Welcome Packet Congratulations for Choosing to Step it Up! Let`s

Welcome Packet
Congratulations for Choosing to Step it Up!
By the time you finish this self-guided program,
my intention is for you to be...
In control of your cravings…
Free from emotional eating…
Excited to go shopping for new clothes…
Motivated to go to the gym every day…
Organized with your food and eating…
On purpose in your life...
And ready to step it up every day in the best possible ways!
Let's get started!
Welcome to the Lose the Weight for Good + Step It
Up for Life Self-Guided Program!
In each module, we will be focusing on one of the 4 Pillars of
 Spiritual
 Nutritional
 Emotional
 Physical
Holistic health, when we take into account your mind and body, is
the most successful way to create habits that stick, forever.
The Goal of this Program is:
To create lasting healthy habits that make you feel
confident and good about yourself.
In each module, there are two videos and two worksheets
that build on each other. You can work at your own pace
throughout each week.
The Spiritual Pillar of holistic weight loss refers to the deeper sense
of yourself and your connection to a deeper truth.
Whether or not you believe in a spiritual being outside of yourself is beside
the point. The main objective here is to connect with your true desires.
As an avid studier of media, I used to analyze how women are portrayed
on television and in advertisements. Often, we are seen as the object of a
man's desire.
How must we look or act to attract the attention of a man? Or, at times the
motive is to appear put-together and polished in front of other women.
In my work with thousands of women, I've sprinkled in the self-worth and
self-esteem component of our bodies and our lives, so that we realize that
our goals are more than just physical, and more than just habits.
Our goals and dreams come from US, and they come from the deepest,
most vulnerable part of us. As women, we can get so distracted by doing
things for everyone else, or worrying about how we appear to others, that
we get pulled away from our spirit.
Part 1 of the Spiritual Pillar is for you to connect with your deep
This is a critical foundational step as you work towards your weight loss
goals. Remember, what you eat and how you move your body can only
get you so far. Have quick fixes or surface-level instructions been the
answer in th e past? If so, would you be here now, still seeking what's
Part 2 of the Spiritual Pillar is to get into your thoughts and interject in
your thoughts:
 What might get in the way of following that deeper pull to stick to
your new habit and goal?
 How can you overcome this?
By focusing on depth within yourself and within your goals, you are
setting yourself up for long-term success. It starts with your BIG WHY.
The Nutritional Pillar is next because a lot of times what we eat can
directly impact how we think and how we feel.
In Part 1, the approach is simple: we need to feed your body what it needs,
and then focus on everything else. So, by eating protein plus a veggie or fruit
every 3-4 hours, you will be setting yourself up to physically not have
cravings, not depend on caffeine or sugar for a pick-me-up, and also burning
fat quickly because your metabolism will be working efficiently.
For a more specific food guide, download the FREE 21-Day
Challenge Packet Here. Starting on pg. 11.
Next, in Part 2, we can assess if we are doing any emotional eating or
habitual eating, and if we are eating for rewards or other "mental" reasons.
How do your emotions come into play when it comes to sticking to lifechanging habits?
Often times, feelings of unworthiness or feeling like you don't deserve
something comes up. Let's take weight loss as an example.
You may SAY that you feel like you deserve to be slimmer, but are you
emotionally afraid that something negative may happen once you've lost
weight? Like maybe you don't want the attention you will receive, or you
won't feel comfortable in your own skin.
Similarly, for my clients who have created a healthy habit of quitting
smoking - what are the emotions tied to this particular habit?
You'd have a heart attack if you found out your kid was a smoker, but yet
you're a smoker yourself. Do you feel that your child is worth not poisoning
his/her body? Do you feel that you are worth being poison free?
By re-framing our goals and confirming that YES, we are worth it and we
do deserve it, we are attaching an emotional component to our goals.
In Part 1, we will be re-framing these concepts.
In Part 2 of this Pillar, we're going to build your confidence and selfesteem.
When you feel confident in yourself, you will feel committed to yourself. If
you like yourself, you will want to do good things for yourself. If you don't,
then you won't! It's that simple.
This part of the Pillar is so important because it is all about fostering a
loving relationship with yourself. Just like you create and maintain
relationships with others, you will be re-creating and maintaining a loving
relationship with yourself, forever.
Part 1 is the nuts and bolts of physical activity. We'll be talking about the
best format for your workout in order to get you feeling and looking your best.
The commitment to this is crucial! Exercise at least 4 times per week using this
Part 2 of this Pillar is where we start to re-frame how we view exercise and
working out.
If you dread it, you don't like it. So how do we get excited about our workouts?
If you currently feel like working out is a burden, I understand. I've been there
before too! It wasn't until I changed my mindset around my workouts, that I
began to CRAVE them. It wasn't until I really connected my mind and body that I
consistently stuck to this program.
Viewing working out as a mindful meditation is my favorite and most successful
way for women to workout. Click here for a FREE 21-Day Challenge workout
This is the week in the program in which you will be implementing
all of the 4 Pillars of Health.
Part 1 is a recap of what we have been discussing throughout this
program, so you can begin integrating lasting changes into your life.
Part 2 is about action steps that you can take in order to keep things up
after this program is over. Remember that staying in the comfort zone
feels GOOD. But our goal is to "Step It Up" so that you are living this
new, healthy habit and letting go of the old garbage!