses the term “Guide” rather than “Teacher”) and because of their work
children tend to develop concentration and joyful self-discipline.
The Association Montessori Internationale, describes a preschool environment as one which emphasizes the following ideals:
• Beauty, order, reality, simplicity, and accessibility
• Children must be given freedom to work and move around within suitable
Guidelines that enable them to act as part of a social group.
• Children should be provided with specifically designed materials, which help them to explore their world and enable them to develop essential cognitive skills
• Mixed age groups (eg. 3-6 years, 6-9 years, 9-12 years) encourage all children to develop their personalities
socially and intellectually at their own pace
What you probably won’t see in a Montessori classroom:
• Walls covered with large alphabet posters, kids’ artwork, or cartoonish characters
• Dramatic play areas (dress-up, play kitchens, etc). Real-world work (chopping vegetables, pouring water,
buttoning, sewing, etc) is the focus
• A group of children working on the same activity together at a station
Most work is done individually, although there are group lessons and opportunities for older or more experienced children
to assist younger children.
One thing to keep in mind when researching schools is that “Montessori” is not a trademarked term, so any school can
describe itself as such. If you’re looking for a traditional Montessori education, find out if the school is a member of the
AMI or other large Montessori organization. Ask if the teachers received specialized training.
Preschool Philosophies - PreSchool Guide
Waldorf education is based on the ideas of Austrian educator Rudolf Steiner, who founded the first Waldorf school in 1919.
Steiner’s model of child development includes three seven-year phases: 1 Early Childhood, 2 Elementary-aged and 3
Adolescent, each with its own set of requirements. In each stage, teachers can provide age-appropriate content to the child
in order to foster healthy growth and offer a holistic approach to education that nourishes the whole child, the “heart, hands,
and head.”
Similar to Montessori, Waldorf education believes in the ideal goal of instilling a lifetime love of learning in each child by
providing a thoughtfully orchestrated classroom in which children can learn and experiment through their experiences.
Approaches may differ from school to school. There is a focus on learning such things as baking and sewing, but also a
significant emphasis on imaginative play, storytelling, dance, creative arts and activities that seem to take on a much smaller
role than in Montessori school. The environment is often made up on natural materials that gives it a ‘home’ like feel. There
are no plastic toys. The natural toys provide positive sensory stimulation and emulate the natural rhythms of life. Teachers
encourage self-expression through play.
The schools can sometimes take on a spiritual aspect depending on the school. The ideas of peace, tolerance, and cooperation
are incorporated into the group-oriented curriculum.
Most Waldorf schools are autonomous and not required to adhere to specific curriculum. However to use the name
‘Waldorf’ a school would need to be registered. Ask about certification and accreditation when researching these schools.
Reggio Emilia
Reggio Emilia schools are based on the theories of Reggio Emilia from Italy circa 1940s. The ideals are to develop strong
thinking skills facilitated through exposure to a variety of expressive, communicative, and cognitive experiences. Childdirected activities are formed by discussions with the class and parents and then brought together by the teacher.
Project-based learning is the norm. It begins with a teacher’s observations about the children’s interests. The teacher then
provides materials, resources, and as many opportunities for explore the topic as possible. Students often collaborate to solve
problems and negotiate strategies.
Parent and community involvement are an integral part of the approach, with parents expected to participate in discussions
of school policy, curriculum, and child development. Teachers and administrators work with parents to not only enhance the
children’s learning but also their own. ‘Teachers as learners’ is one of the core principles of Reggio.
Like Montessori and Waldorf schools, the learning environment is orchestrated carefully, and is referred to as the “third
teacher.” Natural light, plants, open space, and an atelier or studio area are common features. Students’ projects are often
displayed in order for parents and children to follow their progress.
Preschool Philosophies - PreSchool Guide
Cooperative preschools are parent-run and/or parent taught programs. Parents are greatly involved in the day-to-day operations as well as the long-term vision of the preschool. Typically a trained instructor (though there are several parent taught
coops) works with parents to develop and lead curriculum, and parents assist with the daily duties of the classroom (preparing snacks, running the activity stations) as well as fundraising and other developmental responsibilities. Co-op preschools
adopt any number of teaching philosophies, but most fall into the play-based category (learning through play). Because
parents are highly engaged in their child’s education, they have the opportunity to learn and grow along with their child. By
seeing how their child plays, learns, and socializes, the co-op parent may have more insight into how to best support that
growth in and out of the classroom environment.
For parents wishing to have a lot of involvement in their child’s preschool — and save money by investing their own time
and energy — a co-op can be a good option.
Play-based/Developmentally Appropriate/Child-centered
Most preschools fall into the category of play-based or developmentally appropriate. These schools offer materials and
activities that are age-appropriate and foster learning through structured and unstructured play, group story/circle time, and
themed activities. Some have more academic content than others, but they all share the goal of preparing children to learn
once they reach the more structured environment of kindergarten. Many preschools are open to or even encourage parent
Be sure to talk to the teacher or director about their educational vision and look at some sample lesson plans to get a feel for
the school’s approach.
Preschool Philosophies - PreSchool Guide
Bank Street
The Bank Street is a child-centered education program that focuses on diversity. Students are offered chances to exercise
their cognitive, emotional, physical and social growth. Learning often includes more than one subject and is done in groups,
allowing children to learn at various levels and using different methods.
A main idea behind the Bank Street philosophy is that children can become lifelong learners by interacting with the environment around them, including other people, different places and various things, and then interpret what they’ve just
experienced. Students are offered myriad opportunities in which to do this including blocks, dramatic play, puzzles, field
trips and lab work. Bank Street is considered progressive schooling.
Religiously affiliated preschools vary in the content they offer, with some emphasizing more religious teaching than others.
In addition, their teaching philosophies may incorporate elements from any of the above approaches. These preschools can
be a good fit for parents looking to be more involved in their church or temple community, and who believe that religious
instruction should play a role in their child’s education. As an added benefit, church- sponsored preschools are often (though
not always) less expensive than other schools.
Once you’ve decided which educational approach is right for your family, be sure to research the specific schools in your
area. Not all Montessori or Waldorf schools are alike, for example, and the best fit will depend not only on a school’s
philosophy, but also on the impressions you get from the directors, teachers, and other parents at the schools you visit. Take
your time, do your homework, then make your choice and relax — until, of course, you’re faced with finding the right
kindergarten...and the right extra-curricular activities...and the right birthday party venue... and all the other major and
minor decisions parents must make for (and with) their children every single day! But don’t worry, Willy Point Kids covers
all that.
Preschool Philosophies - PreSchool Guide
Questions to Consider
Before Deciding on a School
When deciding on a daycare and/or preschool, these are some important guidelines to consider.You’ll want to really think
about what you as a family place the most value on in your child’s life coupled with what you can afford. Here are these three
points to keep in mind:
Is the school located near your home? Work? Is it easy to get to? Will it require additional commuting time? What are the
chances of your child seeing classmates out of school?
Is the tuition in your budget? Are there any unspoken fees like fundraising commitments or annual dues? What is their payment plan like? Do they offer early drop off or extended day if they start at 9 and end at 3? If not, and it’s needed, will your
budget allow for the additional cost of a babysitter? Can you do occasional early drop off or extended day on an as needed
What sort of learning structure do you want your child to have? play based? lesson based? Do you want the school to include
movement? music? literacy? math? science exploration? G&T or ERB testing prep?
