1. Sample text to invite guests by email

Global Ambassador Media Tools: Beginning Your Outreach
Here is sample text you can use to assist in your outreach. Feel free to tweak and personalize
as you would when communicating to your personal networks!
1. Sample text to invite guests by email
Hi [Friend],
I’m really excited to invite you to a viewing party at my house of a wonderful event put on by a
non-profit called The Pachamama Alliance (www.pachamama.org). On [Insert Your
Equivalent Local Day/Time] the event will stream live and we will to join in representing our
community at this event.
The Pachamama Alliance empowers indigenous people in Ecuador to protect their land and
culture as well as helps to change the “modern world” by awakening people to the roots of the
world’s current problems and inspiring people all around the world to take action.
Pachamama is based in San Francisco, California and their sister organization is located in
Quito, Ecuador. Pachamama was described by Paul Hawken as "... the most important, single
NGO in the world right now."
Each year Pachamama holds a transformational event to celebrate this past year’s
accomplishments and to unveil bold plans for the future. There will be an opportunity to
contribute and there is no requirement to donate. I am really passionate about this
organization’s work and I know that after watching this event, you will be too!
Please RSVP to me if you can come to my viewing party. Once again it will be on [Insert Your
Equivalent Local Day/Time].
I hope you can join us!
Best Regards,
P.S. If you are not able to come to the viewing party, please consider watching the event on
your own. On their website you can sign up for them to send you a quick reminder of the
event as the date approaches so you don’t miss it. Here is the link
2. Sample text on social networks/media
For the 1st week of outreach and/or starting the week of October 9th:
Do you know about the Pachamama Alliance Annual Event? Check it out, join my viewing
party on [insert date/time], we’re helping represent [Insert your country/area, e.g., the U.K.]!
 for your reference: Using Twitter
Facebook Status
Dear friends, the Pachamama Alliance, an organization I support, is holding its annual
fundraising event on (Nov. 8th @ 12pm = Insert Your Equivalent Local Day/Time]) where
communities come from around the world to celebrate, stand united and take action for a
just and sustainable world. I am excited to be hosting a party during this live event and
you’re invited! There will be food, great people and opportunity to contribute if you’d like!
Check out details here [insert your FB event link] and RSVP your attendance!
Create a Facebook Event Page for your viewing party!
Here is a text to use/tweak for event page:
Title: “Pachamama Alliance annual gathering!”
Info blurb: [script to tweak] “Hey everybody! I’m hosting a
viewing/fundraising party at my place for this great organization I
volunteer at called the Pachamama Alliance. Their mission is to
empower indigenous cultures through environmental preservation
in order to bring forth a just and sustainable world. To learn more
about them please visit www.pachamama.org.
Each year Pachamama holds a transformational event to
celebrate this past year’s accomplishments and to unveil bold
plans for the future. I am really passionate about this
organization’s work and I know that after watching this event, you
will be too!
At this event, there will be opportunity to donate if you would like.
But there is no requirement to. I hope you can join me for this
exciting event! There will be refreshments/hors d'oeuvres provided
and good folks to network with while learning about Pachamama
and the global shift happening now!
Please RSVP by ____ so I can gauge amount of food to prepare
and viewing space needed for the party. Feel free to spread the
Other details to include: party address, directions, date/time, RSVP, what
to bring, links to PA website. Feel free to use our logo or past luncheon
picture for an event image, which can be downloaded from the Global
Ambassadors Tools webpage.
Sample text for following weeks
Below are sample text you can use/tweak for weekly posts. Perhaps you use it to advertise more
depending on your needs for outreach.
For 2nd or 3rd week of outreach:
Twitter Post
“Join me at my house for the Pachamama Alliance’s Annual luncheon Nov. 8th at 12pm! RSVP
to attend my viewing party! #luncheon, @username
“Where will you be on [insert regional date/time]?” Come hang out with some amazing
people while enjoying refreshments at my viewing party! Email me for more info.
#luncheon, @username
Facebook Status
Hey peeps, have you heard about the Pachamama Alliance Annual Event happening [insert
regional date/time]? It’s going to be a moving event worth attending. RSVP and come join
my party, we’ll be representing [the U.K./insert your country or region]!
For 4th week of outreach:
Twitter Post
There’s room for a few more folks for my Pachamama Alliance viewing party on Nov. 8th!
Light foods provided, great people, ways to take action! RSVP/Email me if you can join!
Facebook Status
Hey all, if you haven’t RSVP’d yet, there’s still time! Come join my Pachamama Alliance
house party on Nov. 8th [insert regional date/time]! Food/refreshments provided, great
people, be part of a global movement! Check it out here! Hope you can come and represent
your country!
3. Sample thank you text to guests who have RSVPd
Dear Friend,
Thank you for your RSVP! I'm so excited that you are coming to my viewing party! If you get a
moment, please feel free to invite your friends on Facebook [insert FB event link] or just have
them RSVP to me directly. Also, if they can’t attend the party, they can still watch it live at
their convenience by clicking on this link: http://www.pachamama.org/luncheon
Look forward to having you join us!