2016 Best GRANDparent Websites Below are original submissions

2016 Best GRANDparent Websites
Below are original submissions from the winning websites just
waiting for you to turn them into delightful 3rd person descriptions
written by GRAND. We need to keep all about the same word
count and be consistent in how many times their site is mentioned
with link.
This was not a very engaging design from last year. I also think
this year we put them in alphabetical order because we are not
ranking them:
“In 2010 www.askgranny.com was launched by Juliet Hambro, a grandmother living in
Europe. Ask Granny is a unique website for grandparents and seniors, searching for
information regarding all aspects of family life. According to Juliet Hambro, Ask Granny,
“This site is about helping grandparents get the most out of the internet by doing all the
research for them.”
All information on www.askgranny.com is divided into easy-to-use and accessible
categories. The topics include tips on grandparenting, latest and safest toys and games,
health and wellbeing, indoor and outdoor activities, family relationships, travel with kids,
cooking with grandchildren, healthy recipes, entertainment ideas and many more
interesting and useful topics.
AskGranny.com is always on the lookout for fun, interesting and educational new ideas
for grandparents and grandchildren to share.
Every feature or review is objectively assessed. Grandparents can therefore access the
information they need with ease and, most importantly, find exactly what is useful for
their grandchildren and themselves.
Juliet said: “Grandparents who are still working, about to retire, or have retired are in a
unique position to give their grandchildren quality time and now play crucial roles in
educating and spending time with the youngsters.
Maribeth, AKA, Mimi, Chief Boomer is the owner/author of BoomerGrandparents.com.
In 2010 with the birth of her first granddaughter, she was inspired to start this blog. Now
the proud grandmom of three, she challenges herself by taking the thoughts swirling in
her head regarding the day-to-day challenges and joys of being not only a Baby
Boomer, but a Boomer Grandparent in this digital age, and assembling them into some
sort of story.
She has weathered the challenges of being a long distance grandparent pretty
well. Acccording to Maribeth, “I’ve learned that while grandparenting from a distance isn’t
the best scenario, it doesn’t have to be terrible, and with a little creativity it can be
fun. Grandparenting in this digitized 21st century however, could make you crazy.”
The GaGa Sisterhood is more than a website/blog. It is a national social network for
enthusiastic grandmas to bond, brag, and benefit. Founder and director Donne Davis
holds bi-monthly meetings, sends out monthly newsletters and explores the many facets
of modern grandmotherhood on her website (gagasisterhood.com) and Facebook page.
She is also the author of When Being a Grandma Isn’t So Grand: 4 Keys to L.O.V.E.
Your Grandchild’s Parents, available on Amazon.
Donne founded the GaGa Sisterhood in 2003 after she witnessed the birth of her first
grandchild and went completely “gaga.” Since then she has helped many grandmas
navigate the sometimes, choppy waters of grandmotherhood with help from the wisdom
of her GaGa sisters.
The mission of the GaGa Sisterhood is to share resources that foster understanding
between the generations and inspire grandmas to continue growing along with their
children and grandchildren. Its purpose is to help grandmas build mutual respect, trust,
and empathy with the parents of their grandchildren so they can be part of a unified
team raising the next generation.
When Donne isn’t writing, she loves engaging with her three granddaughters and
connecting with grandmas from all over the country who inspire her with new ideas.
Grandma's Briefs features bits on life's second act: the good, bad, humorous and
heartwarming of being a baby boomer, grandparent, parent of adult children, wife and
writer. Blog founder Lisa Carpenter — a freelance writer specializing in topics related to
grandparenting and the empty nest — strives to smash the outdated, unrealistic "grandma"
stereotype by stressing the vitality and relevance of today's grandmothers. The wide variety
of articles on Grandma's Briefs resonates with grandparents, empty nesters and anyone
interested in the baby boomer lifestyle thanks to the wide range of articles, which include
quips and commentaries; profiles of grandmothers; travel pieces; how-tos; movie, book,
auto, and product reviews; recipes and more.
