VITA PERSONAL Name David N. Laband Date of Birth 31 July 1956

Date of Birth
Marital Status
David N. Laband
31 July 1956
Newport News, VA
Married; Two Children
2233 Johns Circle
Auburn, AL 36830
(404) 385-4145 office
(404) 894-1890 fax
[email protected]
August 2012 - -
Professor and Chair, School of Economics,
Georgia Institute of Technology
August 2011 - July 2012
Professor, Department of Economics, Auburn
March 2000 - August 2011
Professor, School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849
August 1994 March 2000
Professor, Department of Economics, Auburn
University, Dept. Head, August 1994 - July 1999.
August 1992 July 1994
Professor of Economics and Chair, Department of
Economics and Finance, Salisbury State University
Salisbury, MD 21801
August 1986 August 1992
Associate Professor, Department of Economics
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29631
Sept. 1982 July 1986
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
University of Maryland - Baltimore County
Nov. 1981 July 1982
Assistant Professor and Visiting Fellow
Center for Study of Public Choice, Virginia Tech
Visiting Fellow, Research School of Social Sciences, Australia National University,
Canberra, ACT, Australia - June/July 1996.
Department of Economics
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Doctor of Philosophy – Economics, August 1981
Master of Arts – Economics, December, 1980
Bachelor of Arts - Economics (Honors), March, 1978
Phi Beta Kappa 1978; Auburn University’s Gamma Chapter President, 2001-02.
Earhart Fellow (1980-81)
Harold E. Chastain Award for Service to Teaching, SFWS, 2003
SGA Outstanding Teacher Award, SFWS, 2003, 2004
Forestry Teacher of the Year, 2003-2005
Political Economy, Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Applied Price Theory,
Law & Economics, Natural Resources Economics
“Estimating the Public Water Supply Protection Value of Forests,” with E. Elias and M.
Daugherty, Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue 152, December
2013: 1-11.
“Using and Interpreting Journal Rankings: Introduction,” with J. Hudson, Economic
Journal, Vol. 123, no. 570, August 2013: F199-F201.
“On the Use and Abuse of Economics Journal Rankings,” Economic Journal, Vol. 123,
issue 570, August 2013: F223-F254.
“The Neglected Stepchildren of Forest-Based Ecosystem Services: Cultural, Spiritual,
and Aesthetic Values,” Forest Policy and Economics, 2013, 39-44.
“The Toomer’s Oaks Tragedy and the Importance of Cultural Environmental Services: A
Technical Note,” with W.C. Morse, A.H. Chappelka, and S.A. Enebak, Southern Journal of
Applied Forestry, 2012, 36(4): 220-222.
“Who are the Giants in whose Footsteps we follow?” with S. Majumdar, Kyklos, 2012,
65(32): 236-244.
“Party Polarization: Congressional Divergence on Environmental Policy from 19702008,” with S.M. Tanger and P. Zeng, Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, 2011,
3(2): 183-202.
“Macroeconomic Conditions in the U.S. and Congressional Voting on Environmental
Policy: 1970-2008,” with S.M. Tanger, P. Zeng, and W.C. Morse, Ecological Economics, 2011,
70(6): 1109-1120.
“Energy Savings From Tree Shade,” with R. Pandit, Ecological Economics, 2010, 69(6):
“A Hedonic Analysis of the Impact of Tree Shade on Summertime Residential Energy
Consumption,” with R. Pandit, Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 2010, 36(2): 73-80.
“The Impact of Intercollegiate Athletics on Employment in the Restaurant and
Accommodations Industries,” with B.F. Lentz, Journal of Sports Economics, 2009, 10(4): 351368.
“Patriotism, Pigskins, and Politics: An Empirical Examination of Expressive Behavior
and Voting,” with R. Pandit, A.M. Laband, and J.P. Sophocleus, Public Choice, 138(1), 2009:
“Motivations and Land-Use Intentions of NIPF Landowners: Comparing Inheritors to
Non-inheritors,” with I. Majumdar and L.D. Teeter, Forest Science, 2009, 55(5):423-32.
"Economic Well-Being, the Distribution of Income and Species Imperilment," with R.
Pandit, Biodiversity and Conservation, 2009, 18(12): 3219-3233.
"An Experimental Analysis of the Impact of Tree Shade on Electricity Consumption,"
with J.P. Sophocleus, Arboriculture and Urban Forestry, 2009, 35(4): 197-202.
“An Empirical Analysis of Bill Co-sponsorship in the U.S. Senate: The Tree Act of 2007,
with S.M. Tanger, Forest Policy and Economics, 2009, 11(4): 260-265.
"Factors that Influence Sales of Wildlife-Related Specialty License Plates" with R. Pandit
and J.P. Sophocleus, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2009, 14(1): 61-70.
“Individual Species-State Analysis of NatureServe's 'At-Risk' Categories: Hunting and
Fishing's Role,” with M. Nieswiadomy, Contemporary Economic Policy, 2009, 27(3): 390-401.