Deciding on A School - PreSchool Guide
Questions to Consider
While Doing Daycare /Preschool Tours
Once you’ve narrowed down a few schools in the listing section of this handbook, book the tours. The earlier the better.
Tours will really give you an accurate sense of a school and if it will work for you. Wait until the end of the tour to ask
questions (unless you have a specific question about something happening at the moment.). Tours are generally done at the
‘best’ time of day. If you feel you want to see more, ask to come during another part of the day. While on the tour pay
attention to the following and also consider how important any of these are to you:
What is the ratio of children to teachers? How many children per classroom? How long have the teachers been working at
the school? Are they certified? Do they have an advanced degree?
What do you see displayed? Store bought posters? Children’s artwork? Words? Letters? Numbers? Calendars? How long have
the displays been up? How often do they change? How do you feel walking around the school? Are the classrooms organized?
Messy? Do you notice different areas or centers set up? (Blocks, dramatic play, library, science, etc.). How accessible are the
materials for the children? Are they able to direct their own play and select materials or do teachers set up each day?
How does drop off and pick up work? Are parents/caregivers allowed in the classroom? What is the structure of the day and
are parents clued in to what their children are learning? Is the schedule clearly displayed in the classroom for the children
to see? How do they handle transitions throughout the day? Songs? Visual cues? Do children have the freedom to select what
they want or are they directed to do each activity? Do they go outside? For how long? Year round? Where do they go and how
do they get there? Do they visit local parks or playgrounds? Do they walk in groups holding hands? Use a walking rope? Use
When school starts, is there a phase in period? If yes, how many days until full days start? Is the process a child lead one?
Or is there a cut off time when caregivers are no longer allowed to stay? How do the teachers handle separation issues?
How do the teachers communicate with the parents? How will you know what is going on in the classroom and how often
will you know this? A daily or weekly notice on the door? A daily or weekly email? If another caregiver picks up your child
and there is an issue to be addressed, will they call you, or speak with the caregiver to pass on the message? How often will
you meet with the teacher throughout the year?
Tour Considerations - PreSchool Guide
Is there is an active parents group? Is fundraising required? Are parents able to come and assist for a day? Are parents
encouraged to share a talent or special occasion with the classroom?
What ages does the school serve? If it is an ongoing school, will entry at this age guarantee a kindergarten spot? Where do
children go upon completion of the program? Do they assist you with private school applications? Do they assist with ERB’s
and G&T testing?
How do they handle discipline? Time outs? Removed from an activity? Will a child be left alone? Sit with an assistant?
Another teacher? With the director? Will they have a discussion about what occurred? How do they notify the parent of an
How do they handle bathroom needs? Are there set times in the day where all children have a chance to use the bathroom?
Or do children use the bathroom on an as needed basis? What do they do if a child has an accident? Will the child be sent
What is the sick policy? Are parents notified if another child in the class has a communicable disease? Can a child come to
school if they have symptoms of a cold, but no fever? How many days must they be fever free before coming back to school?
Is there a nurse on site to administer medication for asthma, allergies, etc? How often do the children wash hands while at
Finally, observe, observe, observe! Does it look bright? Does it smell bad? What are the teachers like?
Tour Considerations - PreSchool Guide
Daycare /Preschool Red Flags
The only way to know if a daycare or preschool is right for you is to tour it and decide yourself. Keep your eyes open for any
of the following red flags:
1) Rotating staff – this can mean many things but if most or all the teachers are new it could signify a deeper issue with
management and the educators and you don’t want your child in the crossfire.
2) Safety – Is the front door locked at all times? Does a person need to identify himself or herself before entering? Could an
older child figure out how to get out? Sadly children escape at even the most prestigious of schools but any childcare facility
should have a state of the art entry and exit system.
3) Open door policy – Most reputable care centers have no issue with parents ‘dropping by’ or coming in to help out
during class. Even if you never plan to do so, make sure you’re encouraged to!
4) Little or no communication - Most schools either have set parent-teacher conferences so you can go over your child
and their progress. But teachers should also be available at drop-off and pick-up to share how your child is doing and answer
any questions you might have. Some have phone numbers and emails for such inquires. But little or no communications and
this includes no mention or call when your child gets injured is problematic and suspicious.
5) Longer than normal adjustment period- this could just be because it’s very hard to leave mommy or daddy but it
could be something else. Any good care center not only has a great integration process in place, but they’ll go the extra mile
to make sure the child comfortable and part of the group. Over a month is consider suspicious.
6) Not enough space to play – Make sure wherever you send your child they have enough space to play. While this is NYC
and real estate is expensive, the student capacity should be kept just right so kids aren’t on top of each other, or they spend a
greater percentage of the day outdoors.
Red Flags - PreSchool Guide
Listing Pages
A note about how to use the listings: Listings include address,phone number, website (if available), parent comment
(if available), a brief description of the school as well as pricing breakdown.
Please refer to the following key: Pricing is broken down by full-time attendance and monthly rate. Please check the school
as many schools do not have monthly payments plans.
$- Under $1000
$$ -$1000-2000
$$$ - $2000-3000
$$$$ - $3000-5000
Below are federally and/or NYC Administration Child Service funded schools. This means that in order to attend you need
to meet their financial eligibility requirements to receive free or low cost subsidized child care services. For more
information and to see if you qualify visit:
Here are the schools for your information:
Cooper Park Child Care Center 292 Frost Street Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) 389-5962 Francis Of Paola Early Learning Center
201 Conselyea Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 782-1462
Jonathan Williams Day Care Center
Nuestros Ninos
321 Roebling Street 384 South 4th Street Brooklyn, NY 11211Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 387-5011
(718) 388-5000
United Community-Williamsburg
152 Manhattan Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 388-4298
Listing Page - PreSchool Guide
Bright Horizons
Carrig Montessori School
175 Kent Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11211
100 Maspeth Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 302-1113
(718) 388-1023
[email protected]
6 weeks-5 years
7:00AM-6:30PM / Flexible days, hours and drop-in care is available
The school is a chain which may appeal to parents in
that they have the routine down as well as structured
programs to get kids ready for school, math, language
programs and they do plenty of art projects. Info
sessions are on-going and if you’re interested, you
should call or visit their website for more info.
“Carrig Montessori is a wonderful, warm, educational
environment that I can’t recommend highly enough.
My daughter came home happy and full of stories
and new knowledge daily that was incorporated into
some sort of project. During parent observation I
noticed a focus in her attending to her activities
that I wouldn’t have believed if I hadn’t been sitting
right behind her (she didn’t even notice I had come
into the room!) The director and teachers are truly
engaged with the children and if this speaks to their
credit - when my daughter “plays school” at home she
goes by her favorite teachers name - I don’t know of
a better endorsement from a 4 year old.We look
forward to returning next year, even though we
moved further away, I couldn’t imagine taking her
out of Carrig Montessori.”
3-5 years and potty trained
8:30AM-3:00PM / Extended care
option until 6:00PM
Carrig Montessori School is a traditional Montessori
pre-school, pre-k, and kindergarten convenient to the
Williamsburg, Greenpoint, and Bushwick communities of North Brooklyn, and Ridgewood in Queens.
