Tuesday 11th December 2012

John Ball Primary School
Southvale Road . Blackheath . London SE3 0TP
020-8852 1601
020-8318 4022
Executive Headteacher:
Mr Michael Roach
Head of School:
Ms Julia McCrossen
Business Manager:
Mrs Julie Joyce
[email protected]
In partnership with Torridon Junior School
Friday 11th November 2016
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are planning to take all of Year 1 on an educational visit to the Wide Horizons Environmental Centre in Eltham.
1CK and 1T will be visiting the centre on Thursday 15th December and 1DK and 1H will be visiting the following day
on Friday 16thDecember. The purpose of the visit is to take part in a Festive Winter Wonderland. This is a great outdoor
learning experience which will really help to get us into the Christmas spirit! On the day, the children will be leaving
school at around 9.20am to arrive at Blackheath station for 9.30am. We will be getting a train to Falconwood and walking
to the centre via a Green Chain walk. Classes will leave the centre at approximately 2pm to allow us to get back to
school for home time.
During the visit, the children will be participating in a frosty Christmas Woodland walk over the winter leaves and through
the pine cones, before passing through the wishing well on route to feed the farm animals. Whilst at the magical Wide
Horizons Woodland Wonderland, the classes will also be getting creative and taking part in a variety of different festive
and Christmas-themed art activities.
On the day, please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the cold weather in warm clothing and
wellington/walking boots.
The adults responsible for the visit will be the class teachers. We would also like to take some parent volunteers on the
trip with us. The slip below is for you to let us know if you are able to accompany us on the trip. As we always get lots of
parents generously willing to volunteer their time, we will be asking the children to pick out names from a hat to ensure
that we are being fair and we will let you know if your name has been picked by Friday 2nd December.
Your child will need a packed lunch on this day. We kindly ask that there are no fizzy drinks, glass bottles or nuts (as we
are a nut free school).
The full cost of the visit will be £6.30 (By law we are not allowed to charge for visits which take place during the school
day. However, we do ask for a contribution from each child. If we do not collect the required amount the visit cannot take
place). Please complete and sign the slip below and return to the school office by Monday 28th November 2016. We
kindly ask that the slip and the money is placed inside a clearly labelled envelope with the trip name, your child’s full
name and the class that they are in.
Kind regards,
The Year 1 team
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name of trip: Wide Horizons Environmental Centre
Date: ______________________
I / we give permission for (child’s name).........................................in class …………..
I have read what the workshops comprise of and agree to my child taking part
I enclose....................... towards the cost of the visit.
Signed.............................................................. Dated................................
I am able to volunteer (tick appropriately)
My contact number is…………………………….