“Economic Freedom, Corruption, and Species Imperilment: A Cross-Country Analysis,”
with R. Pandit, Society and Natural Resources, 2009, 22(9): 805-823.
“Pigskins and Politics: Linking Expressive Behavior to Voting,” with R. Pandit, A.M.
Laband, and J.P. Sophocleus, Journal of Sports Economics, 9, 2008: 553-560.
“Attitudes About Children Learning to Hunt: Implications for Game Management,” with
S.M. Tanger, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 2008, 13(4): 298.
“The Impact of Forest Service Litigation Success on Administrative Appeals of Proposed
Fuels Reduction Actions,” with A. Hussain and A. Gonzalez-Caban, Forest Policy and
Economics, 2008, 10(7-8): 444-449.
“Threatened Species and the Spatial Concentration of Humans,” with R. Pandit, Biodiversity
and Conservation, 2007, 16: 235-244.
“Applicability of Research Findings to Local Conservation Policy” with R. Brown,
Conservation Biology, 2007, 21(2): 549-551.
“General and Specific Spatial Autocorrelation: Insights from Country-Level Analysis of
Species Imperilment,” with R. Pandit, Ecological Economics, 2007, 61(1): 75-80.
“Spatial Autocorrelation in Country-Level Models of Species Imperilment,” with R.
Pandit, Ecological Economics, 2006, 60(3): 526-532.
“Factors that Influence Administrative Appeals of Proposed USDA Forest Service Fuels
Reduction Actions,” with A. Gonzelez-Caban and A. Hussain, Forest Science, 2006, 52(5): 47788.
"Citations, Publications, and Perceptions-Based Rankings of the Research Impact of North
American Forestry Programs,” With D. Zhang, Journal of Forestry, 2006, 104 (5): 254-261.
“Species Imperilment and Spatial Development Patterns in the U.S.” with R. Brown,
Conservation Biology, 2006, 20(1), February: 239-44.
“Factors Affecting Species’ Risk of Extinction: An Empirical Analysis of ESA and
NatureServe Listings,” with M. Nieswiadomy, Contemporary Economic Policy, 2006, 24(1):
“Alphabetized Coauthorship,” with R.D. Tollison, Applied Economics, 38, 2006: 164953.
“Higher Education Costs and the Production of Extension,” with B.F. Lentz, Journal of
Agricultural and Applied Economics, 37(1), April 2005: 229-36.
“Author Order and Research Quality,” with K. Joseph and V. Patil, Southern Economic
Journal, 71(3), January 2005: 545-55.
“Price Premiums in the Mist,” with R.C. Anderson, E.N. Hansen, and C.D. Knowles,
Forest Products Journal, 2005, 55(6), June: 19-22.
“The Tragedy of the Political Commons: Evidence From U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes on
Environmental Legislation,” with A. Hussain, Public Choice, 2005, 124: 353-64.
“From Senators to the President: Solve the Lumber Problem or Else,” with D. Zhang,
Public Choice, 2005, 123(3-4): 393-410.
“A Public Choice Analysis of Endangered Species Listings,” with R.P. Rawls, Public
Choice, 2004, 121(3-4), October: 263-77.
“Which Universities Should Provide Extension Services?” with B.F. Lentz, Journal of
Extension (electronic), 2004, 42(2), April.
“The Quality Assurance Role of Seller Financing: Evidence From Second Mortgages,”
Journal of Housing Economics, with D. Tirtiroglu, 13(September) 2004: 208-25.
“Dry Holes in Economic Research: Reply,” with R.D. Tollison, Kyklos, 57(4), 2004:
“Do Costs Differ Between For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Producers of Private Higher
Education?” with B.F. Lentz, Research in Higher Education, 45(4), June 2004: 429-41.
“Technology Transfer in an Academic Setting: Finding the Needle,” Interfaces,
November/December 2003: 107-07.
“Good Colleagues,” with R.D. Tollison, Journal of Economic Behavior and
Organization, 52(4), December 2003: 505-12.
“Monarchy, Monopoly, and Mercantilism: Brazil versus the United States in the 1800s,”
with F.C. Zanella and R.B. Ekelund, Public Choice, 116: 2003: 381-98.
“The Pricing of Economics Books,” with J.R. Hudson, Journal of Economic Education,
34(4), Fall 2003: 360-68..
“New Estimates of Economies of Scale and Scope in Higher Education,” with B.F. Lentz,
Southern Economic Journal, 70(1), July 2003: 172-83.
“Dry Holes in Economic Research,” with R.D. Tollison, Kyklos, Vol. 56, 2003: 161-74.
“The Academic Performance of Transfer versus ‘Native’ Students in a Wildlife Bachelor
of Science Program,” with S.S. Ditchkoff and K. Hanby, Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2003,
“Grading Transfer versus Continuing Students in Undergraduate Forestry: Who Will
Excel?” with R.K. Hanby, Journal of Forestry, 2003, 101(7), October/November: 35-39.