Located on the corner of Cooper Park, Carrig is
convenient for any parent who uses the L train for
Creative Academy
Gan Chabad Preschool
228 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11206
132 North 5th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(347) 515-2280
(718) 388-0748
3 months-5 years
Located literally around the corner from the
Montrose L train stop, many parents will find the
early opening hours and the location to be ideal.
More info to come. The school is bright, cheerful and
has outdoor space.
“We looked for warm caring environment and got
that plus the bonus of exposing our daughter to our
Jewish traditions and belief. Chabad teachers are
wonderful attentive women who put a lot of thought
into teaching our kids anything from art, science,
motor skills and even cooking. Our daughter comes
home each day with so many great experiences and
excitement. Chabad also has great after school activities, holidays and summer camp. It also help that
its affordable. Chabad is for kids ages two, three and
this year they will open pre school class. I recommend
this place to anyone without doubt.”
20 months-4 years
7:00AM-6:30PM / Flexible days, hours and back-up care is available
Gan Chabad Preschool seeks to create a stimulating
and enriching educational environment for each and
every child. The school is devoted to helping children
learn socialization skills, building their self confidence
and teaching them the preliminary skills to explore
and experience the world independently from their
parents. Our goal is to provide children with the
early foundation and framework to prepare them for
the transition to elementary school. In addition, we
seek to ignite a spark in each child to lay claim to his
Jewish heritage and commit him or her to a lifetime
passion for learning. The Chabad provides Jewish
children with a reasonably priced preschool, conveniently located on Bedford Avenue. The admissions
process is restricted to persons of Jewish faith.
FasTracKids Williamsburg
Mi Escuelita
60 Broadway
Brooklyn, NY 11249
67 South 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(347) 987-4450
(347) 529-6796
“I am happy with my daughter attending FasTacKids.
I’ve liked the teachers; they’ve been very communicative about my daughters progress and talk to
all of us everyday at schools end, albeit informally.
They also had a little progress card that they passed
out nearing the close of the semester. And they had
a mini-graduation too, so cute and yes... tears.
The staff is noticeably very excited about the tiny
students and my daughter loves it there.The teacher
student ratio was 1:6. Another aspect I should
mention:They do not change diapers. So you have to
be close by (within 10 minutes, I think) and
available to change the diaper.This has not been an
issue, well just twice but they never called us to come
in early because she went at the end of class (how
accommodating).The school day was only 2 hours
2-4 years
2-5 years
2-3 years /9:00-11:00AM
3-4 years /9:00AM-12:00PM 3 days a week
3.5-5 years / 9:00AM-12:00PM 5 days a week
Mi Escuelita is a bilingual family and artistically
oriented daycare. Their curriculum is built on a play
and hands–on experiences to challenge the physical,
intellectual, social, and emotional domains of the
growing child. The daily schedule includes dramatic
play, blocks, art, music and movement, gardening,
and cooking which is the building blocks of literacy,
math and science are supported. Mi Escuelita is normally the preschool gateway to the nearby PS 84 dual
language program. Families rave about the personalized and loving attention the children receive.
FasTracKids is a franchise located on Broadway in
South Williamsburg. The program is much loved but
really only works for stay at home parents (or kids
with a nanny) who can easily drop off and pick up
their children. The space is new and extremely kid
“Mi Escuelita is a small daycare with a creative,
warm and caring staff inWilliamsburg.The students
spend a great deal of time outside in the backyard
and on filed trips to nearby playgrounds.They offer
weekly yoga sessions, visiting musicians, open play
and the kids are always engaged in creative projects
(many of the teachers are also artists).The bilingual
component is a great plus (Spanish/English). My
child feels very safe there and generally loves the
staff and his playmates.The downside: the schedule
follows NYC public schools, which can be a real
challenge for working parents. It’s in the same price
range as Northside andWilliamsburg Neighborhood
Nursery (which are all a bit high) and although
they include snacks, they do not include lunch.”
NY Kids Club
Queen of the Rosary Catholic Academy
2 Northside Piers
Brooklyn NY 11211
10 Catherine Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(212) 375-1100
(718) 388-7992
[email protected]
Age: 2-4 years
2 years / 9:00-11:00AM
2,3 and 5 day options
3 years / 9:00AM-12:00PM
3 and 5 day options
4 years / 9:00AM-3:00PM
5 day option only
NY Kids club is a play-based preschool with an
emphasis on math, science, props and toys. The
4’s, the curriculum is designed for a five day program only. Email or call for more information.
“We liked our time at St. Nicolas. It was a mixed
preschool/PreK class and her teacher was loving and
experienced.They taught my daughter to read. Lots
of phonics.We did the Monday through Thursday
after school which went to 5:30PM. At the time, the
school ended early on Fridays. It’s a bargain for the
quality and the hours were really good.”
3 years-8th Grade
Half and full day options
Preschool classes are housed in the same buildings as
Grades K through 8, younger children have access to
all the building’s amenities such as the gym, outdoor
space, technology, computers, assemblies and concerts. Also, Preschool students see the older students
as models for academic success, which enables them
to make a smooth transition from Preschool to Kindergarten. They recognize the unique gifts and talents
of each student and encourage them to evaluate issues
facing our ever-changing world within the context
of the goodness of God’s Word, the need for faithful
worship, the value of community and the commitment of a life of service to others.
* Our Lady of Mt Carmel has merged with St.
Nicholas.’ They have also moved locations
Two By Two
Small World
211 Ainslie Street
Brooklyn NY 11211
(718) 963-0330
196 Scholes Street
Brooklyn, NY 11206
441 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 388-5600
“The staff are really great and they are focused on
always teaching through play. My son loves it and
all the other kids are really good kids. I actually
applied to other schools for the fall in case Two by
Two didn’t work out but we ended up keeping him
there because it works well for us. I like that it’s still
a small school and all the personal attention he
3 month-6 years
8:00AM-4:30PM / Early bird drop off-7:00AM-8:00AM $75 a month Extended day from 4:30PM-7:00PM $200 a month
The mission and purpose of Two by Two is to provide
and maintain a safe, nurturing and responsive
environment in which each child’s needs, interest
and development is respected. The goal is to establish
partnership with parents and to recognize the importance of their role.
“One of the best kept secrets we have inWilliamsburg
is SmallWorld Daycare.They offer pre-k as well as
after-school programs.The staff is wonderful and the
children receive excellent care. It is staffed by people
who live in the neighborhood, most of the staff were
born and raised here and has a wonderful, smalltown community feeling with home-cooked meals
and lots of love. After 40 years in operation, servicing this community with EXCELLENT ratings.”
2 years 6 months-5 years &
potty trained
Full-time 8:00AM-6:00PM /
Flexibility to parents schedule
Small World recently changed over from a city funded
school to a private one because they lost a great deal
of their funding but the school is VERY reasonably
priced still. The kids have their own playgrounds and
the staff are devoted. This falls more under the daycare type school but a great option for parents with
small budgets.
Williamsburg Northside Schools
152 North 5th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 599-7300
I feel the key element that makes this daycare/school
special is the relationships among the children,
teachers, staff, administration, and parents.These
relationships are what make me feel thatWilliamsburg Northside is more than a daycare or school, it
is a cohesive community of people who are genuinely
warm, respectful and interested in each other and in
my sons as they grow from babies to toddlers and
beyond.We are truly a supportive, respectful
community that values the individual expression of
each child. I often feel that I am part of the process
of discovering with my sons as I share experiences at
home with the teachers and they share experiences from
the school.The level of observation by the teachers is
remarkable, the support towards social/emotional,
motor, language, reasoning and self-care goals is
very well balanced to not over or under assist and
thus avoiding a lot of the complications and
frustrations that can come along with too much or
too little support.”
