Language focus

Digital campus
Too much of a good thing–
Section B A real addiction
To master the reading skill
To understand the text
To practice the phrases and patterns
To learn about conducting a survey
Section B
To o m u c h o f a g o o d t h i n g –
A real addiction
Reading skills
Text study
Comparative study
Unit project
Section B
To o m u c h o f a g o o d t h i n g –
A real addiction
Background information
Watch a video clip and answer the
following questions.
1. According to the survey of Stanford University,
how do Internet addicted persons use computers?
2. What’s the expert’s suggestion to Internet addicts?
1. According to the survey of Stanford University, how
do Internet addicted persons use computers?
They spent too many weary hours in chat rooms, emailing and blogging, ultimately taking valuable time
away from things like family, work and even sleep.
They are choosing to be on the Internet versus kind
friends, versus interacting with somebody, versus
having human contact.
2. What’s the expert’s suggestion to Internet addicts?
It’s hard to deny that some Internet addicted people
spend too much time on line and ignore family,
friendships, and social activities. However, it’s not that
they don’t have fun on the Internet or use it for their
profession. It’s just not overusing it.
Background information
1. What are IAD and its symptoms?
2. If you have friends who have Internet addiction
disorder (IAD), how would you help them?
Background information
1. What are IAD and its symptoms?
• IAD is Internet addiction disorder, a real clinical disorder;
• It reflect a general statement about excessive computer
use that interferes with daily life;
• Typical: online gaming, too much online shopping, too
much online surfing, and too much involvement on
social network websites;
• Symptoms: being on the Internet for more than 6 hours
a day, and having reactions of nervousness when the
Internet doesn’t work.
Background information
2. If you have friends who have Internet addiction
disorder (IAD), how would you help them?
I will help them:
1) to set time limits. I will suggest that they should allow
themselves a limited amount of time to spend online
each day and fight down the desire of compulsive
2) to keep themselves busy. I will help them find
activities to keep their mind off the Internet. Get
together with friends to study or schedule some fun
time to relax, e.g. meeting friends, taking up new
hobbies, doing sports.
Section B
To o m u c h o f a g o o d t h i n g –
A real addiction
Reading skills
Presentation of the skill
Reading skill practice
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Facts are things known for certain to exist, or
be true, or have happened. Opinions are
things believed to exist, be true, or have
The key difference between facts and
opinions lies in the difference between
knowing and believing.
Opinions may be based on facts, but they
are still what we think, not what we know for
certain. Opinions are debatable; facts are not.
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
A simple way is to ask questions like “Is
this statement debatable?” and “Is this
known for certain to be true?”
If you answer “yes” to the former question,
it is an opinion; if you answer “yes” to the
latter question, it is a fact.
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Examples and Explanation:
Example 1:
With many schools offering wireless
Internet access anywhere on campus,
colleges as a group have become the
most Internet-accessible spots in the
world. (Para. 3)
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Examples and Explanation:
Example 2:
With the widespread application of
laptops and computer science, we
are going to produce a generation of
thinkers, which is indispensable for
the future of the world. (Para. 12)
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
The above two examples are about the
author’s judgment or opinion. Although
the statements are based on facts (e.g.
“many schools offering wireless Internet
access anywhere on campus” and “the
widespread application of laptops and
computer science”), they still show how
the author thinks or feels, so they are not
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
In Example 1, the word most shows us
that this is the author’s opinion or
assumption. In Example 2, the sentence
“we are going to produce a generation
of…” indicates that this is what the
author predicts or hopes, not something
that exists or has happened. Therefore,
the statements are opinions.
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Example 3:
In a university class on the history of
American radio, students use the iPad to
record their own radio shows. (Para. 5)
Example 4:
In fact, a recent study in the US found
that information technology accounted
for 5% to 8% of college budgets, up from
an estimated 2% to 3% in the mid-1980s.
(Para. 7)
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Example 5:
To compensate, it spent $500,000 to give
every one of its 1,650 incoming
freshmen a free Apple iPad. (Para. 8)
Examples 3-5 provide exact statistics
and details; in other words, the
statements tell us what is known for sure
to exist or has happened. Therefore, they
are facts.
Presentation of the skill
Distinguishing between facts and opinions
Reading Skill Practice:
Look at the following statements from
Text B and decide which are facts (F)
and which are opinions (O).
Reading skill practice
O 1. Perhaps the greatest change the
world has seen in modern times has
been the rise of the Internet.
O 2. It’s a great way to keep up with
O 3. Internet access and the ability to
make good use of it is practically a
must for success in the modern
Reading skill practice
F 4. A few years ago, a couple in the
United States was charged with child
neglect. It was their addiction to
playing games online that kept them
from caring for their two infant
F 5. Another recent news story told of a
man who spent so much time online
that he didn’t sleep enough to keep
his job.