“Plunder and Wonder,” Journal of Forestry, 2003, 101(5), July/August: 60.
“Contribution, Attribution, and the Assignment of Intellectual Property Rights:
Economics versus Agricultural Economics,” Labour Economics, Vol. 9, 2002: 125-31.
“Quality Control in Economics,” with R.D. Tollison and G. Karahan, Kyklos, Vol. 55,
2002: 315-34.
“On ‘Home Grown-ness’ in Politics: Evidence from the 1998 election for Alabama’s
Third Congressional District,” with S. Kjar, Public Choice, Vol. 112, 2002: 143-50.
“Expressiveness and Voting,” with C. Copeland, Public Choice, Vol. 110, 2002: 351-63.
“Castle Economics,” European Journal of Economic History, Vol. 30, no. 2, Fall 2001:
“The Impact of Unfunded Environmental Mandates When Environmental Quality and
Timber are Produced Jointly,” European Journal of Law and Economics, 2000, 10(3),
November: 199-216.
"Rebates, Inventories, and Intertemporal Price Discrimination," with R. Ault, T.R. Beard
and R. Saba, Economic Inquiry, 38(4), October 2000: 570-78.
“Regulation, Market Power, and Labor Earnings,” with S. Crofton and J. Long, Journal
of Labor Research, 21(4), Fall 2000: 669-75.
“Intellectual Collaboration,” with R.D. Tollison, Journal of Political Economy, 108(3),
June 2000: 632-62.
“On Secondhandism and Scientific Appraisal,” with R.D. Tollison, Quarterly Journal of
Austrian Economics, 3(1), Spring 2000: 43-48.
"Perceived Conduct and Professional Ethics Among College Economics Faculty," with
M.J. Piette, The American Economist, 44(1), Spring 2000: 24-33.
"Within-Group Homogeneity and Exit in Religious Clubs," with J.P. Isaacs, Applied
Economics Letters, 6(12), December 1999: 805-07.
"The Effect of Being Mentored on Pay and Promotion: Evidence From Panel Data for the
Legal Profession," with B.F. Lentz, Applied Economics Letters, 6(12), December 1999: 785-87.
"Are Economists More Selfish Than Other 'Social' Scientists?" with R.O. Beil, Public
Choice, 100(1-2), July 1999, 85-101.
"The Scholarly Journal Literature of Economics: A Historical Profile of the AER, JPE,
and QJE," with John M. Wells, The American Economist, 42(2), Fall 1998, 47-58. Reprinted in
J. Gans (ed.), Publishing Economics: Analyses of the Academic Journal Market in Economics,
Edward Elgar, 2000: 228-43.
"The Effects of Sexual Harassment on Job Satisfaction, Earnings, and Turnover Among
Female Lawyers," with B.F. Lentz, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51(4), July 1998,
"Implicit Contracts and Performance Bonds: The Mentor-Protege Relationship Among
Law Firm Partners," with B.F. Lentz, Journal of Economic Research, 2(2), November 1997,
"The Performance of Transfer versus 'Native' Students in Upper-Level Economics
Classes," with M.J. Piette, Kentucky Journal of Economics and Business, 16, 1997, 19-34.
"The American Economic Association Dues Structure," with R.O. Beil, Journal of
Economic Perspectives, 10(4), Fall 1996, 179-86.
"Team Production in Economics: Division of Labor or Mentoring," with M.J. Piette,
Labour Economics, 2(1), March 1995, 33-40.
"Workplace Mentoring in the Legal Profession," with B.F. Lentz, Southern Economic
Journal, 61(3), January 1995, 783-802.
"A Theory of Credit Bureaus," with M.T. Maloney, Public Choice, 80(3-4), September
1994, 275-91.
"The Relative Impact of Economics Journals: 1970-1990," with M.J. Piette, Journal of
Economic Literature, 32(2), June 1994, 640-66. Reprinted in J. Gans (ed.), Publishing
Economics: Analyses of the Academic Journal Market in Economics, Edward Elgar, 2000: 24486.
"Does the 'Blindness' of Peer Review Influence Manuscript Selection Efficiency?," with
M.J. Piette, Southern Economic Journal, 60(4), April 1994, 896-906.
"On the Professional Impact of Papers Supported by National Science Foundation
Funding," with M.J. Piette, S. Ralston and R.D. Tollison, Journal of Economic Perspectives,
8(1), Winter 1994, 201-03.
"Favoritism Versus Search for Good Papers: Empirical Evidence on the Behavior of
Journal Editors," with M.J. Piette, Journal of Political Economy, 102(1), February 1994, 194203. Reprinted in J. Gans (ed.), Publishing Economics: Analyses of the Academic Journal
Market in Economics, Edward Elgar, 2000: 118-28.