Northside follows the Reggio Emilia approach into
the practices of their school. The basic ideas of this
approach are of respect, responsibility and community
through exploration and discovery in a supportive and
enriching environment driven by the interests of the
children through a self-guided curriculum. Their
approach involves the understanding that development is neither linear nor static, but instead generally
moves from a single to multiple and integrated way of
responding to one’s world. This holistic approach to
working with children is intended to help each child
to develop a sense of mastery in their lives and to use
their strengths to build upon their weaknesses. Applications for the Northside Infant Toddler Center (ITC)
should be put in as soon as you know you want your
child to attend Northside. For preschool, applications
come out after Labor Day and are on a first come first
serve basis. They also have elementary school classes.
Age: Infants - 3 months-2.5 years
Preschool - 2.5 years-5th Grade
/ 8:00AM-6:00PM
Preschool /8:30AM-12:00PM (3PM)
Option for extended care until 4:30PM, 4 years can until 5:30PM
Williamsburg Montessori School
288 Berry Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
450 Kent Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11249
(718) 782-4181
(347) 450-3095
“WNNS is a warm, gentle, caring and fun school.
I was initially hesitant at enrolling my very active
2 year old in a school, but he loves the structure,
teachers and his new friends. I love how supportive
the teachers and staff are of my parenting and it’s
been a gift for us to have them in our lives.They give
the children the language to work-out conflicts and
try to understand their classmates’ feelings all while
working towards independence and self-confidence
in daily tasks.Whenever we’ve contacted his teachers
about a worry or thought, they respond quickly and
kindly.This is much more than a job for them and
they love sharing their experience.”
3 months-6 years
7:30AM-Extended hours till 6:00PM
WMS is a traditional Montessori nursery, preschool,
and kindergarten. Located in a brand new river-front
tower with the latest in security and convenience.
Classrooms are outfitted with the finest in educational materials and supplies and exceed the required staff
to student ratios, to ensure the utmost in children’s
learning opportunities.
2-4 years
WNNS teachers focus on creative and purposeful
engagement with hands-on materials like paint and
collage, sand and water. They work with playdough,
sew and weave, develop many of their own dramatic
play materials and experiment with different roles
and ways of being. Through play the children begin to
learn about themselves as individuals and as members
of a group. They develop self-confidence and selfmotivation. It is through play that children gain the
skills that will serve them later in school and in life.
WNNS is a non-profit school and all the teachers
have Masters in Education. Children have an option
for half day, full school day or a mix of half and full.
Applications are due in January of the year you plan
to attend.
109 Nassau Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 389-9004
“We love ABC.The cost is reasonable and its close to
our house. We find the teachers are very engaged and
they go to the park nearby during the day. We can’t
wait for them to open their annex so my daughter
can go as well.”
6 months-5 years
Full-Day / 8:00AM-6:00PM
Half-Day AM / 8:00AM-12:45PM
Half-Day PM / 12:45PM-6:00PM
ABC Child Center is a fully licensed daycare/preschool program for children ages 2-6 years. The
program allows you to pick and choose the days your
child is to attend on a weekly basis. They offer a
variety of program options including:
They also offer Drop-Off service on an as-needed
basis, even if a child is not registered (i.e. emergency drop off service).
Green Bean Day Care
and Learning, Inc.
161 Greenpoint Avenue, 1st Floor Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 389-4004
[email protected]
“This has been my son’s first experience with a daycare and he loves it! He gets excited to go in the 2
days a week I send him there.The woman who runs
it, Monica, is very accommodating.They have French
lessons and yoga two times a week. My son come
home saying Bonjour Mama - its so cute. He also
eats everything they feed, which is more than I can
say about at home.We’re having such a great
experience at Greenbean that even when we’re offered
a spot at another hard to get into preschool, we
turned it down to stay at Greenbean.”
2-5 years
The school offers full and half day programs and is
very open to parents childcare needs. After a $100
registration, the cost in 2012 was $35/half day and
$55 a full day. They provide organic meals and snacks
(included in the price) and have a private back yard
for the kids to play in.
Greenpoint YMCA
John Oravecz
99 Meserole Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
176 Java Street #2
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 389-3700
(718) 782-2727
“My daughter started theY program at age 2.We were
worried because she was coming from having a nanny full time but she soon grew to love it and so did
we.The teachers are so wonderful and the parentteacher conferences are helpful insight into you how
your child does at school.They always have time to
talk to you when you drop off or pick up and we love
all the art projects and outside exercise they get. Plus
they get to swim once a week!”
2-6 years
John Oravecz is a well known and loved Montessori program for kids aged 2-6. They offer affordable care in their new Java Street location. The
fee is based on your income and admissions are
increasing for the 2014 year.
Based on income
2-5 years and potty trained
8:00AM-6:00PM, with Half-day, 2,3 and 5 day options
The waitlist opens September 1st and closes
December 22nd. A child must be eligible to enter the
program (2 years and potty trained) by the following fall to be placed on the waitlist. A 1 year old may
be placed on the list, but not a 9 month old (if that
makes sense). There’s also a $25 fee to be placed on
the waitlist. The Early Learning program is a great
way to give your child a strong start to a bright
future. The programs focus on holistic develop and
support brain development, early literacy, healthy
habits development and strong parenting skills. This
beloved and inexpensive preschool has a very long
wait list. Please call the Y for further instructions on
how to apply for a place on the waiting list.
Little Acorn Coop Play School
NYL/Yai Greenpoint
A parent organized coop school on Java Street in
Greenpoint. Not licensed with the city but if a
coop interests you, contact them at:
Email: [email protected]
Mis Family Daycare
739 Meeker Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 349-7028
“We have loved this school for the 2 years we’ve been
there.The teachers can be strict but with good cause.
We have found that our son responded to the warm
environment and loves the art classes. Having a big
backyard and animals in the classroom were selling
points and I try not to recommend this school out
too much because its so wonderful!”
2-5 years
7:00AM-6:00PM / Only full-time
725 Leonard Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
My son LOVES it! On days off, like today, he asks
me if he can still go to school.The teachers and staff
have created a highly personal, loving and creative
environment for learning.The kids get lots of exercise
with gym, bike riding and walks around the
neighborhood (to local parks and the pet store). And
it’s SUPER affordable to boot.
2 years and nine months-5 years
9:15AM-11:45AM / Option for
extended day until 2:45PM
NYL just opened an integrated classroom at their
preschool. An integrated classroom consists of 18
students: 9 have mild speech of physical disabilities
and 9 do not. The school is free from 9:15AM11:45AM and you pay $200 for the extension of the
day. The school follows the curriculum set up by
YAI-the organization that funds the program requires
students are proficient in certain items so there’s a
strict structure to it but they also have plenty of time
to play in the gym and do art projects.
Located in East Greenpoint-easily accessible for
parents who live near McGolrick Park and Graham
Avenue, this quaint 12-children preschool is a hidden
gem offering class year-round. Reasonably priced
and inclusive of all meals and snacks this school
offers plenty of art and music and learning activities.