Reading skill practice
F 6. One student not only failed, but lost 12
O 7. It is easy for those who are unaffected
by the powerful draw of connectivity –
those who can easily control their time
online – to view Internet addiction as
an imaginary problem or to attribute its
origins to a weak personality.
Reading skill practice
O 8. The Internet is a powerful tool,
but make sure that you use it
wisely for all the good value it
offers and that you won’t let too
much of a good thing become
something bad.
Section B
To o m u c h o f a g o o d t h i n g –
A real addiction
Text study
Text comprehension
Language focus
Critical thinking
Text comprehension
Questions Previewing
1. Read the title of Text B and predict what is the author’s main
purpose in writing the text.
2. What is the advantage of the Internet mentioned in Paragraph 1?
3. Why does the author regard the Internet as a double-edged sword?
4. Why are new college students most likely to get addicted to the
Internet? (Paras.3-5)
5. What kind of people think Internet addiction is not a real problem?
(Para. 6)
6. What are mentioned in the text as circumstances under which
endorphins may be released? (Para. 6)
7. What can we learn about endorphins and Internet addicts from the
text? (Para. 7)
8. When should we take a step back from the Internet? (Para. 8)
Text comprehension
1. Read the title of Text B and predict what is the
author’s main purpose in writing the text.
To encourage students to use the Internet wisely.
Anything that is too much is troublesome. The
Internet is a good thing, but if you rely on it too
much and even become addicted to it, it will
become a bad thing.
Text comprehension
2. What is the advantage of the Internet mentioned in
Paragraph 1?
The Internet makes life easier. As a tool for
doing research, the Internet is better than any
other tools. The Internet offers a good way to
keep in contact with your friends. It gives us a
great variety of media choices that offer many
different perspectives on and insights into news
and events.
Text comprehension
3. Why does the author regard the Internet as a
double-edged sword? (Para.2)
Like pollution and traffic jams that
come with the convenience of cars,
Internet access has proven so
popular that it has given rise to a
new kind of social epidemic,
Internet addiction.
Text comprehension
4. Why are new college students most likely to get
addicted to the Internet? (Paras.3-5)
Because they are not watched by their parents
when at college.
Text comprehension
Sentence Interpretation
New college students, even the brightest
and most successful ones, are most at
risk from these effects because the
Internet is important for their studies and
because they are just entering a world
where their online habits are no longer
monitored by concerned parents.
(Para. 5, L22)
Text comprehension
Sentence Interpretation
New college students, even the smartest
and most successful ones, are most likely
to be influenced by the negative effects of
the Internet because the Internet is
important for their studies and because
they are just coming into a new
environment where their anxious parents
can’t keep an eye on their online habits
any more.
Text comprehension
Sentence Interpretation
Text comprehension
5. What kind of people think Internet addiction is
not a real problem? (Para.6)
Those who can well manage their time
spent online.
Text comprehension
Sentence Interpretation
It is easy for those who are unaffected by
the powerful draw of connectivity – those
who can easily control their time online – to
view Internet addiction as an imaginary
problem or to attribute its origins to a weak
personality. (Para. 6, L28)
Text comprehension
Sentence Interpretation
Some people are not influenced by the strong
attraction of the Internet because they can
easily control their time online. So, it is easy for
them to consider Internet addiction as an
unreal problem or to think a weak character is
the root cause of Internet addiction.
Text comprehension
Sentence Interpretation
Text comprehension
6. What are mentioned in the text as circumstances
under which endorphins may be released?
When we win a game, when we are
instant-messaging our friend, or when
we find new blog entries, etc.
Text comprehension
7. What can we learn about endorphins and Internet
addicts from the text? (Para.7)
Endorphins may be released continuously
and for a long time in the brains of Internet
endorphins do nothing but keep people
hooked to their computers.
Text comprehension
8. When should we take a step back from the
Internet? (Para.8)
When we still think about the Internet
when we are offline.
It is about the author’s judgment or opinion.
Text comprehension
Sentence Interpretation
keep an eye on
So watch how much time you spend online;
moderation is your best defense against
Internet addiction. (Para. 8, L47)
protect … from
So keep an eye on how much time you
spend online. Limiting and controlling your
time online can protect you from developing
Internet addiction.
Text comprehension
Text Summary
positive changes
Internet addiction
the release of endorphins
Text comprehension
Text Summary
These rewards are simple
doing nothing but keeping students so
involved that it hurts their studies, or spoils
their lives. What’s the best defense against
moderation Use the
Internet addiction is ___________.
wonders of connectivity to enrich your
studies, stay connected with distant and
multiple new
real-life friends and explore _________
worlds. The Internet is a powerful tool, but
wisely for all the
make sure that you use it _______
good value it offers and that you won’t let
too much
of a good thing become
something bad.