"Rent Seeking and Hidden Resource Distortion: Some Empirical Evidence," with F.
Mixon and R. B. Ekelund, Jr., Public Choice, 78(2), February 1994, 171-85.
"Is There Sex Discrimination in the Legal Profession: Further Evidence on Tangible and
Intangible Margins," with B.F. Lentz, Journal of Human Resources, 28(2), Spring 1993, 23058.
"The Impact of Bad Writing in Economics," with C.N. Taylor, Economic Inquiry, 30(4),
October 1992, 673-88.
"An Estimate of Resource Expenditures on Transfer Activity in the United States," with
J.P. Sophocleus, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(3), August 1992, 959-83. Reprinted in
R.D. Tollison and R.D. Congleton (eds.), The Economic Analysis of Rent Seeking, The
International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Gloucester, UK: Edward Elgar
Publishing, Ltd., 1995.
"Self-Recruitment in the Legal Profession," with B.F. Lentz, Journal of Labor
Economics, 10(2) April 1992, 182-201.
"An Objective Measure of Search vs. Experience Goods," Economic Inquiry, 29(3), July
1991, 497-509.
"The Review Process in Economics: Some Empirical Findings," - with M.T. Maloney
and R.E. McCormick, Review of Economics and Statistics, 72A, 1990, v-xvii. Reprinted in
Economics Alert, No. 2, March 1993, published by Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
"Economists and the Economy," with W.F. Shughart and R.D. Tollison, Review of
Economics and Statistics, 72(4), November 1990, 707-11.
"Entrepreneurial Success and Occupational Inheritance Among Proprietors," with B.F.
Lentz, Canadian Journal of Economics, 23(3), August 1990, 101-17.
"Measuring the Relative Impact of Economics Book Publishers and Economics
Journals," Journal of Economic Literature, 28(2), June 1990, 655-60.
"Is There Value-Added From the Review Process in Economics?: Preliminary Evidence
From Authors," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 105(2), May 1990, 341-52. Reprinted in J.
Gans (ed.), Publishing Economics: Analyses of the Academic Journal Market in Economics,
Edward Elgar, 2000: 67-79.
"Why So Many Children of Doctors Become Doctors: Nepotism Versus Human Capital
Transfers," - with B.F. Lentz, Journal of Human Resources, 24(3), Summer 1989, 396-413.
"The Social Cost of Rent-Seeking: First Estimates," - with J.P. Sophocleus, Public
Choice, 58(3), September 1988, 269-76.
"Transactions Costs and Production in a Legislative Setting," Public Choice, 57(2), May
1988, 183-86.
"An Evaluation of 50 `Ranked' Economics Departments: Reply," Southern Economic
Journal, 54, July 1987, 216-18.
"Further Evidence Regarding Journal Treatment of Male Versus Female Authors,"
Eastern Economic Journal, 13, April/June 1987, 149-54.
"A Ranking of the Top Economics Programs by Research Productivity of Their
Graduates: Reply," Journal of Economic Education, 17, Fall 1986, 311-14.
"Stoplight Sales and Sidewalk Solicitations: Some Simple Economics of Forced
Consumption," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 7, 1986, 103-14.
"Advertising as Information: An Empirical Note," Review of Economics and Statistics,
August 1986, 217-222.
"A Ranking of the Top Economics Programs by Research Productivity of their
Graduates," Journal of Economic Education, 17, Winter 1986, 70-76.
"The Rich Get Richer: A Public Choice View of the Geographic Distribution of Federal
Funds," Public Choice, 49, 1986, 117-126.
"Article Popularity," Economic Inquiry, 24(1), January 1986, 73-80.
"Congressional Junketeering: Public Sector X-Inefficiency," Journal of Economics and
Business, 38, May 1986, 131-140.
"Revealed Preference for Economics Journals: Citations as Dollar Votes," - with J.P.
Sophocleus, Public Choice, 46(3), 1985, 317-24.
"Favorite Sons: Intergenerational Wealth Transfers Among Politicians," - with
B.F. Lentz, Economic Inquiry, 23, July 1985, 395-414. Reprinted in D.M. Kurtz (ed.) The
American Political Family, University Press of America, Lanham, MD., 1993; and R.S. Albert,
Genius: The Social Psychology of Exceptional Achievement, Pergamon Press, July 1992.
"Toward an Economic Theory of Voluntary Resignation by Dictators," - with
J. Haughton, International Review of Law and Economics, 5, December 1985, 199-207.
"The Determinants of Article Popularity: Preliminary Results," with J.P. Sophocleus,
Atlantic Economic Journal, 13, December 1985, 80.
"A Ranking of the Top Canadian Economics Departments by Research Productivity of
Graduates," Canadian Journal of Economics, 18, November 1985, 333-36.