Director Edynta believes that she prepares children
effectively for elementary school and gives them a
competitive edge. This school has plenty of activities,
self-reliance lessons and its own backyard. They do
speak and cater to Polish parents, though anyone is
SMYK Daycare
Address: 509 Graham Avenue, Ground Floor Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 218-7803
“SMYK Daycare is a warm and caring place run by
three caring and creative Polish women. Additionally,
a teacher is brought in at least twice a week to offer
singing, music, art and dance. Meals are home cooked
and healthy.Those who work at SMYK are kind,
loving and genuinely enjoy what they do. Drawbacks
to SMYK include that it’s a mixed age daycare-this
can have positives as your child may potty train sooner
and learn some “big kid” habits from the older kids, but
your younger toddler will also be exposed to negative
behavior of older kids.There is no outdoor space, if
full time, be prepared for your child to be inside all
day.There is also no daily report, a parent who needs
detailed daily communication may not satisfied with
this.The cost of SMYK is extremely reasonable and
the schedule is quite flexible. No daycare is perfect,
but as a parent whose children have been at SMYK for
two years, I would whole heartedly recommend it if it
sounds like the right match for your family.”
Age: Hour:
2-6 years
7:00AM-6:00PM / Very flexible SMYK provides a family home atmosphere preschool
year round. Opening its doors over 14 years ago, the
school divides the day into activities such as:
Monday - speech and thinking development
Tuesday - music classes
Wednesday - math classes
Thursday - manual skills and arts classes
Friday - physical development classes
Cost is inclusive of lunch and snacks:
1-6 hours - $46/day or 6+ hours - $50/day
St. Stanislaus Kostka
Catholic Academy
12 Newell Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
(718) 383-1970
“My son loved St. Stan’s. He really liked his teachers
and the friends he made.There was lots of playtime,
costume parties, trick or treating in the school, Santa
visit, music class, gym class, art class, etc. Very
traditional; they do worksheet activities in class,
wear uniforms and as a Catholic school, learn about
the bible/prayers/the church.Teachers are quick to
communicate with parents about their child but not
so quick with policy or changes in the classroom. But
overall, it was a good experience. My son was happy
and safe and that’s all I care about for a 3 year old
program plus it was an affordable option.”
3 years of age by December 31 the year they register and potty trained
8:00AM-2:00PM / No extended hours or summer program available
Curriculum for the preschool follows the guidelines
of the Diocese of Brooklyn, in conjunction with New
York State Learning Standards. In addition to the
core curriculum of religion, math, reading, language
arts, science and social studies, students are provided with classes in art, music, physical education and
computers. Every classroom has internet access and
has a state-of-the-art computer lab equipped with 31
new computers, a digital projector and Smart Board.
Admissions are not very competitive and the cost
very reasonable.
A Magical Place
Kids Canvas
795 Bushwick Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11221
721 Hart Street
Brooklyn, NY 11221
(718) 602-6604
(718) 406-4100
“My son is now 2 years and has been going to
Magical Place since he was 3 months. Ingrid is the
owner has been really kind and we like the proximity
of the school for getting to and from work. My son
seems happy to go to ‘school’ everyday and we like
the mixed age groups.”
6 weeks-5 years
8:00AM-6:00PM / Children
enrolled in the full-day get lunch
Located on the corner of Bushwick Avenue and
Greene Street, a Magical place is a large daycare from
infants through age 5. They offer the most basic of
childcare in a loving environment with plenty of art
and outside time. Admissions are offered on a rolling
22 months-5 years / Started potty training
Kids’ Canvas is designed to indulge children’s need
to play, foster creativity and to give a green light to
fun for kids while allowing parents respite during
the day. The program loosely follows a Reggio Emilia
approach, where projects and ideas are student-led
and exploratory. Kids’ Canvas is a social environment
where children build relationships with other children,
as well as with the material world around them. 5:1
ratio. The space at Kids’ Canvas consists of a main
room with ample space for running around, a puppet
theater, a dollhouse and two pet parakeets. The
second room has a quiet reading corner and a school
of tropical fish. A separate art room has an easel and
a large communal table for working together or
individually. The kitchen houses a small compost bin
with live worms. The space is flooded with natural
light throughout the afternoon. The outdoor space
includes a small, private playground as well as a large
back yard which will be used for planting and gardening
projects when weather permits. At the end of each class
parents receive an emailed update of class activities
accompanied by photos taken throughout the class.
Healthy snacks are provided. Kids’ Canvas is located
just two blocks from Maria Hernandez Park.
Bushwick/ Ridgewood
Little People’s Playhouse
Play Lab
22-31 Greene Avenue
Ridgewood , NY 11385
322 Stockholm Street
Brooklyn, NY 11327
(347) 208-5804
[email protected]
18 months-5 years
Hours: 7:30AM-6:00PM
Little People’s Playhouse is committed to the wellbeing and education of our children They focus on
reading, writing and arithmetic through “active
learning” and physical activity. They offer homemade
breakfast, lunch, and snacks as well as music, dance,
exercise and yoga.
2-5 years
Hours: 9:00AM-4:00PM
2, 3 & 5 day options / Aftercare is available until 6:00PM (hourly rate)
Jennifer Sunderland, founding member of Mi
Escuelita, and two other wonderful teachers to work
alongside her at this Bushwick location of Playlab.
They are dedicated to creating a nurturing, structured
environment where children learn through direct
hands on exploration and creative expression in a
small homestyle place.
Bushwick/ Ridgewood
14th Street Y
3rd Street Settlement
344 East 14th Street
New York, NY 10009
235 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003
(212) 780-0800
(212) 777-3240
“I’m lucky enough to work around the corner from
theY so I bring my daughter to school and the nanny
picks her up.We are so in love with the school, my
daughter always comes home happy and eager to
share what she’s learned in class.The added bonus of
having Jewish traditions reinforced was the sell for
us. I would recommend this school to parents who
don’t want to attend Chabad but want their children
to have some Jewish background.”
Age: 2.45 years and potty trained
Early 3’s - 9:00AM-1:00PM
Late 3’s - 9:00AM-1:00/3:00PM Afternoon class 2:00PM-5:00PM
The 14th Street Y Preschool stimulates and supports
children’s natural curiosity about the world in which
they live and play. Guided by the belief that “play is a
child’s work,” have filled the sunny, spacious classrooms
with the rich and varied materials children need to do
their daily jobs. As part of the 14th Street Y the school
offers a unique array of educational environments in
which children can question, problem solve, create and
grow. Students explore and experiment in art, science
and dramatic play centers that comprise each classroom. Weaving together Jewish values and traditions
and a Reggio Emilia approach within an age-appropriate
and all-inclusive setting preschool celebrates
diversity in every way. The school will also work on
potty training.
