www.theshow.com.au - Royal Adelaide Show

My cat Felice is special to me
and I like cats. I sponsor a prize in
Felice’s name because supporting cat
breeders and recognising and rewarding
their efforts via prize sponsorship at the
Royal Adelaide Show is a way of giving
back. I also really enjoy visiting the
cat competition and seeing who has
won her prize.
Karen Holthouse – RA&HS
Staff Member
As a child I remember visiting
the Adelaide show with my grandfather and
walking through the sheep pavilion, he pointed out the
various things judges would be looking for. It is a special
memory of him passing down something that was
important to him to the next generation, I sponsor a Prize at
the Royal Adelaide Show as a tribute to him.
Caroline Phillips – Individual / Family Farm
I sponsor a prize at the
Royal Adelaide Show to return
something to the Society i.e. Dairy Goat
Society of Australia and the RA&HS; as
both have offered me opportunity to
travel Australia as a Dairy Goat Judge,
meeting great friends and having many
unique experiences.
Bob Battams – Dairy Goats
I sponsor a prize in the Horses
in Action Competition because
after years of past and continual
participation in the show its nice
to give something back and see
others enjoy the competitions
as much as my family has.
Leanne Donoghue
– Donlea Show Stables
I sponsor a prize at the
Royal Adelaide Show because
it’s great to contribute back to a
society that brings so much joy to
so many people every year and it
helps continue the traditions started
a long time ago.
Tim Buxton – Poultry & Pigeons
For more information contact:
Roz Becker, Sponsorship Coordinator
Royal Show & Wine Show Division
Phone: 08 8210 5284
Please return form via email, post or fax
Email: [email protected]
Post: PO Box 108, Goodwood SA 5034
Fax: 08 8210 5222
register an Interest to Sponsor a Prize
I sponsor a prize at the Royal Adelaide
Show as having grown up in regional SA I
recognise the importance of what the show
represents– tradition, recognition of farmers
and producers as well as those with skill in
something they love
Jaimee Carter – RA&HS Staff Member
As an individual, family, group or business you can sponsor a prize in one or more of the Royal Adelaide Show’s
competitive sections from as little as $50.
We have over 60 competitions with a variety of sections and classes to choose from.
Sponsors can elect to provide a cash prize, a trophy (provided by you or invoiced by the Society
and purchased on your behalf), a voucher for goods or services or product (supplied by the sponsor).
To “Register an Interest” complete the details below and return to the Sponsorship Coordinator before the 30th April.
Upon receipt of your form, you will be contacted to discuss your prize details.
Prizes can be awarded in the name of a business, individual (i.e. after yourself or in memory of someone special),
groups, organisations or even after your pet.
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Title Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss / Dr First Name..................................................................................... Surname...............................................................................................................
Business/Community Group/Organisation Name (if applicable)............................................................................................................................................................................
Position (if applicable)...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Postal Address................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Suburb...................................................................................................... State..................................................................................... Post Code...................................................
Contact No.............................................................................................. Email............................................................................................................................................................
Select preferred section below (tick box)
Any ..............................................
Alpacas ......................................
Aquarium Fish .............................
Art Purchase ...............................
Beef Cattle/Led Steer ................
Beer ..............................................
Caged Birds ..............................
Cavies (Guinea Pigs)..................
Cookery .......................................
Dairy Cattle .................................
Dairy Products ............................
Dogs .............................................
Dog Flyball...................................
Dog Grooming............................
Dog Weight Pull...........................
Farriers & Blacksmiths .................
Fruit ...............................................
Girl Guides ...................................
Goats ...........................................
Grains & Fodder..........................
Horses In Action ..........................
Horses (Royal Adelaide Autumn Horse Show) ...............
Horticulture .........................................................................
Junior Art, Craft & Design and Home Economics .........
Junior Science & Technology ..........................................
Olive Oil & Olives ...............................................................
Open Art & Craft ...............................................................
Photography ......................................................................
Pigs ......................................................................................
Poultry, Pigeon & Eggs ......................................................
Rabbits ................................................................................
Reptiles ...............................................................................
Scouts .................................................................................
Sheaf Tossing ......................................................................
Sheep .................................................................................
Sheep Dog Trials ................................................................
Sheep Shearing..................................................................
Strongman .........................................................................
Talent on Show...................................................................
Whip Cracking ...................................................................
Woodcutting ......................................................................
Wool ....................................................................................
Ute Muster...........................................................................
Young Judges ....................................................................
Area of Interest
Please indicate area of interest
- e.g.: animal breed, horse event, art or craft, interest area
Prize Type
Cash Voucher Trophy Product
Medallion Preferred Name of Prize (Person, animal’s, business name)
Value of Sponsorship (tick box)
$150 Min $50. $200 $100
Businesses may be interested in the new Competition Supporter Program or major
sponsorship opportunities. Contact us for more details or visit our website. Opportunities
also exist to make a donation or bequest. Please contact us direct to discuss further.