Beliefs, Values and Actions

Year 9
Beliefs, Values and Actions
Student Name
Tutor Group
Date handed out 20.09.16
Due Date
27.09.16 (Hand in to tutor)
Student Comment
Parent / Carer comment
(Does this work represent good effort? Has your child understood what to do and where to get help?)
Teacher comment
QWC mark:
Let us start by defining some terms...go and grab a
dictionary to get a correct definition of...
Charles Blondin
Search “Charles Blondin Faith” to find out this great
story of the difference between belief and faith
What did Blondin ask of his fans?
Why is this an example of faith?
OK, so everyone has beliefs (not just religious people). What about someone you know
IMPORTANT—you must tell your parent / carer if you are interviewing someone. Only
speak to an adult that is known to you.
Interview a trusted family member, close family friend or member of staff. Politely ask them if you can
interview them as part of your project.
A suggested script (record your summary of the answers in the spaces or attach a separate sheet to
this project with your name on it)
Name of person you interviewed:
I need to interview someone as part of my Humanities project; would it be OK to ask you some
questions about what is important to you?
Are there any beliefs that are important to you?
What do you think has influenced your beliefs (what things led to you holding these beliefs)?
Are there any things you do or plan to do as a result of these beliefs?
Can’t find anyone? Type in “Bethany Hamilton my story” into YOUTUBE to watch her interview for you to make
So, what about some important examples of how peoples’ beliefs affect their
actions? You are now going to look into some more detail about one organisation
of your choice.
Choose one of the organisations detailed below to research about what they do and why they do it.
Complete the questions / tasks below.
Where to look
look at the About us tab and
Stories tab.
Humanist (non religious)
Look at the What we do tab
Look at the About us tab
Name of organisation:
What beliefs are important to this group?
Provide an example of the kind of work they do because of their beliefs:
Believe most
Believe least
A diamond 9 helps us to think about what is important.
Look at the beliefs and values below. Put the comment you
agree with most at the very top, the next most important
in the next two boxes below and the least important in the
last box. You can use all of the statements below, create
nine of your own or a mixture!
We are all born equal
Education is very important
We should care for the environment
Violence is wrong
Everything happens for a reason
Some people are born more
God loves everyone
Money makes you happy
Some people are lucky
Your beliefs and values
From your diamond 9 select one belief or value that is most important to you.
Why do you believe this?
B) What do you do, or what will you do in the future that shows this belief is important to
Use these pages for notes, planning or additional space
Want to know more and extend your knowledge of these topics?
Search “BBC Beliefs Class Clips” to listen to people discussing their beliefs and how
this affects them. You could use these pages to record any thoughts, questions or