Lisa and her husband of 34 years live in Colorado and have three adult daughters. They are
"Gramma" and "PawDad" to three grandsons, children of the middle daughter and her
husband. They also have a stepgrandson who belongs to their oldest daughter and her
Follow Lisa and Grandma's Briefs on social media channels: Twitter (please link words and
not just use links in copy)–
(https://www.twitter.com/grandmasbriefs), Facebook
(http://www.facebook.com/grandmasbriefs), Instagram
(https://instagram.com/grandmasbriefs/ ), Pinterest
(https://www.pinterest.com/grandmasbriefs/), YouTube
Grands Matter is a website and brand of the National Association for Grandparenting
which is pioneering an initiative to raise awareness, provide resources and create a
movement in which grandparents and grandchildren thrive.
The website is easy to navigate and chock full of interesting and informative articles.
You can join for $24 per year and receive membership benefits. At the National
Association for Grandparenting, they seek to empower grandparents as they bond with
future generations in meaningful ways and leave a lasting positive legacy. They are a
clearinghouse of information, bringing top-notch resources and insights to grandparents.
They provide services for families in business together and they are helping to lead an
international effort to bring attention to the role of grandparenting
Grandparentslink.com gives you VIP access (‘cause yes, you are very important) to all
that is grand for grandparents, parents, families and your individual self. We are hip, we
are current, and we keep our readers in the know, offering features on relationships,
health, nutrition, tested recipes, personal well-being…plus the latest products, gift ideas,
books, arts & crafts, and mindfulness.
Who are the founders Leslie and Kay? We are friends, we are moms, and we are
business associates for over 15 years. And, we are also grandmas who love being
‘grand’parents, all while we are busy with our own lives working, writing and living.
These factors all contribute to presenting a site where you discover a comfortable
platform of resources and appealing articles that keep you a part of an ever-evolving
community. All of this happens right here on Grandparentslink.com.
Susan Adcox, Grandparenting Expert for About.com is committed to creating a website
that is responsive to the needs of all grandparents and boy does it show! Whether you
are raising your grandchildren, seeking to restore contact with them, or simply wanting
to have fun with the grandkids, you'll find something helpful at
GrandparentsonAbout.com. According to Susan, “I sincerely believe that with the
exception of parenting, being a grandparent may be the most important job that many of
us will ever have, and I love helping grandparents do it well. I continually research and
update my articles so that my readers will find them a reliable source of information, and
I'm always seeking new topics to write about.” Susan is interested in health and
wellness and is passionate about nature and the outdoors. She considers herself a bit
of a nerd; she likes reading, writing and researching. Most importantly, she believes in
families. We agree with Susan, they can be messy and labor-intensive, but nothing
compares to the love and support provided by extended family.
Ver 1 Direct from Honey
Let me introduce myself. I am Honey Good; wife, mother, daughter, grandmother to 24 who call
me Honey, girlfriend to many, writer and owner of HoneyGood.com, a site for stylish women
over fifty.
What is honey Good style? It is a woman’s inner beauty.
My life mirrors yours; a mixture of the bitter and the sweet; the joys and the sorrows. As I
express to my followers: “We have earned our PHd in life.
At HoneyGood.com you can read my ‘personal' stories on blended families, widowhood,
suicide, remarriage, cancer, why you should own that little black dress, tips on buying that
properly fitted shoe, travel and how to survive everything from losing your car keys in the onion
bin to packing for that fabulous trip!
I am a weekly writer for the Huffington Post, the SuntimesNetwork reaching 70 cities across
America and a Grandparent network member. My followers on FaceBook reach into the tens of
Why come to HoneyGood.com? To live your best life possible.
Please join me at HoneyGood.com and let's let the conversation begin.
Ver. 2 HoneyGood.com revised
Susan “Honey” Good is a wife, mother, daughter, grandmother to 24 who call her
Honey, girlfriend to many, writer and owner of HoneyGood.com, a site for stylish women
over fifty.
What is honey Good style? It is a woman’s inner beauty. According to Honey, “My life
mirrors yours; a mixture of the bitter and the sweet; the joys and the sorrows. As I
express to my followers: “We have earned our Ph.D.in life.”
At HoneyGood.com you can read her personal stories on blended families, widowhood,
suicide, remarriage, cancer, why you should own that little black dress, tips on buying
that properly fitted shoe, travel and how to survive everything from losing your car keys
in the onion bin to packing for that fabulous trip.
