Doug Dietzman

West Michigan Health Forum
October 7, 2016
• Competing Healthcare
• Commitment to Collaborating
not Competing on Clinical Data
• Focus on Solving Local Problems
not Pushing Top-Down Use Cases
• Private Sustainability
• Technology that Makes a Real
Difference for Residents
Health IT boils down
to a personal story
for each of us
Non-Profit 501(c)3
Significantly improved health outcomes, healthcare
value, and wellness are enabled by comprehensive
healthcare information being readily available wherever
patient care is delivered or managed.
129 connected hospitals
85% of Michigan’s acute beds
4,000+ connected locations
18,000+ physicians
~6.8 Million persons in MPI
1 billion messages per year
Community Ecosystem
Technology Domains
1. Push / Directed Exchange
2. Pull / Query
3. Evaluate / Populations
Technology Domains
1. Push / Directed Exchange
– Results Delivery
– Event Notifications
– CCD/CCDA Delivery
– Care Transitions/Referrals
– Basic Clinical Messaging
– Orders
So What!?
• Two large W. MI offices
transacting ~1,000 closedloop referrals each month
– Improved care for patients
– Improved provider efficiency
– Better referral network tracking
• >100 W. MI offices getting
real-time results discretely in
their EMR
– Improved office efficiency
– Reduced transposition errors
Technology Domains
2. Pull / Query
– Longitudinal Health Record (VIPR)
• EMR Single Sign On
• Advance Care Documents
• Patient Care Plans
– MCIR Immunization Query
– eHealth Exchange: VA/SSA/DOD
– Patient Centered Data Home
So What!?
“I did… today… in the morning meeting
with all the staff… we were like kids in
a candy shop looking up a patient’s ER
record from the previous day who had
called us on-call… it was awesome. We
could see the CT and MRI scan results
and make a more informed decision
knowing that the scans were negative
for anything serious (s/p fall a couple
days ago with possible LOC).
It. Was. Awesome!!!”
Dr. Cara Poland, Spectrum Health
Center for Integrative Medicine
So What!?
“Use of VIPR to access patient's medical records from other facilities has become an
essential tool we use at Mercy Health Saint Mary's to ensure safety and quality
patient care. Knowing the results of previous medical testing, or opinions from
other physicians plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating our clients.
Patient's themselves rarely know the details of their medical records, yet they have
come to expect that physicians across health systems have access to these records.
It is particularly important in the emergency department where decisions need to be
made quickly , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In this setting, there is not time to go
through the regular medical records request channels, and many medical records
departments are not open or available at the time we need access to these records.
Being able to check a patient's previous electrocardiogram, access their cardiac
catheter report, or note that they have had multiple previous Emergency
Department visits for the same complaint from a different hospital system can
provide lifesaving information that would not be available without the VIPR system.
Our Emergency Department physicians at Mercy Health Saint Mary's use this system
regularly to improve the care we provide to our patients.”
Dr. Daniel Roper, ED Medical Director, Mercy Health Saint Mary’s
Technology Domains
• Evaluate / Populations
– Individual Enterprise
– Cross Enterprise
– Community-wide
– State-wide
So What!?
• High Complexity High ED
Utilizers Across a Community
– Dramatically better care for these
– Reduced uncompensated care costs
• Risk Identification/Stratification
– Identification of people needing
proactive early intervention
• Readmissions
– Better patient care informed by
community / state-wide information
Final Thoughts
• Interoperability is a means, not an end goal
• No healthcare stakeholder is a self-contained island
• A consolidated longitudinal health record is vital to
patient care delivery and management
• Optimal value will always be driven by solving tangible
local problems and not by federal or state mandates
• We have what many across the country envy – let’s
make it count for our family, friends, & fellow residents
Thank You!
Doug Dietzman, Executive Director
[email protected]