2-5 years / Children must be 2 years of age by March of the year of
Half-day for 2’s & 3’s
9:00AM-12:00PM or 1:00PM-4:00PM
Full-day for 4’s - 9:00AM-3:00PM
Third Street preschoolers grow and learn through
play, exploration and discovery in a nurturing
environment that’s rich in interesting, challenging
and creative experiences. The overarching goal is to
provide a setting in which each child can develop
a greater sense of self, a respect for others, and a
lifelong love of the arts and learning. The curriculum,
with its strong emphasis on music, literacy, visual
arts and dramatic play, offers children a powerful way
to broaden their understanding of the world around
Avenues - The World School
Beginnings Nursery School
259 10th Avenue
New York, NY 10001
130 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
(212) 935-5000
(212) 228-5679
3 years -12th grade
3’s program 8:30AM-3:00PM /
Option for extended hours 6:00PM, full-time only
Communication skills, reading, writing and effective
speaking are central components of Avenues’
educational plan, so Early Learning Center students
will be encouraged to begin to develop good habits in
these areas in preparation for more formal language
instruction in later years. Students will undertake
second language (either Mandarin or Spanish) as
well as life skills. This school highly values a child’s
membership in the world and middle and high school
students spend summers abroad.
Hours: 18 months-5 years
2’s 8:30AM-11:30AM / 3 days a week 3’s 8:45AM-12:45PM / 4 & 5 days 4’s 8:30AM-12:30PM / 3 & 4 days
An option for extended hours until 1:30PM and other afternoon options
The school is easily accessible off the L train and it
follows Reggio Emilia and Pistoia, Italy. Their philosophy emphasizes children’s competency and ability to
construct their own knowledge through in-depth
investigation and research. One aspect of this approach
that they are focusing on the documentation of work in
the classroom. Through words, photographs and video,
teachers interpret and reflect on children’s learning
experiences. Documentation enables parents to learn
about their children’s work and to feel connected to
what is happening in the classroom. It allows teachers
to articulate their thinking about children’s ongoing
investigations, and to determine future directions for
them. It helps children to remember their ideas and
shared experiences and to know that these are valued.
Blue School
Brooklyn Free School
241 Water Street
New York, NY 10038
372 Clinton Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(212) 228-6341
(718) 499-2707
“We could not be more thrilled with what is going
on at Blue School, and it has been such a ‘natural’
fit for us given it’s deep commitment to progressive
education, social/emotional learning, and creative
inquiry.We do all we can to support the school!”
2 years-5th grade
2’s / 9:00AM-10:45AM Tues+Thurs
11:15AM-1:00PM Tues+Thurs
9:00AM-10:45AM Mon/Wed/Fri
11:15AM-1:00PM Mon/Wed/Fri
3’s / 1:00PM-4:00PM Mon-Wed
9:00PM-12:00PM Mon-Fri
9:00AM-3:00PM Mon-Thurs
9:00AM-1:00PM Fri
4’s / 8:45AM-1:00PM Mon-Fri
8:45AM-3:00PM Mon-Fri
(8:15AM Drop Off Available)
Hours: 4-14 years
Extended day is available
Brooklyn Free School is a very progressive educational
modeled on the idea the famous Summerhill School.
The school mixes ages and skill levels and starts at age
4 to age 14. Brooklyn Free School’s mission is
education for social justice. Always advocating for
young people’s voices to be heard, BFS engages
students and staff in democratic decision making and
problem solving.
Blue School was started by parents looking to
create a very progressive format of education with an
emphasis on creative expression, self social learning,
building skills and understanding. Easily accessed by
the East River Ferry this is an easy fit for North
WIlliamsburgers seeking a more progressive approach
to schooling.
2’s - $
3’s and Up - $$
Brooklyn Friends School
Brooklyn Heights Montessori
375 Pearl Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 852-1029
185 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 858-0500
2 years-5th grade
Hours: 2’s - 3, 4 & 5 Program - Half Day
Full Day 9:00AM-3:00PM, extended hours are available in the AM or PM
3’s and 4’s Program
3 Half Day or 5 Full Day
Half Day 9:00AM-11:45AM
Full Day 9:00AM-2:50PM
Brooklyn Friends School cultivates an intellectually
ambitious and diverse community that celebrates
each individual’s gifts. They challenge students to
value and embrace difference as they develop critical
thinking skills and apply their knowledge and intelligence both in and out of the classroom. In this rich
learning environment, they inspire all members of
our community to voice their convictions, to discover
and pursue their passions, and to seek truth. Their
graduates are compassionate, curious, and confident
global citizens who let their lives speak in the spirit of
leadership and service.
2 years-8th grade
2’s - 2 & 3 days 9:15AM-11:45AM
3-5 years Option of Full (2:45PM )
or Half (11:45AM) days
Located off the Bergen G stop, this school offers a
child-centered classroom environments that provides
a wide variety of materials and experiences appropriate to a range of intellectual, emotional, and physical
developmental levels. By learning in mixed-age
groups, students can focus on their individual progress, not the progress of their classmates. Students
who have mastered work are encouraged to advance
to new challenges beyond a standard curriculum.
Struggling students are supported without stigma.
The teachers guide the learning by building on each
child’s strengths and personality. The classroom offers
the responsibility of freedom by promoting gratifying, meaningful work choices.
Half Day $
Full Day $$
Brooklyn International School
Age: 3 years and potty trained-High school
Hours: 8:00AM-12:30PM or 3PM
477 Court Street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
(718) 369-3023
“This is an excellent school with a wonderful staff,
administration and community that fully supports
it.We can not say anything bad about the school,
our daughter loves it, she wants to stay all day even
after school.This is a growing private school. It can
not run on the cost of tuition alone which they have
done miracles to keep as low as it is so it is important
when considering the school to also consider how you
are going to participate in the success of the school. I
recommend that families considering the school also
consider how they will donate time and money. The
school of course accepts children from every economic
background and that is important for economic
diversity of the student body, but it is my hope that
parents that can afford to support the school with
additional donations, come prepared to donate their
time and other resources, contacts, etc that they may
To bring out the best in each child, ISB believes that
the learning experience in a preschool must respect
individual learning styles and developmental
readiness, and that learning should be joyful. In order
to build this foundation, ISB’s Preschool offers
diverse play and learning experiences designed to
nurture the development of the whole child.
Emotional, social, academic, physical, linguistic and
cultural development are interrelated and of equal
value and importance. Curriculum is 100% in
language of choice (French or Spanish). Applications
come out September for the following year and are
due in December.
Caroline’s Playhouse
City & Country School
10-42 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101
146 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10011
(917) 324-2862
(212) 242-7802
Age: 2 years-12th Grade
“It’s family.When you drop off your child, it’s like
bringing them to a family member who strives to
provide a foundation to support your child’s growth
and development throughout their life.The
environment is causal, nurturing, supportive and
focused on your specific child’s happiness, trust and
comfort. My son loves it so much that he has to be
convinced to leave. I couldn’t ask for a better
environment or group of people to raise my child. I
give it 20 stars out of 10.”
2-4 years / An exception may be made if your child is close to 2 years
Located by the Vernon-Jackson 7 stop and right over
the Pulaski Bridge, Carolyn’s Playhouse is a charming
Bank Street model, experiential, play-based, grounded in a developmental framework and respectful of
children’s individual differences preschool. Through
play with materials, they encourage children to
explore the world, work on cognitive and fine/gross
motor skills, and learn the joy of autonomy. They provide many opportunities for pretend/dramatic play
and marvel as they express what they have learned,
clarify concepts, and organize their knowledge. Music
and art explorations are abundant because children
learn through their hands and hearts as well as their
minds. Admissions require that you tour the facilities
and then submit your applications. Applications are
submitted in May for September.