Honey writes for the Huffington Post, the SuntimesNetwork reaching 70 cities across
America and her Facebook page (need to mention and link each facebook page)
reaches into the tens of thousands.
Why come to HoneyGood.com? To live your best life possible. Please join me at
HoneyGood.com and let's let the conversation begin.
Ver 1 from Pat:
www.Invisible Grandparenting provides tools for anyone unable to participate fully in the lives
of their children's children and helps them revisit and rise above situations they may have kept
shrouded in mystery and shame for months, years or even decades.
Steps for creating your own process to letter writing as a healing tool, as well as national
Resources for aiding estranged or alienating grandparents are highlighted. .
Topics pass on the authors values & perspectives on everything: from family matters, to
entertainment, politics and peace, and even sex love & marriage, and aging, death &
The site is intelligent, thorough and moving … especially reading the letters to Annie now14,
the grandchild she hasn’t seen since she was four.
Ver 2 that I hobbled together without benefit from above. Trust you will do a much
better job
InvisibleGrandparent.com provides tools and resources for grandparents who are
estranged or alienated from their grandkids. In simple language, they are not allowed in the
lives of their grandchildren. This site is where grandparents can turn when faced with this
heartbreaking situation. Created by Patricia Hansen, Ph.D author of Invisible
Grandparenting is herself an “Invisible” grandparent. She has a granddaughter now 13 that
has been kept from her since the child was four and a 15-year-old grandson that she has
only seen a few times. While experiencing this heartbreak, Dr. Hansen developed some
coping tools that she shares openly along with resources for grandparents seeking legal
solutions and information on how to get involved with organizations that are working to
change grandparent visitation laws.
NanaHood is the second half of the motherhood journey-and what a fun journey it is!
NanaHood is owned and operated by Teresa Bell Kindred, who is also the publisher of
several books and a frequent contributor to The Huffington Post. "NanaHood is a
lifestyle blog that celebrates grandchildren and a grandparent lifestyle. Topics we cover
include health, technology, fashion, travel, recipes, and children's books."
A four time recipient of the Best GRANDparent Site/Blog Award NanaHood's social
media presence continues to increase on Facebook (TheNanaHood),
@NanaHoodRocks on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. NanaHood often reviews
products that appeal to grandparents and grandchildren.
NanaHood is open to guest columnists and I love to hear from our readers.
If you are a grandparent and you have a story to tell feel free to reach out to me. Teresa
says, "Grandparents are natural story tellers and each story is valuable and important.
Share your stories with me and I'll will share them with other grandparents."
Being a grandparent is an honor, being an involved and loving grandparent can change
lives. At NanaHood we are proud of what grandparents are doing and we want you to
be proud too! You do make a difference!
There is much information on this website for grandparents raising grandchildren or
other relatives parenting someone else's child.
You will find personal comments and stories from grandparents themselves from
various states and Canada. As you browse through the Grandparents Raising
Grandchildren website, you will read stories and comments from other grandparents
raising grandchildren. Some grandparents are raising the children informally with no
legal protection, while others have legally adopted their grandchildren.
You will also find information and Internet links to helpful information about parenting,
child development, financial assistance that may be available to grandparents and
relatives parenting children, information on legal issues, and mental health disorders in
You will also find information about dealing with stress, healthy living and wellness.
The creative inspiration behind this website, former art educator, Joyce Gillis think of
her blog as a resource of tested ideas that bring families together for the purpose of
giving children a solid sense of belonging and security. She proposes that this task is
best accomplished when grandma, the family matriarch, makes her home an irresistible
magnet - a welcoming haven of comfort, safety, love, affirmation, spontaneous
originality, and infectious joy for the entire extended family. At this site, one far removed
from the critical and impersonal world, Joyce presents grandchildren who are
celebrated, doted upon, and launched into life with a strong sense of well-being built
from an imaginative diet of playfully practiced problem solving skills. Joyce hopes that
the family fun showcased on whathappensatgrandmas.com will inspire others to dig for
dino eggs, hunt for monsters, host a spelling bee, construct a puppet stage, sell
lemonade for charity, set up a backyard carnival, hang a clothesline art show, open a
family library, or sponsor an annual Grandma Camp!