Language focus
Practical phrases
Practical Phrases
1. a wealth of sth.
2. Make use of sth.
3. Give rise to sth.
4. Keep sb. from (doing) sth.
5. Tell of
6. As well
7. At risk
Specific Meanings
Language focus
Practical Phrases
a wealth of sth.
(be home to / a wealth of / traditional medicines )
China is home to a wealth of traditional medicines.
Language focus
Practical Phrases
make use of sth.
(making full use of / a snail house)
Saving and making full use of limited space is a
must of living in a snail house.
Language focus
Practical Phrases
短语逆译 give rise to sth.
(give rise to / feelings of good will / frowning/gloomy)
Smiling can give rise to feelings of good will,
while frowning makes one gloomy.
Language focus
Practical Phrases
keep sb. from
(doing) sth.
(a man of determination / keep him from / carry out )
He is a man of determination, so nothing could
keep him from carrying out his plan.
Language focus
Practical Phrases
tell of
(To give me courage / tell of / unbearably freezing baths)
To give me courage, my father would tell of the
unbearably freezing baths he had himself been through
in his younger days.
Language focus
Practical Phrases
as well
(stick to the principles / be flexible / as well)
We should stick to the principles and be flexible
as well.
Language focus
Practical Phrases
at risk
(save a life / at risk / deserve )
If you save a life at risk to your own, you deserve
Language focus
Functional Patterns
Functional Patterns
Functions & Usages
1. It’s hard to deny sth. / that…
2. Like…, though, it has…
3. sb./ sth. do / did not + verb +
用于表示 “(人或事)的
Language focus
Functional Patterns
It’s hard to deny the positive changes it
adds to people’s lives as it makes life
easier with quick access to things like
maps, news, and online stores. (Para. 1,
Language focus
Functional Patterns
It’s hard to deny sth. / that…
Language focus
Functional Patterns
(It’s hard to deny / the founder of New Oriental / open up )
It’s hard to deny that Yu Minhong, as the
founder of New Oriental, successfully opens
up broad prospects for English education in
Language focus
Functional Patterns
Like any technology, though, it has
negative aspects that become clear as
we start to depend upon it. (Para. 2, L7)
Language focus
Functional Patterns
Like…, though, it has… aspects…
Language focus
Functional Patterns
(Like any profit model / the go-to web marketplace / be
addicted in shopping online )
Like any profit model, though Taobao became
the go-to web marketplace in China, it has
negative aspects that become clear as we are
addicted in shopping online.
Language focus
Functional Patterns
These things did not happen to these
people because they were lazy or stupid.
They happened because of addiction.
(Para. 5, L21)
Language focus
Functional Patterns
sb./ sth. do / did not + verb + because…
用于表示 “(人或事)的发生,但不是
Language focus
Functional Patterns
(lose your job / have someone else to do your job )
You did not lose your job because your boss
decided to have someone else to do your job.
Language focus
Genuine Collocations
1. 过犹不及
too much of a good thing
2. 获得成功的必要条件
a must for success
3. 新型的社会流行病
4. 受到关心他们的父母
5. 没有家人的监督和约束
a new kind of social epidemic
monitored by concerned parents
6. 根本原因归咎于软弱
7. 网络游戏中得分
without the discipline and structure of home
attribute its origins to a weak personality
scoring points in online games
8. 简单的刺激
simple stimulations
9. 损害他们的健康和生活
spoil their health and their lives
10. 要停下来想想了
take a step back
Language focus
Language Appreciation
Language focus
Language Appreciation
Language focus
Language Appreciation
Language focus
Language Appreciation
Critical thinking
Further Discussion
1. What kind of people do you think are likely to
become Internet addicts?
2. Do you think Internet addiction is the result of a
weak personality? Why or why not?
3. Some people advocate that we should have a “No
Computer Day” every week. Do you think it is a
good idea? Why or why not?
Critical thinking
Further Discussion
1. What kind of people do you think are likely to
become Internet addicts?
Teenagers are more likely to become Internet
addicts. Many of the teenagers lack self-discipline.
Though their parents may watch them closely at
home and only allow them very limited time to get
online, once being away from home, these kids are
likely to indulge themselves in the Internet. The
same is true for college students.
Critical thinking
Further Discussion
2. Do you think Internet addiction is the result of a
weak personality? Why or why not?
Yes, I think so. A weak personality usually can’t
resist temptation. Jack, my former classmate,
was a very shy boy. He was afraid of talking to
people and always did what his friends asked him
to do. He developed addiction to online games
because of his friends’ influence.
Critical thinking
Further Discussion
2. Do you think Internet addiction is the result of a
weak personality? Why or why not?