"Editorial Favoritism: A Critique of Departmental Rankings Based on Quantitative
Publishing Performance," Southern Economic Journal, 52, October 1985, 510-15.
"Expectations Achievement and Overthrows: An Empirical Test of the Relative
Deprivation Hypothesis," Government and Policy, 3, 1985, 417-26.
"An Evaluation of 50 `Ranked' Economics Departments -- by Quantity and Quality of
Faculty Publication and Graduate Student Productivity," Southern Economic Journal, 52, July
1985, 216-40.
"Imperfections in the Distribution of Economic Knowledge: A Look at Editorial
Favoritism," Eastern Economic Journal, 11, April/June 1985, 161-66.
"Federal Budget Cuts: Rejoinder," Public Choice, 45, 1985, 221-22.
"Occupational Following During the Guild Era: An Economic Perspective," - with
B.F. Lentz and J.P. Sophocleus, Studies in Economic Analysis, 8, Fall 1984, 21-34.
"Economics and Overthrows: Private Wants vs. Public Goods," Atlantic Economic
Journal, 12, September 1984, 79.
"Restriction of Farm Ownership as Rent-Seeking Behavior: Small Farmers Have It Their
Way," American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 43, April 1984, 179-90.
"Is There a Relationship Between Economic Conditions and Political Structure?" Public
Choice, 42, 1984, 25-37.
"Like Father, Like Son: Toward an Economic Theory of Occupational Following," - with
B.F. Lentz, Southern Economic Journal, 50, October 1983, 474-93.
"Federal Budget Cuts: Bureaucrats Trim the Meat, Not the Fat," Public Choice, 41,
October 1983, 311-14.
"Occupational Inheritance in Agriculture," - with B.F. Lentz, American Journal of
Agricultural Economics, 65, May 1983, 311-14.
“The Impact of Trademarks and Ad Size on Yellow Page Call Rates,” with A.M.
Abernethy, Journal of Advertising Research, March 2004: 119-25.
“The Consumer Pulling Power of Different Sized Yellow Page Advertisements,” with
A.M. Abernethy, Journal of Advertising Research, 42(3), May/June 2002: 66-72.
"The Influence of Price, Population and New Residents on the Purchase of Service
Marketers’ Yellow Page Display Ads,” with A. M. Abernethy, Journal of Advertising
Research, 39(5), September/October 1999, 15-25.
"The Impact of Product Type and Parity on the Informational Content of Advertising,"
with G.M. Pickett and S.J. Grove, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 9(3), Summer
"An Empirical Examination of Factual Information Content Among Services
Advertisements," with S. Grove and G. Pickett, Services Industry Journal, 15(2), April 1995,
"Parity Issues in Services Advertising," with S. Grove, G. Pickett, L. Carlson and D.
McBane, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2(4), 1994, 20-28; also published in the
Proceedings of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Spring 1993, 276-82.
"The Durability of Informational Signals and the Content of Advertising," Journal of
Advertising, 18(1), March 1989, 13-18.
“Institutional Characteristics and CPA Exam Pass Rates,” with K.J. Smith and A.G.
Schick, Accounting Enquiries, 11(2), Spring/Summer 2002, 187-226.
"An Examination of the Performance of Transfer versus 'Native' Students in Upper-Level
Accounting Courses," with D. Rosenberg and K.J. Smith, Journal of Accounting
Education,15(4), 1997, 515-29.
"The Role of Editors' Professional Connections in Determining Which Papers Get
Published: Evidence From Accounting," with K.J. Smith, Accounting Perspectives, 1(1), Spring
1995, 21-30.
"The American Political Science Association Dues Structure," with R.O. Beil, P.S.:
Political Science and Politics, 3(3) September 1997, 568-69.
"The American Sociological Association Dues Structure," with R.O. Beil, The American
Sociologist, 29(1), Spring 1998, 102-06.
Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking Humans and Nature, (edited with B.G. Lockaby and
W. Zipperer), Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America,
Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces3: Linking Science and Society, (ed.)
conference proceedings, Center for Forest Sustainability, Auburn University, 2010.
Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces2: Linking Land-Use Science and
Society, (ed.) conference proceedings, Center for Forest Sustainability, Auburn University, 2007.
Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society, (ed.)
conference proceedings, Center for Forest Sustainability, Auburn University, 2005.
Transfer Activity in the United States, with G.C. McClintock, Washington: The Cato
Institute, 2001.
Sex Discrimination in the Legal Profession, with B.F. Lentz, Westport, CT: Quorum
Books, 1995.
Patterns of Corporate Philanthropy - with R. Meiners, Washington: Capital Research
Center, 1988.
Blue Laws: The History, Economics, and Politics of Sunday Closing Laws - with
D.H. Heinbuch, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987.
The Roots of Success: Why Children Follow in Their Parents= Career Footsteps - with
B.F. Lentz, New York: Praeger, 1985.
Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland: An Economic Perspective of Regulation
Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1984.
