Hockey Captain`s Info Guide

Role & Responsibilities
Your positive leadership will directly affect’s your teams behaviour - this determines whether or not
your bond is returned. Our goal is to return 100% of performance bonds.
Ensure that your team is informed of the schedule for the season and knows where it is posted
Ensure the eligibility of all players. Trent Athletics reserves the right to remove a player from any
division who is playing in the wrong league (ie., playing ability). Players may play in either the REC
league or the COMP. league (considered ineligible if playing in both).
Inform all players that they must bring their Student ID Card to all of the games.
Captains are responsible for checking their team roster. Players will only be listed on the roster after
they have registered for the league, attended a Hockey Information Session and are listed on the
team list.
One team only per change room.
Ensure that all team players are familiar with the rules (both C.H.A. and Trent Campus Rec rules).
Make sure that your team’s first priority is to have fun through participation and healthy competition.
Ensure that your team has sweaters that are similarly coloured and numbered. All teams must now
have, identified one Captain and two Assistant Captains. They must be identified with permanent
letters (not tape). There is to be no switching of jerseys between players.
Where shirt colour conflicts exist, the home team must wear an alternate shirt colour.
For the Competitive league, the first team listed on the schedule is “home” and must provide a
scorer/timer. Failure to do so results in loss of time and a $25 loss of bond.
Communicate suggestions, ideas, and concerns directly to the Convenor and/or the Campus Rec
Coordinator. Listen to your teammate’s ideas and share them.
The Captain will act as the representative for any player during a suspension meeting.
Give everyone an equal chance to play.
Resolve conflicts calmly and maturely. You are the leader and role model for your team.
Provide a Spirit Score at the end of each game to the convenor.
Any abuse of officials will not be tolerated. Both of our hockey leagues are non-contact. You will be
severely penalized for fighting or any intent to injure incidents. We review all major penalties and
often increase the penalty if warranted. There will be a $25 loss of bond for each player who
receives a second abuse of official offense.
Notify your Convenor and the Campus Rec Coordinator by email and phone if your team must forfeit
a game (a min. of 48 hours needed) in order to avoid the loss of your performance bond.
Assist the Convenor with weekly attendance and student identification checks if asked so that
playing time is not wasted.
Assist the Convenor with First Aid emergencies as requested.
Encourage safe behaviour amongst your team and lead your team by role modeling positive
behaviour. Ensure that everyone on your team has had a chance to play.
Please Note: The City of Peterborough does not close the arenas during winter storms. Unless the
Department of Athletics and Recreation cancels the league play, games go on. It is up to the individual to
decide whether or not to play.
Performance Bond Information
Participation in all sports requires payment of a team performance bond. Performance bonds are returned if
these conditions are met:
No defaults
No suspensions
No harassment of officials or other players
No ineligible players
No contravention of Fair Play Policy
Attendance at the Captain’s Meeting
Bonds will be returned to designate by April 30, 2013.
Fair Play Principles
Fair play governs all of our Campus Rec programs and activities, including Hockey. Fair Play is a
philosophy, an attitude, a practice, and ultimately a way of life promoting fairness, integrity, and respect in
Respect the rules
Respect the officials and their decisions
Respect your opponent
Give everyone an equal chance to play
Maintain self control at all times
Never resort to or permit violence or abuse in any form
Any athlete who contravenes the Fair Play Policy may receive a suspension, lose their team bond, or lose
their privilege of playing in Campus Recreation at Trent. Please help to promote this policy and appropriate
behaviour amongst your hockey team.
We Believe In Respect
The Trent University Athletic Complex is a respectful environment that is strengthened by the
diversity of our clients and staff. Visitors are required to treat everyone with respect.
Trent University is committed to responding to and addressing situations of discrimination,
inappropriate behaviour, and harassment, in a prompt and serious manner.
Policy on Obscene Language
If a participant uses any obscene language directed at, or towards any official (Trent student ref,
Convenor, external referee), an automatic ejection is given.
The Athletic Department will then hand out an additional one game suspension (at a minimum
depending upon severity and nature of language and body gestures), to enforce that this behaviour
will not be tolerated.
Alcohol/Drug Policy
The consumption of alcohol in public places and during Campus Rec programs is prohibited.
Do not allow players on the bench who are under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol.
The City of Peterborough does not permit smoking or alcohol in the dressing rooms. Any
contravention to this policy will result in your team being severely penalized.
Any player deemed under the influence will be asked to leave the game by the officials and
convenor. It is up to the team captain to prevent this from occurring. Stay safe, play sober.
Policy on Addressing the Officials
As Trent is a very multi-cultural community, speaking with team members in your native tongue,
during Campus Recreation programs is permitted.
When addressing a game official, all participants must speak English.
If any participant is addressing an official in any manner that is aggressive or seems derogatory or
while yelling at the official in another language - the participant will be removed from the game for as
long as it takes to resolve the situation.
Please respect our officials and assist us in keeping your programs running smoothly.
There is a growing trend to harass officials and convenors in all sport levels. As leaders in sport at the
university level, it is our responsibility to provide a positive influence in the development of leaders and
role models. Harassment of officials includes:
The use of abusive or foul language and/or direct verbal or non-verbal insults
Continuing to argue a ‘call’ or the failure to make a ‘call’ by an official
Invading an officials space, even when instructed to back off
Physical abuse of an official
Attempting to influence, intimidate or manipulate the officials
Post-game complaining about the officials - undermining their credibility.
The Department of Athletics and Recreation observes a Zero Tolerance Policy for abusive
behaviour toward officials, convenors and participants fighting or intent to injure incidents.
You are eligible to participate in Campus Recreation Programs if you are a current Trent student.
Trent University staff or faculty may participate if they possess a current athletic membership of 6
months or more. The membership must be valid throughout the duration of the program.
Alumni are eligible if they are members of the Trent University Alumni Association and possess a
valid Athletic membership (as above).
All players must have attended an Information & Safety session to be listed on the roster.
Campus Rec Participation Awards
The most prestigious intramural award presented to the college which
has the greatest student participation on a per capita basis.
Champions Trophy
Presented to the college with the most championships in the Campus
Rec program.
Individual Participation
Presented to the male and female athlete who have earned the most
intramural participation points over the academic year. The male and female
college athletes with the highest points overall are then recognized as
Top Overall University Participant.
Thank you Captain’s for the extra work you do to support your teams.
Have a Great Season.
Good Luck to All Teams!