No, I don’t think so. A person with a strong personality
may also become an addict. One of my friends had a
very strong personality. He was independent and
decisive, and he was always the leader among his
friends. But somehow he became an Internet addict.
So I think addiction to the Internet has nothing to do
with one’s personality.
Critical thinking
Further Discussion
3. Some people advocate that we should have a
“No Computer Day” every week. Do you think
it is a good idea? Why or why not?
“No Computer Day” is a good idea. If you shut
down your computer for a day, you’ll possibly find a
book to read, go out with friends, talk with your
family, visit a museum, play basketball, or go to a
concert. A day without the computer is a reminder that
there are more rewarding things to do.
Critical thinking
Further Discussion
3. Some people advocate that we should have a
“No Computer Day” every week. Do you think
it is a good idea? Why or why not?
I don’t think it is a good idea. For people who
depend on the computer for their work or study, they
could do little or almost nothing without
computers. And moreover, the business world may
become out of order without computers, even one
day. So, the good effects will be offset.
Cultural exploration
Further Discussion
Mobile Phone Addiction
Cultural exploration
Watch a video clip and answer the following
1. How could cyber guard help the two students cure
cell phone addiction?
2. What are four tips for the proper use of cell
Cultural exploration
Further Discussion
1. How could cyber guard help the two students cure
cell phone addiction?
Minimize your time on the phone and talk
face to face with your family and friends. These
are the best ways to prevent cell phone
Cultural exploration
Further Discussion
2. What are four tips for the proper use of cell
1. Turn off your cell phone during class
2. Make rules for using your cell phone
3. Stay away from dirty content that can be
accessed via the wireless Internet
4. Review your call history and use your
allowance to pay your bill
Section B
To o m u c h o f a g o o d t h i n g –
A real addiction
Comparative study
Thematic study
Language features analysis
Thematic study
1. Comparison between the pros of the Internet
and the cons of the Internet.
2. With the discussions of pros and cons of the
Internet, what’s your attitude towards the
Thematic study
1. Comparison between the pros of the Internet
and the cons of the Internet.
The pros of the Internet
1. These gadgets facilitate
their study;
2. The Internet is promoting
or hindering their learning;
3. The multimedia way
is a better teaching
The cons of the Internet
1. They might be Internet
2. Students should strive to be
masters of science and
technology rather than
being controlled by them.
Thematic study
2. With the discussions of pros and cons of the
Internet, what’s your attitude towards the
We are the most eager group to use new
electronic gadgets. We are also more likely to
develop addiction to the Internet and electronic
• Be fully aware of both the pros and cons
• Avoid excessive or inappropriate Internet
• Make full use of the Internet.
• Use it wisely.
Language features analysis
Based on your study of
the two texts, compare
the writing styles of the
two texts in terms of their
typical language features.
Language features analysis
1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?
2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.
Language features analysis
1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?
Text A is like a news report because it provides
data many times in the passage and cites
quotations with sources.
Text B cites indirect quotations without
providing sources.
Language features analysis
2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.
Text A Direct quotations:
“We realized there might be some potential for a device that
could get attention and encourage sophisticated thinking,”
said one leading university director.
Text B Indirect quotations:
Another recent news story told of a man who spent so much
time online that he didn’t sleep enough to keep his job.
Section B
To o m u c h o f a g o o d t h i n g –
A real addiction
Unit project
Conducting a survey
Group discussion
Conducting a survey
effects of the Internet on
Conducting a survey
Work in groups of four. You are going to conduct a
survey among your college peers on the use of the
Internet. Think of 5-8 questions for your survey.
• How frequently do you use the Internet?
• How long do you use the Internet each day?
• What do you usually use the Internet for?
• How helpful is the Internet to your study?
• How does the Internet influence your life?
• Are you Internet-addicted or do you know
anyone who is Internet-addicted?
• How do you think about Internet addiction?
• Do you have any suggestions for dealing
with Internet ?
Group discussion
Work in groups and prepare a 5-minute
presentation of your survey.
Your presentation should include:
1. Effects of the Internet on college students’ lives and study
2. Suggestions on how to make the most of the Internet
Deliver your presentation
You may include the following points:
The positive effects of the Internet on students’
studies and lives.
The severe consequences caused by Internet
How to be masters of science and technology
rather than being controlled by them
You may use the following
expressions in your writing.
Be popular on campus;
Be more likely to develop addiction to sth.;
Be fully aware of both the pros and cons of sth., avoiding
excessive or inappropriate sth. Involvements;
Make full use of sth., a powerful tool, but make sure that
we use it wisely for all the good value it offers and that we
won’t let too much of a good thing become something bad.
Section B
To o m u c h o f a g o o d t h i n g –
A real addiction
The End