Real Estate Agent Power Program

The Real Estate Agent Power Program
Interactive seminars that are solution oriented for both of the following situations:
1. You have members of your real estate agent team who have recently received their
license…and you want to provide the opportunity for them to harness the mindset,
focus and balance necessary for their success!
2. You have experienced real estate agents on your team…and you want to provide the
opportunity for mindset and productivity “tweaks” that will serve to enhance their
position of strength in the field!
Question: What would your success be like if the agents in your real estate office showed up bringing their
Best-selves, working at their highest productivity with their most powerful mindset, creating a positive
“Crush It” culture for the opportunity to increase sales???
Exactly! So read on…
Office (516) 308-7783
The Real Estate Agent Power Program focuses on the agent’s mindset, belief systems and work/life
focus strategies, as it pertains to growing and expanding their real estate business.
Each Power Seminar Includes:
1: The Discovery Session- A meeting will be held with the real estate broker before the seminar takes
place to see which seminar topics will be of most value to the agents at that time. Actual office specifc
challenges will be identified and possible solutions will be incorporated into the seminar topic of choice.
2: The Power Agent Seminar- A 75 minute interactive, real-world, office-specific seminar, conducted at
your place of business. An additional 15 min total is given for the introductions of our “Power Team Sponsors”.
3: A Complimentary Breakfast or Lunch- Depending on the time of the seminar, breakfast or lunch will
be provided, compliments of Coliseum Caterers of Plainview, a half hour before the seminar begins.
4: One follow-up newsletter titled “The Give” from Moving Forward Seminars - This newsletter
features a surprise “give” from each your seminar’s Power Team Sponsors to support you and your agents!
The 8 Real Estate Agent Power Program seminar topics:
Creating the Positive Mindset and Motivation Needed to CRUSH IT in Your Real Estate Business!
Kicking Stress to the Curb in Real Estate!
Work/Life Perspective and Focus Strategies so You Can be Present for Your Real Estate Business!
Goal Setting in Hustle Mode for Your Real Estate Business!
Time Management and Organization for your Real Estate business: Does it Even Exist???
Communication: Getting on the Same Page and Being Present From the Distractions!
Team Building in Real Estate: We’re all in this together!
Networking: Adding value and Looking for Synergies Beyond the “Typical” Business Connection!
*Also available separately, the highly sought after ½ day (3 hr.) interactive seminar:
“Capturing the Client: Applying N.L.P. in the Real Estate Business!”
-learning and practicing how to gain rapport with a potential client on every level!
Office (516) 308-7783
The Real Estate Agent Power Program Seminar Descriptions:
1. Creating the Positive Mindset and Motivation Needed to CRUSH IT in Your Real Estate Business!
 Experience the power of your mind
 Learn how to direct your thoughts as it relates to achievement in real estate
 Access your confidence in building your real estate business
 Identifying how your personal beliefs effect the results you attract in your real estate
 How to control negativity when it comes up surrounding your business
2. Kicking Stress to the Curb in Real Estate!
 Identifying what stresses you out most about the business and releasing it
 Re-framing stressful situations for both yourself and your clients
 Identifying the fear that holds you back and stresses you out in building your real estate
