CPFT Social Inclusion and Recovery

CPFT Social Inclusion and Recovery: Employment Workstream Strategy Action Plan
Overall Objective:
To develop processes and an organisational culture that maximises opportunities for people with mental health issues to be
successful in employment
Overall Aims: For people with mental ill health:
Increase employment opportunities within the Trust
Increase employment opportunities across our community.
Evidence highlights that this initiative will be best served by clear alignment between CPFT’s role as an employer, a service
provider and as an influencer.
Progress to date
Actions /by whom
1.0 Service Provider Objective: Develop CPFT services to maximise employment and training opportunities for service users with
mental health issues:
1.1 Establish a clear dashboard
employment status of
service users
care plans with specialist
vocational interventions.
Agree with business development
directorate how and which
employment / vocation KPIs we can
report against either via existing
data collection or by development
Develop a mechanism to hold teams
to account to record the required
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1.2 Work with partners to
implement a “vocational service”
and an Individual Placement
Support Service (IPS) across
CPFT pathways.
information, build into CPA audit and
self assessment
Develop a culture of recognising
importance of employment as part of
mental health service delivery
culture through:
o developing stories of success  Protocol for collecting stories being
and sharing these
developed within Care Pathway and
Service Dev. Workstream.
 Trust wide group have met and
o establishing a Trust wide
developed ToR, ongoing meetings
vocational forum to develop
planned. Led by Wendy Hall (Adult
and maintain evidence based
AHP Lead), with membership of
practice in this area.
band 7 OTs who are vocational,
employment or clinical specialists.
Membership will be expanded as
group role develops.
Complete the process to establish
Remploy pilot of 2 Individual
Placement Service (IPS) posts
within Intake and Treatment
Pathways in Cambridge and in
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 Contract between CPFT & Remploy
signed. Posts out to advert within
Remploy, interviews planned early
July 09. Remploy project lead
meeting with team leaders in 2 I&T
teams, Cambridge and P’boro.
Delays in start due to recruitment.
 EEDA submission made Aug 2009,
awaiting outcome.
Due for
Aug / Sept
WH (Wendy
Hall), CP
Perkins), JH
Harker), SF
Done July 09
1.3 Ensure all inpatient units
have service user Internet
1.4 Establish explicit roles in
CPFT pathways where direct
experience of mental ill health
provides improved quality of
care for service users e.g. Peer
Support Worker roles.
(Wendy Hall)
CP & JH (Cath
Perkins & Jenny
Harker) (Oct
Develop overview of existing
vocational service provision across
Trust, identify gaps in provision and
develop future options for consistent
and robust delivery.
Adult Day Service review to look at
existing vocational and social
inclusion provision against pathway
JJ (due to
complete Sept
JJ & PH (Phil
Holland) Dec
Identify inpatient areas where
internet access is still not provided
and team managers to provide
timeline for implementation.
Development of operational policy
for internet usage.
Establish overarching plan for Peer
workers to cover
 HR and Occupational Health
 Training programmes
 Vacancy / pathway identification for
 Identify teams which may already be
willing to consider these roles e.g.
Complex Cases Services
 Identification of necessary resources
(application for Swift money)
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JJ to draft Nov
Project plan developed by AN.
Discussions with training department
been held.
Swift bid successful.
Interviews for project manager 28 Aug
Jan 2010 start?
1.5 Share our employment
action plan and outcomes with
our partners in care.
Establish Project group – see item
 Membership of Multi-agency
vocational steering group to share
expertise, gain support from other
agencies, ensure provision dovetails
with existing provision and
maintenance of range of provision
across vocational sector. See
additional document from MAVSSG
providing their identified strategies,
which dovetail with CPFT strategy.
 Make links with Regional
development centre to ensure tie up
with their initiatives and to access
support as appropriate.
Maintain links with PCT commissioners
to provide links to other NHS employers
and source of support for initiatives
which support future objectives.