Laband, D.N. (2011)
Re-analysis of the Alabama Hunting Survey, 2002-2008. Alabama
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources ($5,000)
Laband, D.N. (2009)
Tanger, S.M.
Factors the influence sales of the Alabama Forests Forever license
plate. Alabama Forests Forever Foundation ($9,340)
Laband, D.N. (2008/10)
et al.
Impacts of human activities and climate change on water resources
and ecosystem health in Wolf's Bay Basin: a coastal diagnostic and
forecast system for integrated assessment. Auburn University
Water Resources Institute ($750,000 - Laband’s portion: $60,000).
Lockaby, B.G. (2008/10)
Laband, D.N.
Linking Land Cover to Aquifer Recharge. Resource Conservation
and Development Council of AL. ($100,000).
Laband, D.N. (2007/10)
Trees and Residential Electricity Demand: A Large-Scale Multivariate Empirical Analysis. National Urban & Community
Forestry Advisory Council ($116,438).
Laband, D.N. (2005/07)
Lockaby, B.G.
Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces: Linking Land-Use
Science and Society. National Science Foundation ($32,800), U.S.
Forest Service ($55,000).
Zhang, Y.
Laband, D.N.
Sibley, J.
Assessing Preferences for and Attitudes Towards Urban Forests in
Suburban Communities. National Urban & Community Forestry.
Advisory Council ($126,067).
Lockaby, B.G. (2005-06)
Laband, D.N.
Brantley, E.F.
Pan, S., Tian, H.
Forest Cover Contributions to Clean Water in the Saugahatchee
Creek (AL) Watershed. AL Urban & Community Forestry
Program ($31,427).
Laband, D.N. (2004/05)
Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces: Linking Science
and Society. National Science Foundation ($36,932), U.S. Forest
Service ($25,000).
Laband, D.N. (2004/05)
Factors that Influence Appeals of Fuels Reduction Proposals on
Federal Lands. U.S. Forest Service ($51,579).
“Public Choice, Rent-Seeking and the Forest Economics-Policy Nexus,” in S. Kant (ed)
Post-Faustmann Forest Resource Economics, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013; 149-164.
“Economic Aspects and Issues along anUrban-Rural Gradient,” with F. Escobedo, in
Laband, D.N., Lockaby, B.G. and W. Zipperer (eds.), Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking People
and Nature, Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy, 2012; 165-184.
“The Social Cost of Rent-Seeking,” invited contribution to C. Rowley and F. Schneider
(eds.) The Encyclopedia of Public Choice, Kluwer, 2003.
“James M. Buchanan Outside The Classroom: A Former Student’s Perspective,” in H.
Kliemt (ed.) Method and Morals in Constitutional Economics: Essays in Honor of James M.
Buchanan, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2001.
"An Empirical Examination of the Informational Content of Services Advertisements,"
with S. Grove and G. Pickett, in R.P. Leone and V. Kumar (eds.), Enhancing Knowledge
Development in Marketing, Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1992, 166-67.
"Family Traditions in Professional Baseball: An Economic Perspective," with B.F. Lentz,
in R. Goff and R.D. Tollison (eds.) Sportometrics, College Station: Texas A&M University
Press, 1990, 263-75.
"How the Structure of Competition Influences Performance in Professional Sports: The
Case of Tennis and Golf," in R. Goff and R.D. Tollison (eds.) Sportometrics, College Station:
Texas A&M University Press, 1990, 133-50.
“Citations: Caution, Context, Common Sense,” September 11, 2013. VOX -
“Walking the talk on sustainability,” with David B. South, Frontiers in Ecology and the
Environment, 8(9), 2010: 451.
“Albedo credits or carbon credits?” with David B. South, New Zealand Journal of
Forestry, 53(3), 2008:45-47
“A Proposal to Reduce the Turnaround Time for Submitted Manuscripts,” with David
South, IUFRO News, 33(2/3), 2004: 13-14.
“How Not to Respond to Higher Gasoline Prices,” with C. Westley, The Freeman: Ideas
on Liberty, October 2004: 23-24.
“Lowering entrance standards is counter productive,” with D.B. South, Forum,
November/December 2003: 26.
“Environmental Policy and the Rural-Urban Interface: Tragedy in the Political
Commons,” Forest Landowner, 62(6), November/December 2003: 38-41.
“The Stain in Sustainability,” Forest Landowner, 61(2), March/April 2002: 26-27, 38.
"Does Who Teaches Principles of Economics Matter?," with M.J. Piette, American
Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 85(2), May 1995, 335-38.
"A Citation Analysis of the Impact of Blinded Peer Review," with M.J. Piette, Journal of
the American Medical Association, 272(2), July 13, 1994, 147-49.
"An Empirical Investigation of the Informational Content of Services Advertising Under
Conditions of Parity: The Gods Must be Crazy," with S. Grove and G. Pickett, Proceedings of
the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Spring 1994, 1-12.