business and releasing it
 Identifying your personal characteristics that explain how you respond to stress
 Applying “mindfulness” in real estate situations for better focus
 How Stress can affect us in a “good” way: TED Talk
 Identify techniques that you can do on your own to further release stress
3. Work/Life Perspective and Focus Strategies so You Can be Present for Your Real Estate Business!
 Identify where being an agent fits in the many roles we have in life
 How to become centered before making decisions
 How to balance your real estate business with your home life
 Identifying the fulfillment you feel in each area in your life
 How to “give back” through your business
 How to shift perspectives in any area of your business that you don’t enjoy
 Mindfulness in the real estate business
 How to transition from work to home and home to work
4. Goal Setting in Hustle Mode for Your Real Estate Business!
 Evaluating where you are right now in the different areas of your real estate business
 Structuring an outcome/goal in one of your areas of choice to be focused on
 Actively creating a detailed goal setting plan for that area, which is results driven and
immediately applicable
 Participants actually schedule their first 3 action steps to achieving their goal…and
becoming accountable for their success
5. Time Management and Organization for Your Real Estate Business: Does it even EXIST???
 Identifying and controlling obstacles that come up during the day
 Identifying the best tasks to accomplish during commuting time from location to location
 Strategies that organize your time based on specific real estate tasks
 Putting an end to procrastination
 Identifying your best use of “down-time”
 The latest computer apps to help streamline and organize your time specific to the real
estate business
Office (516) 308-7783
6. Communication: Getting on the Same Page and Being Present From the Distractions!
 Experiencing the concept of understanding other people’s perspectives and them understanding
 Demonstrating the traits of an active listener and a solid speaker.
 Learning and practicing reflective listening.
 Identifying the 7 steps of conflict resolution.
 Creating “same page” team rules for communicating with emails, texts and phone calls
7. Team Building in Real Estate: We’re all in this together!
 Icebreakers-discovering what your team has in common
 Discovering thinking styles/personalities
 Identifying the strengths and “weaknesses” of individuals on a team for smoother
 Conflict resolution
 Working together with emails, texts and social media
 Teaming up for a sample real world real estate challenge
8. Networking: Adding Value and Looking for Synergies Beyond the “Typical” Business Connection!
 Networking as an opportunity to add value to others and to form solid, long lasting
professional relationships
 Creating your circle of influence
 Getting over the fear
 What to say and do (and what not to) at networking events
 Giving before asking with a generous spirit
 The most impactful strategies in following-up with the people you’ve met
Office (516) 308-7783
* Additional Program:
“Capturing the Client: Applying N.L.P. In the Real Estate Business”
(3 hour interactive seminar)
What is N.L.P.?
N.L.P. stand for “Neuro Linguistic Programming” which is a method to guide your own thoughts and actions
starting from where you are in life now and moving forward through auditory, visual and kinesthetic (handson) ideas, activities, and through applying body-language, as well as the spoken words to gain an
understanding of how people perceive connection.
Applying N.L.P. is priceless in learning how to gain people’s trust so that they want to work with you, knowing
you will give them the best value and service over everyone else who is trying to gain their business.
This powerful 3 hour interactive seminar program includes:
 Learning to understand your client’s point of view
 Identifying the three levels of communication
 Identifying the four types of communication styles, where you fit in, and how you could
 Demonstrating active and reflective listening as it relates to your clients
 Gaining rapport through sensory acuity, eye clues, verbal sensory language, body
language and emotional matching
 How to elicit your client’s values in order to provide the best personal service for them
 How to anchor
 How to re-frame situations
 Using tag questions, pace and lead
 Using feel, felt, found
 Forward pacing
 In the last hour, participants apply all above N.L.P. techniques in rotating stations using
real-world real estate situations
Office (516) 308-7783
So what are these Power Agent seminars like??
 Each seminar utilizes all facets of learning (auditory, visual and kinesthetic)
for maximum retention. We also incorporate music to make it a unique
 All seminars require that the participants reflect, interact and apply realworld situations that they are dealing with in regard to real estate in the
actual seminar, so that their time with us becomes meaningful and relevant
to their specific success in real estate!
 Each participant will receive a “Fun Pack”” they will use in the seminar to
evaluate where they are and create their own personal strategies to move
forward. It’s specific, unique, and useful to that agent. They can refer to it
each day after the seminar is completed to stay focused on success!
 Each participant will receive a “Cool Stuff Resource Pack” full of
information supporting the specific topic of the Power Agent Seminar that
they attended!
 A full stomach compliments of Coliseum Caterers of Plainview ;)
Call our office at (516) 308-7783 for more information on how we can get this powerful program to you!
Office: (516) 308-7783
Getting on a Real Estate POWER TEAM!
“Making human connections…before business connections.”