2’s Half-day Program
9:00AM-11:00AM /1:30PM-4:40PM
3’s Half-day Program
9:00AM–12:50PM /1:30PM–4:50PM 4’s Full-time Program
City & Country School is an institution and easily
accessible by the L train. Built by Caroline Pratt with
the intention to create a place of learning that
constantly re-evaluates both its program and environment in an effort to help children forge a deep
connection to their educational experience. The
school stresses the importance of the process of
learning and help children come to the realization
that often knowing how to find the answer or ask the
question is more useful than the answer itself. They
encourage children to try things for themselves, to
explore and draw conclusions without fear of failure.
They provide opportunities through which children
come to value themselves, other people, ideas, skills,
responsibilities and hard work.
324 West 15th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 741-2800
2.5 years-5th Grade
2’s & 3’s Half-day Program
3’s Full-day program
Corlears is a progressive school dedicated to the education of young children through the early elementary
grades. They seek to cultivate joy in learning through
active investigation of core curricular themes. They
are committed to the stimulation of intellectual
curiosity. They value creative problem solving and
support the growth of socially aware students within
a diverse, intimate and involved community.
First Presbyterian
Church Nursery School
12 West 12th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 691-3432
2-5 years / 2 years on, or before May 31 of the year applied for
Hours: 2’s & 3’s Program
4’s Program
9:00AM-12:00PM / 9:00AM-2:30PM Extended hours are offered for an additional fee
FPCNS follows the progressive educational philosophy
of “developmental interaction,” with inspiration from
the Reggio Emilia preschools. The “Reggio approach”
reminds us to look at children’s competence and
potential rather than their limitations. Focusing on
what children can do (instead of what they cannot do)
leads to higher levels of thinking and performance.
German Preschool/
Honeybunch Kids
46-16 65th Place
Queens, NY 11377
(646) 251 9952
[email protected]
[email protected]
Age: Hour:
The school serves children aged 2 to 5 years old. The
class is led by native German speakers and taught
exclusively in German. The philosophy of the program is learning-through-play and the curriculum is
structured and balanced with free play. Daily outdoor
play in the outside yard, which includes a jungle gym
and toy cars, extends the children’s experiences. The
German class is held in a daycare, whose owner is a
native speaking German teacher, conveniently
located off the BQE and close to NYC buses and
subway stops. The location is easily accessible from
many sections of Queens, Brooklyn, Midtown
Manhattan and Long Island.
Grace Church School
86 Fourth Avenue
New York, NY 10003
(212) 475-5609
Age: 4 years-12th Grade
4’s or Kindergarten
Monday-Thursday, 1:30PM Friday
The program includes a variety of experiences to
support reading readiness, writing development
and math skills. Children expand their receptive and
expressive language by telling stories and carrying on
conversations and class discussions with teachers and
peers. Students are exposed to children’s literature
on a daily basis. In a systematized progression, the
children focus on handwriting skills and begin writing
stories using their developing phonemic awareness.
An introduction to patterning, numeracy, classification and sorting establishes a foundation for future
math study. Through hands-on guided exploration,
children become problem solvers using basic skills
such as adding, subtracting, measuring and estimating.
Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten children have
many opportunities to share experiences with the
entire school community. They eat lunch in the dining
room and attend regularly scheduled classes in the
library, art room, science lab, music/dance studio and
the Early Childhood gymnasium. The children meet
students from other divisions each week for “Book
Buddies” and take part in chapels and assemblies.
Time on the play roof is an important part of each
Greene Hill School
Imagine Early Learning Center
39 Adelphi Street
Brooklyn, NY 11205
85 Adams Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 230-3608
(718) 522 2263
Age: 4 years-5th grade
After hours are available
GHS creates students with intellectual curiosity,
educational capabilities, and emotional development
that flourish in a vibrant learning environment that
fosters each student’s understanding of themselves
and their relationship to the local community and
the world. Greene Hill School is a progressive school
with an emphasis on community. Admissions are
offered on a rolling basis.
Tiered, can be free to $$
2 months-5 years
Available fulltime or parttime
Imagine ELC offers a state of the art, green facility. Located in the fun and expanding neighborhood
of DUMBO, Brooklyn, they take full advantage of
their location and all the wonderful sites, merchants
and activities the area has to offer. For outdoor play
children cross the historic cobble stone streets to the
beautiful riverfront Brooklyn Bridge Park with
amazing views of the bridges and Manhattan skyline.
Easy ferry ride for Williamsburg or Greenpoint
Jack & Jill at St. George
LIC Kids
209 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003
5-2 50th Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101
(212) 475-0855
(718) 392-5437
2.5-5 years
4’s / 9:00AM-12:15PM or 2:30PM
3’s / 9:00AM-11:00AM
2’s & 3’s / 12:30PM-2:30PM
What makes the Jack and Jill School unique is that
the lesson plans are individualized and allow students
to learn at their own pace. From letter and number
recognition to Spanish and computer classes, The
Jack and Jill School seeks to nurture each child to a
lifelong love of learning. The curriculum at Jack and
Jill School includes an early literacy curriculum, story
time, art, music, Spanish, computer classes, science,
outdoor play and indoor gym activities.
“My son had a great time at LIC kids ‘preschool’. It
was the perfect choice for us as a stay at home parent
- he got the exercise and face time with other kids
and I got to get some work done. I live in Greenpoint
and we were able to take the bus over the bridge.
Plus the cost is very reasonable on one parent’s
salary. I would recommend this place to anyone
looking for just a little bit of preschool.”
Age: 2-4 years
Hours: 9:00AM-12:00PM 2, 3 & 5 Day Options (You can pick the days you want based on the classes offered. The ‘school’ is divided into semesters so parents looking for something smaller might be
interested in this program)
LIC Kids is a charming little space just on the other
side of the Polaski Bridge and convenient to the 7
train. They don’t offer a proper preschool but instead
offer an alternative half day drop off option. The
kids day is chocked full of physical activities, art and
Little Ones
Lolly’s Learning Center
4-74 48th Avenue
Queens, NY 11109
5-44 47th Avenue
Long Island City, New York 11101
(718) 392-1254
(718) 729-9071
“I think this is one of the best preschools in the City.
The staff is very professional and warm, the space
is light and airy.There are lots of different areas
and activities for the kids to play in, including a
mirrored studio for music and dance.There is a high
teacher to student ratio, which makes it easier to
leave your toddler there, knowing they are getting
enough attention. Can’t recommend this place highly enough.”
Hours: 2-5 years
9:00AM-2:00PM / Extended hours are available 8:00AM-9:00AM and until 5:30PM for an additional cost
Located in the Citilights Building, many parents who
live on the G train might find this very convenient.
Nap at 2:30PM. September through June school year
is from $8,200 and $3,600 for an extended day. Four
payments complete in October. Registration begins in
September, an optional registration in January should
there be space.
“What I liked is that the teachers all either have
or are going for their Master’s Degree, and all are
dedicated to teaching infants. My youngest daughter
has been going to the school for 2 years and I recommend it to all my neighbors. Less expensive than
Williamsburg schools and just as good.”
Age: Hour:
3 months-5 years
Morning, afternoon and full-day sessions are available. Located just over the Pulaski Bridge or an easy
ferry ride over to LIC, this lovely little preschool is a
nice alternative for Greenpoint residents who work
in the city and take the 7 train.