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JJ attended MAVSSG and discussed
CPFT employment strategy. Well
received and support gained from all
agencies. Dovetails well with
MAVSSG own strategy.
Contact has been made and shared
strategy with them (June 2009).
Links maintained with PCT and they
are very supportive of our strategy
(May 2009).
JJ (May 2009)
2.0 Employer Objective: Establish CPFT’s processes and culture works to ensure that new recruits and existing employees with mental
health issues are successful employees.
2.1 Make a visible commitment
to employing and retaining those
with mental ill health e.g. Mindful
Employer, NHS ‘Exemplar
Employer’ standards.
 Sign up to the Mindful employer charter
 Integrate the Mindful Employer pledges
into streams of work
 Longer term publicise the approach and
2.2 Establish a User
Employment Programme for
new and existing staff – an HR
led initiative promoting links
between employer, employee,
Occupational Health and HR
providing active support for the
 Develop a User Employment
Programme HR led programme.
HR practices need to be
reviewed (see 1.5) including
Job Description templates
developed with corporate
message including recovery
oriented and socially inclusive
practice and positive about
employing people with
experience of mental health.
Management of mental ill health
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 Done
See 1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Regional developments since
development of CPFT strategy. Camb
MIND have been commissined to
develop mindful employer within
county. Attended recent workstream
group to join up work with us (August
Project group held first meeting DW/JJ
Aug 2009; Membership of group March 2010
to include; Director of HR,
Occupational Health Manager,
vocational services manager or
representative from
employment support staff, trade
union representative,
champions from across the
Trust representing managers,
clinicians and estates, mental
health service users, (carers).
toolkit to be developed as part
of user experience programme
Development programme for
managers regarding impact of
mental ill health
Collect stats on numbers
reporting mental ill health on
voice, occupational health
numbers and outcomes, length
of time off as compared to other
ill health reasons, frequency of
sick episodes.
 Funding identification (see 1.4)
2.3 Establish a simple MH
dashboard including:
Absence attributable
to mental ill health
Staff who return from
long term mental ill
Mental ill health
retirements from and
permanent injury
allowance costs.
Staff accessing the
User Employment
Develop and implement MH dashboard as
part of 2.2
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Swift bid successful to support
project implementation (June
Dashboard developed August 2009, to
be integrated into the work of the
project group.
Staff Survey data
Oakdale counselling
service figures
Occupational Health
2.4 Research and actively
promote the outcomes of the
initiative including stories of
success and “what works”.
Develop protocol for telling of stories
(Being developed in outcomes subgroup of Care pathway workstream.)
Secure regional and national
mechanisms to promote success
and influence others
Make resources and stories
available on Trust Recovery website.
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See 1.1, work in progress.
JJ (Sept 2009)
3.0 Influencer Objective: Promote good mental health employment practice across the wider employment community.
3.1 Establish partnership
working arrangements with
Regional Development Centre,
NHS Employers’ Organisation
and other key agencies in order
to understand and influence
national and local agendas.
Conference planned for 2010
Chamber of Commerce Breakfast meeting
planned for 1 December
3.2 Establish Best Practice
Mental Health Resource Pack
including stories of success, key
research and information.
Link with Regional Development Centre to
gain support and ensure working in
Link with User employment programme
project group to ensure pack links with
CPFT strategies.
3.3 Work with NHS, charities,
public sector and private
employers networks and the
media to share and inform best
practice, and promote success.
Link with;
Regional Development Centre (Jenette
NHS confederation (Steve Shrub?)
Claire Harris?
Simon Francis (DWP Manchester, linked to
PCT reference PSA16 target
2010 onwards:
Build on links developed with local
employers and Mindful Employer to
3.4 Develop a recognition
scheme or kite mark for local
employers who commit to
Links made with Regional development
Links with Camb MIND re Mindful
employer network (August 2009)
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By June 2010
mental health employment
develop course / workshops for local
employers to support their development of
good employment practice with people who
have mental health problems.
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