Looking for a place to invest your marketing money that’s unique, multidimensional, targets your market and is a positive opportunity to do business?
Moving Forward Seminars develops “Power Teams” to sponsor each seminar chosen from their “Real Estate
Agent Power Program” for real estate companies. The program consists of 8 different interactive seminar
topics that have been said to be “fundamentally necessary for success” by real estate brokers.
The interactive Real Estate Agent Power Program focuses on the agent’s mindset, belief systems and work/life
focus strategies as it pertains to growing and expanding their real estate business.
Each Power Team is composed of 5 different exclusive businesses that are complimentary. As this sponsorship
program is designed to promote your business, we are only including people who hold themselves and their
business to the highest level of integrity when it comes to customer service. We are looking to include people
who have a positive mindset and are constantly looking to improve themselves and their business to serve the
Sample Power Teams
The “Close It”
Power Team
1-Mortgage Broker/
Loan Officer
The “Home
Power Team
The “Home
Power Team
The “Ducks in
Order” Power
1-House Cleaning
1-Financial Planner
2- Title Company
2-Window Cleaning
2-Will & Estate Atty.
3- P&C Insurance
3-Gutter Cleaner
3-Insurance Broker
4- Real Estate Attorney
4-Credit Repair
5- Appraiser/Inspector
5-Chimney Cleaning
The categories and types of businesses for Power Teams are endless!
(516) 308-7783
Become a member of one of our Sponsorship “Power Teams”!
What do you get???
When you are invited to be a part of a “Power Team”, here is what you receive for sponsoring one seminar:
1. The opportunity to STRENGTHEN your existing real estate business relationships or create new ones.
2. An alignment of your business with the positive, inspiring and success driven messages of Moving
Forward Seminars. When aligning with Moving Forward Seminars, you are announcing that you too care
about people and believe in their potential for success in building a life and business that they love!
3. A 2-3 minute live introduction of you and your services (or we can do it for you if you are not available)
at the end of the seminar to a FOCUSED TARGET MARKET of real estate agents and the ability to hand
out your marketing materials. (You can participate in the seminar if you want as well!)
4. You and your team members who sponsored the seminar will be featured in the first follow-up
newsletter “The Give” from Moving Forward Seminars to the agents who attended the seminar. It will
include your submission of something free or heavily discounted that the AGENTS can personally use
directly and immediately. (Anything from a discount on services, to a free cup of coffee, to a gift
certificate, to an invitation to meet, to an article on useful tips from your industry.)
5. Your team will then be featured in a second follow-up of “The Give”, sent to the members of your
POWER TEAM. (You can offer an idea similar to the above, but that would be useful for your team.)
6. A unique opportunity to network with your team member business owners who have a complimentary
business to yours, which can create a secondary stream of potential clients for you.
7. In an effort to bond people and businesses in a positive way, if your schedule allows, we will look to
invite team members to work together in volunteering opportunities once a month for different
That’s multi-dimensional marketing with 4 points of contact plus a positive alignment with Moving Forward
Seminars. You will be a big part in helping to bring people’s lives and businesses to the next level! (And your
own as well!) Instead of paying the full price for sponsoring a seminar ($2,000), we have created the business
model of a “Team” concept to help drastically reduce your investment to just $400 per team member, per
seminar. *($600 each to sponsor the 3 hour NLP seminar).
(516) 308-7783
Who do you want to do business with? Gather your OWN “Power Team” of 5 together to commit to
sponsoring a seminar and a real estate broker who wants to provide a seminar for his or her agents at their
location of choice, in order to receive this opportunity at half-price….so that’s just $200 for you!
“Hustle Mode” Incentive! Moving Forward Seminars receives all sponsorship money and confirmed broker
location within 5 business days of you telling us “I’m in!” to receive an additional $50 off as a team leader in
“Hustle Mode”! That brings you down to just a $150 investment for this opportunity!
Then call Moving Forward Seminars at (516)308-7783 or email me at
[email protected] to discuss becoming a Power Team
Member! Thanks for reading! –Donna Sirianni