"Product Parity and the Goods versus Services Dichotomy: Advertising Issues and
Propositions," in Expanding Marketing Horizons Into the 21st Century, (Proceedings of the
Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Conference), C.O. Swift (ed.), 276-82.
“An Economics Lesson at the Baggage Carousel,” WALL STREET JOURNAL, January
10, 2014: A11.
“Campaign-finance laws limit competition,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, December 27,
2009: 6F.
“Students are mature,” letter to the editor, USA TODAY, August 25, 2008.
“Changing the legal age to buy alcohol is not such a bad idea,” MOBILE PRESSREGISTER, August 24, 2008. Also printed as “DUI law flawed,” MONTGOMERY
ADVERTISER, September 8, 2008, 2B.
“Laws Shouldn’t Hinder Property Rights,” with C.A. Westley, BIRMINGHAM NEWS,
February 19, 2006: B1, 4.
“Officials Violate Spirit of Eminent Domain,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, November 7,
2004, 1B, 5B. Reprinted in the BLOUNT (AL) BANNER, November 17, 2004, 1, 10.
“How Not to Respond to Higher Gasoline Prices,” with C.A. Westley, THE FREEMAN,
54(8) (October 2004): 23-24.
“Price Support Farmers Live Off Fat of Government,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, May 9,
2004, 1B, 5B.
“Alabaster Officials Abuse Fifth Amendment,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, August 31,
2003, 4C.
“Alienation of Affection Statutes Are Bad Law,” Greenville (NC) NEWS-RECORD,
August 24, 2003,
“AU Faculty Survey Shows Few Agree With Trustees,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, January
20, 2002, 6C. Also published as “A Few Malcontents at AU?” in the MONTGOMERY
ADVERTISER, and as “Survey Finds Faculty Distrust Trustees,” in the AUBURN
PLAINSMAN, January 17, 2002, A7.
“Canadian Timber Tariff Plan Only Good Short Term,” with D. Zhang, BIRMINGHAM
NEWS, November 25, 2001, 5C. Also published as “Tariff a Treat for Timber Industry,” in the
MOBILE REGISTER, November 11, 2001, 1D.
“Consider What AU Could Be Under Better Management,” OPELIKA-AUBURN
NEWS, October 7, 2001, 4A.
“Bushwhacked in Timber Country,” with D. Zhang, Canada’s GLOBE AND MAIL,
August 16, 2001,
“Circumstances Challenging Faculty Morale,” OPELIKA-AUBURN NEWS, August 5,
2001, 4A.
“AU Faculty’s Discontent at Alarming Level,” OPELIKA-AUBURN NEWS, August 4,
2001, 4A.
“Regulating Biodiversity: Tragedy in the Political Commons,” IDEAS ON LIBERTY,
Vol. 51, no. 9, September 2001: 21-23; also published as “Rights to Pasture: Biodiversity towers
over timberland owners,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, June 24, 2001: 1C, 4C. Reprinted in T.A.
Easton and T.D. Goldfarb, Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Environmental
Issues, 10th ed., Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill, 2003: 28-31.
“Electoral College Works: Congress Made the Problem,” with J.P. Sophocleus,
BIRMINGHAM NEWS, December 3, 2000: 5C.
“Water Users Need a Lifeline, Not Jail Time, During Drought,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS,
October 15, 2000: 1C, 5C.
“Harmful Tax Practices?,” IDEAS ON LIBERTY, Vol. 50, no. 10, October 2000: 40-42.
“Siegelman’s Trust Fund Proposals Merit Debate,” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, May 7,
2000: 1-2C.
“The Striking Differences,” OPELIKA-AUBURN NEWS, May 1, 2000, 4A.
“Efficient Tort Reform Can Reduce Redistributive Litigation,” LEGAL
BACKGROUNDER, Vol. 15, no. 27, April 28, 2000, Washington Legal Foundation.
“When Politics Produces Too Much of a Good Thing,” JOURNAL OF COMMERCE,
April 5, 2000, p. 6. Also published in the MOBILE REGISTER, May 7, 2000, and in the
OPELIKA-AUBURN NEWS, April 18, 2000, 4A.
“The Internet and the Death of the Sales Tax,” with R. Ault, JOURNAL OF
COMMERCE, January 7, 2000, also published in IDEAS ON LIBERTY, May 2000; in the
FREE MARKET, May 2000; in the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, January 21, 2000, as
“Internet Shopping Rings Death of Sales Taxes,” in the BIRMINGHAM NEWS, January 9,
2000, 1C; and in the OPELIKA-AUBURN NEWS, February 4, 2000, 4A.
“PA Court Rings It Up Wrong,” with J.P. Sophocleus, PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER,
December 22, 1999, A25.
“With Trustees Like This, Who Needs Enemies?” BIRMINGHAM NEWS, April 18,
1999, 5C.
