Allusion: Pg 1115 Abigail brings the other girls into the court and

Pg 1115 Abigail brings the other girls into the court and where
she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Isreal. This allusion
refers to the story in the Bible where God gives Moses the power
to part the Red Sea so that the Jews could escape the Egyptians.
This shows that Abigail has power within the town and the court
and is considered very important in the town.
Pg. 1125 Hale: Man, remember until an hour before the Devil
fell, God thought him beautiful in heaven. This refers to the
Bible. Lucifer was an angel in Heaven and God’s favorite angel
until he tried to become God. Hale is making the point that
people can be deceiving on the outside.
Pg. 1127 Proctor refers to Hale: Ponitus Pilate! God will not let
you wash your hands of this. In the Bible Pontius Pilate turned
away and let the people crucify Jesus even though he thought he
was innocent. This shows that Hale is turning his back on the
events that he knows are wrong
Situational: On page1122, Proctor remembers all of the ten
commandments but Thou shalt not commit adultery. This is
situational irony because we expect that commandment to be
the one he remembers first since he has broken it.
Verbal Irony: pg 1114: It is well seasoned (referring to
Elizabeth’s rabbit stew). It is well seasoned because he seasoned
it, but he doesn’t want her to know. Therefore, his words had an
alternate meaning.
Pg 1114: Proctor: It is winter in here yet. Elizabeth thinks he
means the house needs to be brightened up so it doesn’t look so
cold and dreary, but he is also referring to the coldness of their
Dramatic Irony: pg 1110: In the narrator’s narration, we learn
that Rebecca Nurse will be accused of witchcraft. This is
dramatic irony because we are told in advance what will happen
to Rebecca
Pg. 1107: We learn that Giles’ fate (or death) is so different than
everyone else’s. So, we know that he will die in the end and die
differently from everyone else. No character has knowledge of
Pg. 1117 Proctor: And what of these proceedings? When will
you proceed to keep this house? This is a pun because he uses
different meanings of proceed to make a point.
1103: Proctor: What say you Giles, let’s find the party. He says
there’s a party. Paris was referring to a party of people trying to
overthrow him. Proctor plays with this word using it as a
celebration to be sarcastic.
4. a. This is direct characterization. The narrator directly tells
us about Giles Corey and his personality.
b. He didn’t care what people said about him. He had recently
become a “Christian.” He was a cranky man but innocent in his
intentions. He was forgetful.
c. He talks too much without realizing that he is offending
anyone. He told about his wife reading books without meaning
harm, but this could actually make her look bad. He likes to sue
people. He has been the plaintiff in several cases this year
including one against John Proctor.
Person vs. person
Abigail vs. Proctor
Parris vs. proctor/Putnam
Ann vs. Rebecca
Giles vs. Putnam
Person vs self
Proctor vs. his guilt of sin
Ann vs her jealousy of Rebecca Nurse
Abigail vs. her obsession with John
Mary Warren vs. her decision whether or not to go to court
Person vs. society
Parris vs. community
Tituba vs. Salem Accusers
Elizabeth vs. court orders
Proctor vs. absence from church
6. a. The Exposition and the Inciting Incident
b. Rising action.
Plot Chart:
A. In Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, Reverend Parris catches
several girls dancing in the woods naked and two of the girls
fall ill; since the doctor cannot find a medical reason for this
illness, the town suspects witchcraft.
B. Abigail accuses Tituba of witchcraft and she, in turn, begins
accusing others to save her life.
a. Proctor and his wife, Elizabeth, try to have a
conversation but it turns tense when Abigail is
b. Elizabeth asks Proctor to go tell that Abigail is lying, but
he hesitates and they argue.
c. Hale visits the Proctors to find out what kind of people
they are and why they do not attend church.
d. He asks the to name the Ten Commandments to prove
their Christianity, and John forgets the commandment
about adultery.
e. Cheever comes in and tells them that Elizabeth is
accused and they search her house and find a poppet
that Mary Warren had just given Elizabeth.
f. They find a needle in the poppet and arrest Elizabeth
because Abigail had found a needle poked in her
stomach earlier that evening and accused Elizabeth.
g. John Proctor became angry because they chain Elizabeth
and he threatens Mary Warren that she WILL go to court
and tell the truth about Abigail.