Manhattan Kids Club
Nazareth Montessori
216 West 15th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 243-1881
629 East 14th Street
New York, NY 10009
(212) 533-1977
356 6th Avenue
New York, NY 10012
“We send both kids to Manhattan Kids Club in the
city - they’re fantastic and pricing was similar to
Brooklyn preschools. I love Manhattan Kids Club,
and have found them to be an amazing, loving place
that helped nurture our girls through every milestone with ease - from starting solids and crawling
to using a spoon and a potty, to learning to share
and take turns and treat friends with respect and
kindness.They have really low teacher turnover and many have been there more than a decade.We
turn to them with parenting issues.”
3 months-5 years
7:30AM-6:00PM / Year-round
This small and lovely school is an affordable option
for parents in Williamsburg as is off the 1st Avenue
stop in the East Village. They have a fairly advanced
preschool curriculum and often have no space
available being that parents send their second and
third children there as well. In order to apply, you
must tour the school and then apply for either a 2,
3 or 5-day week program. Wait list at present is 9
months, so, if this school interests you, tour it now.
“If you are seeking a fantastic and very affordable
school and your child is 2 years or older, check out
Nazareth Montessori.This is an amazing and
incredibly affordable school located in Manhattan
on 15th Street between 7th & 8th Avenue. Under
$1K/month for 8AM-5:30PM care including all
meals and snacks.The sister who runs the program
is amazing and we’re so happy to have found this
diamond of a school.”
Age: 2-6 years
Hours: 8:00AM-5:30PM / Only full-time is available
Nazareth is a Montessori based preschool with a
Catholic angle. Children are taught in the traditional
Montessori methods with an emphasis on mathematics.
Parents love this low-cost school located in the West
Village and is easily accessible by the L train.
Play Learn Center
Positive Beginnings Preschool
66-06 70 Street
Queens, NY 11379
7252 Metropolitan Avenue
Middle Village, NY 11215
(718) 894-0016
“We have been at Play Learn Center for over 2
months and like it very much.We love that it
includes all the home cooked meals and snacks. It
is very reasonably priced if you are looking for an
option near the Northern Ridgewood area.”
Hours: 2-5 years
7:30AM-6:00PM / Only full days are available, 2-5 days a week
Play and Learn has a very different vibe than the
Brooklyn schools (meaning: on a rainy day, they’ve
been known to play a short video for the 30-40 kids).
Each week is devoted to a specific “fun” theme like
Sea Life, Sports, Theater or Music. The staff at Play
and Learn speak Polish, English and Spanish, are very
friendly, easy accessible and attentive to needs. Open
for 5 years, the school is in a new building and is
made up of sunny, and impeccably clean classrooms.
Home cooked meals are provided by the staff. The
children are taken outdoors in the morning, with
other time devoted to crafts, story time and
independent play.
3-5 years
Positive Beginnings is a special education preschool
in Middle Village. Easily accessible by major highways
and public transportation systems. Their nurturing
environment caters to children with special needs,
and their families to provide quality educational programs tailored to enhance the child’s development.
The school offers free care to those who qualify and
available in Hebrew & Spanish.
Free, needs based
Five days $1,050/month
Four days $850/month
Three days $700/month
Two days $550/month.
Preschool of America
Preschool of the Arts
600 Avenue of the Americas, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10011
121 West 19th Street
New York, NY 10011
(212) 255-6911
(212) 229-9075
“We had our daughter in the infant program of the
Chelsea location of Preschool of America.The facilities are clean, bright, spacious and well organized.
The staff and director are helpful and friendly.
They organized many fun events for the children
and families: potlucks, a Halloween costume parade
and holiday parties. I wanted to have my daughter
close to my office, so I could have that extra hour
with her each day commuting and to be able to visit
her during my lunch breaks. It definitely made the
transition back to work easier for all of us.”
Age: Hour:
3 months-6 years
Preschool of America prides itself on providing high
quality preschool education with daycare amenities
and service in a warm, nurturing environment. They
understand that choosing the right center to fit a
child’s needs is an important decision, and they strive
to meet the expectations of every family they serve.
Preschool of America programs are carefully researched and thoughtfully taught, and they approach
every day with a sense imagination, innovation and
fun to help young children learn comfortably and
confidently. Every curriculum includes a variety of
interesting and inspiring activities to stimulate early
brain development with a focus on creative play. They
encourage a love of learning through working and
playing with others. The children have fun while they
learn just another way we make sure children get the
most out of their experiences at school.
“At Preschool of the Arts they draw the inspiration
from the Reggio approach to education and from the
knowledge of developmentally-appropriate
educational practices. My children have manifested
the culture of friendship, compassion, respect,
tolerance and communal responsibility.The
parents partnership program nurture and
enriches the relationship of parents and children.
It was indeed a very pleasant experience. Highly
1 year 5 months-2 years 9 months
Half-day / 2 years 9 month- 4 years Full-day program
Half-day 9:00AM-12:00PM
Full-day 9:00AM-2:30PM
This Reggio & Jewish tradition inspired approach to
learning that’s based largely on students’ interests and
curiosities while incorporating the customs,
traditions and moral values of Judaism.
Waldorf Preschool
Your Kids Our Kids
126 Saint Felix Street
Brooklyn, NY 11217
30 West 15th Street
New York, NY 10011
(718) 783-3270
(212) 675-6226
“We totally loved our experience at theWaldorf
school. I felt tremendously at peace upon entering
the magical nursery room. No brands, no plastic insight such a relief and a drastic change from everyday life in the city. Parents are encourage to do some
kind of hand work while the children play. I knitted.
Our time together was guided by song and rhythms
of the weekly ritual; play, washing hands, sitting
around the table together and kneading dough for
our bread, more play while bread baked, then sitting
again to eat bread together. Class ended with a circle
of songs and dance.The peace and respect for the
child in theWaldorf approach to education makes me
a better mother.”
18 months-8th Grade
Hours: 8:45AM-12:00PM
The Brooklyn Waldorf offers a series of classes that
start at 18 months, the Bridge Program, with
parent/child classes that ultimately lead to the Nursery school which starts at age 3. Waldorf schooling
tends to have strong advocates who believe wholeheartedly in their mission and ideals. Which are
music, dance and theater, writing, literature, legends
and myths. These are not simply subjects to be read
about, ingested and tested, they are experienced.
Through these experiences, Waldorf students
cultivate a lifelong love of learning as well as the
intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual
capacities to be individuals certain of their paths and
to be of service to the world.
$$ (Three tiered tuiton based on income and assets)
“I’m incredibly confident that my son is learning,
playing and being loved here.The staff has always
informed me of how my son’s day went, good and
bad, and what his class is up to and projects they are
doing. It isn’t only the teachers that know my son.
The whole staff knows him and he knows them.When
he walks in the door he is happy to be there and I
can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”
Hours: 3 months-5 years
7:30AM-5:45PM / Year-round
YKOK is a full-time, year round program for kids
from 3 months to 5 years. They offer a play based
program that highlights art, Spanish and everyday
skills while incorporating plenty of outside time.
All teachers boast a BA or Associates degree in EC
development and have worked at the school for years.
The school also preps preschools for ERB’s and G&T
tests. They offer organic hot meals and milk for additional monthly charge and best part of all: included in
the tuition-late pick up until 9pm 1x a month. Date
night anyone?