"In Defense of Academic Standards at Auburn University," MOBILE REGISTER, June
14, 1998, D1, D4.
"Lawyers and Sexual Harassment," AUBURN BULLETIN, April 8, 1998, A6. Also
published in the OPELIKA-AUBURN NEWS, April 9, 1998, A4.
"Economics, Law, and Personal Relationships," with J.P. Sophocleus, THE FREEMAN,
January 1998, 13-15.
"The Paparazzi Did Not Kill Princess Diana," with J.M. Wells, the OPELIKAAUBURN NEWS, September 3, 1997, A4; the MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER, September
1997; Also published as "Celebrity Watchers Fuel Paparazzi," in the TALLAHASSEE
DEMOCRAT, September 3, 1997, 9A; as "If Paparazzi to Blame So Are We," in the
BIRMINGHAM NEWS, September 5, 1997, 13A; as "Did We Love Diana?" WASHINGTON
TIMES, September 5, 1997, A23.
"Lessons of the Depression," with J.M. Wells, ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER, April
21, 1996, commentary 1-2.
"Creative Destruction - Again," with J.M. Wells, THE FREEMAN, April 1996, 210-12.
Published as "Occupational Oblivion," ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER, February 18, 1996; as
"The Other Side of Job Layoffs," ENTERPRISE, Vol. 63, No. 7, February 15, 1996, 1,6; and as
"The Upward Side of Downsizing," CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, February 14, 1996.
"Transferring Credits Issue," OPELIKA AUBURN NEWS, November 20, 1995, A4.
Published as the Community Focus article in the HUNTSVILLE TIMES, November 25, 1995;
and as "Transferring Junior College Credits to 4-Year Schools," in the GADSDEN TIMES,
November 28, 1995, A4.
"The Minimum Wage's Dirty Little Secret," THE FREEMAN, Vol. 45, no. 9, September
1995, 567-68.
"Psst. Wanna Buy a Ticket to the Iron Bowl? BIRMINGHAM NEWS, November 18,
1994, 13A. Published as "Professor: Ticket Scalping Good for Americans," OPELIKA
AUBURN NEWS, November 18, 1994, A1-A2.
"Singing the Ticket Scalping Blues," THE FREEMAN, Vol. 44, no. 9, September 1994,
"What College Professors Do and Why," ACADEMICALLY SPEAKING, NovemberDecember 1993, Salisbury State University, 2-4.
"An Economist's Perspective on America's Budget Deficit," ACADEMICALLY
SPEAKING, October 1992, Salisbury State University, 7-9.
"Unpaid Child Labor, Compliments of Maryland", WALL STREET JOURNAL,
August 4, 1992, p. A14.
"Lessons From an Entrepreneur," THE FREEMAN, September 1992, 334-35. Reprinted
in Burton W. Folsom, Jr. (ed.), The Spirit of Freedom: Essays in American History, New York:
The Foundation for Economic Education, 1994.
"How We Chose to Make Walton Rich," BALTIMORE SUN, April 15, 1992, 15A.
"Sam Walton, The Ultimate Capitalist," ANDERSON INDEPENDENT-MAIL, April 12,
1992, 2b.
"Sam Walton, Bill Clinton and Adam Smith," WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 9,
1992, A14.
"The Cost of Property," WALL STREET JOURNAL, September 18, 1991, p. A14.
"Restricting Congressional Tenure Would Not Improve System," GREENVILLE NEWS,
July 15, 1990, 3E.
"In Hugo's Path: A Man-Made Disaster," WALL STREET JOURNAL, September 27,
1989, p. A22.
"The Natural Choice," with B.F. Lentz, PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, July 1985,
"Is Campaigning Profitable?" - with W.M. Crain, CATO Institute POLICY REPORT, 4,
October 1982.
"Foreign Ownership of U.S. Farmland: The Politics of Regulation," Virginia Tech
Agricultural Extension Division Publication, No. 61, July 1982.
INVESTING FOR SUSTAINABILITY, R. Hannesson, Managerial and Decision
Economics, 2002.
M.L. Ross, Public Choice, 109, December 2001: 209-12.
A LOGIC OF EXPRESSIVE CHOICE, A.A. Schuessler, Public Choice, 107, June
2001: 395-98.
LOUISIANA SUPREME COURTS, D.M. Kurtz, The Annals of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science, May 1998, 185-6.
Economic Literature, June 1995.
Public Choice, 1991.
DiLorenzo, Public Choice, 1991.
(eds). Public Choice, 1982.
Principles of Microeconomics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Industrial Organization
Government Regulation of Business
Public Choice
The External Environment of Industry (MBA)
Microeconomic Theory (PhD)
Public Choice (PhD)
Labor Economics (PhD)
Law and Economics
Forest Economics
Senior Project
Natural Resources Law and Economics
Public Choice and Environmental Policy (PhD)
Natural Resources Administration and Policy (PhD)