Bulletin - St Paul`s Lutheran Church Grovedale

September 8th 2013
16th Sunday after Pentecost
A very warm welcome to everyone with us today. We’re delighted that you have come to worship with
us; we trust you will be uplifted and enriched and that you’ll come again.
Pastor: Thomas Pietsch
Phone: 5241 5141. Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Pastoral Assistant:
Kath Henschke
Server: Bob
Today’s Service: 9.30 am: Grovedale, 10.00 am Sunday school
First Reading: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20 A choice between life and death (page 201) Psalm 1
Second Reading Philemon 1-21 A personal appeal to Philemon
(page 274)
Gospel Luke 14: 25-33 The cost of being a disciple (Page 99)
Sermon Theme
Today we have no shortage of good advice. Choose this product, choose this philosophy, choose positive thinking. While today we
hear God call us to ‘choose life’, Jesus also shows us the enormity of that task. Do we always choose life? Can we always choose
life? Today we find rest in the fact of God choosing us in baptism, to be co-heirs with Christ, and to receive the power of the Holy
Spirit, so that we can always choose life.
Pastor Tom's Day Off
Tues. 10th Sept 6.30 – 9 pm Young Adult’s Group
Wed. 11th Sept 12:30-1.30pm Private Confession and Absolution
Sun 15th Sep 9.30 am Grovedale Service with Holy Communion
10.00 am Sunday School
11.00 am Freshwater Creek Service
Tuesday 17th September 1.30 pm Nursing Home
Next Week’s Readings (15th September) 17th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 19)
First Reading: Exodus 32:7-14 Moses pleads for the people and The Lord relents (page 89). Psalm 51: 1-10
Second Reading 1 Timothy 1: 12-17 Gratitude for God’s mercy. (page 263)
Gospel Luke 15: 1-10 The lost sheep and the lost coin (page 99)
When praying, don’t give God instructions. God listens to prayer, not advice. Edwin Keith
Next Week’s Rosters: (15th September)
Pastoral Assistant:
Jeanette Pelchen
Ashley Bothe, Kendall Carnie, Luke Porra
Ushers & Greeters:
Ashley & Thomas Bothe
Morning tea:
Jean Everett, Jeanette Pelchen
Church Cleaning: Angie Gerischer, Ren Mueller, Jan Dillon
Power Point:
Blake Dillon
Last Sundays Offerings (1st. September) were as follows:St. Paul’s cash; $1,195.50. Plus REG (Regular Electronic Giving) of $597.30 totalled $1,792.80. Our year to date deficit is -$6033.70
For the months of September Ren Mueller will be producing the bulletin. Ren can be contacted on: 5248 1312 or Email:
[email protected] or leave your message in the Diary at the church.
Many thanks, Maureen Barras
ACCESS Ministries Appeal: This month our church is raising money for Access Ministries, a group which helps to place Christian
chaplains in Australia’s public schools.
Asylum Seeker Relief Centre: has been set up by Diversitat next to ‘Wholefoods’ on Baylie Place, off the Little Ryrie Street car
park. This centre is there to help resource asylum seekers with clothes and furniture. So, if you have any clothing you would like to
donate, they will be accepting donations between 10am and 4pm each Tuesday. Furniture and household good donations are also
accepted by calling 0417 144 846.
AFTER PRAYERFUL CONSIDERATION, Wendy Hepner had advised the Lay Ministry Team that she feels this is the right time
to step aside from the role of Deacon that she has fulfilled in our congregation for many years.
WE THANK WENDY for her service in the name of our Lord and hope she can feel comforted in the knowledge she has been
known as a dedicated, fruitful and respected Deacon.
A warming thank you from Leanne Smith.
Morning everyone,
I just wanted to thank and update you all on our news. Brendan received great news last week about a job he applied for in
Gove, N.T.
He has been hired full time in a fitters position at the Alcan Mine in Gove. It all happened quite quickly and he flew out on
Sunday for his first stint.
It is three weeks on and one week off, so there are going to be a few changes!
However, if we got through all that unemployment, I know we will adjust for the benefit of our family.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated and God answered them, maybe not quite as fast as I would have liked, however it
was in his time.
Thank you again, with Blessings to you all,
Lee, Brendan and girls
Thank you from a grateful ‘Dad’ for the delicious ‘Cereali Sorini’ chocolate and the lovely ‘Father’s Day’ card that was given
to all ‘dads’ last Sunday. For those of us whose Father has passed on, it was a heart warming symbol of the love and care that was
bestowed on us from our biological Father and a reminder of the ongoing love and support that’s always available from our Heavenly
Father. God’s blessings to all involved.
Got something to say?? Send a letter to the Editor!
September 8th
Luke Dillon
Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating a birthday
On the prayer list:
For all trapped in sin and addiction.
For the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus’ Word, enabling us to choose life.
For peace in Australia, following yesterday’s election.
For all asylum seekers in our community.
For Ben and Jessie Hepner and their family in Nepal.
For those who are in need: Mary Nok (Kaway’s sister), Gladys Knight, Elsie Olney, Norm Budde, Colin Coutts, Thorry Hermann,
Audrey Peucker, Marion Kosseck, Noel Hele.
Pastor Paul Griebel(USA)
Hobart Finnish
Eastside Lutheran College Principal Ralph Zapart and Staff
Paul Weinert (Director), Neville Grieger
Sharon Kotzur, Liz Pietsch, Graeme Huf,
Jayne Hogan, John Graetz
Pastor Gus Schutz, Pastor Jonathan
Williams (USA)
Lay Worker
Verna Rudolph
Holy Trinity Lutheran School Principal Jeff Gork and Staff
Sunnyside Aged Care Facility CEO David Grimmett and Staff
Lutheran Hospital Chaplains: Please contact Pastor Tom on 5241 5141 or one of the Deacons for Geelong hospital visits: To
contact Pastor Tom in emergency after no answer at the office, please call one of the Deacons who will contact pastor.
Ron Bond
5243 3833
Kath Henschke
5250 2031
Steve Burger
0407 840 712
Angie Gerischer
5243 7738
Ashley Bothe
5222 8198 Jeanette Pelchen 5244 2300 or 0416 527 411
NOTE: If you would like a visit while in hospital please make sure you write “Lutheran” in the religion question, because this is the
only place to write your denominational affiliation.
For Melbourne Hospitals call Pastor Gordon Wegener ph. 0412 200 946 the metropolitan chaplain NOTE: If you would like a visit
while in hospital please make sure you write “Lutheran” in the religion question, because this is the only place to write your
denominational affiliation.